shadow of hate video worksheet

Name: _____________________________________ Period: _______ Date: ______________________
The Shadow of Hate: A History of Intolerance in America
Today we will watch a video that tells the story of intolerance in America. As you watch the video,
consider the following questions:
How has intolerance been expressed in American History?
What are some of the underlying causes of intolerance?
How does intolerance violate the founding principles of our country?
What examples of intolerance can you think of in your own school and community today? What
can you do to improve these situations? How can you help?
Directions: Answer the questions below as you watch the video. The questions do go in order but you have to be paying close
attention to get all the answers, as some come in pretty quick succession.
1. In the opening shot of the video, Klansmen are marching down Washington D.C.’s Pennsylvania Avenue carrying American
flags to show their hatred of ___________________ , ____________________ , and ____________________.
2. Refugees from Europe came to the New World to escape ____________________,and they were willing to endure a
number of hardship to get here.
3. By 1656, _________________________ were persecuted and because of their beliefs, _________________________ of
Virginia didn’t fare any better.
4. Forced from their lands, hundreds of tribes of Native Americans like the Lakota Sioux had seen their culture and society
destroyed by the _________________________.
5. The American cavalry that escorted the tribe to their new reservation led them to whatcamp where they were
systematically slaughtered? ___________________________________________________________________
6. What group of immigrant laborers laid track through the mountains of California,Nevada, and
Utah? ________________________________________________________________
7. In 1882, Congress passed an immigration law stating what about Chinese immigrants?
8. When were hundreds of thousands of Japanese-Americans forced to sell their belongings and businesses and taken into
custody in concentration camps in the California deserts? ___________________________________________________
9. What was denied Felix Longoria, the Mexican-American from Texas who fought and died for his country in the Philippines
during World War II? ____________________.
Eventually, his body was moved to ________________________________ to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
10. By 1950, over __________ African-Americans had been lynched.
11. On a Saturday afternoon, Mary Fagin was mutilated and murdered at the pencil-making company she worked at in
Atlanta. ________________________________ was accused of her murder. What was he? Was he found Guilty or not
12. How did the man put on trial for Mary Fagin’s murder
die? ___________________________________________________________________
13. Henry Ford, a devout pacifist (a hater of violence) and uber-wealthy founder of the Ford Motor Company industrial
empire believed _______________ were the causes of all wars, and that Jews were to blame for everything, including
_______________ and _______________, and he thought it was his duty to expose them.
14. Ford’s privately owned newspaper was called ______________________________ and had a circulation of
15. David Duke, a politician from Louisiana, was Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan before he ran for office, and he
celebrated ____________________ birthday.
16. The Reverend Louis Farrakhan blamed _____________ for _____________ problems.
17. If you’re going to be tolerant of people, you have to _____________________ them.