Vermont Academy 2013-2014 Course Offerings 2013-2014 Course Offerings English History Mathematics English 9 - The Quest 9th Grade Algebra I English 10 - The Individual in Society English 10 - The Individual in Society, Honors English 11 - American Literature English 11 – AP English – American Literature Foundations in History 10th Grade: Modern Comparative Cultures Honors European History (F/W) AP US History (S) 12th Grade 11th Grade AP English - Literature and Composition US History AP US History Geometry Algebra II Algebra II Honors Functions Pre-calculus Finance Mathematics AP Statistics AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC Advanced Mathematics 12th Grade Electives: Senior Writing Seminar (F) - Required 12th Grade Sciences Art and AP Economics electives: Regular and Elective year-long courses: Faces of Vermont Academy (F, W, S) Art History - Survey (F/W) Art History - Smashing Expectations - Biology Integrated Physical Science Chemistry unless in AP English Fantasy (W) World Literature 1 (W) Madness and Society (W) Public Speaking (W) Modern Art (S) AP Economics (year long) Writing and Reflection (W) 12th Grade – Trimester Electives The Holocaust (F) Dark Realities: Dystopian Film and The American Civil War (F) Science Fiction (S) Contemporary Issues (F) Texts (S) World Literature 2 (S) Madness and Society (S) The Pursuit of Happiness (S) Public Speaking (S) Literature of Spain (S – VA in Spain program) Options for International Students: English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) English for International Students (EIS) Comparative Religions (F) American Indian History I: Pre-contact to 1830 (F) Introduction to Microeconomics (F) History of the Middle East (W) Exploration & First Encounters (W) The Making of Modern East Asia (W) Senior Research Seminar (W) American Indian History II: 1830 – Present (W) Introduction to Macroeconomics (W) History of the 1960s (W) History of the American Wilderness (S) Leaders and Leadership (S) The Evolution of Societies (S) Modern Africa: Challenges and Opportunities (S) Applied Economics (S) History of Latin America (S) Social and Political Philosphy (S) Physics: Project Robotics Forensic Science Kinesiology Architecture and Engineering Environmental Trimester courses: Sustainability and the Food System (F) Sustainability: Energy and Climate Change (W) Sustainability and Human Consciousness (S) Advanced Elective Courses: Anatomy and Physiology Electricity and Magnetism Robotics Software & Engineering Biotechnology/Bioethics Honors and AP Courses: Honors Biology Honors Chemistry Honors Physics: Mechanics AP Biology AP Chemistry AP Environmental Science 2013-2014 Course Offerings World Languages Chinese 1 Chinese 2 French 1 French 2 French 3 French 4 Ensemble Offerings – H Period: (Ensembles are all year-long, with open enrollment at trimesters.) Jazz Ensemble Vocal Ensemble Chamber Ensemble French 5 Honors Visual Arts Spanish 1 Pottery (F, W, S) AP French Advanced Art (year-long) Spanish 2 Freshman Arts Program (F, W, S) Spanish 2 Honors Spanish 3 Studio Art I: Spanish 5 Honors 3-D (W) Spanish 4 AP Spanish Russian 1 Foundations (F) Introduction to Painting (S) Russian 2 Studio Art II: Performing Arts Cardboard Construction (W) Theater Course Offerings: Advanced Theater Seminar (year long) Advanced Drawing and Design (F) Painting and Printmaking (S) Freshman Arts Program (F, W, S) Digital Photography: Winter Workshop (W) Studio and Still Life (W) Acting (F, W) Directing (S) Basics (F) Landscapes and Portraits (S) Music Course Offerings: Black & White Photography: Sound Lab (F) B&W Composition (W) Freshman Arts Program (F, W, S) Music Appreciation (W) Electronic Instrument Building & Design (W) Music Workshop (S) Recording Studio (S) Music lessons (F, W, S) B&W Applications (F) B&W Studio (S) Filmmaking: Basic Film (F) Stop Motion Animation (W) Advanced Film (S) Computer Studio: Introduction to Computer Studio (F) Designing for print and Digital Publications (W) Fine Art in the Computer Studio (S) All courses are year-long unless indicated by trimester: F/W/S Vermont Academy 2013 2014 Course Offerings Welcome to the 2013-2014 Vermont Academy Course forests of our 500+ acre classroom. Our ski hill is busy in and effort that they have invested in making our aca- are full of runners, bikers, and nordic racers preparing Catalog. I am indebted to my colleagues for the time the winter with skiers practicing their jumps; our trails demic program one of the strongest in New England. for their next meets; and our varsity and junior varsity The impressive number of diverse courses we offer and athletic teams compete weekly against teams from all the experience and dedication of our faculty help to around New England. From dawn to dusk, our students make the VA experience a rewarding one for all of our are busy and engaged in a variety of academic and ath- students. letic activities that challenge their brains and force them to engage with one another and with nature. This type Vermont Academy has always embraced the concept of of “hands on learning” produces the all-around excel- having students actively participate in a class as opposed lence of a Vermont Academy student and prepares them to passive learning. We have found that if a student is for a life full of activity beyond Saxtons River. positively engaged and participating either verbally or physically in class, real learning takes place. Whether it Vermont Academy reserves the right to change adver- ics, or tapping maple trees in late winter to retrieve sap, offered, and to cancel, at any time up to the third day is building and programming your own robot in Phys- tised courses, to alter the dates on which courses are our students are using their hands while stimulating of classes, any advertised course in which enrollment their minds. This is a model that crosses all disciplines is judged to be unacceptably small. Likewise, Vermont and has been adopted by all departments. The English Academy has the right to restrict enrollment in any students practice public speaking, course the language learners put on skits when sign-ups exceed the departmentally determined in the target language, and history course capacity. Students who are students participate in state-wide enrolled in the first term of a con- competitions where they defend tinuing course may have priority their research in front of a panel of in subsequent terms. judges. Every year we consciously ponder the possibilities that lie English Courses the classroom and work with stu- We have two primary goals in Eng- that encourage and stimulate dif- better writers and readers, and to beyond the traditional four walls of lish: To help our students become dents in more progressive methods help them sharpen their critical ferent types of learners. thinking skills. At the same time, we want to convey to them the In addition, our impressive array of excitement, power, freedom, and athletic offerings and outdoors pro- versatility of language through grams focuses on this type of expe- their own experience with writing riential education. After the last and through exposure to a wide class of the day, even more learning takes place on the fields and in the The Long Walk 1 variety of literary works. Through literature and in their own writ- and receive departmental approva ideas and issues that complete and English 11 ing, our students confront the American Literature enrich life. This year long course concentrates English courses at all levels are and 20th centuries. Students will based on individualized on American writers from the 19th and read a selection of short stories, small-group instruction that chal- non fiction, poetry, and novels lenge students to take responsi- covering a variety of literary styles bility for their own learning and and themes. Students will con- to think conceptually. Regular tinue to refine their writing skills writing and reading assignments, in research, analytical, and creative frequent classroom discussions, writing assignments. In conjunc- group workshops, individual stu- tion with course material and in dent - teacher conferences and preparation for standardized tests, special projects are all part of the this course continues to emphasize challenge. The English Department believes that critical thinking requires an vocabulary building and grammar. Texts will include The Crucible, English Class open mind and a safe environment in which to use My Antonia, The Great Gatsby, and The Things They Carried. it. Therefore, we stress a comfortable setting for free English 11 - AP English: American Literature and Compo- classes to respect the natural variety of opinions and dents to take the Advanced Placement exam in English. exchange of ideas, and we encourage all members of sition This year long course for juniors will prepare stu- points of view that inevitably flow in class discussion. Centered on American literature, the course is designed to introduce students to a variety of rhetorical styles English 9 - The Quest In this year long course, students and to increase students’ repertoire of literary works. focus on the close reading of a text, the writing process, Emphasis is placed upon written exercises through vocabulary building, and grammar. They are also intro- which students explore how authors work to convey duced to literary forms including short stories, drama, their meanings, and through which students learn to poetry and the novel. Patterns in literature such as the articulate ideas concisely. Titles may include, but are not hero journey are also explored. Readings may include: limited to: The Great Gatsby, Invisible Man, The Sound stories from mythology and The Bible, The Odyssey, The and the Fury, The Crucible, The Scarlett Letter, Bless Alchemist, The Bean Trees, and The Tempest. No pre- Me Ultima, A Raisin in the Sun, Middlesex, , short sto- requisites. ries by Kurt Vonnegut, Ernest Hemingway, Joyce Carol Oates, Jhumpa Lahiri, Alice Walker, Tim O’Brien, Flan- English 10 The Individual in Society This full year nery O’Connor, and poetry from the 18th century to the course focuses on how individuals function within the present. No prerequisites but students must complete an context of the family and in society at large. Students application process and receive departmental approval. refine skills acquired in the 9th grade. They continue to work on the writing process, analytical writing, English 12 - AP English - Literature and Composition vocabulary, grammar, and reading skills. Readings may (World Literature focus) Plainsong, and short stories. No prerequisites. ment exam in English. Focusing on world literature, the This year long course for include: Fahrenheit 451, Macbeth, A Long Way Gone, seniors will prepare students