All assignments must be completed before coming to class on the


All assignments must be completed before coming to class on the first class day of the week!!

Week 1—Week of February 6th

Paper 1: Your first assignment is to a two-paragraph description of what you hope to achieve in this course. (Don't forget, one paragraph must have 5-8 sentences minimum.)

Papers must be double-spaced, typed with your name and date on the upper lefthand side of the page. See the sample paper for help.

Go to Discussion 1 – Introductions.

Week 2— Week of February 13


Read the Introduction, pp1-16 in John Langan’s English Brushup

NOW Read the following from _Signs of Life in the USA_:

“Introduction,” pp1-18;

“Consuming Passions: The Culture of American Consumption,” pp47-55; and

“Masters of Desire: The Culture of American Advertising,” pp160-170.

(Remember, all assignments must be completed before coming to class on the first class day of the week!!)

Take Reading Quiz One.

Go to Discussion 2. Post one paragraph on the readings plus respond to two other students. Check in twice this week—once to post your paragraph and a second time to read other students’ responses to your posting and to respond to two other students.

Week 3— Week of February 20th

Do the exercises on Subjects and Verbs, and Subject-Verb agreement in

John Langan’s English Brushup, 19-28 and 41-50.

Take Grammar Quiz One. Go to Grammar Quizzes on the home page, log in to

Exercise Central (be sure you’ve registered with my correct email address,

, and: go to the tab “Exercises” and find “Subjects and Predicates" under the “Basic

Grammar” section and follow the links to quizzes #1 and 2.

Then find “Subject-Verb Agreement” under the “Sentence Grammar” section and follow the links to quizzes #17, 19, 84, and 138.

Then find “Verb Forms” under the “Sentence Grammar” section and follow the links to quizzes #72, 85, and 240.

Paper 2 is due on the last day of class this week: Write a FULL 2-page paper on any of the articles we've read so far. Include a two-paragraph summary at the beginning (what the author said). The rest of your paper should be interpretation (what you think the article MEANS in your opinion).

Take Grammar Quiz One.

Week 4— Week of February 27

Do the exercises on Fragments in John Langan’s English Brushup, 61-72.

Do Grammar Quiz 2. Go to Grammar Quizzes on the home page, log in to Exercise

Central, go to the tab “Exercises” and find “Sentence Fragments" under the

“Sentence Grammar” section and follow the links to quizzes #82, 15, 122, and 298.

Read the following from _Signs of Life in the USA_: “Writing About Popular Culture,” pp25-44.

Go to Discussion 3. Post one paragraph on the readings plus respond to two other students. Check in twice this week—once to post your paragraph and a second time to read other students’ responses to your posting and to respond to two other students.

Do Grammar Quiz 2.

Week 5—Week of March 6th

Do the exercises on Run-Ons in John Langan’s English Brushup, 73-82.

Do Grammar Quiz 3. Go to Grammar Quizzes on the home page, log in to Exercise

Central, go to the tab “Exercises” and find “Fused/Run-On Sentences” under the

“Sentence Grammar” section and follow the links to quizzes #13, 14, 15, 83, 125, and 299.

BEGIN Reading from _Malcolm X: The Evolution of a Revolutionary_, pp13-29.

Print the hand-out article, "Malcolm X" by Shelby Steele.

Print the hand-out article, "Goin' Gangsta, Choosin' Cholita," by Neil Bernstein.

Print the hand-out article “How to Tame a Wild Tongue,” by Gloria Anzaldua.

Visit the link at .

Take Reading Quiz 2.

Go to Discussion 4. Post one paragraph on the readings plus respond to two other students. Check in twice this week—once to post your paragraph and a second time to read other students’ responses to your posting and to respond to two other students.

Do Grammar Quiz 3.

Week 6—Week of March 13th

Do the exercises on Apostrophes in John Langan’s English Brushup, 103-


Do Grammar Quiz 4. Go to Grammar Quizzes on the home page, log in to Exercise

Central, go to the tab “Exercises” and find “Apostrophes” under the “Punctuation” section and follow the links to quizzes #100, 200, 201, 203, and 204.

Paper 3 is due on the last class day of this week: Write a full 3-page paper on any of the articles we've read since PAPER ONE BUT NOT on the George

Breitman book. You must discuss the ARTICLE in your paper, AS YOU MUST


You should also include 1 or 2 quotations in your essay that are clearly connected to a title and author of the article.


As Nell Bernstein states in his article, "Goin' Gansta, Chosin' Cholita: Claiming

Identity," "In many parts of the country, its television and radio, not neighbors, that introduces teens to the allure of ethnic difference."

Do Grammar Quiz 4.

Go to Discussion 5. Post one paragraph on the readings plus respond to two other students. Check in twice this week—once to post your paragraph and a second time to read other students’ responses to your posting and to respond to two other students.

Week 7— Week of March 20th

Do the exercises on Quotation Marks in John Langan’s English Brushup,


Do Grammar Quiz 5. Go to Grammar Quizzes on the home page, log in to Exercise

Central, go to the tab “Exercises” and find “Quotation Marks” under the

“Punctuation” section and follow the links to quizzes #98, 212, 215, 322, and 555.

Read from _Malcolm X: The Evolution of a Revolutionary_, pp30-50.

