Dear Parents,

April 26th, 2011
Dear Parents,
As enrichment to my unit on the
Civil War in Georgia, I would like to
show the official school-edited made
for TV movie, Andersonville”. This
story will give the students a
wonderful view of the impact
Andersonville had in not only in
Georgia’s history, but also on the
outcome of the American Civil War. This school edited version of
the original movie showcases the struggle for survival of a Union
regiment in one of the world’s most notorious prisons and
highlights the love of country and bonds of friendship. My
students in the past have loved the movie and came away with a
better appreciation of what can be accomplished if we all work
together. Please sign below indicating your consent for your child
to watch the school edited version of the movie. Students who do
not have a signed permission form will not be permitted to view
the made for TV movie and will be given an alternate assignment
that will reach the same learning objectives.
Thank you for your support!
Mr. Panter
My child, _____________________ has permission to view the
official school-edited version of the motion picture,
Parent Signature