The Mathematics 11 Competency Test Scientific Notation In so-called scientific notation, numbers are written as a product of two parts: (i) a number between 1 and 9.9999….. and (ii) a power of 10. To convert a number to scientific notation, just move the decimal point from its initial position until it is just to the right of the first nonzero digit. The number of positions you move the decimal point gives the numerical value of the power of 10 required. If the decimal point was moved to the left, the power of 10 is positive. If the decimal point was moved to the right, the power of 10 is negative. Examples: 4325.7 4.3257 x 103 = three positions to the left so the exponent of 10 is +3 (Note that 4.3257 x 103 = 4.3257 x 1000 = 4325.7, demonstrating that the scientific notation form is the same numerical value as the original number.) 0.00593 = three positions to the right 5.93 x 10-3 so the exponent of 10 is -3 (Note that 5.93 x 10-3 = 5.93 x 0.001 = 0.00593, demonstrating that the scientific notation form is the same numerical value as the original number.) -750,000,000 eight positions to the left = -7.5 x 108 so the exponent of 10 is +8 (Note that -7.5 x 108 = -7.5 x 100,000,000 = -750,000,000, demonstrating that the scientific notation form is the same numerical value as the original number.) David W. Sabo (2003) Scientific Notation Page 1 of 4 -0.000000036 -3.6 x 10-8 = eight positions to the right so the exponent of 10 is -8 (Note that -3.6 x 10-8 = -3.6 x 0.00000001 = -0.000000036, demonstrating that the scientific notation form is the same numerical value as the original number.) Notice that the number itself can be positive or negative and the exponent on the 10 can be positive or negative, and that these two signs are quite independent of each other. Obviously, to convert back from scientific notation to ordinary decimal numbers, you just move the decimal point the number of places left or right as indicated by the power of 10. Examples: 5.96953 x 104 = the exponent of 10 is +4 59695.3 so move the decimal point four places to the right (Or, using ordinary arithmetic, 5.96953 x 104 = 5.96953 x 10,000 = 59695.3.) 7.353 x 10-6 = the exponent of 10 is -6 0.000007353 so move the decimal point six places to the left (Or, using ordinary arithmetic, 7.353 x 10-6 = 7.353 x 0.000001 = 0.000007353.) -2.3 x 102 the exponent of 10 is +2 = -230 so move the decimal point two places to the right (Or, using ordinary arithmetic, -2.3 x 102 = -2.3 x 100 = -230.) -3.592 x 10-3 the exponent of 10 is -3 = -0.003592 so move the decimal point three places to the left (Or, using ordinary arithmetic, -3.592 x 10-3 = -3.592 x 0.001 = -0.003592.) David W. Sabo (2003) Scientific Notation Page 2 of 4 To help you remember these rules, just keep in mind that when the power of 10 is positive, the original numerical value was bigger than 1. When the power of 10 is negative, the original numerical value was a fraction, smaller than 1. The rules are not something new or mysterious. As shown in brackets following each example above, the rules just reflect simple numerical properties – they produce the result of ordinary multiplication by powers of 10. Remark 1: Scientific notation is particularly useful in situations where very large or very small numbers occur. For example, it is very much easier to write that the speed of light is 2.9979 x 108 m/s than to write 299,790,000 m/s. Also, using scientific notation for numbers such as these eliminates the need to key large numbers of zeros into calculators when we do calculations, and makes it less likely that an error will occur because we miscounted the number of zeros in a very large or a very small number. It is very easy to do arithmetic with numbers in scientific notation. All scientific calculators have automatic entry of numbers in scientific notation, but even if you don’t have such a calculator, you can do the arithmetic by making use of the laws of exponents. For example, since 24 hours 60 minutes 60 seconds x x 1 minute 1 day 1 hour 1 year = 365 days x = 31536000 seconds = 3.1536 x 107 seconds and 1 km = 1000 m = 1.000 x 103 m and, the speed of light is 2.9979 x 108 m/s. Then, the number of kilometres in 1 light year (the distance light travels in 1 year) is ( 2.9979 × 10 8 m/s ) ( 3.1536 × 10 7 s / yr ) 1.000 × 10 m / km 3 = ( 2.9979 )( 3.1536 ) × 108107 = 9.45417744 × 108 +7−3 = 9.4542 × 1012 km 103 1.000 km km yr yr yr (Can you explain why we rounded this result to five significant digits? Hint: which numbers in this calculation are approximate numbers?) David W. Sabo (2003) Scientific Notation Page 3 of 4 If you have a scientific calculator capable of handling scientific notation, then entry of such numbers is straightforward. First key in the numerical part. Then press a key (typically it has an upper case ‘E’ on it) and key the exponent. You could use the above example as a test case for checking to see that you know how to enter numbers in scientific notation into your calculator. Remark 2: The use of scientific notation solves the problem of how to distinguish between trailing zeros in whole numbers which are significant, and those which are present only to tell us where the decimal point is located (and so are not significant digits). (To review the nature of this problem, just re-read the previous document on significant digits.) When we use scientific notation, there can be no trailing zeros to the left of the decimal point. The only trailing zeros in a number in scientific notation are to the right of the decimal point, and therefore are automatically significant digits, according to the rules. So, for example 32000 is written 3.2 x 104 if none of the three zeros are significant. 32000 is written 3.20 x 104 if just the first of the three zeros is significant, but the remaining two zeros are present only to locate the decimal point. 32000 is written 3.200 x 104 if just the first two of the three zeros are significant, but the third zero is present only to locate the decimal point. 32000 is written 3.2000 x 104 if all three zeros are significant. David W. Sabo (2003) Scientific Notation Page 4 of 4