Organization Rubric for Biographical Essay

Organization Rubric for Biographical Essay
 There is a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
 There is a title that captures the main idea of the piece.
 The introduction grabs the attention of the reader and
gives clues about what is coming.
 There are many details that are arranged logically to
support the main points of the piece.
 There is an introduction, body and conclusion.
 There is a title that captures the main idea of the piece.
 The introduction attempts to grab the reader’s attention
and provides some clues as to what is coming.
 Details are arranged logically to support main points,
but a few more details would make it stronger.
 There is an introduction, body, and conclusion
 There is an effective title to the piece.
 The introduction does not really grab attention or
provide clues as to what is coming.
 Details are present, but they may not be logically
arranged. There may be too many in some places and
not enough in others.
 There is a clear attempt at an introduction, body and
 There is a title, but it does not capture the main idea of
the piece.
 The introduction does not give clues or grab attention.
 Details are missing or are not logically arranged.
 There is no clear introduction, body or conclusion. It
all just runs together.
 There is no title.
 The introduction does not grab attention because it
doesn’t exist.
 The ideas seem scrambled because the details are not
arranged in a logical way