1)What did African and Asian nationalists mainly rely on in their struggles for independence?
2) In what type of colonies did violence most occur in the process of decolonization?
3) What made colonial regimes particularly vulnerable to challenges from within?
4) In what nation did nationalistic independence movements pave the way for patterns of decolonization and European retreat throughout
the world?
5)What was the Indian National Congress and how was it formed?
6) How did the early Congress Party in India relate to their British rulers?
7) In the later 19th century, what was the relationship between the Congress Party and investors and business men?
8) How was the Indian National budget used in terms of spending priorities under British rule?
9) What were the Indian cash crops?
10) Who was B.G. Tilak?
11) What did the radical wing of the Congress Party under Tilak propose?
12) Where was terrorism most predominant in India prior to WW I?
13) Describe the Morley-Minto reforms of 1909 and their impact
14) How did western educated moderates gain power in Congress in India?
15) How is Egypt unique in the colonized world in terms of nationalism?
16) When did Britain first occupy Egypt?
17) Why did British colonization of Egypt mean double colonization for the Egyptian people?
18) Who was Lord Cromer and what was his relationship to Egypt and Egypt’s economy?
19) What group in Egypt did not benefit from British economic reforms?
20) Who were the sons of effendi and what did the do?
21) Before WW I what was the main difference between Egyptian and Indian nationalist movements?
22) In what year did the British grant a constitution to the Egyptian nationalists?
23) What was the Dinshawai incident and what impact did it have?
24) What was the connection between the Dinshawai incident and the Ayan allegiance?
25) What economic impact did WW I have on British policy in India?
26) List all that occurred in terms of colonial occupation forces and indigenous soldiers and administrators in the colonies as a result of the
man power need during WW I.
27) What did Indian nationalists like Ghandi and Tilak do to support the British war effort during WW I?
28) Describe what the Montagu-Chelmsford reforms called for and their impact.
29) What did the Rowlatt Act of 1919 do?
30) How and why was Ghandi able to be so effective in terms of his understanding of his western colonizers?
31) Define Satyagraha and describe its techniques
32) What was it about Ghandi that attracted the masses to the Congress Party that the party had previously lacked in terms of its appeal?
33) What was the Muslim League and what caused its formation in 1906?
34) What was the salt march, what was its impact , and when did it take place?
35) What did the Government of India Act of 1935 call for?
36) What authority was claimed by Britain and France that allowed them to create mandates in the Middle East, despite their promises of
Arab independence?
37) Define Zionism
38) Who was Theodor Herzl?
39) What happened in Egypt after Egyptian representatives were refused a hearing at the Versailles negotiations following WW I?
40) Who was Sa’d Zaghlul? What was the Wafd Party?
41) Characterize the success of the nationalist governments in Egypt following the British withdrawal in 1936
42) Where did the early leadership in pan-African nationalist movements initially come from?
43) What was the Atlantic Charter and what was the significant wording in it that inspired nationalist movements in the colonial world?
44) Compare the Muslim Leagues response to British involvement in WW II to that of the Indian Congress Party
45) Which nationalist party in India were the British most closely allied with?
46) How did Britain attempt to solve the division between Muslims and Hindus in India in 1947?
47) What was unique about the struggle for independence in the Philippines?
48) Who was Kwame Nkrumah?
49) By what decade had European colonization in most of sub-Saharan Africa come to an end?
50) In what types of African colonies was the process of decolonization most violent?
51) Who was Jomo Kenyatta?
52) Describe decolonization in Algeria
53) What happened in South Africa as other African nations were in the process of decolonization?
54) What did the Afrikaner National Party establish in South Africa after independence?
55) Why did the Zionists turn violent towards the British following WW II
56) Describe the chronology of the creation of the state of Israel in 1948