Year 13 Natural Hazards Module: Volcanoes Mr. Gooding Name:______________________ ESSAY 2: (Due in_____________) “Evaluate the suggestion that the impact of volcanoes is linked more closely to the distribution and density of population than to other factors” (Jan 2004) Resources GEOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT INTRANET Departmenal Library Internet links Powerpoint slides Use the following case studies as a starter: Mount Pinatubo Mount St Helens Japan, Sakurijima Iceland: Heimay and Grimsvotn Lake Nyos Cameroon – CO2 emission Congo Montserrat Background Reading you have done Geography Clinics – Tue + Thu 530pm 1 Before you start writing your essay plan the outline in rough below – hand this plan in, attached to your essay. Essays can be either written or Word Processed P E E R Principle idea Explanation of the opening statement A real world example which illustrates the point made above Relevance: Concluding comments which tie the contents of the paragraph to the demands of the question and make it clear that you have thought about the question carefully Your Essay Plan 2