Act 2

Romeo and Juliet
Act 2
Period ____ Date__________
1. Act 2 Prologue: Form a group of two to five people. Do one of the following:
A. Recite the prologue as a group. Decide how the group will say the lines. For example, several
voices could speak an important word, phrase or line together while the rest is read by one
person; boys could read selected lines while girls read others; certain lines or words could be
read with chosen emphasis or pause; certain words or lines could be echoed; use your
B. Assign lines for all but two in the group to read. Those two assume the roles of Romeo and
Juliet and react to each other in pantomime based on the content of the lines.
C. Recite the prologue, setting it to a rhythm- a drill team march, rap, chant, lullaby, rock beat,
2. Act 2.2: Summarize the action of 2.2 by assuming the identity of one character and writing a
postcard to another. Suggestions: Romeo writes to Juliet, or Juliet to Romeo; Romeo writes to
Friar Lawrence; Juliet writes to Nurse; Tybalt writes a "challenge" letter to Romeo. (10 pts)
Dear ____________________________________________
Sincerely __________________________
3. Act 2.3: Shakespeare's Language Tricks: The list below contains some of the language
tricks that Shakespeare used when writing Romeo and Juliet, and it provides an example of each
trick from Friar Lawrence's opening speech, 2.3.1-22.
"The gray-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night,"
"check'ring the eastern clouds with streaks of light,"
"And fleckled darkness like a drunkard reels"
"The day to cheer and night's dank dew to dry,"
"From forth day's path...."
Experiment with Shakespeare's language tricks. Write an ORIGINAL example of each of the
devices listed below. (10 pts)
1. Personification:
2. Metaphor:
3. Simile:
4. Alliteration:
5. Consonance:
4. Act 2: 3-6: If Romeo and Juliet were modern teenagers, they would be less likely to turn to a
monk and a nurse for advice/help. Who would their modern mentors be and why? (3 pts)