DECLARATION of health XXXII Half Marathon Firenze-Vivicittà Fill out completely sign and return by fax to Lega Atletica Uisp Firenze number: +39 0559029629 or by email Please use block letters only I, Dr.(first name, last name)_________________________________________________________ born (city) _________________________ prov. _________________________________________ Country______________________On (dd/mm/yyyy)_____________________________________ with office at (complete address)___________________________ Phone n°__________________ declare myself fully responsabile and acnkowledge the consequences for falsely declaring that Mr/Mrs/Ms (first name, last name) ______________________________ born (city) _______________________ prov. ___________________ Country_________________ on (dd/mm/yyyy)___________ and resident at (complete address)__________________________ with the following disability (if applicable) ________________________________ based on a sport physical exam done by me on (dd/mm/yyyy) ________________ is in good health and fit to compete in a 21.097 metres half marathon according to the current laws. This certificate is valid one year from this date. Date ______________ Physician’s signature _________________________________