to take the Advanced Place- English 10 The Individual in Society Honors (year course is designed to introduce students to a variety of long) Students must complete an application process rhetorical styles and to increase students’ repertoire of 2 English for International Students (EIS) This course cannot be taken concurrently with ESOL. This course is designed as the final transition to mainstream English classes. This year long credit course is designed to give students an opportunity to practice the skills needed in mainstream English classes, such as analytical and personal writing, reading, and how to discuss literature. New students will be placed in this course based on their performance on a placement test given during orientation. No prerequisites. literary works. Emphasis is placed upon written exercises through which students explore how authors work to convey their meanings, and through which students learn to articulate ideas concisely. Titles may include, but are not limited to: As You Like It, Pride and Preju- dice, and Things Fall Apart. Students will also read short stories and poetry from the 17th century to the present. No prerequisites but students must complete an application process and receive departmental approval. Projected English Electives for Winter/Spring Trimester, English 12 - Senior Writing Seminar (required) Using 2013-14 essays and short stories as models, this course offers an intensive preparation for college level expository writing Winter Trimester emphasizing the process approach. Students examine Fantasy writing. Time will be set aside for work on the personal Madness and Society World Literature 1 and practice the rules and principles that underpin good Public Speaking college essay. The main text for this class is 50 essays: A Writing and Reflection Portable Anthology. No prerequisites. Literature of Spain (required for students studying in Santiago de Compostela) Faces of Vermont Academy: Introduction to Oral History This is a one trimester course in which students will learn Faces of Vermont Academy: Oral History Project (pre- interviewing techniques and design and implement an requisite: Faces of Vermont Academy: Introduction to Oral interviewing process to collect oral histories of members History ) of the Vermont Academy community. Successful comple- tion of this course will lead to enrollment in subsequent Spring Trimester Project, which will function in an independent study The Pursuit of Happiness trimesters in Faces of Vermont Academy: Oral History Science Fiction format. Introduction to Oral History will meet 2-3 times World Literature 2 Madness and Society a week in the evening with flexibility for other evening Dark Realities: Our World Revealed in Dystopian Film activities. Students will learn how to record interviews and Texts on video as well as taking pictures. They will also learn Public Speaking editing procedures in order to write up the interviews Faces of Vermont Academy: Oral History Project for publication on the school website as well as producing an annual hardcover book. This will become part of the archived history of the school. No prerequisites. This History Courses class does not take the place of a required English class. The History Department offers a variety of courses It is open to all grade levels. that will leave students with a wide knowledge of history across time and geographical space after their four English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) This is a years at Vermont Academy. Beginning in the freshman year-long credit course which concentrates on teaching year, students gain a firm foundation in key historical English as a secondary language. Students acquire lis- themes and develop essential reading, writing, speak- tening and speaking skills and study grammar, vocabu- ing, and critical thinking skills. Subsequent courses in lary, reading, and writing. New students will be placed Modern Comparative Cultures, U.S. History, and senior- in this course based on their performance on a place- level electives build upon these skills and historical ment test given during orientation. No prerequisites. approaches throughout a student’s years at VA. In each 3 course, there is an emphasis on historical research and Foundations in History for International Students (for writing. Across the history curriculum, we also place new international students in grades 9 and 10, full year) students read primary sources to listen in on the voices VA and whose first language is not English. The goal a high premium on learning history by doing history: This course is designed for students who are new to of the past, evaluate those sources, and synthesize them of the course is for students to develop their English into historical arguments. Students are also given ample communication and historical thinking skills through opportunities to speak and engage with their peers in papers, projects, and presentations. As they develop class through interactive classroom activities and pre- these skills, students will experience the American cul- sentations. ture through the use of literature, historical documents, documentaries, movies, and music. Class participa- Students are required to complete a minimum of three tion will also be a major part of the course and each credits in social studies, including U.S. History, which student’s evaluation. The course does not fulfill the is typically taken during the junior year. Students must American history requirement; students enrolled in this take history in grades 9, 10, and 11, but may choose course will be expected to take United States history in whether or not to take a history elective in their senior their junior year. Instead, this course is meant to pro- year. Designated honors/AP sections are available for vide them with the foundation, in terms of both skills grades 10 through 12. Students electing to take honors and familiarity with American culture, that they will courses will need the approval of the course instructor need in order to succeed in mainstream history classes or department head. Not every course is offered every in the 11th and 12-grade years. year. Modern Comparative Cultures (grade 10, full year) Modern Comparative Cultures is a year-long course Foundations in History (grade 9, full year) Foundations in History is a year-long course in which students learn for sophomores that introduces students to the Western and organizing – but also the essential skills of his- the present. Along the way, students will be encour- not only basic study skills – note-taking, test-taking, and non-Western world from the early modern era to tory: reading, writing, speaking and thinking critically aged to read, think, speak and write critically and ana- about the world. The course will lytically about the histories and be divided into three different cultures we cover in the course. thematic segments: The Power of Topics in the beginning of the year Ideas, Patterns of Organization include the Columbian Exchange, and Authority, and Commodities Scientific Revolution, and the and Exchange. Within each of Ages of Enlightenment, Revolu- these segments of the course, stu- tion, Industrialization and Impe- dents will read primary sources, rialism. In the second half of the write argumentative papers, learn year, we begin with a discussion and execute the research pro- of the World Wars, the Cold War, cess, and speak articulately and and the Age of Globalization and passionately about these topics. end with the War on Terror and Each trimester, students will be the 21st Century. We will pay par- exposed to both a different histori- ticular attention to global history. cal topic and a different history Specifically, students will examine teacher, simulating the diverse the cultural, social, political, eco- educational experience that stu- nomic and religious systems in dents will encounter in their years this period. The course will con- at VA and, later, in college. clude with a significant research Ready for Formal Meal 4 project of the students’ choosing. midterm and final exams, and a culminating research Honors European History (grade 10, fall and winter trimester) Offered to selected sophomore students who paper on a topic of their choice. have achieved a high level of success in freshman history, this two-trimester course covers the history of AP United States History (grade 11, full year) Those lution. Topics will include the flowering of art, culture, History in their sophomore year must enroll in this Europe from the Renaissance through the French Revo- juniors who completed the spring trimester of AP U.S. and new ideas in Renaissance Italy; the diversification course in their junior year. In the junior year, we will of Christianity that accompanied the Protestant Refor- continue to prepare for the AP exam as we study the mation; the expansion of Europeans’ worldview in the history of the United States from its infancy as a nation Age of Exploration; the rise of secular and scientific to the present. Throughout the year, we will study the ideas during the Enlightenment; and the challenges to major social, cultural, political, and economic transfor- absolutist monarchy that characterized the French Rev- mations that have characterized American history. In olution. Students will learn to work critically with both addition, students will hone their reading, writing, and primary and secondary sources and will develop their critical thinking skills, culminating in the AP exam in writing skills through a variety of writing assignments. May. All students in the course are required to take the exam. AP United States History (grade 10, spring trimester) Those sophomores who would like to continue taking Senior History Electives trimester AP U.S. History series, which begins in the AP Economics (full year) This is a full-year course that through the junior year. In the sophomore year, we will economics and Macroeconomics. Students will begin history at the Honors level may enroll in the four- spring trimester of the sophomore year and continues introduces the fundamental concepts of both Micro- cover the earliest phase of United States history, span- the year by exploring the economic principles that ning from the history of pre-Columbian American Indi- apply to individual decision makers, both consumers ans through the beginnings of the Early Republic. Top- and producers, acting within a market. This micro- ics will include the colonization of North America by level approach will explore concepts such as scarcity, competing European empires, the development of Eng- opportunity cost, and the law of diminishing mar- lish colonies in New England and the Chesapeake, the ginal returns, among others. These topics, along