MA 110 Elementary Statistics Syllabus

Mohawk Valley Community College
MA 110 Elementary Statistics
Fall 2015
Ms. Sykes
Room 131
Meeting Times:
Period 6: 11:38 - 12:17
Appropriate placement test result and successful completion of NYSED Regents level
Algebra 2/Trigonometry.
Credit Hours:
This course introduces probability and statistics. Topics include graphs, tables, frequency
distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion, normal distribution,
correlation and regression, probability, and inferential statistics. This course is available
in two formats: lecture only, or lecture plus laboratory using technology.
Elementary Statistics, First Edition. Navidi and Monk, McGraw-Hill, 2012.
Understanding Basic Statistics, Sixth Edition. Brase/Brase, Brooks/Cole, Cengage
Learning, 2013.
Classroom Procedures:
1. Students will be prompt for class.
2. Students will be prepared for class.
3. Students will be productive during class.
4. Students will respect others, their property, and school property.
Failure to comply with the above rules may result in a warning, detention, referral to the
office, conference with parent(s)/guardian(s).
Grading Policy:
Your work in class will be evaluated on the following components:
Homework and In-class Assignments
Tests and Quizzes
These three components will be used to compute your average for each marking period.
Your final average for the class will be the computed average of each of the three
marking period grades counted twice, a midterm exam, and a final exam. The grading
format of any projects or writing assignments will be discussed when assigned.
Homework and In-class Assignments
Homework and in-class assignments will not be accepted late unless you are absent
or have made arrangements in advance.
Homework and in-class assignments may be graded in one of two formats:
o On effort, which indicates the assignment has been completed
o On correctness, in which problems will be graded as correct or incorrect and a
score will be calculated based on the percentage correct.
In-class assignments may consist of students working in cooperative groups. It is
important that each member understands the course material and contributes to the work
of the group.
Tests and Quizzes
Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. Tests will be announced.
Your participation grade is based on being on task during class, active in the classroom
activity, being polite and respectful to others, and maintaining a positive attitude.
MVCC Grade Letter Conversion
Calculate Average
MVCC Grade
Success in class is greatly dependent on students being present daily. It is important for
students to be present in order to keep up with the topics and work that will be covered.
Students should come to class prepared and ready to learn.
However, if you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to obtain the notes
and assignments from the day(s) you miss, as well as make-up all work.
Arrangements should be made with me in order to make-up work. If you fail to make-up
the work you missed, it will result in zero for that grade. Please refer to the school’s
Class Attendance and Grading Policy for more information on absences.
Extra Help:
I am always available and willing to assist you with any extra help you may need
throughout the year. I ask that you please see me to schedule an appointment and
confirm what help is needed so I may best assist you during that time. I am available to
help you during the school day or after school.
Policy on Academic Integrity:
The College is committed to a spirit of intellectual inquiry rooted in the ethical behavior
of its participants. This means that certain acts which affect the integrity of learning are
not permissible. Engaging in dishonest or unethical behavior may result in disciplinary
actions taken against the student by the instructor, Dean, or other appropriate College
official. The following are examples, but not the full range of prohibited behavior in the
classroom, studio, laboratory, library, computer labs, internship sites, or other College
learning sites, including the dual enrollment high schools. Students are not permitted to:
o Ask for, give or receive help during tests, examinations or quizzes or other
evaluations without permission of the instructor.
o Utilize books, papers, computer-based media or other materials and equipment
during tests, examinations, quizzes or other evaluations without permission of the
o Engage in plagiarism by submitting or using as their own another person’s
research, oral, written or computer-based or creative work. All sources of
material must be credited.
o Use another person’s data, solutions, ideas, computer account or calculations
without the appropriate authorized permission.
o Inappropriately use computers or the Internet.
o Steal, mutilate, alter or deface library materials, computer-based media or other
academic materials.
o Illegally copy materials (print, audio-visual or computer-based media) that are
protected under provisions of the copyright laws of the United States or foreign
Student Learning Outcomes:
The student will:
Overview: Orientation, Introduction and Terminology
o Define and illustrate basic statistical terms (sample, population, variables,
descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, etc.)
o Relate specific types of statistical situations to the historical development of
statistical methods and techniques.
Frequency Distributions and Graphing
o Organize raw data into a frequency distribution.
o Represent the data graphically using the appropriate graphical tool (bar chart or
o Convert frequency to relative frequency to percent.
o Deduce characteristics of a data set by examining the graph of the distribution;
these include shape, center, spread, overall pattern, and outlier identification.
