Application for Reduction of or Exemption from Land Value Tax Payment The following land is categorized as ____________________ land, and is now for _______use , please make a site survey and approve the reduction of the land value tax. To: ___________Local Tax Bureau, _____________ County/City Applicant (Owner): ____________________ (Signature/Seal) ID No.:□□□□□□□□□□ Telephone No.:_______________________ Address:___________________________________________________________ Filing date:______________________ (yyyy/mm/dd) Location of the land Sectio Sub-section n Land Land Area Area Category (square Applied Application of meters) Reduction for (m2) (square Reduction Plot No. for Reason for Location House Area the Approved after Inspection meters) (m2) Note 1. Please apply before September 22. Applications made after the aforesaid deadline will take effect starting from the following year. 2. Please submit related documents. Sub-sec Officer tion-Chi ef Revenue Assessor Section Chief Site Survey -General Result Director Site Land Office Local Tax Bureau Survey Site Survey Date: yyyy/mm/dd officer ____________________________________________________________________ Attachment Application for Reduction of or Exemption from Land Value Tax Payment Receipt No. ____________________ on ___/___/___ (yyyy/mm/dd) 0402