Basic concepts of formulating models – Models are at the heart of science. • Verbal, graphical, mathematical. – Dynamical models: • Describe how a system changes over time. • Due to processes ((‘forces’) forces ) that act to change a biological entity: – – – – – – Cell or cellular compartment O Organism i Population of organisms Species Assemblage or community of species Ecosystems Basic concepts of formulating models • Two broad classes of dynamical models: – Deterministic: outcome entirely predicted. – Stochastic: random events affect the system: • Within specified limits. • Described D ib d b by probability b bilit di distributions. t ib ti Most common: normal distribution (G (Gaussian) i ) Many other distributions also used used. Basic concepts of formulating models • Basic steps: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Formulate the question. Determine the basic ingredients. Qualitatively describe the system. Quantitatively Q i i l describe d ib the h system. Analyze the questions. Checks and balances. balances Relate the results back to the original question. (1) Formulate the question • Ask a question: – Dynamical systems: questions concern how some system changes over time time. – Pattern: How do objects or substances increase or decrease over time? → Process: Why do objects or substances increase or decrease over time. • In modeling, modeling postulate the ‘why’ why to predict the ‘how’ how . • Delimit the system: – What should be included or excluded excluded. • Anticipate that our system will generalize to other systems. y – Special cases. (2) Determine the basic ingredients • Identify and define the variables of interest. – Dynamical systems: time is almost always a variable. • Might be ‘factored out’ in the process of formulating the model (e.g., allometry). – Other variables are entities that might change over time. – Abstract and simplify: decide what to include and what to ignore. • Initially, fewer is better, fewest is best. • Balance simplicity vs. vs reality. reality Make things as simple as possible, but no simpler. – Albert Einstein Determine the basic ingredients • Assign algebraic symbols to variables: N, p, x. – Use subscripts to ‘subset’ variables: • pI = proportion of immigrants, pE = proportion of emigrants. • n1 and n2 = sizes of populations of species 1 and 2. – Use subscript or function notation to identify timedependent variables: Nt or N(t). • Use Nt or N·t or (N)(t) to imply multiplication. – In stochastic models, often distinguish between a random variable (X) and a particular instantiation (instance) of the random variable (x). Determine the basic ingredients • Predictor / response terminology: – Predictor variable (=independent variable): a variable, such as time, ti th t is that i assumed d tto drive d i the th system. t – Response variable (=dependent variable): a variable that responds to changes in the independent • Identify constraints on variables, e.g.: – – – – – Real vs. integer g Positive or non-negative Proportions or probabilities: 0 p t 1 or 0 p t 1 Frequencies: ni N Some versions of models might require other constraints. • Also Al id identify tif ranges that th t are biologically bi l i ll reasonable. bl Determine the basic ingredients • Ch Choose ttype off dynamical d i l model d l tto d describe ib changes in variables: Magnitude – Discrete-time vs. vs continuous-time: Discrete predictions Time Determine the basic ingredients • Both discrete-time and continuous-time models are simplifications. – Depend on time units: seconds, days, years, … – Involve I l different diff t assumptions ti and d mathematical th ti l representations. – Display different dynamic patterns, often different results. • (1) Discrete-time models: – Assume no change in response variables within time units. • Time ‘ticks’ in integers. g • Response units (e.g., population size) ‘appear’ discretely. • For shorter time units, responses often measured as integers, rounded from a threshold fraction. – Often modeled using recursion equations or difference equations. – Results may depend on length of time unit. – Can’t be interpolated within time units. Determine the basic ingredients • (2) Continuous-time models: – Assume that response variables can change at any point along a continuous time scale. • In practice, time is always discrete. • In principle, principle time units can be arbitrarily small . – Leads to biological assumptions about when response variables ‘occur’. • Again, responses often measured as integers, rounded from a threshold fraction. • E.g., E g population size: when does an individual ‘appear’? appear ? – Conception, birth, juvenile independence, adult onset? – Often modeled using differential equations. Determine the basic ingredients • Response variables can be modeled as either continuous or discrete. – E.g., E population l ti size: i number, b bi biomass. • Justifications for modeling as continuous: – Response take on sufficiently large values that treating them continuously introduces little error. – Manyy discrete variables can be converted to or reinterpreted as continuous variables. – Mathematical convenience: fewer constraints. • All Allows use off calculus l l concepts t and d ttools. l • Simplifies stochastic models: random variation usually modeled on a continuous scale. – Exceptions: binomial or Poisson processes. Determine the basic ingredients • (1) Discrete-time models: – Equations applied recursively (iteratively) to track a response variable i bl over titime. • Recursion equations, predict response values: N t 1 f N t N t f N t 1 } Either form can be used, depending on mathematical convenience. • Difference equations, predict differences: N N t 1 N t f N t • Can often be re-expressed re expressed in terms of one another another. Determine the basic ingredients • (2) Continuous-time models: differential equations often used to describe or predict the rate of change off the th response variables i bl over titime: dy f x – Based on the concept of a derivative: dx • ‘Instantaneous’ slope of a function y = f(x) at a particular value of x. Determine the basic ingredients – Differential equation specifies the ‘instantaneous’ change in y as a function of y itself: dN t dy f y , e.g. f N t dx dt – Describes the ‘ebb and flow’ of a variable. – ‘Instantaneous Instantaneous slope’ slope may be large or small, or