What Information Do We Have Before the Play Begins? composit.doc

What Information Do We Have About Before the Play Begins?
1st Period
Two families have had a feud going on for generations
Romeo is “DESPERATELY” in love with Rosaline. Shutting himself in the dark.
Nurse is the real ‘mother’ of Juliet.
Romeo’s parents have been trying to find what’s wrong with him but he won’t talk to them.
Families have been told to stop fighting. Whole town is getting involved or drawn in to the
fighting. There have been 3 civil brawls.
Paris: Has been talking to the father about marrying Juliet.
Juliet has not thought of marriage.
Father Laurence is Romeo’s “father.” Has been talking to Romeo about his love for Rosaline.
Juliet’s parents have lost all of their children except Juliet.
Older men married younger women. Women were of marrying age at 12. Young men had very
little chance of marrying women of their own age.
Religion plays a large part in the social order.
Most people are uneducated. Social status determines a character’s educational level.
Church plays an important part in the government, even though the church leaders are not
“chosen” by the people and are not born into a position of power like the ruling families.
2nd Period
Capulet and Montague families and servants hate each other. Going on for generations. The
fighting has recently broken out again after some years of relative calm. Town has been split
between the M & C families.
Romeo is “desperately” in love with Rosaline. He has shut out “light” from his life.
Romeo is severely depressed because Rosaline has sworn to become a Nun.
Young girls (as young as 12) marry men much older than they.
Astrology has a big influence on the thinking of the time. Fate plays a large part in the thinking.
Humors play a role in determining a personality and in the relationships among the members of
the community.
Most people are uneducated. The members of the higher classes are educated. Rhyme scheme
tells the reader who is and who isn’t educated.
Nurse is the “mother” to Juliet. Juliet’s confidante.
Paris has been in “negotiations” with Capulet for the permission to marry Juliet. In the
conversation we learn that all of his children have died except Juliet.
Romeo is an only child too.
Father Laurence is Romeo’s “father.” Father knows the whole story of Romeo and Rosaline.
Setting is Verona.
Young women, especially those from wealthy families, are expected to marry older men. Young
men(late teens and early to mid twenties) are not allowed to marry until they can support a wife.
Rarely are young women allowed to marry for “love.”
4th Period
Two families, Capulet & Montague, are involved in a feud that has, apparently, lasted for
The public has been involved, directly and indirectly. Two “civil brawls” before the play begins.
Town has been divided by the feud.
Verona is the setting
Romeo is “desperately” in love with Rosaline! Rosaline has sworn to become a Nun. So she
and Romeo can’t marry. Romeo has been shutting out “light.”
Paris has been discussing his marriage to Juliet with her father. All of Capulet’s children, except
Juliet, have died.
Juliet is going to be 14. It is common practice for wealthy families to marry off their young
daughters to older, wealthy men.
Juliet’s mother was a mother at about the same age Juliet is in the play.
Romeo is known for falling in and out of love quickly. (Father Laurence)
The nurse is really Juliet’s “mother.”
Humors. Believe in love at first sight.
Tybalt is a fighter and a good one.
Catholic religion. Very important.
Friar Laurence is actually Romeo’s “father” figure.
Romeo is older than Juliet BUT not old enough to marry anyone. No way to support a wife and
Juliet’s mother much younger than her father.
Common practice for 12 year old girls to marry much older men.
Nurse: not educated. Bawdy mind. Outspoken.
5th Period
Two families, Montague and Capulet, have been feuding. The feud has been going on for
generations. It has recently broken out again after some time of peace. Two civil brawls have
occurred before the play begins. No one knows why the feud began.
Civilians fear for their lives and the town has been divided into two sides.
Romeo is “desperately” in love with Rosaline. Rosaline has sworn to become a Nun. Romeo is
depressed and has shut “light” out.
Young women, some as young as 12, are of marriage age. Juliet has not even thought of getting
The conversation about Paris marrying Juliet has been on going.
Both families have only 1 child.
The Nurse has been Juliet’s “mother.” Juliet’s mother was “much the same age” when Juliet was
born. All other children born to the Capulets have died.
Cousin named Tybalt who is a very skillful swordsman. Hot tempered and HATES the
Romeo has no “personal” relationship with his parents. He won’t talk to them so they send
Benvolio to find out what is wrong with Romeo.
Nurse: lost her own child about the same time Juliet was born. Has also lost her husband. Has
a bawdy mind. Doesn’t appear to be on anyone’s side. Uneducated.
Romeo has no communication with his parents so he turns to Friar Laurence.
Friar Laurence is a “surrogate” father to Romeo. Friar Laurence knows all about Rosaline.
Humors: love at first sight is possible. Personalities may be influenced by the “Humours.”