with history of colonial slavery, the American Revolution, thorough analysis of the role of government within and the development of nation’s government through these markets, will be discussed in order to develop a the Constitution. Throughout the course, students will sense of the economy as it applies to individuals on a gain experience with the format of the AP exam. The daily basis. In the second half of the course, many of class will not focus solely on test preparation, however, these concepts will be revisited on a more aggregate, and will continue to emphasize work on critical think- or Macroeconomic, level. Topics include the study of ing and writing skills. national income and price-level determination, as well as an exploration of broad economic indicators such as United States History (grade 11, full year) This junior gross domestic product, unemployment, and inflation. level course offers a survey of American history from These topics will be explored and enriched by discus- the mid-15th century to the present. We will study the sion of government regulation in the economy through major social, political, and economic transformations investigation of current events as well as historical case that have characterized the past five centuries in what studies. Students will be expected to take both the AP is now the United States. Emphasis will be placed not Microeconomics and AP Macroeconomics exam at the only on learning the important people and places of conclusion of this course. the past, but also on developing critical reading and Sport and Society (fall trimester) Sports play a substan- writing skills to better prepare the students for study in tial role in the lives of individuals and communities college. Assignments include weekly response papers, 5 locally, nationally, and globally. From ancient Greece understand how it works, where it came from, what its through the modern era, sports have helped shape indi- purpose is, and why we’re so drawn to it. viduals and societies. While contemporary citizens celebrate athletic competitions and idolize athletes, they History of Canada (fall trimester) This course explores rarely consider the varied effects of sport on society. As the challenges associated with the formation of a Cana- a class, students will examine the historical develop- dian national identity. Students will examine the social, ment of organized athletics, and will study the role of political, and economic forces that have shaped Canada sport in society through political, gender, health, and from the pre-contact period to the present and will economic lenses. As independent scholars, students investigate the historical roots of modern issues from will use research, analysis, and synthesis skills to iden- a variety of perspectives. Students will learn about the tify and address a difficult social, economic, or political structure of society in what we now call Canada before issue within a sport of choice. the arrival of any Europeans, the Founding of New France, the British take-over of Canada, and Confedera- The Holocaust (fall trimester) This upper-level elective tion. We will also examine Canada’s interdependence, is for mature students who can handle the difficult its role and involvement in the major wars and organi- subject matter. The course opens with an examination zations of the world, and its relationship to the devel- of the historical context of Nazi Germany and investi- oping world. gates the political, economic and social conditions that allowed for evil to flourish. Although the Holocaust has Introduction to Microeconomics (fall trimester) Micro- come to describe the Nazi extermination of Jews dur- economics is an introductory course that examines how ing World War II, there are other instances of genocide society decides to allocate scarce resources. We will found throughout the world. With that in mind, we will study how households and firms make decisions and not only study the genocide of the European Jew, but how they interact in the market. Students will learn also the plight of the First Americans, the Armenians, how consumers make decisions on spending, how and other more recent acts of genocide. We also discuss firms decide on how much to produce and at what the role of the individual in society and the concept of price, and the role government can have in influencing bystanders and rescuers. The course requires a great these decisions. We will read newspaper articles on a deal of reading and writing, and a research paper on a weekly basis and try to relate the concepts we are learn- topic relevant to genocide is mandatory. Graphic evi- ing from the text to current economic events. dence of the Holocaust is presented through the use of documentaries. A class trip to the National Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C. is also required. Projected Winter Trimester Electives: The History of Popular Culture (fall trimester) Have The American Civil War Keeping up With the Kardashians in 400 years? Have Protest Movements of the 20th Century Simpsons, Seinfeld or The Wire is actually an intel- Introduction to Macroeconomics the people responsible for entertaining us have ulterior Projected Spring Trimester Electives: things like Disney, Hollywood Blockbusters, and Top America in the 1960s history of and meaning behind different cultural media Applied Economics Contemporary Issues you ever wondered how we went from Shakespeare to Europe in the Age of Enlightenment and Revolution you ever tried to argue with friends or family that The The History of Food and Eating ligent piece of art? Has it ever crossed your mind that motives in mind when they try to entertain us through Film and Literature as History 40 hits? The History of Popular Culture will study the History of Modern Africa – books, music, film, comics, among others – from the industrial revolution through 2013 as a way to try to 6 Language Courses by Saint-Exupery. Participants are expected to analyze and reflect weekly on the reading in a journal. An in- Chinese 1 This course introduces the language through depth study of one or two films and a complete gram- all four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. matical review solidify the communicative proficiency. The main goal is to develop the student’s confidence Breaking the French Barrier, Advanced is the grammar in using Chinese as a means of communication. Par- text; many cultural and supplemental materials are used ticipants are expected to work effectively in groups, as to enhance the class. well as independently, and to maintain a self-corrected notebook for compositions. French 4 Stressing the effective communication of thought and ideas through debate and discussion of political and literary topics, this syllabus includes an Chinese 2 Intended for students who have acquired a in-depth study of Camus’ L”Etranger and the region basic knowledge in Chinese, this course offers an equal of Provence. This class also utilizes the grammar text, emphasis on written and oral skills. Participants are Breaking the French Barrier, Advanced, but it incorpo- expected to work effectively in groups, as well as inde- rates many other materials from advanced texts as well. pendently, and to maintain a self-cor- Additionally, the students study rected notebook for compositions. the cuisine of France and many other francophone countries. This French 1 This course introduces the course is also conducted entirely in language through all four skills: lis- French. tening, speaking, reading, and writ- For advanced ing. The main goal is to develop the French 5 Honors as a means of communication. Partici- sue the AP curriculum, this is an student’s confidence in using French students who do not want to pur- pants are expected to work effectively accelerated course tailored to the interests of the students. It can take in groups, as well as independently, many different forms that range and to maintain a self-corrected note- from a cultural and historical study book for compositions. Breaking the through film to a study of different French Barrier, Beginner is the gram- genres of literature to French phi- mar text; there are many supplemental losophers. It is conducted entirely materials used including a beginner reader, songs, and authentic listening Study time in French and requires a high level sources found online. of motivation and a strong interest in culture and ideas. French 2 Intended for students who have acquired a AP French This course follows an AP syllabus that is emphasis on written and oral skills. Participants are for the AP exam. It requires strong motivation and basic knowledge in French, this course offers an equal approved by the College Board and prepares students expected to work effectively in groups, as well as inde- discipline as well as instructor and department chair pendently, and to maintain a self-corrected notebook for approval. The AP exam is required for all students at compositions. Breaking the French Barrier, Intermediate the end of the year. is the grammar text; there are many supplemental mate- Russian 1 This course is an introduction for the stu- rials used including an intermediate level reader, songs, dent’s study of the Russian Language and aims to bring film and authentic listening sources found online. the student to a level of proficiency that will allow them French 3 Conducted entirely in French, this course intro- to communicate in everyday conversation and to read duces students to French literature with Le Petit Prince simple Russian texts with the aid of a dictionary. The 7 instructor uses a film series to guide the content of the political and literary topics, this course includes an in- class. Russian 2 depth study of magical realism through pieces of Latin American literature and films. This class also utilizes the This course continues the study of oral and grammar text, Breaking the Spanish Barrier, Advanced, written Russian; broadening the knowledge of gram- but it incorporates many other materials from advanced matical structures as well as a significant enrichment of texts as well. Additionally, the students study the cui- vocabulary. sine from Galicia, Spain as well as other provinces. This The instructor continues the use of a film series to guide course is also conducted entirely in Spanish. the content of the class. Spanish 5 Honors For advanced students who do not want to pursue the AP curriculum, this is a course tai- Spanish 1 This course introduces the language through lored to the interests of the students. It can take many all four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. different forms that range from a cultural and historical The main goal is to develop the student’s confidence study through