Minutes of Meeting - The Engineers` Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the
San Fernando Valley Engineer’s Council
Board of Directors
The Valley Inn
Sherman Oaks
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
The meeting was attended by Ken Futernick, Walter Korp, Larry Dalton, Paul Landry, Patrick
Berbon, Bob Tarn, Chas. Volk, George Ortega, John Guarrera, Chuck Olsefsky, and Mike
The meeting was called to order by the President, Paul Landry.
Minutes of Previous Board Meeting
The minutes of the April 5, 2005, BOD meeting were approved as submitted by the Secretary,
Bob Tarn.
Treasurers Report
 Treasurer’s Reports for March and April were presented by the Treasurer, Mike Garland, and
accepted for audit.
 An annual expenditures report for 2004/2005 was presented by the Treasurer, and accepted
for audit.
 Two budgets for 2005/2006 were presented by the Mike, on behalf of the Budget Committee.
Budget #1 is conservative on expenses and lean on revenue, and Budget #2 lean on expenses
and optimistic on revenue. Both provide for 5% of income being added to the council’s
Operating Reserves (untouchable reserves). After some discussion the Treasurer was asked
to prepare a revised budget based on banquet attendance of 650 (including 30
complimentary), and with the lean expense allocations of Budget #2, and with the addition of
$500 for “Gifts & Gratuities”, and the more conservative budget for “Meeting Expense”.
Any resulting net amount shall be allocated to Cash Reserves (unallocated funds on hand).
 A thank you letter from CSUN for the Engineers’ Council Annual $1,000 Engineering
Scholarship Grant was presented for the minutes.
 Bob Tarn reported that he had received an invitation from CSUN to represent the council at
the annual scholars & donors reception, to be held on May 17, and that Mary Higginbotham
had contacted him asking for an escort. The board agreed that Bob could attend to represent
the council.
Constitution & Bylaws
Paul discussed 2005/2006 Committees:
 Bylaws Committee will to be comprised of the Trustees and chaired by the Vice President.
 Honors & Awards Committee will be chaired by Lisa Bergovoy.
 Communications Committee will be chaired by Ken Futernick.
 Budget Committee will be comprised by the Executive Committee and Chas. Volk.
 Would like to form a “Good & Welfare Committee” for administering special recognition
and to other special needs of the council members.
Paul passed around a sign-up sheet requesting volunteers for these and other committees
which need to be formed, including the Symposium, Banquet, Audit, and Charitable Giving
committees. Resulting sign-ups are attached.
Charitable Giving Committee
 Bob reported the Executive Committee has approved 6 high school scholarship recipients,
from amongst 9 nominations received. These scholarships were funded from our 2004/2005
budget. Volunteers will be solicited for making the presentations to the students at their
senior awards nights (Palmdale on May 17, El Camino on June 7, and Taft on June 8).
 Bob passed around the program from the 2005 LA County Science Fair, which includes
“Special Thanks” to the San Fernando Valley Engineers’ Council for our $1,000 donation.
Bob reported that he and Ken volunteered to judge projects. Although the total number of
project submissions was down from 2004 (733 vs 905), from what they saw the quality was
very high.
Communications Committee
 Ken discussed San Fernando Valley Business Journal plans to feature our member
organizations “and other interesting valley businesses” in monthly articles. Interested parties
should provide a point of contact to Ken.
Technical Symposium
Discussed “Human-Rating of Launch and Space Systems” topic for 2006. Bob reported results
of a meeting he conducted with AIAA leaders at Rocketdyne, and presented a proposed
framework that would partner the SFVEC (responsible for facilities, planning, and financial
management) with the AIAA (responsible for technical content and nationwide promotion), and
possibly recruiting a major university co-sponsor. The Board supported this concept and asked
Bob to develop a detailed plan for presentation at the June BOD meeting, including specific
details of the proposed partnership arrangements.
Meeting was adjourned by the President at approximately 8:00 PM.
Respectfully submitted by:
Bob Tarn, Trustee & Secretary, AIAA/SFV, FIAE
Standing Commitees
Honors & Awards Committee -
Lisa Bergovoy
C. Volk
B. Tarn
Audit Committee -
C. Olefsky
B. Tarn
Charitable Giving Committee -
B. Tarn
C. Volk
Communications Committee -
K Futernick
W. Korp
Financial Secretary -
Charles Volk
By-Law Committee -
P Berbon
Banquet Committee -
P. Landry
P. Berbon
C. Olefsky
B. Tarn
K. Futernick
Symposium Committee -
B Tarn
P. Berbon
K. Futernick
Good & Welfare Committee -
C. Olefsky
M. Garland
W. Korp
Budget Committee -
Treasurer, Executive Committee