Measures of Central Tendency
o Determine a given distribution’s mode(s).
o Calculate a given distribution’s median.
o Calculate a given distribution’s quartiles.
o Calculate and interpret given percentiles for a distribution.
o Calculate a given distribution’s arithmetic mean.
o Perform calculations involving summation notation.
o Deduce characteristics of a data set by examining the values of central tendency
Measures of Dispersion
o Calculate a given distribution’s range.
o Calculate a given distribution’s standard deviation.
o Perform calculations involving summation notation.
o Deduce characteristics of a data set by examining the values of variability indices.
o Determine which measures of central tendency and dispersion best describe the
data set.
o Use location and dispersion data to make decisions for generalizations about the
nature of the collected data.
o Examine paired quantitative data occurring in many areas such as science,
business, economics, social sciences, and health sciences.
o Construct a scatterplot for paired quantitative variables.
o Recognize the response (dependent) and explanatory (independent) variable as
suggested by the data.
Recognize outliers and identify their effects on correlation.
Identify positive and negative associations.
Recognize linear and non-linear relationships.
Use appropriate technology to calculate the Pearson Correlation, r.
Identify the range of values for r.
Interpret r in terms of direction and strength.
Recognize that correlation is not cause and effect.
Relationships Between Variables
o Find the equation of the least-squares regression line.
o Interpret the slope and the y-intercept.
o Calculate and interpret r squared
o Calculate and interpret residuals.
o Identify outliers and lurking variables and discuss their effects on the regression
o Examine the scatter plot to determine the appropriateness of the prediction.
Normal Distribution
o Understand that areas under a density curve represent proportions of all
observations and that the total area under the density curve is one.
o Sketch the normal distribution with given parameter values.
o Transform normal variable to standard normal variable for the purpose of
comparing distributions and determining probabilities.
o Determine normalized standard scores for scores of various normal distributions.
o Algebraically convert values from one normal scale to another.
o Identify shapes of distributions and recognize distributions that are not normal.
o Apply the 68-95-99.7% Rule (Empirical Rule).
o Use the standard normal distribution tables to compute areas under normal curves.
o Compute inverse normal density values.
o Recognize applications of normal distributions to various fields of study.
o Compute empirical probabilities.
o Apply elementary probability rules and/or Venn diagrams to compute
o Use probability models, such as the normal distribution to compute probabilities.
o Compute inverse normal probabilities.
Random Sampling
o Define the concept of a simple random sample and apply the definition to obtain a
representative sample from a given population.
o Identify poor sampling designs.
o Describe distinguishing characteristics of valid experiments.
o Make and/or evaluate inferences about a population based on characteristics of a
o Relate specific types of statistical situations to the historical development of
statistical methods and techniques.
Sampling Distributions
o Define a sampling distribution of a sample statistic.
o Understand the basic concepts of the Central Limit Theorem.
o Identify applications of sampling distributions.
o Provide probability statements in terms of the sample statistics.
o Determine probabilities associated with sample statistics.
o Understand how sampling distributions play a role in statistical inference.
o Define a point estimate for the population mean.
o Construct confidence intervals for the population mean.
o Demonstrate an understanding of how confidence intervals behave under
changing conditions for a sample size and confidence level (including margin of
o Determine a minimum sample size given a margin of error.
o Define a point estimate for the population proportion.
o Construct confidence intervals for the population proportion for large sample size.
o Demonstrate an understanding of how confidence intervals behave under
changing conditions for sample size and confidence level (including margin of
o Determine a minimum sample size given a margin of error.
o Conduct a complete hypothesis test of the population mean or of the population
proportion with sufficiently large sample size
o Distinguish the potential difference between statistical significance and practical
o Recognize several factors that can invalidate statistical inference (hypothesis tests
and confidence intervals estimates).
September 8, 2015
Dear Parent(s) and/or Guardian(s):
I will be your child’s statistics teacher. I am looking forward to working with your child
this semester.
In order to make sure your child is successful in class I would like to share my classroom
policies/syllabus with you. Discussed are procedures, grading policy, attendance, extra
help, and learning objectives. I hope these policies help class to run efficiently and
clearly express expectations for the course.
Please sign below to confirm you have read the classroom policies.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have throughout
the year. You may contact me by phone at 315-557-2655 or by email at Thank you for your cooperation, I am looking forward
to a successful year with your child.
Ms. Lindsay Sykes
Please sign below to acknowledge you have reviewed the classroom policies.
Student Name:
Parent and/or Guardian Signature