Names: Kyle Gabriel, Andrey B., Eric Nichols Period: 4 Energy Drinks Positioning Your Product 1. What is the market? (All the people that could potentially buy your product) Everybody 2. Segment that market: Teens/ adults Dimension 1: Gender Dimension 2: Age Male Monster/ Rockstar Monster SoBe RedBull Female Monster/ Rockstar 5-Hour Energy None None 10-20 20-30 30-40 40+ Gender X Age 3. Identify your target market and explain why you chose that market: Male 10-20 because teens buy the most energy drinks out of any age and males because guys usually are easier to market energy drinks too. 4. Who is the competition? (name at least 3 competitors) Monster, Rockstar and 5 Hour Energy. 5. Where are they positioned? Determine attributes for positioning (price, quality, features, benefits?) Monster cost the least amount of money and people say it pretty good for being a energy drink. Red Bull is in the middle of the price range at about 2.49 for a 12. OZ can and also people say that is one of the best tasting energy drinks out in the market. 5-Hour Energy is the most expensive coming in at a big 4.29 per a 4. OZ bottle and “what to do people say about the taste?” They say its pretty gross but it gives them the energy they need. Attribute 1 Attribute 2 Price Taste 6. Based on this information, where do you think you should position yourself? Why? We should aim for the low left hand corner. We to have the best taste and the lowest price.