Schamber classroom observation writing rubric

Classroom Observation Paper
Classroom Observation:
You will have the opportunity to observe Mrs. Betsy Schamber teach 7 th grade science at the Madison Middle School. Her science class meets every day
from 8:15-9:45am, and 9:49-11:18am, and every other day from 1:50-3:20pm. You will be required to observe her teach one class period. We will sign up
for times in advance.
Paper on Classroom Observations:
Following your observation, you will write a paper. The length of the paper should be between 720-750 words. The paper should include the following:
What happened? A descriptive paragraph retelling what happened in the classroom during your observation. The reader of your paper should be
able to visualize and understand what you are describing.
Why? An analytical discussion identifying in what ways student learning was facilitated during the class session. Use your observations of the
classroom to support your thoughts.
The following paragraph includes some questions for you to think about while observing.
How did students respond (verbal and non-verbal communication) to a particular task? Were the students engaged? How did you know that the
students were engaged? Were the students evaluated during this particular period? How did the students perform on selected tasks? Why was a
particular moment in the lesson successful? How is the classroom managed? How does the classroom management style facilitate learning? Who
appears to direct the learning in the classroom? What types of questions are students asked? Do these questions generate discussion or do they
close discussion? What is the flow of conversation in the classroom?
Self-reflection. What do you see as the similarities and differences between teaching in a high school and teaching in the middle school
Grading Rubric for Classroom Observation Paper
ELED 320
Descriptive paragraph is
 Descriptive paragraph is
 Descriptive paragraph is  Does not respond
distinguished; effectively and
proficient; conveys subject & basic; information is
appropriately to prompts
concisely conveys subject &
includes relevant information incomplete (3pt)
includes relevant information
 Details/evidence provided  Purpose of details or
 Details/evidence provided in
in analytical discussion are evidence is not clear (17pt)
 Details/evidence provided in
analytical discussion are
 Supporting details poor or
basic; some relevance
analytical discussion are
proficient; relevant and
lacking (2pt)
distinguished; convincing and
sufficient (19pt)
 Response to self-reflection
compelling (20pt)
 Response to self-reflection
is basic; shows some
 Response to self-reflection
prompt is proficient; shows
thought (3pt)
prompt is distinguished; shows
careful thought (4pt)
insight and careful thought (5pt)
(30 points possible)
Organization of paper is
 Organization of paper is
especially effective (3pt)
clear, appropriate, and
 Paragraphing is especially
consistent (2.8pt)
effective in unifying and ordering  Paragraphs demonstrate
related material (3pt)
appropriate order and unity
 Transitions between ideas,
sentences, and paragraphs are  Transitions between ideas,
smooth and provide a sense of
sentences, and paragraphs
“flow” (4pt)
are consistent and
appropriate (3.5pt)
(10 points possible)
Grammar, Usage &
(10 points possible)
 Has almost no errors in
grammar, capitalization,
punctuation, usage, or spelling
 Uses a variety of sentence
constructions effectively (5pt)
Name ______________________________
Final Score (50 points possible) __________
Content is nonresponsive to the
Organization is clear
 Organization is unclear or  No attempt at organization;
nonexistent (2.3pt)
information seems to be
 Paragraphs unite related  Information gaps/irrelevant randomly presented (6pt)
information (2.5pt)
information (2.3pt)
 Transitions connect ideas,  Lacks unity and/or
sentences, and
coherence throughout (2.8)
paragraphs (3pt)
Has very few, minor errors 
which do not affect readability
and has very few “typos”
 Appropriately uses a variety 
of sentence constructions
Has few errors in
 Has many errors in
grammar, capitalization,
grammar, capitalization,
punctuation, usage, or
punctuation, usage, or
spelling (4pt)
spelling (3.5pt)
Appropriately uses
 Sentences are poorly
sentences but does not
constructed (3.5pt)
use a variety of sentence
constructions (4pt)
Errors are “stigmatizing”
and frequently impair
readability (3pt)
 Sentences are frequently
constructed improperly
and are frequently unclear