The film American Beauty suggests that death is an essential part of

Film Studies
Film Essay #3 Prep: Fruitvale
Name: ______________________________
Date: _____________________
1. On Thursday, you will have forty minutes to write an in-class essay on one of the
themes you have been tracking in Fruitvale Station.
2. In your essay, you will have to write about what the movie suggests about your
theme. (E.g., “The film suggests that…”)
3. In your evidence and explanation, you will need to touch on the three parts of the
film that we have been tracking:
a. Plot (what happens)
b. Dialogue (what characters say)
c. Cinematic elements (specific shots, lighting, color, visual symbols, music, etc)
4. For your homework, you will outline what you want to argue in your essay. You
can use your outline and any handouts from this unit as you write your fortyminute in-class essay.
5. You can also prepare for this essay by pulling out additional quotes using the film’s
script. Type Fruitvale Station script into Google and you should be all set.
Outline for My In-Class Essay on Fruitvale Station:
My Chosen Theme (pick one of our four):
My Thesis (“The film suggests that…”:
My Supporting Claims:
Relevant Plot Points (what happens):
Relevant Dialogue (what characters say):
Relevant Cinematic Elements (shots, lighting, color, symbols, music, etc):