English 113 Questions for the play Twelve Angry Men The first three questions concern character. These will be handed in by you and given a mark by me. 1. Write a profile of the character assigned to you. Do this by describing his personality based on how he acts and what he says, and on his appearance. Make sure your three-paragraph assignment is neat, typed and on time. 2. Write a letter to a long-time friend describing the trial, giving your perspective on what happened. Make sure to note any changes your opinion went through as the trial proceeded. Again, make sure your letter is neat, on blank paper, typed and on time. I’d suggest ¾ of a page for length. 3. Draw a picture depicting what you think your character would look like and what he would wear. This paper should also be on blank paper and you should use colour….yes, colouring counts! This next section deals with plot. The following questions are to be answered and kept in your class duotang. 4. Match the following characters to information given about them. Juror # 1 # ____ He is really shy and meek. Juror # 2 # ____ He has a thick accent and was not born in the U.S Juror # 3 # ____ He is a very kind, old man. Juror # 4 # ____ He acts as the foreman of the jury. Juror # 5 # ____ He doodles on his notepad during the discussions. Juror # 6 # ____ He plans to see “The Seven Year Itch.” Juror # 7 # ____ He bought a knife that looked just like the murder weapon. Juror # 8 # ____ He doesn’t seem sure of any of his answers. Juror # 9 # ____ He used to live in the slums. Juror # 10 # ____ He has a cold. Juror # 11 # ____ He is always calm and collected. Juror # 12 # ____ His son hit him and he hasn’t seen him in 3 years. 4. List three pieces of evidence against the boy on trial, and explain how the jurors prove those pieces of evidence are wrong. 5. Why does Number Nine vote “not guilty” during the second vote? 6. Why is Number Five a good juror to discuss the knife-fight? 7. Some jurors do not care about the facts of the trial; they just want to get it over with. Which jurors felt this way? Why did they want to get it over with? Themes 8. Prejudices play an important role in the jury’s decision. Prejudice is defined as a judgement unfairly placed on another person because of their race, gender, sexual orientation or language. Explain the prejudices of two jurors and how those prejudices affected their voting. 9. a. Why is it difficult to stand alone in a crowd of people against you? b. Explain how this feeling affects two of the jurors. 10. Do you think that the play, Twelve Angry Men, promotes the jury system or speaks out against it? Explain your answer. 11. After reading the play, explain why you believe the boy was guilty or not guilty.