
Mrs. Billet Week of October 31, 2011
Mrs. Billet
English II and
Honors English III
Anchor Descriptor
English II
Eligible Content or
Academic Standard
R11.A.1.4.1 Identify main ideas
and supporting details from text
R11.A.2.3.2 Cite evidence from
text to support assertions.
Day 43
R11.A.1.4 Identify and explain
main ideas relevant details.
R11.A.2.3.1 Make inferences and
draw conclusions based on text.
R11.A.1.5.1 Summarize they key
details and events of a fictional
R11.A.4.1 Identify and/or explains
stated or implied main ideas and
relevant supporting details from
MIDTERM Exam- comprehensive from
the first day until last Friday
Strategies for
this lesson
Test – Multiple Choice, 80+ questions
Formative – PDN #43 Review
notes and textbook for exam
Summative- Unit Test,
Homework, Questions at the
end of section
R11.A.1.61 Analyze intended
purpose of text
Connection to Anchor:
R11.B .2.2.1 Identify and interpret
first person and third person point
of view.
Day 44
R11.B.2.2.2 Analyze the
effectiveness of the author’s use
of Point of View
R11.A.1.4.1 Identify main ideas
and supporting details from text
R11.A.1.4 Identify and explain
main ideas relevant details.
R11.A.1.5.1 Summarize they key
details and events of a fictional
R11.B.1.2.1 Interpret, compare,
describe, analyze, and/or
evaluate the relationship
between characters and other
components of text, make
connections between texts
R11.B.2.1.1 Identify, interpret,
describe and/or analyze examples
of personification, simile,
metaphor, hyperbole, satire,
imagery, foreshadowing,
flashbacks and irony in text.
Students will be able to explain: who is
O Henry, Define a pseudonym, First
person Point of View, Third Person Point
of view, Explain what omniscient and
dramatic irony..
Students will be able to summarize plot
of the short story “One Thousand
Dollars”, describe O Henry’s writing
style, and name O Henry’s most famous
work “The Gift of the Magi”
PowerPoint- ask class questions, wait
for response, give examples, go over
homework, Matching on test,
questions on test use the synonym or
antonym of a word in text, KWL,
Independent work, Teacher inquiry/
Read Text
Return Midterm, go over key points
R11.A.2.3.1 Make inferences and
draw conclusions based on text.
Formative- Scrabble Tuesday,
Q&A, Self-Online Quiz given to
the class- raising hands,
PDN #44 Please compare and
contrast the two stories "A
Problem" by Anton Chekov
and O Henry's short story "One
Thousand Dollars." How are
they similar and how they
different, what are their
Summative- Homework,
Questions at the end of section
R11.B.3.3.2 Analyze the author’s
purpose for decisions about
organization and content.
R11.A.1.1.2 Identify and/or apply
a synonym or antonym of a word
in text
Connection to Anchor:
R11.B .2.2.1 Identify and interpret
first person and third person point
of view.
Day 45
R11.B.2.2.2 Analyze the
effectiveness of the author’s use
of Point of View
R11.A.1.4.1 Identify main ideas
and supporting details from text
R11.A.1.4 Identify and explain
main ideas relevant details.
R11.A.1.5.1 Summarize they key
R11.B.1.2.1 Interpret, compare,
describe, analyze, and/or
evaluate the relationship
between characters and other
components of text, make
connections between texts
R11.B.2.1.1 Identify, interpret,
describe and/or analyze examples
of personification, simile,
metaphor, hyperbole, satire,
imagery, foreshadowing,
flashbacks and irony in text.
R11.A.2.3.1 Make inferences and
draw conclusions based on text.
Students will be able to explain: who is
O Henry, Define a pseudonym, First
person Point of View, Third Person Point
of view, Explain what omniscient and
dramatic irony..