film to a study of different genres of lit- in using Spanish as a means of communication. Par- erature to uses of alternative energy in Spain. It is con- ticipants are expected to work effectively in groups, as ducted entirely in Spanish and requires a high level of well as independently, and to maintain a self-corrected motivation and a strong interest in culture and ideas. notebook for compositions. Breaking the Spanish Barrier, Beginner is the grammar text; there are many sup- AP Spanish This course follows an AP syllabus that is songs, and authentic listening sources found online. for the AP exam. It requires strong motivation and approved by the College Board and prepares students plemental materials used including a beginner reader, discipline as well as instructor and department chair approval. The AP exam is required for all students at Spanish 2 Intended for students who have acquired a the end of the year. basic knowledge in Spanish, this course offers an equal emphasis on written and oral skills. Participants are expected to work effectively in groups, as well as inde- The following courses are currently offered at the Ver- compositions. Breaking the Spanish Barrier, Intermediate tela: mont Academy Spain Campus in Santiago de Compos- pendently, and to maintain a self-corrected notebook for is the grammar text; there are many supplemental mate- Advanced Spanish Conversation Taught in Galicia, Spain, rials used including an intermediate level reader, songs, film and authentic listening sources found online. this course is designed for the students that have suc- Spanish 3 Conducted entirely in Spanish, this course Vermont Academy campus and who are accepted into cessfully finished Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 while on the introduces students to common themes in Latin Ameri- the Vermont Academy Spain program. This course is can and Spanish literature through Album, a reader of taught by teachers in Spain and from Spain and is, there- short stories. Participants are expected to analyze and fore, conducted entirely in Spanish. The class explores a reflect weekly on the readings in a journal. An in-depth weekly theme that focuses on an aspect of daily life and study of one or two films and a complete grammatical culture in Spain; it incorporates exercises, conversations, review solidify the communicative proficiency. Break- and new vocabulary, and it develops skills in listening ing the Spanish Barrier, Advanced is the grammar text; and speaking. This is an eminently practical course that many cultural and supplemental materials are used to embraces the Vermont Academy philosophy of “hand- enhance the class. The use of authentic listening sources on learning” and helps students put into practice the such as radio and internet sites occurs frequently and in accumulated knowledge from their previous study of concert with other materials. Spanish 4 Spanish. Stressing the effective communication of Art History Our Art History course is a humanities class thought and ideas through debate and discussion of that focuses on art. Not only do we want our students to 8 know and appreciate Western Europe’s most important completion of Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II is cultural, and historical context. In this course we cover ematics courses require that students have a TI-83+ or artists and their work, but also to understand their social, required for a Vermont Academy diploma. All math- the Paleolithic period (rock art, pre-Roman populations) TI-84 graphing calculator. to modern Spanish art (Gaudí, Picasso, etc.). Along the Algebra I This full year course emphasizes such topics way we also review classical art (Greek and Roman) and touch upon the various styles of European art and their as the properties of the real number system, solving first Renaissance and Baroque art periods will all be dis- tions involving exponents, graphing and interpreting degree equations for one variable, fundamental opera- effect on one another. Muslim, Romanesque, Gothic, linear equations, factoring, proportions, basic properties cussed. Each teaching unit includes - in addition to the of quadratic equations and their graphs, and problem contextual elements already mentioned above - aspects solving strategies. of architecture, painting and sculpture through the anal- ysis and knowledge of the most important schools of European art and artists. Prerequisites: This course is open to all entering 9th graders and others by recommendation of the department. Spain, 1898-2013: from Empire to Modernity The title Geometry This full year course explores the properties of this history course for the Vermont Academy Spain Campus reflects the reality of the last 115 years in Span- and relationships among one-, two-, and three-dimen- become a modern democracy. This class will treat the induce concepts from hands-on lessons and activities sional shapes. Students will develop their ability to ish history as the tired empire valiantly struggled to and to communicate their ideas effectively. Straight- most important events in the history of Spain from 1898 edge constructions and interactive geometry software to 2013. Indirectly, this course will link Spain and the will both be used to produce and demonstrate ideas. United States as both countries have maintained a flow- Students will produce rigorous proofs in the spirit of ing and rich relationship (although not always friendly), Euclidean geometry and will make important connec- since the late nineteenth century. The idea is to present tions between geometry concepts and those previously Spain’s recent history as closely linked to the rise of mastered in Algebra 1. Western Europe and the United States. In this way, we will expand the historical perception of not only our students’ host country (Spain), but also their own. Note: Students hoping to take Algebra 2 and Geometry Mathematics Courses bra 1. simultaneously must have earned at least a B+ in Alge- The Mathematics Department offers a range of courses Prerequisites: successful completion of Algebra I or by recom- designed to teach the mathematics required for admis- mendation of the department. sion to colleges and universities. The goal of the depart- ment is to provide our students with the ideas, skills, concepts, and attitudes that are essential for further study in mathematics and related fields, and to foster an appreciation for the power and beauty of mathematics. Our course content is informed by the Curriculum and Evaluation Standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, utilizing an integrated STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics approach. The Mathematics Department recommends that all Science Lab students take four years of mathematics. Successful 9 Algebra II This full year course delves more deeply into Students will explore algebraic and transcendental func- emphasis on algebraic and transcendental functions, terms of tables, formulas, graphs, and their application. all of the topics covered in Algebra I. There is strong tions (with an emphasis on trigonometric functions) in trigonometry, analysis of both the real and complex Other topics covered include vectors, analytic geometry, number systems, arithmetic and geometric sequences, the numbers i, e, and Ï•, trigonometric identities, alge- and probability. braic translations, radian measure, and series. Students will strengthen their ability to communicate mathemati- Note: Students hoping to take Algebra 2 and Geometry cal ideas clearly and effectively, and will employ a vari- simultaneously must have earned at least a B+ in Alge- ety of technologies to develop and demonstrate their bra 1. ideas. Prerequisites: successful completion of Algebra I. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Functions with a B Algebra II Honors This full year course has all of the higher, or by recommendation of the department. average or higher, Algebra II Honors with a B- average or content of Algebra 2 and more. The course also includes further exploration into matrices, sequences, and conic Finance Mathematics This full year course allows the lem-solving and application techniques rather than It gives the student an introduction to the fundamen- sections. Assessments will give more emphasis to prob- students to study mathematics as it applies to business. basic mechanics. Students should expect homework tals of financial accounting. The students will acquire assignments to include reading and learning new mate- knowledge of the accounting cycle by focusing on trans- rial independently prior to attending class. actional analysis. They will learn to record transactions, prepare trial balances, and generate financial statements. Merchandising activities will be covered with Prerequisites: Students applying for the Honors section must an emphasis on inventory valuation. The students will have earned at least a B+ in Geometry and obtain the permis- be introduced to accounting software and a final project sion of the department. Functions will be required in which the students set up an account- This full year course develops students’ ing system for a small business. critical thinking and problem solving skills that they will apply for the rest of their lives. It makes a connec- Prerequisites: Successful completion Algebra 2 and with per- classroom and real world situations, integrating real life plete college level work. tion between the theory of mathematics taught in the mission of the department. Students must be prepared to com- problems from science, business, and other applications while reinforcing and expanding on the student’s exist- AP Statistics This full year course follows the Advanced tary functions (linear, quadratic, exponential, logarith- students learn the art of distilling truth from data. Stu- ing skills. The course completes the study of the elemen- Placement Statistics course requirements. In statistics, mic, and trigonometric) and includes topics from finite dents will collect and analyze data from the surround- mathematics, including basic probability and statistics. ing community and pre-prepared scenarios, test hypoth- This class is designed to review topics from previous eses, and make appropriate conclusions. Students will courses while introducing material that will be given learn how to properly display and discuss statistics and emphasis in Pre-calculus. their implications. Prerequisites: Successful completion of Algebra II. Prerequisites: Successful completion Algebra 2 and with per- Pre-calculus This full year course is designed for the plete college level work. mission of the department. Students must be prepared to com- mathematics/science student preparing for AP or col- AP Calculus (AB) This full year course follows the lege-level Calculus and/or advanced science classes. 