MGMT 5140 Organizational Behavior and Analysis

Organizational Behavior and Analysis
MGMT 5140.001
Course Outline, MBA Program
J. Lynn Johnson, Ph.D.
B.A. 315
(940) 565-3147
Fax (940) 565-4394
Electronic Address:
Office hrs.
Monday & Wednesday 10:30-12:00; 1:30-3:30 and by
Wagner and Hollenbeck. Organizational
Securing Competitive Advantage, 4rd edition, 2002.
Course Objectives: In general terms, the objective of this course
is to provide a conceptual and empirical understanding of the
structure and function of human behavior in organizations. We will
organizational effectiveness and efficiency. We will look at such
things as perception, motivation, decision making communication,
leadership, job and organizational design, and group behavior, as
well as exploring a variety of other topics as they relate to the
administrative process, including organizational power, politics,
and change and development.
Stated another way, the goal of this course is both to
simplify and complicate your picture of behavior in organizations-to simplify by systematizing and interrelating some basic ideas and
to complicate by pointing out the infinite shades of gray and the
multitude of interacting variables that can occur in an
Specific course objectives include:
To develop an understanding and appreciation of the
organizational behavior systems approach as applied to the
management of humans in complex organizations.
2. To identify the role of personality and perception in affecting
behavior in organizations.
3. To critically examine a number of traditional and contemporary
approaches to work motivation.
4. To increase your awareness of the potent role of teams/groups
in organizations and how they impact performance.
To review the current state of knowledge with respect to
leadership and leader behavior.
To examine the important variables in individual and group
decision making and problem solving.
7. To understand the pervasiveness and importance of communication
in all aspects of the organization's functioning.
To evaluate a number of different approaches to job and
organizational design..
9. To take a look at some contemporary issues and approaches to
organizational change and development.
Conduct of Class: To accomplish the goals of this course, we will
be performing a wide variety of activities that go beyond lecture
coverage of text material.
A part of the course will include
experiential exercises to enhance your learning of the chapter
concepts via individual and group experiences. In addition, cases
are used to apply what you've learned in the chapter; thus, solving
problems occurring in organizations.
Role of Cases:
As noted on the course outline, you will be
required to read and actively participate in case discussions
throughout the term.
You should prepare a one page paper
describing your recommendation for each case. All cases must be
printed. The objective in using the cases is to have you relate
case problems/issues to the text chapters/theory developed in
Disability Accommodation: The College of Business Administration
complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act in making
reasonable accommodation for qualified students with disability.
If you have a established disability as defined in the American
with Disabilities Act and would like to request accommodation
please see me after class or make an appointment. My office hours
and office number are shown on this syllabus.
Grades for the Course:
Test 1
100 pts
3 cases at 10 pts each
30 pts
Term paper
100 pts
Oral Presentation
(Term Paper Topic or other)
20 pts
90% of the total required points will produce an A grade
80 to 89% will produce a B grade or better
70 to 79% will produce a C grade or better
60 to 69% will produce a D grade or better
Term Paper Assignment
You will develop a term paper covering a topic from our
Organizational Behavior area. I am asking each of you to prepare
an Article Contrast paper. The articles for the contrasts should
be chosen to correspond with any of the topic areas covered in
class or text (topics listed on the syllabus or the Table of
Contents of our text).
This assignment will be collected as
indicated on the outline of class activities. Below you will find
several suggestions for process of developing the Term Paper
1. The articles should be obtained from the following journals
only* and using articles from 1994-present.
Academy of Management Journal
Academy of Management Review
Academy of Management Executive
Journal of Applied Psychology
Human Resource Magazine (formerly Personnel Administrator)
Harvard Business Review
Human Relations
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes (formerly
Organizational Behavior and Human Performance)
Journal of Management
Personnel Psychology
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Group and Organization Management (formerly Group and
Organization Studies)
Leadership Quarterly
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
*Some topics may require additional journals other than those
listed. If you believe there is need to incorporate journals that
are not on this list, talk with me about it first.
The contrast will include a comparison/contrast between 3
articles you have chosen that are on the same OB topic.
purpose is for you to enhance your ability to integrate information
from separate sources while increasing the depth of your
understanding of a particular topic area of our course.
The contrast should include the following on a cover page:
a. The title of the articles and their journals (underline
the name of the journal; enclose the article titles in quotation
b. Names of the author(s); and
c. Your name
The contrast should include the following within the paper
submitted: Introduction to the topic, Sections that allow you to
develop the content, and a Conclusion to the paper.
As a minimum,
the content should cover the following:
a. Similarities of the theory addressed in the articles;
b. Differences among the three articles;
c. Any possible reconciliation of the opposing points;
d. An integration of the information contained in the three
e. Your personal opinion; and
f. How you might apply what you have read specifically in a
organizational/work situation.
5. Punctuation, grammar, and spelling will be graded and worth 15%
of the total grade.
A copy of the articles should be attached to the term paper.
The paper should not exceed 10, double-spaced, and printed
pages (excluding the copies of articles).
A note on sites, authors, and information.
When writing your papers gives appropriate credit to authors
for direct quotes and in places where you have paraphrased an
authors ideas (an APA Writing Manual will give you the appropriate
method for these sites, etc).
9. Write in 3rd person except when you are providing your opinion
and personal applications (probably in a conclusion section).
Class Presentation
You will be expected to deliver two short presentations during the
term. The two are described below:
1. Case Discussions. You will be responsible for a short written
paper (two to four pages) on each of the three cases assigned.
While all are expected to turn in a written assignment, we will
divide the responsibility of ‘presenting the cases.” Thus, please
select one of the three assigned cases and prepare a short (5 to 15
minute) oral presentation on the case problems, issues, and
Be prepared to present your case on the class day
allocated to your selected case. (Please inform me which case you
have selected before leaving class, today.)
We will expect those of you that have “prepped” the case to present
the case problems, issues, solutions prior to other class members
offering their solutions.
Let me quickly say, this is not a
group/team case presentation—each person is responsible for the
total case.
2. Term Paper Presentation.
A short class presentation will be
required toward the end of the term. This presentation is to allow
you to describe the findings of your term paper (or to describe the
topic content of one or more of your articles). You will select
the issues/topics from your term paper that have the most interest
to our class and share the information with the class. This will
be a timed presentation (our target is between 5 and 15 minutes in
length) with the class deciding on the exact length.
Introduction to Course
The Roots of OB
Supervision/Decision Making/Creativity
Individual Systems
Job SatisfactionCcase assigned (complete profile)
(Myers/Briggs; Locus of Control)
Group/team Systems
Quality Issues
Role Patterns
Performance Evaluation
1,2,3,4 &5
Power, Authority, & Leadership
Conflict and Negotiation
Case assigned
Organizational Change
Job and Organizational Design
Employee reaction to change
Case assigned
Presentations and Exams
Schedule: TBA
Term Paper