General Debate on contemporary forms of racism, racial

23rd session in the Human Rights Council
General Debate on contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia
and related intolerance
Statement by Norway
Mr President,
In the wake of the financial crisis, we are witnessing an upsurge of different forms of
extremism that feed on intolerance, such as anti-Semitism, islamophobia, racism and other
forms of prejudice and negative stereotyping.
Racism and xenophobia remains one of the most dangerous forms of discrimination and will
pose a challenge to democracy and democratic institutions if not addressed. It is important
that effective measures are taken to address and combat intolerance and discriminatory
attitudes against all persons, including LGBT persons, other minorities and vulnerable groups.
The ability of governments to protect the rights of all citizens, including different minorities,
is the ultimate test for our common democratic values.
The challenges at hand are not insurmountable, but can be overcome through joining our
efforts and continuing and enhancing our engagement in this field.
Last month the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized an international conference,
which brought together more than 150 international academics and experts, including four UN
Special Rapporteurs and Independent Experts. The purpose of the Conference was to discuss
the challenges and possible solutions related to the rise of right-wing extremism and hate
crime directed towards minorities in Europe and beyond.
The participants particularly emphasized the importance of educational programs that
promote tolerance and non-discrimination, as well as the need to counter intolerance through
building trust and confidence between different groups and individuals in our multicultural
The participants also stressed the urgent need to confront extremist ideologies, prejudices and
stereotypes of cultural and religious intolerance in the public debate and to bring out the
counter-arguments. In this regard we agree with the Special Rapporteur on contemporary
forms of racism that governments and politicians must clearly and unequivocally condemn
manifestations of hate in public discourse and acts of violence based on prejudice and
negative stereotyping Such ideas and attitudes represent a danger to democracy and to social
cohesion, and we must work together to combat them and to protect the universal human
rights of all, including the fundamental right to freedom of expression .
Thank you
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