10 Advanced Placement and make intelligent, requirements. Students decisions based on that Calculus AB course rational, and justifiable are introduced to the data. This approach will derivative and the inte- give students the tools gral with emphasis on they need to explore their applications. the scientific concepts they will face in college, and to later pursue Prerequisites: Successful completion rewarding careers in the Pre-calculus sciences. The normal with permission of the department. Students must be prepared to com- End of year awards a student begins with Biology, in either the freshman or sophomore year. Sci- plete college level work. AP Calculus (BC) sequence of courses for ence electives and advanced level science classes are This full year course follows the offered based on interest and availability of faculty. Advanced Placement Calculus BC course requirements. Biology (B) Biology is a full year lab course that will It covers the same material as AP Calculus AB, plus help students to explore interactions between living other topics listed in the Advanced Placement Calculus organisms and their environment. The focus will be on BC course requirements. New England flora and fauna, emphasizing time in the field to identify species in the Vermont Academy forest Prerequisites: Successful completion of AP Calculus (AB) and interpret the history of our local landscape. The with permission of the department. Students must be prepared course will introduce students to basic concepts of sci- to complete college level work. entific study, research and experimentation and explore Advanced Topics in Mathematics This full year course is major themes including biodiversity, landscape history, occasionally offered as an independent exploration into evolutionary ecology, and conservation biology. The further topics within Mathematics. It is currently incor- course will meet for one lab block each week, provid- porated under the umbrella of the Senior Seminar, which ing the opportunity for supplementary lab and field is a student initiated guided research format approved experimentation. The combination of these methods by the department. is designed to encourage observation, critical thinking, attention to detail, and understanding of the scientific method. Evaluation is based on participation and atten- Prerequisites: Successful completion of AP Calculus AB, AP dance, homework, tests and quizzes, lab performance Calculus BC, and AP Statistics with the permission of the and reports, and a final exam. department. Students must be prepared to complete independent college level work. Prerequisites: Passing the IPS Skills Assessment Science Courses Integrated Physical Science (P) Integrated Physical Sci- Science has been described in numerous ways rang- ence is a year- long laboratory science course, with its ing from “any methodological activity” to “knowledge main goal being to instill a strong base of the fundamen- gained through experience.” At Vermont Academy, it is tals of scientific inquiry. The following concepts will be presumed that experience is the key to the study of sci- explored throughout the year: scientific method, setting ence and, therefore, students are given as much scientific up an experiment with variables, collecting and record- experience as possible. The goal of the science curricu- ing scientific data, proper format for laboratory reports, lum is to help students consider data presented to them scientific writing, and scientific language. The first tri- 11 mester explores what is beyond the earth, touching on with sample solutions to all types of chemistry based such topics as atmosphere, weather, and astronomy. The interactions and problems. second trimester answers the question, “How do things work on the earth?” The curious world of physics Completion of Algebra I or concurrent in Geometry. Prior teaches motion, momentum, energy, and a bit of robot- approval from the department may be required. ics. The third trimester tackles geology, answering the question, “what is the earth?” The origins of our planet, Environmental Trimester Courses: topics covered. Students will be graded on homework Sustainability and the Food System (fall) Food has the technique, formal laboratory reports, and a complement nects us to family and friends and to our cultural roots. geologic time, and field work of local rock will be the power to nourish us—body, mind and spirit. Food con- assignments, laboratory investigation procedure and To paraphrase Wendell Berry, eating is an agricultural of papers, quizzes, tests, participation, and a semester act, one that ends the annual drama of the food econ- exam. omy that begins with planting and birth. Most eaters Physics: Project Robotics (P) This year long laboratory today, however, are no longer aware that this is true… physical science course covers materials from a tradi- they think of themselves as passive consumers ignoring tional high school Physics curriculum that utilizes basic important questions about the quality and true cost of algebraic and trigonometric techniques to solve prob- what they are sold (The Pleasures of Eating, 1990). lems. Topics covered include using vectors to represent and analyze motion and forces. Analyze motion in Sustainability and The Food System is a trimester-long lar motion. Analyze forces in one and two dimensions, has changed from sustenance to business commodity, one and two dimensions, accelerated motion, and circu- course intended to teach students about how food friction, and gravity. Robotic skills and applications and how the industrialization of the food system has are integrated into the laboratory portion of the course. resulted in social injustice, environmental degradation, New ways to conduct the traditional physics experi- and a decline in human health. We will also explore the ments are being created by the students in order for the growing movement towards food sustainability through students to design and build their own experiment that community supported agriculture, farm to school pro- electronically collects data to prove or disprove their ini- grams, urban farming initiatives and the resurgence of tial hypothesis for the experiment. In this way, the stu- interest in buying locally grown organic produce and dents are discovering physics through a STEM process free-range, grass-fed animal products. using a high-tech design, build and test process. Students will have the opportunity to visit local farms, participate in a community garden project in Saxtons River, plan and prepare a number of locally sourced meals, and explore Prerequisites: Completion or concurrent enrollment in Alge- ways in which Vermont Academy can further develop bra II or prior approval from the department. its own Farm to School Program.Prerequisites: Course is Chemistry (P) Chemistry is a laboratory science course open to students who have successfully completed Biol- in which students investigate the composition of mat- ogy and get department approval. ter and the physical and chemical changes it undergoes. Students use science process skills to study the funda- Sustainability; Energy and Climate Change (winter) For form compounds, and the interactions between mat- maintained a population well below 1 billion individu- mental structure of atoms, the way atoms combine to most of our time on this planet, the human species has ter and energy. Students explore chemistry concepts als. Beginning in the 1900’s however, human population through an inquiry-based approach. This course offers growth began to increase exponentially so that there are a solid understanding of the fundamentals concepts of now over 7 billion of us sharing the limited resources of chemistry. It will utilize a STEM based approach where one Earth. Human population growth is directly linked problem solving is presented logically one step at a time, to advances in medicine, agriculture and other tech- 12 nologies made possible by the industrial revolution and long course that will help students to gain deeper respect ing coal, oil and natural gas. The production of fossil for the planet to develop the spectacular biodiversity the exploitation of fossil fuel energy resources includ- for the billions of years of evolutionary time it has taken fuel resources, however, has resulted in carbon dioxide that exists today. Together, we will explore our role emissions that are concentrating in our atmosphere and as the caretakers of an evolving and conscious species creating an amplified greenhouse effect referred to as with the power to preserve or destroy Earth’s biological global warming. legacy. We will explore the works of visionaries such as Terry Tempest Williams, Barry Lopez, Daniel Quinn, Global warming has catalyzed increased droughts and and Frijtof Capra. The ultimate goal of this course is to heat waves, the melting of the polar ice caps, destruc- inform, inspire and empower students to be the leaders tive storms and flooding events, ocean acidification, in a paradigm shift towards a more sustainable human sea-level rise, loss of biodiversity and animal extinc- consciousness that sees itself as a part of nature and tion. According to climate scientists, unless we rapidly envisions a brighter future for the health and wellness of make the shift to clean, renewable energy sources such our species and for all the other species that will inhabit as solar, wind and hydropower, we may be headed our planet in the future. Prerequisites: Course is open to towards a climate tipping point. This course will famil- students who have successfully completed Biology and iarize students with the science of climate change and get department approval. help them to explore our most viable choices for a clean energy economy. Students will participate in the Green Elective Courses learn about energy use right here at Vermont Academy. Forensic Science (P) to help our community become more energy conscious successfully completed or be concurrently enrolled in Schools Alliance’s Green Cup Energy Challenge and Forensic Science is a yearlong They will also work with VA’s Sustainability Committee course. Enrollment requirement: Students must have and help us to take steps towards our own shift towards biology and chemistry. Physics and human anatomy are strongly recommended. energy efficiency and clean, renewable energy. The class is designed around authentic performance Prerequisites: Course is open to students who have success- assessments with students working in teams to solve fully completed Biology and get department approval. crimes using scientific knowledge and reasoning. It involves all areas of science including biology, anatomy, Sustainability & Human Consciousnes (spring) Modern chemistry, physics, and physical science with an empha- humans have resided on this planet for approximately sis on complex reasoning and critical thinking and 200,000 years--only a tiny fraction of the 3.5 billion STEM centered applications. In addition, students must years that life on Earth has existed. We consider our- incorporate the use of technology, communication skills, selves to be the most intelligent and conscious species and mathematics. that has ever lived, yet conservation biologists inform us that our activities are currently accelerating the normal rate of species extinction by 1,000 to 10,000 times. As Prerequisites: global economy continues to depend on fossil fuel for or concurrently enrolled in chemistry. the human population exponentially increases and the Course is open to juniors or seniors who received a grade of B or better in both Biology and Chemistry food and energy production, ecologists and climate sci- Kinesiology (B) Exploration of the application of sci- entists warn that we will soon bring the planet towards a tipping point that may make it unsuitable for life as we entific concepts to the study of human motion is cov- move forward? studies of human anatomy and physiology, chemistry, ered in this course. The concepts are drawn from the know it. As a conscious species, how will we choose to and physics. The students will have the use of several anatomical skeletal models to study the architecture of Sustainability and Human Consciousness is a trimester- 13 bones, joints, and muscles as well as the opportunity to groups that would be encountered by the architect in a complete laboratory activities investigating the actual typical project. range of motion, speed, and strength of selected joint movements. The human nervous system will also be Hand and computer drafting techniques will be pre- terms of body development, growth, conditioning, and they pertain to progress through a project. The students covered. Energy usage and nutrition will be studied in sented and used in a variety of small assignments as repair. The students will discuss the mechanism of sev- will choose an architectural project. This project is to be eral bone, joint, and muscle injuries and the mechanics completed by the end of the academic year. It will be of repair and rehabilitation from these injuries. The use evaluated through a presentation to a panel as if it were and abuse of drugs for sport competition may also be for a real client. The text for this course is Introduction discussed. Practical application to athletic exercise pre- to Architecture by Francis D.K. Ching and James F. Eck- scription will also be covered. ler, 2013 edition. Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry. Laboratory exercises Prerequisite: Course is open to juniors or seniors. A course in will also be included. Department Approval maybe required. completed a course in physics that included vector analysis.) regarding aerobic and anaerobic exercise and strength training Architecture and Engineering (P) course that looks at the architect Newtonian Physics and Algebra II. (The student should have Department Approval may be required. This is a yearlong Advanced Elective Courses as part artist, designer/engineer, visionary, organizer and master Anatomy and Physiology(B) This students will investigate their own biology, chemistry, physics, and of presentation. In this course, the yearlong lab course will integrate architectural tools of the trade, health through the fundamental a creative mind, artistic talent concepts of human anatomy and with paper, pens and pencils, and physiology. It is hoped that partic- research and organizational skills ipation in this class will stimulate as they are applied to completing students’ interest in medical and an architectural project. paramedical related fields. Topics to be studied include (but are not Topics for research papers and limited to); histology, integumen- presentations include: tary system, musculo-skeletal sys- - Dream House tem, nervous system, endocrine - Differentiating architectural time system, periods and construction tech system. Class time will be utilized - Green Architecture - Planning the village, town, or system, digestive system and excretory niques - The Smart House cardiovascular with a combination of discusDown Time city sions, lectures, videos, group and individual work and extensive lab work. Evaluation is based on participation and atten- dance, homework, tests and quizzes, lab performance The students will investigate these topics, present them and reports, projects, and a final exam. Lab work will to the class and learn about the entire process from each include (but not be limited to); histological examination other. They may visit with some of the types of archi- of organs, examination of real skeletons, dissections of tectural firms, and a discussion of the organization and a cat, sheep’s brain and heart, and cow’s eye. Each unit responsibility of each and of the various trades and will include written and lab practical assessments. 14 Prerequisites: Course is open to juniors or seniors who have Physics: Robotics Software and Engineering course is a taken or are concurrently enrolled in Chemistry. Offered alter- process. The course is project based and the students are year- long course that is based on the engineering design received a grade of B or better in Honors Biology and have nating academic years. tasked to solve the problems encountered why building a robotic system to fulfill certain requirements. The tasks Electricity & Magnetism (P) The Electricity and Magne- are open-ended and allow for many different solutions. tism course is designed to follow much of the AP Physics The students work in design teams and keep a detailed C level course curriculum. Sitting for the AP examination design log tracking their ideas, successes, and failures in May is not a requirement for the course. This course with analysis for all. Each student will be exposed to the will review the basic concepts of wave mechanics prior three design areas, electrical, software, and mechanical. to the introduction of the concept of the electron. Elec- They may choose one, two or all three of them to con- trostatic and magnetic forces and fields, electrical cur- tinue working with for the remainder of the year. They rents, and potential difference are thoroughly discussed. may compete in regional and national robotics competi- Topics in resistivity, capacitance, and inductance are pre- tions. sented for discussion and experimental investigation. Electric circuitry will also be covered for both direct cur- Prerequisites: Honors Physics and pre-calculus or Physics: rent and alternating current systems. This course com- Project Robotics and Algebra II. bines both algebraic and calculus techniques applied to the study of these concepts. Problems and questions Biotechnology/Bioethics (B) This yearlong lab course is are given to help the student develop problem-solving an introduction for non-specialists to important concepts skills. The text for this course is Fundamentals of Phys- in modern DNA and protein science with an emphasis ics , Vol. II, Halliday, Resnick, and Walker. This text is on real world applications and their implications to the problem based and provides multiple levels of difficulty global society. The course will begin with a review of for both questions and problems. Experiment guidelines the Central Dogma of molecular biology and a survey will be taken from different secondary school and col- of different ethical constructs. Focus will be on major lege laboratory manuals. laboratory investigations that embody many of the fundamental techniques and concepts of modern molecular In the third term, the students will choose a topic that biology, from basic micropipetting to recombinant DNA is related to their studies of Electricity and Magnetism technology and gene amplification by PCR. Human to research and present to the class. It is recommended reproductive technologies will also be discussed and that this topic be one that the student can produce some studied. Evaluation is based on participation and atten- working model to demonstrate the concept under investigation. dance, homework, tests and quizzes, lab performance If the student chooses to take the AP Electricity & Mag- write small formal lab reports after each new biotech est AP test preparation book early in the semester for informal (in the form of reaction papers) papers that additional time spent by the student during the course to each technology. Final exams will include a lab prac- and reports, and projects. Students will be expected to netism exam, the student should purchase the new- concept and they will be expected to write formal and review and practice. The preparation for this test will be explore student and teacher generated issues that relate of the year. tical and a written project. Prerequisites: Students who have completed secondary school Prerequisites: Course is open to juniors or seniors who have enrolled in calculus. taken or are concurrently enrolled in Chemistry. Two years of received a grade of B or better in honors Biology and have laboratory-based chemistry and physics and are currently Robotics Software & Engineering (P) reading and writing in English is also required. Offered alter- The Advanced nating academic years. 