"The Most Dangerous Game"

"The Most Dangerous Game"
Compare-Contrast Essay
Directions: Compose a 5 paragraph essay in which you answer the prompt.
This is a FORMAL essay so you must:
 Use appropriate grammar, spelling, and punctuation
 NOT use YOU or I
 Write complete sentences
 Follow proper paper format (Have a heading in the upper left hand
corner of your paper and a Title for your paper)
 Use sophisticated and appropriate language (Avoid words like stuff,
things, like, good, bad)
 Complete the Alike, Yet Different Sheet
 Complete the Think Sheet
In "The Most Dangerous Game," two characters are pitted against each
other in a truly dangerous game. While Sanger Rainsford would probably
hesitate to admit it, he and General Zaroff have much in common. Write an
essay exploring the ways in which Rainsford and Zaroff are alike and the
ways in which they differ.
Transition Words you should use in your essay