Mr - hoksenglish10

English 10
Reading 1, “Hrothgar’s Genealogy and the Entrance of Grendel”: Lines 1-188
1. Don’t worry too much about the genealogy (the family line) presented in the first 50
lines. Find traits of a good king. What traits does the poem praise in a leader?
2. Take a look at the mead-hall, Heorot (67-85). What circumstances allowed Hrothgar to
build it? What does it look like? What does it mean to the people?
3. What is Grendel’s origin? That is, where does his family line begin?
4. In the first mention of Grendel (88-98), what particularly provokes his rage?
Reading 2, “The Arrival of Beowulf”: Lines 189-490
1. Underline references to weapons and shields—we’ll discuss the importance of these
references as our reading goes on.
2. What are the traits of Beowulf? What is he like as a man and as a leader?
3. Pay attention to the way Hrothgar’s men question Beowulf’s origin. How does
Beowulf introduce himself and his men?
4. Pay close attention to Beowulf’s first speech to Hrothgar (407-455). What does he talk
about? Why would he give such information?
5. Why does Beowulf renounce the use of weapons (435)?
Reading 3, “The Feast at Heorot” and “The Fight with Grendel”: 491-873
1. Unferth and Beowulf’s exchange is commonly called “flyting,” a type of contest of
insults. Pay attention to Unferth’s speech. What is Unferth like as a person? What are his
accusations against Beowulf?
2. Study Beowulf’s response. How does he defend himself? What does accuse Unferth of
3. Look at the mead cup and mead hall ceremony (607-642). How does it work? What is
a woman’s place in it? (i.e. what does Wealtheow do?)
4. In lines 631-638 Beowulf makes a formal boast. What is it?
5. How does Beowulf prepare for Grendel’s arrival?
6. How do Beowulf’s followers feel about this adventure?
7. Look at the sensory (sights and sounds) details of Grendel’s attack (807+). Jot down a
couple details that stand out.
8. What is Grendel’s secret asset in battle? (874)
9. What is Grendel’s injury and what is Beowulf’s trophy?
Reading 4, “Grendel’s Mother”: 1251-1650
1. Why is Grendel’s Mother’s attack particularly upsetting to Hrothgar?
2. Look at the description of Grendel’s mother’s lair (1361-1376 & 1416-1441). What
details stand out? What traits do they suggest about Grendel’s mother’s character? (note
the litotes in line 1372).
3. Unferth offers Beowulf his sword, Hrunting. What does Beowulf offer in exchange?
4. What sword does Beowulf end up using to defeat Grendel’s mother?
5. Note the light imagery in lines 1570-73. What do you think “heaven’s candle” is a
kenning for?
6. What happens to this sword afterwards? (1605-1611) What season seems to be
suggested by this action? Why might this seasonal reference be appropriate?
7. Who gives up on Beowulf’s return? Who waits to see if he will return? What warrior
code does this illustrate?
8. What does Beowulf take from Grendel’s Mother’s lair?
Reading 5, “Another Celebration at Heorot”: 1651-1903
1. Beowulf presents the ancient sword’s hilt to Hrothgar. What notable details are
included on the hilt?
2. Hrothgar delivers a long speech, beginning in line 1700. What traits does Hrothgar
praise in Beowulf?
3. Why do you think Hrothgar talks about Heremod? What is Hrothgar’s advice in the
next sixty lines 1724-1784?
4. Look at the metaphors Hrothgar uses in lines 1738-1747. Look up “sentry” if you do
not know what it means. What images stand out? Why might Hrothgar uses these
metaphors to warn Beowulf?
5. What accomplishment does Hrothgar praise Beowulf for in his final speech (1855+)?
Reading 6, “Beowulf Becomes King and the Dragon Wakes”: 2177-2601
1. How did Beowulf become king? Wait for your final answer until you read the 2nd half
of the information on p. 159, ll. 2355-2396.
2. What awakens the dragon?
3. What is the origin of this dragon’s hoard?
4. Look at King Hrethel’s dilemma in the story about him and his sons ll.2430-2471?
Why would the poet have this digression at this point in the poem? How do Hrethel’s
problems shed any light on Beowulf’s life at this moment?
5. l.2472+ What does the poet tell us about the fate of a people without a king? Again,
why do we receive this information now?
6. What do B’s thanes do when he needs them? What warrior code is failing Beowulf?
Reading 7, “Wiglaf”: 2602-2820
1. Who is Wiglaf and what does he do during and after B’s fight with the dragon?
2. Why does Naegling break?
3. ll.2732+ What assessment does B give of his kingship? Does he feel he has been a
good king?
4. What does B want Wiglaf to do for him before he dies?
5. How does B want to be buried?
Reading 8, “Beowulf’s Funeral”: 2821-3182
1. Look at lines 3050-3075. What information do we learn about the dragon’s gold
2. How do the Geats, under the direction of Wiglaf, follow B’s wishes for his funeral?
3. What do the Geats do with the dead dragon?
4. What does the mourning woman sing about?
5. For what do the Geats praise Beowulf? Are those traits usual in the comitatus culture?
revised 9/28/09