Read the following from _Signs of Life in the USA_: “We’ve Come A Long Way,

Maybe” and “Gender Role Behaviors and Attitudes,” pp475-489 (includes BOTH articles); and

Read “Baby,” pp605-607.

Do Reading Quiz 3.

Do Grammar Quiz 5.

Go to Discussion 6. Post one paragraph on the readings plus respond to two other students. Check in twice this week—once to post your paragraph and a second time to read other students’ responses to your posting and to respond to two other students.

Week 8— Week of March 27


Do the exercises on Capital Letters in John Langan’s English Brushup, 145-


Do Grammar Quiz 6. Go to Grammar Quizzes on the home page, log in to Exercise

Central, go to the tab “Exercises” and find “Capital Letters” under the “Mechanics and Spelling” section and follow the links to quizzes #103, 225, 327, and 406.

Review hand-out for Final Paper assignment.

Read from _Signs of Life_:

“The Beauty Myth,” and “There is No Unmarked Woman,” pp515-529 (includes BOTH articles);

Read “Our Barbies, Ourselves,” pp766-768.

Do Reading Quiz 4.

Do Grammar Quiz 6.

Go to Discussion 7. Post one paragraph on the readings plus respond to two other students. Check in twice this week—once to post your paragraph and a second time to read other students’ responses to your posting and to respond to two other students.

Week 9— Week of April 3


Do the exercises on Commas in John Langan’s English Brushup, 93-102.

Do Grammar Quiz 7. Go to Grammar Quizzes on the home page, log in to Exercise

Central, go to the tab “Exercises” and find “Commas” under the “Punctuation” section and follow the links to quizzes #94, 95, 257, 315, and 396.

Paper 4 is due on the last class day of this week: Write a 3-page paper on any of the articles we've read since Paper 3. Be sure to include a critical analysis covering some of the political issues involving race, gender, or class as a pivotal point in your essays.

You must include one of the words in quotation marks below in your essay. You may use the internet to get a better idea of words like "ideology," "socialism,"

"oppression," and "hegemony."

You may also use the Miriam Webster Online Dictionary at:

Please browse through a couple of articles off the internet in your research on these words.

Also, do an internet search on any feminist topic of your choice, e.g. black feminism, women in gangs, Hispanic feminists, lesbian feminists, etc. Use your research from the internet to enhance your essay.

Do Grammar Quiz 7.

Week 10— Week of April 10th

Spring Break—no classes.

Week 11— Week of April 17th

Read from _Malcolm X: The Evolution of a Revolutionary_, pp51-63.

Read the following from _Signs of Life in the USA_:

Read “Batman, Deviance, and Camp,” pp746-760.

Print the article "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid.

Take Reading Quiz 5.

Go to Discussion 8. Post one paragraph on the readings plus respond to two other students. Check in twice this week—once to post your paragraph and a second time to read other students’ responses to your posting and to respond to two other


Week 12 — Week of April 24


Paper 5 is due on the last class day of this week: Write a 3-page paper on any two NEW articles that you've read since Paper 3 (excluding any article you discussed in Paper 4). Discuss one woman's issue or an issue of sexual identity and show why it is important. Refer to the two articles of your choice as support for your topic. Try to do a critical analysis of either a woman's role or the role an alternative sexual identity (gay/lesbian) in this society, or another society. You may use some internet research if you document it.

Go to Discussion 9 AND Discussion 10. Post one paragraph on the readings plus respond to two other students. Check in twice this week—once to post your paragraph and a second time to read other students’ responses to your posting and to respond to two other students.

Week 13 — Week of May 1


Read from Malcolm X: The Evolution of a Revolutionary, pp64-95.

Review the directions for your Final Paper and begin doing research now.

Go to Discussion 11 AND Discussion 12. Post one paragraph on the readings plus respond to two other students. Check in twice this week—once to post your paragraph and a second time to read other students’ responses to your posting and to respond to two other students.

Week 14 — Week of May 8


Read the article on Female Genital Mutilation.

Go to Discussion 13 and 14. Post one paragraph on the readings plus respond to two other students. Check in twice this week—once to post your paragraph and a second time to read other students’ responses to your posting and to respond to two other students.

Review the textbook articles we've read for the Final Exam.

Week 15 — Week of May 15

Read from Malcolm X: The Evolution of a Revolutionary, pp111-135.

Do Reading Quiz 7.

Go to Discussion 15. Post one paragraph on the readings plus respond to two other students. Check in twice this week—once to post your paragraph and a second time to read other students’ responses to your posting and to respond to two other students.

Week 16 — Week of May 15th (No Late Papers Accepted)

2-page draft (with a clear thesis statement) of your research paper is due: The finished paper will be a 9-page paper with a

Works Cited list.

This should be your "rough draft" and it must include a thesis, several paragraphs summarizing 1-2 main ideas in the Malcolm X textbook, and at least 2-3 outside sources (final paper will include 7 outside sources). Submit this in a timely manner and I will give you brief feedback. You may include an outline of your paper as well at the end of your document.

Week 17 — Week of May 22


Review for Final Exam.

Research paper now due .

Turn in your final paper.

Grades will be submitted after their due date, which you can find out through

Admissions. I cannot give grades over the phone; if you would like your class grade delivered via the mail, please provide a stamped post card at the final exam.
