Rev. 9/30/2011 Hi-Q 2011-2012 References Contest questions are prepared from works listed below. This list is for general information and to help students find similar reference works among their own school textbooks. + American Government Reference: Magruder's American Government. William A. McClenaghan. 2002 Edition, Prentice Hall ISBN 0-13-063075-6, Topic Area: “Unit 2 Political Behavior: Government by the People” Chapters 5-9, pages 112-256 +American History Reference: The American Pageant, T. Bailey, D. Kennedy & L. Cohen. Houghton Mifflin, 11th Edition, 1998. ISBN 0-669-39728-8 Topic Area: "Building the New Nation" Chapters 9-16 +Art History Reference: Art: A World History: Editor Jo Marceau. Dorling-Kindersley, 1998. ISBN: 0-7894-2382-0. First American Edition 1998, pages 252 to 329. Topic: Baroque & Rococo: The City & the Court + Biology Reference sources: The Living World, G. Johnson. McGraw Hill, 4th Ed. 2006, New York, New York: McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0-07-281795X. Chapters 13 - 21. Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life. C. Starr & R.Taggart, 2004. 10th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Group. ISBN: 0-534-38801. Chapters 19, 21-25. Topic area: The Diversity of Life: Evolution and Natural Selection, Classification of Organisms , Prokaryotes and Viruses, Protistans, Fungal Diversity, Seedless Plants and Gymnosperms, Structure and Function of Plant Tissues, Flowering Plant Reproduction, Regulation of Plant Growth, and Invertebrates +Chemistry Reference source: General Chemistry by D. Ebbing and S. Gammon, 8th Edition, Houghton-Mifflin, 2007. ISBN: 0618857486 + Geography Reference: Rand McNally Goode's World Atlas 21st Edition. ISBN: 0528853392. Asia- East of the Urals to Indonesia- Specific countries - Afghanistan | Armenia | Azerbaijan | Bangladesh | Bhutan | Brunei | Cambodia | China | East Timor | Georgia | India | Indonesia | Iran | Japan | Kazakhstan | Kyrgyzstan | Laos | Malaysia | Maldives | Mongolia | Myanmar | Nepal | North Korea | Pakistan | Philippines | Russia (east of the Urals) | Singapore | South Korea | Sri Lanka | Taiwan | Tajikistan | Thailand | Turkmenistan | Uzbekistan | Vietnam + Literature Ray Bradbury We’ll Always Have Paris: Stories, First Harper Perennial edition Published in 2010. ISBN: 978-0-06-167014-5 Massinello Pietro, The Visit (note: including the 5-line preface to the story on Page15.), Arrival and Departure, Fly Away Home, Remembrance, Ohio Zora Neale Hurston The Complete Stories, First Harper Perennial Modern Classics edition published in 2008. ISBN: 978-0-06-135018-4 Spunk, Magnolia Flower, High John De Conquer, Hurricane, The Conscience of the Court Ernest Hemingway The Short Stories: The First Forty-Nine Stories With A Brief Preface by the Author Scribner. ISBN:978-0684-80334-0 Big Two-Hearted River: Part 1 (note: only Part 1.), In Another Country, A Canary For One, Now I Lay Me, After The Storm Gabriel Garcia Marquez Strange Pilgrims, Vintage International/Vintage Books: A Division of Random House, Inc. Translation copyright 1993 by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. ISBN: 978-14000-3469-7 Sleeping Beauty and the Airplane, I Sell My Dreams, Seventeen Poisoned Englishmen, Miss Forbes’s Summer of Happiness, Light Is Like Water +Mathematics No specific source used. The three questions in the standard category of each contest will be on the same subject. Problems will consist of general math, algebra, geometry, senior math, and trigonometry. +Physics Reference Sources: Conceptual Physics, 10th edition, Hewitt (2006), ISBN 0-8053-9375-7 Essentials of Physics, Cutnell & Johnson (2006), ISBN 0-471-71398-8 +Shakespeare Reference source: The Complete Works of Shakespeare, edited by David Bevington Specific Works: King Lear, Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing, Winter’s Tale +Sports Sports Illustrated: Almanac 2011, by Editors of Sports Illustrated, ISBN10: 160320-863-1 Topics: The Year in Sports, pages 8 - 16 and The Winter Olympics, pages 370 - 376. (United States 2010 Gold medal winners only) + World History Reference Source: A History of World Societies, McKay, 3rd edition, ISBN: 0395-47293-8, Topics: The Making of Europe, The Islamic World, CA 600-1400, and Tradition and Change in Asia, CA 230-1400- Chapters 9, 10, and 11, Pages 229-330.