15 Honors Courses ogy. Sophomores concurrently enrolled in honors algebra II and get department approval. Honors Biology; formally Cellular (B) Honors Biology is a yearlong lab course designed to introduce students to Visual and Performing Arts Courses mentation, as well as provide a survey of major themes At Vermont Academy, our faculty recognizes the impor- themes of Biology through the lens of nutrition, medi- perspectives and learning styles. The variety of courses, basic concepts of scientific study, research and experi- tance of encouraging creativity and respecting different in biology. This Biology course addresses the major small class size, and individual attention provide an cine, health and fitness. The course will cover the units excellent environment for students to discover their of chemistry, biochemistry, cells, genetics, evolution, own creative talents. Our beautiful surroundings offer and the human body systems. Class time will be utilized endless opportunities for both inspiration and contem- with a combination of discussions, lectures, group and plation. individual work. The course will meet for one lab block approximately once per week, providing the opportu- nity for supplementary lab and field experimentation. A one-year arts’ credit is required for graduation. Sev- age observation, critical thinking, attention to detail, and and theater. VA students may participate in the musical eral academic courses are offered in visual arts, music, The combination of these methods is designed to encour- and other annual productions, with most rehearsals held understanding of the scientific method. Evaluation is in the evening. An intensive dance program is available based on participation and attendance, homework, tests for athletic credit during the winter season, and includes and quizzes, lab performance and reports, and a final a variety of dance forms, such as ballet, hip hop, jazz, exam. modem, and tap. Some art offerings are available as afternoon activities. Prerequisites: Completion or concurrent enrollment in Alge- bra II w/B- or better or Geometry w/A- or better. Incoming freshmen or sophomores may take this course with a strong The arts’ facilities include three well-lit studios for drawing, the department. Demonstrated mastery of reading and writ- studio with six potters’ wheels and a professional-sized painting, printmaking, and 3-D design; a spacious pottery recommendation from their sending school and approval from gas reduction kiln; two photography dark rooms; a large ing in English is advised. Honors Chemistry (P) music room with keyboards and computers, an electronic Beginning with an extensive music recording lab, and five practice rooms. Horowitz look at the currently accepted model of atomic theory, Performing Arts Center is host to our performing arts this yearlong course uses this theory in discussions of program, our all-school performances, guest concerts, chemical periodicity, the states of matter, stoichiometry, and guest speaker series. The center is a 350-seat perfor- reaction mechanisms, reaction kinetics, and acid-base mance hall with a full stage with fly space and a set shop. theory. Because chemistry concerns itself with the finite, quantitative aspects of matter, it utilizes the skills of Theater Course Offerings The approach used is a combination of lectures, prob- Acting (Fall and Winter Trimester) During this course, advanced algebra, geometry and STEM applications. lem-solving sessions, and laboratory work. Chemistry students will become versed in the basic tools and dents to write formal reports and technical analyses of tion, physical technique, and text analysis, each student vocabulary necessary to the actor. Through improvisa- carries laboratory credit and, therefore, requires the stu- will analyze and workshop a variety of scenes with the the research performed. final goal of performing for the class and, at times, for the public. In order to get the most out of this course, Prerequisites: Students must have successfully completed algebra II or concurrently enrolled. students will be required to complete moderate amounts The course is open to of reading, writing and memorization. Acting is a single juniors or seniors who received a grade of B or better in Biol- 16 trimester elective with open enrollment for any sopho- and speakers. Sound Lab class members will serve as more, junior, or senior. Directing (Spring Trimester) ‘Audio Proctors’ to offer support at school functions, concerts, sporting events, and productions including our Students in this course fall theater musical production in Horowitz Hall. Sound will develop their directorial eye and strengthen their Lab is a single trimester elective with open enrollment communication skills. As directors, students will hone for any sophomore, junior, or senior. their ability to translate written work from the page to images on the stage. As a group, the class will analyze Music Appreciation (Winter Trimester) Music Apprecia- tone; and explore the concepts of focal points and coun- intention of providing historical and culturally relevant tion is a course designed to teach listening skills with the texts; discuss the concepts of mood, atmosphere, and information about music throughout history. The course terpoints – in other words, where the audience’s eye is begins with an overview of the basic elements of music drawn on stage. Each student will be required to direct a with a focus on active listening, and continues with units series of scenes ranging from structured improvisations covering many musical styles and periods including and image-based works to text-based scenes. All direc- music from antiquity through the 20th century, including tors will also serve as actors for their classmates and will contemporary pop, rock, and jazz music. Students will be required to complete written assignments. Acting is participate in ‘music sharing’ days where they will pre- a single trimester elective with open enrollment for any pare and share information about their personal interests sophomore, junior, or senior. in music, as well as attend numerous live music events throughout the term. This course offers students the Advanced Theater Seminar (Full-Year Course) Students opportunity to share and explore music from all genres, in the advanced theater course will explore a variety of with an emphasis on listening techniques, diverse musi- traditional and non-traditional theater techniques, tack- cal exposure, and the many cultural influences of music. ling a wide array of acting, directing and playwriting Music Appreciation is a single trimester elective with projects throughout the year. In the fall trimester we will open enrollment for any sophomore, junior, or senior. focus mainly on performance techniques, ranging from cerebral “method” techniques to physical and imagebased performance techniques. During the fall, students Electonic Instrument Building and Design (Winter Trimes- will serve as a guide for the Winter Blackbox production struction and hands-on experience with musical instru- and performed at the end of the second trimester. During the basic properties of sound and electricity as a founda- ter) This course provides discussion, application, con- in this course will also work on developing a text that ments of an electronic nature. This course begins with which will be refined and rehearsed in the winter term tion for basic understanding of instrument design and this section, students will have the opportunity to take construction. Major projects include constructing a tone on roles both on and offstage. In the spring, the class will generating circuit, constructing a pitch controller, modi- hone their directorial skills and participate in a series of fying a ‘found instrument’, circuit bending, and basic short collaborative scenes that challenge each student’s sound processing techniques. This lab-based, hand-on directorial eye. This class is open to students who have course is an excellent offering for a student who is inter- completed at least one theater class, or by special permis- ested in music, electronics, or sound production. E.I.B.D. sion from the instructor. is a one trimester elective with open enrollment for any Music Course Offerings sophomore, junior, or senior. Sound Lab (Fall Trimester) Students in this course dis- Music Workshop (Spring Trimester) Music Workshop is tion and production. The course will focus on the study to productively participate in ensemble playing in many a performance based class which teaches students how cover techniques related to all manners of sound projec- styles. Students will use a focus instrument of choice of the primary hardware associated with sound projec- to improve personal musicianship and perform mate- tion, including mixing consoles, microphones, cables, 17 rial. Class members will learn to transcribe recorded ule. The group focuses on ensemble playing of music of basic harmony, chord changes, and formal structure will technique. The ensemble presents upwards of 6 concerts music, arrange parts, and conduct rehearsals. Study of all styles, as well as improvisational and instrumental help students to create music more successfully in rock, each year to enthusiastic audiences. All instrumental stu- jazz, blues, and improvisational settings. This class will dents are welcome to enroll, with occasional limitations present music at multiple concerts throughout the term. based on instrumentation. Jazz Ensemble is a year long Music Workshop is a one trimester elective available for elective with no prerequisite. any sophomore, junior, or senior with instructor permission. Vocal Ensemble (Full year course, open enrollment at TII Recording Studio Spring Trimester) This class offers its vide members with the knowledge of and ability to per- related to sound recording. Actual recording processes madrigal, musical theater, spiritual, and contemporary & TIII) Through ensemble rehearsal, this class will pro- students exposure to all of the materials and principles form music from many genres, including jazz, classical, will be explored on many types of historical devices, literature. Two rehearsals per week make this ½ class an including LP, cassette, reel to reel, wax cylinder, and all easy addition to a musician’s academic schedule. The forms of digital media. This course presents the oppor- group also works on vocal techniques. The ensemble tunity for students to learn about the physical nature presents upwards of 6 concerts each year. In addition, of sound recording in an environment that encourages students are also eligible for off campus festivals, such as thoughtful and creative composition. Each student will the All-New England Choral Festival, Vermont All-State, produce their own creative music composition using and District Festivals. Vocal Ensemble is a year long elec- varying recording devices. Recording Studio is a single tive with no prerequisite. trimester elective with open enrollment for any sophomore, junior, or senior. Chamber Ensemble (Full year course, open enrollment Music Lessons (All terms) Vermont Academy’s music les- VA who are more interested in classical repertoire. Our at TII & TIII) This ensemble caters to the musicians at son program offers students with an interest in perfor- group usually carries 10-15 members including strings, mance a chance to study their instrument as part of their winds, brass, and other instruments where appropriate. academic regiment. This popular aspect of the music Our literature includes arrangements of well-known offerings allows students to take a lesson once a week, classical pieces as well as examples of music from film during the academic day with a private teacher. Lesson and popular culture. Two rehearsals per week make this students earn academic credit for their lessons, and earn ½ class an easy addition to a musician’s academic sched- the privilege of access to practice rooms, lockers, and lis- ule. This ensemble presents numerous concerts through- tening resources. Lesson students benefit from the out- out the school year, adding balance