Adam Blade

By: Corey Zimmer
“Adam Blade” is a publisher and author of
children’s book series. He has only written the
Beast Quest series, but there are different parts of
the series. It is sub-divided (split) into three parts,
but a new part is coming out it is called The Dark
The name, “Adam Blade” is a pseudonym ( false
name). Lots of books are written by authors or
groups who write under a different name. Dr Seuss
was a pseudonym for the author Theodore Geisel.
“Adam Blade was born in Hastings, England.
Book 1: Ferno the Fire Dragon
Book 2: Sepron the Sea Serpent
Book 3: Cypher the Mountain
Book 4: Tagus the Night Horse
Book 5: Tartok the Ice Beast
Book 6: Epos the Winged Flame
Book 7: Zepha the Monster Squid
Book 8:Claw the Giant Ape
Book 9: Soltra the Stone Charmer
Book 10: Viper the Snake Man
Book 11: Arachnid the Spider King
Book 12: Trillion the 3 Headed Lion
Book 13: Skor The Winged Stallion
Book 14: Torgor the Minator
Book 15: Narga the Sea Monster
Book 16: Gorgonian Hound
Book 17: Mighty Mammoth
Book 18: Scorpion Man
Book 19: Nixa the Death Bringer
Book 20: Equinus the Spirit Horse
Book 21: Rashouk the Cave Troll
Book 22: Luna the Moon Wolf
Book 23: Blaze the Ice Dragon
Book 24: Stealth The Ghost Panther
Book 25: Krabb Master of the Sea
Book 26: Hawkite Arrow of the Air Fearsome
Book 27: Rokk The Walking Mountain
Book 28: Koldo The Ice Warrior Gwildor’s arctic
Book 29: Trema The Slug
Book 30: Amictus The Bug Queen
Book 31: Komodo The Lizard King
Book 32: Muro The Rat Monster
Book 33: Fang The Bat Fiend
Book 34: Murk The Swamp Man
Book 35: Terra Curse of the Forest
Book 36: Vespick The Wasp Queen
Spiros The Ghost Phoenix
Vedra & Krimon The Twin Beasts Of Avantia
Arax The Soul Stealer
Kragos & Kildor The Two Headed Demon
Creta The Winged Terror
Mortaxe the Skeleton Warrior
Sephir the Storm Monster