MATHEMATICS 10 ELEMENTARY STATISTICS SUMMER 2005 INSTRUCTOR: Rick Martinez • • Office 4141 • (650) 949-7494 PREREQUISITE: Intermediate Algebra or satisfactory score on the math placement exam. TEXTBOOK: There is no traditional textbook required for this class. Instead, you will be accessing online content that will take the place of a text. Purchasing access to the online content is required by each student. This content can be purchased and accessed at CALCULATOR: You must have a Texas Instruments TI-83 Plus to take this class. No exceptions. CALENDAR MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY June 27 June 28 June 29 June 29 Intro (1.1-1.5) Graphs (2.1-2.2) Data Variation (2.5) Chebyshev's (2.6) Central Tend. (2.4) Chebyshev's (2.6) RelStand (2.7) Data Variation (2.5) QUIZ 1 (1.1-2.5) July 4 July 5 July 6 July 7 Probability (3.1-3.4) Binomial (4.1-4.2) Normal (5.1-5.2) NO CLASS Binomial (4.1-4.2) Normal (5.1-5.2) QUIZ 2 (2.6-4.2) Deadline to Drop w/o Grade July 11 July 12 July 13 July 14 Normal (5.2-5.3) CLT (6.1-6.2) Conf. Intervals (7.1-7.3) Conf. Intervals (7.3-7.5) QUIZ 3 (5.2-7.2) July 18 July 21 Hypothesis Testing (8.1-8.4) Conf. Intervals (7.5-7.6) MIDTERM EXAM Hypothesis Testing (8.1-8.4) Last Day to Drop w/ a "W" (ch.1thru7) QUIZ 4 (8.1-8.4) July 25 July 26 July 27 Jul 28 Regression (9.4) Hypothesis Testing (8.1-8.5) Regression (9.1-9.3) Regression (9.4) ANOVA (10.1) QUIZ 5 (9.1-9.4) Aug 1 Aug 2 Aug 3 Aug 4 ANOVA (10.1) July 19 Review GRADE DISTRIBUTION: Percentage Midterm Exam 30% Quiz Average 20% Computer Labs 5% Final Exam-Part I (In person) 40% Final Exam-Part II(TakeHome) 5% TOTAL 100% Points 300 200 (4@50pts) 50 400 50 1000 July 20 Final Exam (Part I) Final Exam (Part II) COURSE GRADE A B C D F MIN. % REQUIRED 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% MATH 10 Online Content Access: SYLLABUS continued ATTENDANCE: I will not penalize you for occasional absences or occasional tardiness. Yet, I reserve the right to drop any student who is consistently absent or makes a habit of being late to class on a regular basis. If you miss class for any reason, it is your responsibility to obtain the notes and/or any handouts you may have missed. QUIZZES: There will be five scheduled quizzes during the quarter. There are no make up quizzes. If you miss a quiz for any reason, then your final exam will carry more weight toward your overall course grade. Quizzes will be based on homework, lecture, and the online content. There may also be some pop-quizzes. Your four highest announced quiz scores plus pop-quizzes will be added together to comprise your total quiz score grade. EXAMS: There will be one midterm exam. There are no make up exams, even if the absence is excused. If you miss the exam, then your final exam will carry more weight towards your overall course grade. HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned, but will not be collected. Even though it is not directly used in the calculation of your grade, you are responsible for the topics covered in all homework problems assigned. MINITAB LABS: The use of computers to analyze and interpret data is an essential part of learning statistics. To this end, we will be using the Minitab software package to do five lab assignments. A NOTE ABOUT THE EXAMS: If for any reason (including, but not limited to, natural disaster or construction) the campus closes at the time of an exam (including, but not limited to, the final exam) and/or an exam must be cancelled for any reason, then your grade will be based on all other work done in the class. If you miss the final exam your grade for the course will be an F. Proper identification (current driver's license or passport) may be checked on exam days. Not having proper identification at any exam time will be equivalent to not showing up for that exam. THE FINAL EXAM WILL BE COMPREHENSIVE. NO EARLY OR LATE FINALS ARE ALLOWED. ADDING/DROPPING: In every case, a student is responsible for dropping him/herself. You should not assume that you are automatically dropped from the class for non-attendance. Students on the final grade roster who have not dropped themselves through Admissions & Records, and who do not show up for the final exam, automatically receive an F in the course. I DO NOT MAKE EXCEPTIONS TO DEADLINES SET BY ADMISSIONS AND RECORDS FOR ADDING & DROPPING COURSES. CLASS CONDUCT: Cheating is absolutely prohibited in my class! Looking at someone else's exam, helping another student during an exam, talking to anyone except me during an exam, or using an external source of information for which you were not explicitly given permission, will result in an instructor drop or an F grade for the course. Cheating incidents will also be reported to the Dean of Students. The math department does not allow use of certain calculators during testing. The use of any calculator other than those that are specified by your instructor [whether intentional or not] is another example of academic dishonesty and grounds for an F in the course. If you do not understand what the word "cheating" means, please ask me for the school information sheet on academic honesty. Cell phones or pda's are not allowed to be used during any exam or quiz. Any person exhibiting rude behavior, excessive noise/talking, arriving late or other actions that detract from a positive environment for learning will subject that person to immediate and permanent dismissal from the class. Cell phones and pagers must be turned off during class. SOURCES OF HELP / MATH CENTER: One of the main reasons students have trouble with this course is their reluctance to obtain help when they need it. There are many sources of help for everyone. I am your first source; I am willing to do whatever I can to help you with all aspects of your education, especially this course. Even if you don't have an appointment, treat my open door as your invitation to come in and ask any questions you might have. The Math Center(located in room 4215) is available to all students enrolled at Foothill College and may be your greatest asset as a student enrolled in math courses at Foothill College. Faculty and staff with mathematics backgrounds will help you with your math questions in a supportive environment. The Math hours are posted outside the room. For more information, call (650) 949-7042. CHANGES: All rules, regulations, and/or grading scales mentioned are subject to change. Any such change will not take place without a proper announcement about such change (or changes) during a class meeting. If you miss a class for any reason, you will still be accountable for the announcements regarding changes to the syllabus made during the class missed.