UNICEF Lump Sum Request for Travel and Shipment


Lump Sum Request for Travel and Shipment

Personal Information

Index No.: First Name:

Middle Name:

Last Name:


Duty Station:

Request travel lump-sum (amount to be determined by UNICEF travel and transportation section):

Select One

I request lump sum option for shipment: Amount:


Contact Admin/HR Person’s Name and Extension:

Place of recruitment is:

My city of home leave is:

My new duty station is:

My place of repatriation is: adsfadsf

Date (dd.mm.yyyy)

A cost center to fully cover the costs of this trip has been created with the following coding:

Travel dates: From: To:

(dd.mm.yyyy) (dd.mm.yyyy)

I will be traveling with the following dependants for this Official Travel:

Name Relationship Date of Birth (dd.mm.yyyy)


The staff member entitlement is: Select One

Last HL/ED Grant/Family Visit Taken (dd.mm.yyyy) :

Authorization Place:




Date (dd.mm.yyyy)

Next Authorization Date HL:


Date (dd.mm.yyyy)

Lump Sum Request for Travel and Shipment Form

UNICEF (09/09)

Initial Appointment/Reassignment/Repatriation:

The applicable air fare for the itinerary is:

Home Leave/ Education Grant/Family Visit

The full round-trip air economy as per above is:



Per adult

Per child



Per adult

Per child

Your lump sum settlement will be


Your lump sum settlement as indicated will be which is 100% of the applicable $ which represents 75% of full fare

Fare to the destination. (full fare as per policy)

Please indicate if this is acceptable to you and if you have any questions regarding the amount of your entitlements as outlined in CF/AI/2000-009.

I certify that the value of the lump sum travel entitlement is based on the least costly carrier and most direct route for a full fare economy ticket.

Economy. Please indicate if this is acceptable to you and if you have any questions regarding the amount of your entitlements as outlined in ST/IC/1990/13 and


I certify that the value of the lump sum travel entitlement is based on the least costly carrier and most direct route for a full fare economy ticket.

Signature Date (dd.mm.yyyy) Signature




After review I accept the lump-sum option


I reject the lump-sum option and request the

purchase of individual tickets on my behalf.

Regardless of the option selected, the

staff member is required to submit the

original boarding passes and the final

copy of the used tickets.

Date (dd.mm.yyyy)

I accept this as full and final payment for my entitlements accruing on account of this travel as described in the UNICEF Regulations and Rules. (Please refer to ST/IC/1990/13 and CF/AI/2000-009 for specifics).

I agree that I will submit the Certificate by Staff Member within 10 working days of the completion of the travel. If I fail to fulfill this requirement, I am aware that the entire amount of this entitlement will be recovered from my salary.

Signature Date (dd.mm.yyyy)

Travel Authorization No.

Nicholas Lananna


(212) 326-7632

Date (dd.mm.yyyy)

Lump Sum Request for Travel and Shipment Form

UNICEF (09/09)
