ABOUT THE CITY OF ROCKFORD ODD/EVEN PARKING ORDINANCE Snow Emergency • A snow emergency can be declared when we receive 2" of snow or more. • The odd/ even parking policy goes into effect at the same time the snow emergency is declared. • The declaration of a snow emergency is made by the Director of Public Works or his designee Odd/Even Parking Policy was created: • To allow plow trucks to safely clean off one side of residential streets completely. • Creates a safer environment for our citizens traveling on residential streets. • Odd/Even Parking works as follows: • • Calendar days dictate odd/even rules Sides of street change every morning at 8:00 A.M. Snow Storm Characteristics • Storms dictate how we will manage the event • Every storm is different. • Our plan of action is based on how we anticipate the storm to affect us. • We rely on radar and forecasts to assist us in planning the operation. Salt Usage • Analysis of last year’s salt usage and storm patterns have allowed us to improve operations and spread salt more efficiently • We currently have 11,000 tons of salt on hand and will purchase additional salt after the first of the year EXCELLENCE EVERYWHERE FAQ’s Question: How do I know if a snow emergency has been declared? Answer: You can check the City of Rockford’s website at www.rockfordil.gov . Additionally, our media outlets carry the announcements in the paper, on the news shows, and on their web sites. We encourage you to monitor the situation actively during the snow season. Question: Today is January 1st an odd number but yesterday was December 31st which is also an odd number. Which side of the street do I park on? Answer: You would park on the odd side of the street again on the 1st. It’s the date that tells us where to park, it’s not just changing from side-to-side. Question: The plow went down my street first thing in the morning. Can I move my car back to the spot in front of my house? Answer: No, you need to wait until the snow emergency has been lifted or until 8:00 am the next morning. Question: One side of my street is posted “No Parking”. Where do I park my car on those days? Answer: We recommend you find a side-street near your home where you can park your car and move it appropriately. Question: I was parked on the correct side of the street and was plowed in when the plow went down my street. Why does that happen? Answer: The primary goal is to clear a path down the center of the street. When we plow the center of the street, we may push snow against parked cars. You may have to remove some of this snow in order to safely move your car. The street will be cleared to the curb as the cleanup progresses. Question: When do I move my car? Answer: If there is a snow emergency, cars must be moved to the correct side of the street by 8:00 am. The city can start ticketing cars parked incorrectly at 8:00 am. Question: I have the flu and can’t move my car. Will I still receive a ticket? Answer: If a snow emergency has been declared and your car is parked inappropriately, you may receive a ticket. You may want to ask a friend or neighbor to move your car for you in you are incapacitated in any way. EXCELLENCE EVERYWHERE Question: What's the safest rule to follow for the parking ordinance? Answer: If the forecast is for more than a few inches of snow you should start to watch the news media and checking websites for the declaration of a snow ordinance. It is safe to assume that if we have a heavy snowfall, the odd/even parking ordinance will be in effect. Question: I’ve heard a lot of discussion about the City of Rockford facing a tight budget year. Does this mean you won’t be plowing residential streets? Answer: Because of the tighter budget year, you may see a delay in city crews clearing residential streets. However we will still do our best to ensure that our city streets are clear and can be safely traveled within a reasonable timeframe. ### EXCELLENCE EVERYWHERE