Final Writing Assignment for Dante’s Inferno You have a choice of three different writing assignments for this project – please pick something you feel comfortable doing and are interested in. Writing Assignment Option One: Create your own version of the Inferno in poem format. Assignment: You will construct your own vision of hell. Think about what you classify as “sins” worthy of hell and what the appropriate punishments might be. Be aware of what hell might look like, smell like, sound like, feel like. Try and think outside of pop culture beliefs on the subject and create your own unique vision. Consider a theme like a disco, truck stop, western dance club, city bus, etc. What creatures, monsters, gatekeepers, and obstacles might be found in your own hell? It must have…. Physical Description:: Where is this hell? What does it actually look like? How is it ordered/arranged? (rationale) Classification of Sins: Equal isn’t necessarily fair, so think about what sin or fault is the most hell-worthy. Does it have levels? How many, and WHO fits into each level? Punishments: How is each group of sinners punished? Remember contrapasso, the punishment must fit the crime. Famous Residents: Dante wasn’t afraid to put people he knew in hell, so you shouldn’t be afraid either. However, you are not allowed to name anyone who is currently or ever has been a student/teacher/staff member at SSHS unless you have their permission (I don’t want to end up in your hell.) Introduction: Write a brief introduction to your hell, giving the reader some background before entering. Remember, Dante didn’t just stumble into hell; he was guided by Virgil. Think about how you get there and if you have a guide. Writing: I expect you to write an epic poem, although it does not have to rhyme. Try to arrange it in tercets (stanzas of three) with an explanation for each level of hell explaining WHO is there, WHAT their punishment is, and WHY they have been placed at this level. Diagram: You may (but don’t have to) include a diagram of your hell. Think of it as a “road map” a la Dante. This may really help us visualize what you mean. Writing Assignment Option Two: A research paper comparing three different religions’ views of the afterlife. Assignment: You will research three religions (the main ones are Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism) but you may look at others that are not as main stream or are specific branches/sects of these religions. Compare the ideas and rituals surrounding death and the afterlife in these three religions. Your thesis can be centered around proving either that these religions are really not all that different OR that these religions are so different that they are not reconcilable. You must have… A work cited page: with at least three sources that you have used in your paper – correctly formatted (MLA format) Length: it must be at least two pages long, typed, double-spaced. Organization :you need an introduction that includes your thesis, body paragraphs that explain the three religions rituals and beliefs concerning the afterlife, conclusion comparing these religions and making a conclusion based on your research. MLA in-text citations: cite in your body paragraphs where you get your information. You can Find the format in your Writer’s Inc. book or online. Example (Blake 12). Writing Assignment Option Three: Persuasive essay Assignment: You will write a persuasive essay forming your thesis around one of the following prompts. Argue that the levels in Dante’s Inferno should be in a different order or should include different sins or that the contrapasso should be different in order to more appropriately fit the sin. Persuade the reader how the Inferno has influenced views of the afterlife today. Look at not only your own beliefs and different religious beliefs but also how the Inferno has filtered down to the people through art, music, media, and references in other literature. Compare the differences between ideas of the afterlife back in Dante’s day and today in the church (you choose what sect). Argue whether these ideas have changed, how they have changed, and how this has influenced morality and worldviews. You could also look at the role of hell and the teaching of morality through Dante (can also explore how Kohlberg’s theory of moral development applies). Your essay must include… Length: it must be at least two pages long, typed, double-spaced Organization: you will need an introduction that includes a thesis which takes a side on your issue, body paragraphs that prove your point with specific examples, a conclusion that solidifies your point and shows why this is important. Research? If you do any research for this essay, you will need to cite that information both in the essay and in a work cited page at the end of the essay - you are not required to do research though. Due Dates and points: You need to tell me which writing assignment you will choose by Wed 5/26. You will have computer lab time on Wed 5/26 and Thurs 5/27. Your rough draft is due in class (for a peer review) on Fri 5/28 Your final draft and all previous drafts (including works cited) is due on the day of your English Final. Worth 40 points in the writing section. o We will be spending part of the final exam time sharing your writing.