Students will be able to summarize plot
of the short story “One Thousand
Dollars”, describe O Henry’s writing
style, and name O Henry’s most famous
work “The Gift of the Magi”
PowerPoint- ask class questions, wait
for response, give examples, go over
homework, Matching on test,
questions on test use the synonym or
antonym of a word in text, KWL,
Independent work, Teacher inquiry/
Read Text
Shorten Period- Alpha Homerooms=
class given PSSA Practice “The
Snowflake Man” Multiple Choice
Questions, Essay
Formative- PDN #45 List 5 things
you learned about O Henry.
Summarize the story "One
Thousand Dollars."
Summative- Q&A, Homework,
Unit Test Review, Unit Test
Mrs. R. Billet Week of
October 24, 2011
Mrs. Billet
English II and
Honors English III
Day 43
Anchor Descriptor
R11.A.1.4 Identify and explain
main ideas and relevant details.
R11.B.1 Understand components
within and between texts
Eligible Content or
Academic Standard
R11.A.1.4.1 Identify and or/or
explain stated or implied main
ideas and relevant supporting
details from text.
MIDTERM 85+ questions,
comprehensive test
R11.A.1.4.1 Identify and or/or
explain stated or implied main
ideas and relevant supporting
details from text.
Act III Macbeth Students will be able to
explain the background of Macbeth,
plot, characters, key vocabulary,
Elizabethan Theater
Students will be able to explain at least
10 things about Shakespeare’s life,
Strategies for
this lesson
TESTING- Multiple Choice, 80+
Formative-PDN #43, Review- what did
notes and textbook for Midterm
Summative- Q&A, Written Homework
Connection to Anchor:
11-01, 2011
Day 44
R11.A.1.4 Identify and explain
main ideas and relevant details.
R11.B.1 Understand components
within and between texts
PowerPoint, Q&A
Review Game
Notes, Textbook, , Lecture,
PowerPoint, Word Wall,
Scrabble Tuesday
PowerPoint- Notes, Homework
FormativePDN #44 Describe everything you
learned about Elizabethan Theater.
Self-Online Quiz given to the classraising hands
Summative- Q&A, Homework, Unit
Connection to Anchor:
11-02, 2011
R11.A.1.4 Identify and explain
main ideas and relevant details.
R11.B.2.2 Identify, interpret,
describe, and analyze the point of
view of the narrator in fictional
and nonfictional text.
R11.A.1.1 Identify and apply the
meaning of vocabulary.
R11.A.1.4.1 Identify and or/or
explain stated or implied main
ideas and relevant supporting
details from text.
R11.B.2.2.2 Interpret describe,
and/or analyze the effectiveness
of point of view used by the
Act III Macbeth, Students will know plot,
prose, blank verse, symbolism, themes,
Formative-PDN #45 Self Online Quiz
given to the class- raising hands
Notes, Textbook, , Lecture,
PowerPoint, Word Wall,
Students will be able to explain who is
Jonathan Swift, plot of Gulliver’s
Travels, theme, satire
Summative- Q&A, Homework,
Review Game, Unit
R11.A.1.1.1 Identify and or/apply
meaning of multiple meaning
words in text.
R11.A.1.1.2 Identify and/or apply
a synonym or antonym of a word
in text.
Connection to Anchor:
11-03, 2011
R11.A.1.4 Identify and explain
main ideas and relevant details.
Day 46
R11.A.1.1 Identify and apply the
meaning of vocabulary.
R11.A.1.4.1 Identify and or/or
explain stated or implied main
ideas and relevant supporting
details from text.
R11.B.2.2.1 Identify, interpret,
describe and/or analyze the point
of view of the narrator as first
person or third person point of
R11.A.1.1.1 Identify and or/apply
meaning of multiple meaning
words in text.
R11.A.1.1.2 Identify and/or apply
a synonym or antonym of a word
in text.
Act IVMacbeth, Students will know plot,
prose, blank verse, symbolism, themes,
Students will be able to explain who is
Jonathan Swift, plot of Gulliver’s
Travels, theme, satire
Notes, Textbook, , Lecture,
PowerPoint, Word Wall,
FormativePDN #46, Q&A
Summative- Self Online Quiz given to
the class- raising hands