Research Paper Outline

Research Paper Outline
Name: ____________________
I. Introduction
A. Background information on nature vs. nurture (define what this is)
B. Quote the expert & discuss (you will research an expert on nature vs. nurture and provide a quote
here. Then you explain what that quote means in terms of your characters and trait) [be sure to
cite the source here—last name and page number]
C. Introduce three characters and three literary texts studied (Beowulf, Macbeth, Frankenstein)
D. Name the one character trait shared by literary characters (greedy, envious, arrogant, weak,
selfish, anxious, ambitious, jealous, etc.)
E. Thesis Statement (state whether or not these three characters’ behaviors are influenced by nature
or nurture)
II. Character 1 (from Beowulf) and trait
A. Introduce the piece of literature, the character, and the trait.
B. Quote from literary text—be sure to lead in with information rather than just starting the
quote. (include the author’s last name and page number for the citation)
C. Explain how the literary quote proves that the character’s behavior was based on nature or
D. Quote and expert on Nature vs. Nurture— be sure to lead in with information rather than just
starting the quote. (include the author’s last name and page number for the citation)
F. Explain the expert opinion—What is the expert saying? How does this contribute to your idea of
whether your character behaved due to nature or nurture?
III. Character 2 (from Macbeth) and trait
A. Introduce the piece of literature, the character, and the trait.
B. Quote from literary text—be sure to lead in with information rather than just starting the
quote. (include the author’s last name and page number for the citation)
C. Explain how the literary quote proves that the character’s behavior was based on nature or
D. Quote and expert on Nature vs. Nurture— be sure to lead in with information rather than just
starting the quote. (include the author’s last name and page number for the citation)
F. Explain the expert opinion—What is the expert saying? How does this contribute to your idea of
whether your character behaved due to nature or nurture?
IV. Character 3 (from Frankenstein) and trait
A. Introduce the piece of literature, the character, and the trait.
B. Quote from literary text—be sure to lead in with information rather than just starting the
quote. (include the author’s last name and page number for the citation)
C. Explain how the literary quote proves that the character’s behavior was based on nature or
D. Quote and expert on Nature vs. Nurture— be sure to lead in with information rather than just
starting the quote. (include the author’s last name and page number for the citation)
F. Explain the expert opinion—What is the expert saying? How does this contribute to your idea of
whether your character behaved due to nature or nurture?
V. Conclusion: A restatement of the main points of your paper and a resolution sentence(s) which reaffirms
your thesis statement (no “I” or “Me” statements, only facts). For this part of the outline, make a bulleted list
of your main points from the paper.