April 2003 - The Engineers` Council


Minutes of Meeting

Engineer’s Council

Lamplighter Family Restaurant, Chatsworth

April 1, 2003

The meeting was attended by, Bob Tarn, John Guarrera, Roger Belt, Mike

Garland, Chuck Olsefsky, Ken Futernick, Ray Straub, Jagadish Kayiyappa, Paul

Landry and Dr. Robert Budica.

The meeting was called to order at 6:34 PM.

Minutes of the March meeting were approved as corrected (spelling of Ken

Futernick’s name). Paul Landry noted that the Skunk Works Award still needs to be re-done due to damage incurred during award assembly.

The Treasurers Report was accepted for audit.

The possibility of reducing the cost of awards by using the glass in the storage unit was suggested. The cost of frames this year, including glass and backing was $20.00 for 16 x 20, $16.50 for 12 x 16 and $12.50 for the 11 x 14. The supplier, Frames Plus, will be contacted for the price of frames without glass and backing.


The significant in-kind expenses by Rocketdyne were reported by Bob Tarn.

Bob also reported significant (but unknown amount) in-kind contributions of

Northrop Grumman Navigation Systems for the photographer, film processing, and printing the pictures. Direct cash contributions to the council this year consisted of $750 from Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, and $8,450 from Northrop

Grumman Integrated Systems.

The use of the SME speaker’s bureau was offered to the Council by Ray Straub.


Paul Landry accepted the nomination of President-Elect/Vice President. It was moved, seconded and passed electing Paul Landry as Vice President.

Ray Straub accepted the nomination as Secretary. It was moved, seconded and passed electing Ray Straub as Secretary.

For the Audit Committee, a standing committee, Roger Belt was elected as chairman. Jagadish Kayiyappa and Ken Futernick were appointed as members of the committee.

Bob reviewed the terms of office for the 12 directors representing societies. In most cases, the record reflects appointment and election to director-at-large for each of our board members representing technical societies. Directors are reminded that their term of office is 3 years from election to the board, at which

time they must obtain a letter of appointment from their section chairman or president of their society requesting representation with our council. All directors are urged to keep the communication open between our council and their society, so that we can fulfill our mission of service to them.

To accomplish the San Fernando Valley Engineers’ Council mission, according to the Mission Statement, an ad-hoc Communications Committee was appointed.

Ken Futernick was appointed chairman and Ray Straub volunteered to assist

Ken. The initial focus of the committee will be communications to those outside the Council.


The proposed budget for the year was presented. It shows an increase in charitable expenses from $2,032 last year to $9,150 this year. The projected total money in the bank at the end of the year would increase from last years’ total of $15,340 to $20,252. The budget was approved.

It was moved, seconded and passed to move the meeting location to the

Lamplighter on Nordhoff and De Soto.

An ad-hoc Charitable Giving Committee was appointed. The members are Bob

Tarn, Paul Landry, John Guarrera, Charles Volk and Mike Garland. This committee will determine how to use the budgeted charitable expense funds, and to assign actions to council members in order to implement our charitable programs.

John Guarrera called for formation of a By-Laws review committee, which was agreed is needed. (I thought Paul Landry initiated that?)

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM.