positive, zero, or negative. Determine the basic ingredients • When use differential equations as a tool in a model: – Typically begin by hypothesizing how various biological g factors will change g the state of the variable. • Contribute to the function f N t in: dN t f N t dt – Th Then ‘solve’ ‘ l ’ th the equation ti tto iinfer f th the actual t l value l off the response variable: t N i t N0 dN t dN t t N i dt N t f N t N t dt dt t N0 – Use tools of analytic or numerical integration. Determine the basic ingredients • Several types of differential equations: – Functions of >1 predictor variable. • E E.g., g populations size might change as a function of current population size and the size of a predator population. – Functions of a predictor variable and time time, if the function changes over time. • Time is the p predictor ((independent) p ) variable. • Population size might change as a function of current population size and seasonal environmental limitations. – ‘Lag’ Lag functions of the past state of a response variable. variable • Population size might change as a function of the population size at a previous time. – Many possible combinations. Determine the basic ingredients • Main classification of differential equations: – Ordinaryy differential equations q ((ODEs): ) one p predictor (independent) variable. • E.g., time. – Partial differential equations (PDEs): >1 predictor variables. • E.g., E g time and space. space • Examine response variable as a function of one predictor variable, “holding the others constant”. • ‘Partial’ out the effects of the other predictor variables. Determine the basic ingredients • Variables V i bl and d parameters: t – Variables ‘vary’, possibly within specified bounds. • Predictor (independent) variables variables. • Response (dependent) variables. – Any two variables can vary: • Independently. – Can model one variable without worrying about others. • Interactively: – Must identify interactions: manner in which variables affect one another. – Simplest Si l t assumption ti about b t iinteraction: t ti mass-action. ti » Rate of interaction between two variables is proportional to the values of each. » E.g., under random motion, can multiply densities of two kinds of objects to determine number of interactions. Determine the basic ingredients • Variables and parameters: – Parameters specify the form of the model. • Generally assumed to be either constant or stochastic for a particular application of the model. • Values either fixed by investigator or estimated from data. data – E.g., simple linear model: y mx b • • • • x = predictor (independent) variable. y = response (dependent) variable. m = slope parameter. b = ‘yy-intercept intercept’ parameter. parameter Determine the basic ingredients • T Two o basic ways a s in which hich we e can speak of fifixed ed parts of models. • Based on descriptions of two different ‘worlds’: worlds : (1) External world described by models. • Discriminate between deterministic and stochastic elements. (2) Conceptual world of the investigator. • Discriminate between: – Fixed aspects of the model (=structure). » E.g., linear vs nonlinear, exponential vs logistic. – Parts about which there is uncertainty: parameters. • Parameters at one stage of modeling can become fixed aspects at another stage, and vice versa. – E.g., linear intercept parameter set to zero. Basic concepts of formulating models • Basic steps: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Formulate the question. Determine the basic ingredients. Qualitatively describe the system. Quantitatively Q i i l describe d ib the h system. Analyze the questions. Checks and balances. balances Relate the results back to the original question. (3) Qualitatively describe the system • T Tools l th thatt formulate f l t the th model d l with ith th the aid id off diagrams, tables, etc. – Life-cycle diagrams: • Useful for discrete-time models. • >1 event can occur within a single time step. – Flow diagrams: • Useful for multiple variables, continuous or discrete. • Sequence is important for discrete-time models. Qualitatively describe the system • Tables of variables and parameters used to augment graphical depictions: – E.g., for mass-action interactions: – Particularly useful for discrete discrete-time time models models. (4) Quantitatively describe the system • Derive dynamical equations for the model: – Specify the factors that cause a response variable to increase or decrease over time. – Generally have one of the three standard forms: • Recursion equation: N t 1 N t increase decrease • Difference equation: N increase decrease • Differential Diff ti l equation: ti d N t dt rate off increase rate of decrease Quantitatively describe the system • E.g., simple exponential growth: – Recursion form: N t 1 N t rN t RN t – Difference Diff fform: N RN t – Differential form: d N t dt rN t Quantitatively describe the system • E.g., logistic growth: N t N t 1 – Recursion R i fform: N t 1 N t rN K N t – Difference form: N rN t 1 K dN N rN 1 – Differential form: dt K – Note that estimates of r might differ for discrete-time vs. continuous-time models. – In general general, parameter estimates will differ for discrete discretetime vs. continuous-time models. (5) Analyze the model • Many possible tools: – – – – – – Graphical p analysis. y Simulations. Equilibrium and stability analysis. Analyzing model for periodic behavior. Extrapolating to general solutions. D t Determining i i asymptotic t ti (l (long-term) t ) behavior. b h i (6) Checks and balances • Modeling is an iterative procedure: – Check carefully for mathematical errors. – Check the dimensionality (units) of variables and parameters (=dimensional analysis). – Make sure that results satisfy constraints on variables and parameters. – Make sure that results g give expected p results for special cases (test cases) for which results are known. • Simple cases that can be derived ‘by by hand’ hand . • Data from the scientific literature. – Check g general results against g general expectations. g p (7) Relate results back to the biological questions • Successful scientific models: – Should be consistent with other models, both in structure and results. – Should change the way we think about the problem. problem – Should make explicit predictions that can be tested by observation or experiment.