ELECTROCHEMICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF DOPAMINE USING ROTATING DISK ELECTRODE VOLTAMMETRY: STUDY OF RELEASE AND REUPTAKE KINETICS AND INHIBITION OF THE NEURONAL DOPAMINE TRANSPORTER By Peter Alan Lukus A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY Department of Chemistry December 2013 To the Faculty of Washington State University: The members of the Committee appointed to examine the dissertation of PETER ALAN LUKUS find it satisfactory and recommend that it be accepted. ________________________________________________ Kenneth L. Nash, Ph.D., Chair ________________________________________________ Chulhee Kang, Ph.D. ________________________________________________ Herbert H. Hill, Jr., Ph.D. ________________________________________________ Jaak Panksepp, Ph.D. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Of all the pieces of this document, writing the acknowledgements may indeed be the most difficult, because I know if I leave someone out they will never let me live it down. To begin, I believe an explanation is necessary. During my 4 th year at WSU, Dr. James O. Schenk underwent treatment for cancer. Due to various complications, Dr. Schenk did not survive this battle, and passed away Thursday, January 31st, 2013. Shortly after Dr. Schenk’s death, I was offered a Scientist position at Moses Lake Industries, Inc., which I accepted, despite not having completed my dissertation. Since April of 2013, I have been working for MLI and working on my dissertation. Due to Dr. Schenk’s death, much of the work he and I planned to put into this document could not happen. First and foremost, I’d like to thank my mentor, Dr. Jim Schenk. You were there for me in times of happiness, sadness, despair, jubilation, discovery, and, more occasionally than it likely should have been, bar room shenanigans. Your experiences, both in and out of the laboratory, helped me in ways that I can’t begin to express, and will never be able to fully repay you for. My only regret is that you are not here to see the final product of your 4 year investment, which I only hope you’d be proud of. You taught me that being a good scientist is more than being in a lab, and that being an intellectual is more than being a good scientist. Our talks over beer (and wine…and sometimes liquor) were some of the most enjoyable experiences I had throughout graduate school, and I can only iii hope to one day pass on as much knowledge and joy to my own students as you did to me. I’d also like to thank the members of my committee, Dr’s. Ken Nash, Herb Hill, Chulhee Kang, and Jaak Panksepp, for their support throughout my graduate school career. Dr. Nash, you supported me through several difficult times, and I can’t thank you enough for the help and focus you gave me through these last few months. To Dr. Panksepp, thank you for helping me see through the traditional paradigms of science, to question everything, and most importantly, teaching me that there is no proof, there is only the weight of evidence. And to Dr. Kang, apart from sharing with me your wealth of knowledge on subjects ranging from plants to rice wine, you also showed me that an autoclave can be used to cook a pork roast, which may be one of the most incredible things I learned in graduate school. To my undergraduate advisor Dr. Donald Zapien, thank you for pushing me as hard as you did, and for helping instill in me the drive and determination needed to be a successful scientist. To my friends Adam Barden and Robert Hayes, I owe my sanity and much of my success to you. You are better friends than I could have ever hoped for, and our early morning coffees, late night talks, and various random guitar sessions are some of my fondest memories of graduate school. I am honored to call you my friends. To Meg and Julian, you both brought joy to my life in times of hardship. Meeting you both was one of the best things that has happened to iv me, and I thank you for dealing with my increased bouts of insanity and stress this past year. To my brother Michael and my sister Jessica, you supported me through all of this without question, and where there for me when I needed you, even with the 3 hour time difference. To my surrogate brothers Jake and Stuck, we’ve been through hell and back together, and I thank you for being with me through everything that has come my way. Last, but certainly not least, I’d like to thank my parents. To my father Gordon and my mother Cheryl, you’ve done and continue to do more for me than I deserve, and more than for which I could ever repay. You gave me strength, courage, love, determination, and support, no matter the circumstances. I have you to thank for my entire career, past, present, and future, and I love you both more than words could possibly convey. My only hope is that I’ve made you as proud to call me your son, as I am to call you my parents. I thank you all for being there for me, and for supporting me through this entire ordeal. I am eternally grateful. v ELECTROCHEMICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF DOPAMINE USING ROTATING DISK ELECTRODE VOLTAMMETRY: STUDY OF RELEASE AND REUPTAKE KINETICS AND INHIBITION OF THE NEURONAL DOPAMINE TRANSPORTER Abstract By Peter A. Lukus, Ph.D. Washington State University December, 2013 Chair: James O. Schenk and Kenneth L. Nash The dopamine transporter (DAT) is the neuronal transporter for the neurotransmitter dopamine (DA). The use of