to concert programs standing teaching and musicianship brought to Vermont featuring Jazz and Vocal Ensembles. Chamber Ensemble Academy by our staff of adjunct lesson teachers. Music is a year long elective with no prerequisite. lessons are an elective opportunity open to any Vermont Academy student for one, two, or three trimesters. Visual Arts Course Offerings Ensemble Offerings – H Period Full year courses: Advanced Art This AP style class, with a focus on port- Jazz Ensemble (Full year course, open enrollment at TII & TIII) Through intensive ensemble rehearsal, this class folio development and gallery presentations, is open to to perform music from the jazz, funk, latin, and contem- of the department chair. Students who plan to focus on will provide members with the knowledge of and ability seniors, with approval by the instructor and permission porary literature. Two rehearsals per week make this ½ the visual arts in college would benefit from this course. class an easy addition to a musician’s academic sched- The first trimester helps the student prepare a portfolio 18 Trimester courses Art History: What do We Have Here? – Sculpture and Architecture of New England (fall) Who knew that Bel- lows Falls had homes built by paper millionaires or that one of the country’s greatest sculptors lived just down the river from our campus. Learn why New England has such a distinctive look and understand how an 18th century excavation of the volcano extinguished town of Pompei influenced wooden buildings in America. Smashing Expectations- Modern Art (spring) This class Jazz Ensemble Performance looks at what happened to painting beginning with the for college admissions. The second trimester gives stu- Industrial Revolution. Students will see how changes in dents an introduction to Art History and continued port- society alter the course of art as it experiences a paradigm folio development. The third semester allows for a more shift in the perception of the role of the artist from work- independent study according to the student’s goals. ing within the public taste, to becoming an avant-garde creator. Students will augment their understanding of This class can also be taken as an Advanced Pottery the dramatic shifts in art by reading current publica- course with the same expectations of the student in tions as well as by visiting galleries and museums. Sev- terms of trimester development. eral hands-on art projects will allow students to further understand the artistic process. There is no pre-requisite Prerequisites: At least two visual arts courses completed with for this course. grades of B+ or better. Studio Art I Studio I is a basic class that is recommended Pottery Students learn the basic hand-building tech- for all students (except freshmen – see Freshman Arts) niques with which they are expected to produce a who wish to take a general art class or for sophomores required number of pieces. When hand-building profi- interested in pursuing an arts intensive path of study ciency has been demonstrated, the students may choose culminating in participation in Advanced Art. Basic to learn to use the potter’s wheel or work in sculpture. All work is done in stoneware, which is a high-fire clay techniques along with art historical studies and the Ele- glazes that are mixed in our studio. Motivated students student will make a Creativity Journal that emphasizes of great durability and finished with cone 9 reduction ments of Art and Principles of Design are stressed. Each are able to take more than one year of pottery, with the imagination and independence in the studio. permission of the instructor. Foundations (fall) Students will explore a variety of drawing techniques and media. The focus will be on Freshman Arts All students will rotate through Visual, working towards improved observational drawing. Performing and Theatre Arts studios, one each trimester. In this way students will gain experience in a variety of 3-D (winter) Students will create several different sculp- arts classes and come to an understanding of how the arts function at Vermont Academy. This is required for tures based on a range of modern sculptors’ work. Stu- all incoming freshmen. dents will work with wire, wood and found objects. In Visual Art, students will work, during the course of Introduction to Painting (spring) Students will work with pottery studio. based on both observation and fantasy. acrylic, watercolor and pastel to make paintings that are one trimester, in the studio, computer studio and the 19 Studio Art II These classes build on the Studio I experi- Black and White Photography (offered every other year, ence and allow further investigation of the history, tech- available for 2013-14) This course examines the his- niques and ideas that inform the visual arts. Hands-on toric, aesthetic, and practical roles of photography in the artists are important aspects of the classes. Students are must take applications (or have learned darkroom proce- modem world. It consists of three equal parts. Students studio exploration and learning-through-looking at major dures elsewhere) in order to proceed into the winter and required to keep a sketchbook/journal throughout each spring classes. trimester. B&W applications (fall) Students will explore how pho- Prerequisites: Studio Art I Foundations and Introduction to tography developed as a historic process with darkroom Painting. applications and processes being explored. Advanced Drawing and Design (fall) Drawing and design B&W composition (winter) Photography as an art will be projects are created using pencil, colored pencil, charcoal, examined with a focus on taking pictures within the con- and pastels. fines of historic composition. Cardboard Construction (winter) Students will create wall sculpture and sculptural paintings on cardboard. B&W studio (spring) Gives students more hands-on expe- Painting and Printmaking (spring) Building from Intro- sonal exploration in the field and studio. rience in how a camera works and allows for more per- duction to Painting, this is a deeper exploration of acrylic and watercolor painting. Students will also learn several Filmmaking and linocut. Basic Film (fall) Students will learn the basics of visual Digital Photography These classes encourage students video editing practices. Our filmmaking studio allows stu- printmaking techniques such as: collograph, monoprint storytelling and develop a working knowledge of film and to fully explore how to use our digital cameras and our dents to address the main issues surrounding linear and computer studio. Basic compositional techniques along non-linear editing, and the practical differences between with art historical studies and the Elements of Art and digital video and film. Students will engage in creating Principles of Design are stressed in each semester. story boards, shooting schedules, and shot lists. Drawing on classic films, students will learn the basic shot types, Basics (fall) Students will learn how to use their cam- camera movements, and “points of view.” Willingness to eras to best effect. Camera techniques and composition spend a substantial amount of time working outside of the will be emphasized as students take pictures all around classroom is a must. campus. Stop Motion Animation (winter) Students will learn the Studio and still lifes (winter) Students will learn how to basic techniques of stop motion animation. Working in of options available on the computers in our studio. Con- Python), clay (think Wallace and Gromit) and pen and ink digitally enhance, or alter, their work by using a variety a variety of mediums—i.e., photo cutouts (think Monty tinued emphasis on composition and lighting will guide (think the classic Disney animations)—students will learn the process. the sometimes painstaking art of stop motion animation (where 12, 24, and sometimes 30 still photos combine to Landscapes and portraits (spring) By studying the work make just one second of animation. of artists such as Julia Margaret Cameron and Edward Weston; students will develop their own eye as photog- Advanced Film (spring) Students will spend the tri- the lab. minute narrative short film (or stop motion animation) mester writing, producing, directing and editing a 10-15 raphers and then take those photos one step further in 20 for public presentation. Willingness to spend a substan- tial amount of time working outside of the classroom is a must. Prerequisite: One semester of Filmmaking. Computer Studio Introduction to Computer Studio (fall) Students will explore their artistic capabilities digitally using primarily Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and the scanner. Illustrations will be created by generating imagery in each program (or a combination of both) or by scanning drawn or found materials as a basis for developing illustrations. By juxtaposing the differences between “traditional” art techniques and digital art techniques, students will learn how to create art and effective graphic design. Designing for Print and Digital Publications (winter) Stu- dents with experience using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator will learn the basics of both layout design and typography for print and digital publications (i.e., magazines, blogs, the VA Yearbook and basic websites). In this course, students will contemplate how important graphical style, attractiveness and layout are to the effective communication of both textual and photographic content. Prerequisite: One semester of Computer Studio. Fine Art in the Computer Studio (spring) Students who have experience with Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator will focus on producing fine art utilizing digital tools. From abstract art to digital portraiture and layered photo manipulation, this course emphasizes free artistic expression as opposed to the more functional graphic design techniques of Design for Print and Digital Pub lications. 21 Vermont Academy Graduation Requirements 2013-2014 Students must satisfactorily complete at least 17 college preparatory course credits to graduate; the majoity of students graduate with 20 or more credits. All courses are awarded a half-credit per semester. Credits Courses required Minimum Average English — Four: Eng 9, Eng 10, Eng 11 and 1/3 credit each trimester in Grade 12 4 4 Mathematics - Three: Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 3 4 Sciences - Three: one from the biological sciences and one from the physical sciences 3 3+ Modern Languages - Two: through level two of one language 2 3 History - Three: U.S. History (normally in the junior year) and two additional credits 3 3+ Arts - One 1 2 Electives - One: any credit from one of the departments above 1 1 Total Credits 17 20+ 22 23 24