rotating disk electrode voltammetry (RDEV) is a technique used to study transport of DA by DAT. This can be done in normal tissue, as well as tissue samples that have received pharmacological manipulation, such as the addition of the DAT uptake inhibitors cocaine and methamphetamine (METH). In Chapter Two, the rates of exogenous uptake of DA via DAT in rat striatal tissue is studied. Studies are conducted in whole striatal samples, as well as in anterior and posterior sections of striatal tissue to assess variability in DAT function as a function of DA concentration. It is found that the kinetic rates of transport in exogenous tissue vary between anterior and vi posterior sections, as does the rate of reuptake after stimulation of DA release via KCl addition. Release and reuptake rates of anterior and posterior striatum vary, suggesting that DAT is not kinetically regulated by available local DA concentrations. Chapter Three details studies on the differences of release and subsequent reuptake of DA via DAT in response to METH and amphetamine (AMPH) stimulation. A comparison of the amount of DA released, as well as release and reuptake rates, is presented. Findings suggest that AMPH stimulation causes a similar concentration of DA to be released in comparison to METH, while METH caused greater reduction of DA uptake. AMPH salts such as Ritalin are common medications for children with ADHD, and alternative therapeutic measures for ADHD management are discussed. Chapter Four presents analysis of DAT function in hooded rats afflicted with Parkinson’s symptoms. Transport rates of exogenous DA uptake, as well as stimulated DA release and subsequent reuptake, are measured. DAT kinetic function is shown to be retained in Parkinson’s rats, suggesting that the transporter is unaffected by the disease in the striatal tissue. Chapter Five presents a brief overview of the work discussed, along with conclusions and future work. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……………………………………………………………...iii ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………………...vi LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………….xi LIST OF FIGURES…………………....……………………………………………….xii DEDICATION…………………………………………………………………………..xiv CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION TO ELECTROCHEMICAL INVESTIGATIONS OF DOPAMINE AND THE DOPAMINE TRANSPORTER…….......………………..1 ABSTRACT……………………………….......……....…………………2 INTRODUCTION……………………………………...………………...3 DOPAMINE LOCALIZATION………………....……...………………..3 DOPAMINE AND DOPAMINE BIOSYNTHESIS………....………….5 DOPAMINE PATHWAYS……………....……...………....…………..10 MESOLIMBIC DOPAMINE SYSTEM/SEEKING SYSTEM.........................................................................................11 DOPAMINE TRANSPORTER……….......……....…………………..11 COCAINE…………………...…………....…………………………….16 AMPHETAMINE AND METHAMPHETAMINE……....……………..16 ELECTROCHEMISTRY IN BRAIN SYSTEMS…….......…………..19 CHRONOAMPEROMETRY……………….......……………………..20 viii CYCLIC VOLTAMMETRY……....……...….......…………………….22 CARBON ELECTRODES…….......…………...........……....……….24 ROTATING DISK ELECTRODE VOLTAMMETRY............................................................................25 NEUROANALYTICAL ELECTROCHEMISTRY..............……….…27 CONCLUSION……....…....……………….......………………………38 REFERENCES………………………......…….......…………............39 2. DIFFERENCES IN THE ANATOMICAL FUNCTIONALITY OF THE DOPAMINE TRANSPORTER IN RAT STRIATUM IN VITRO USING ROTATING DISK ELECTRODE VOLTAMMETRY………………………….....47 ABSTRACT…………………....…………………………………….....48 INTRODUCTION……....……....………………………………….......49 MATERIALS AND METHODS………....………………………….....53 RESULTS………........…....…………....……………………..…........59 DISCUSSION…....………....……………………………………….....65 CONCLUSION……........………………………………………….......72 REFERENCES………............……………………………………......75 3. VOLTAMMETRIC ANALYSIS OF AMPHETAMINE AND METHAMPHETAMINE INDUCED DOPAMINE RELEASE AND REUPTAKE IN RAT STRIATUM: A KINETIC COMPARISON……....…....….80 ABSTRACT……………….....………………………………………....81 INTRODUCTION…………....…………....……………………….......82 ix MATERIALS AND METHODS…...........….....………………….......86 RESULTS……………..………….....………………………...............89 DISCUSSION…………………………………………....………….....89 CONCLUSION....……...……………………………………………....98 REFERENCES…………….......………………………………….....100 4. RELEASE AND REUPTAKE KINETICS OF THE DOPAMINE TRANSPORTER IN PARKINSONIAN RATS……....………………………....104 ABSTRACT………………………....………………………………...105 INTRODUCTION……………...........………………………………..106 MATERIALS AND METHODS………....……....………...………...112 RESULTS…………....……………....……………...………………..117 DISCUSSION……………………....………………....……………...117 CONCLUSION………....…....……...………………………………..125 REFERENCES…….......…………....…………………………….....126 5. CONCLUSION………....…………...…....……………………………………....130 x LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER 2 TABLE 1. Comparison of DAT uptake velocities in rat striatal tissue……61 TABLE 2. Rate constants of stimulated DA release and reuptake……….71 TABLE 3. DA concentrations available for release in striatal tissue……..73 xi LIST OF FIGURES CHAPTER 1 FIGURE 1. Chemical structure of dopamine………....………….......…....4 FIGURE 2. Dopamine distribution in the rat caudate…....………………..6 FIGURE 3. Dopamine biosynthesis……………....………...……........…...8 FIGURE 4. Dopamine transport mechanism………………....……………9 FIGURE 5. Dopaminergic pathways in the brain….......…....…………...12 FIGURE 6. Neuronal transporter for dopamine……...………....………..14 FIGURE 7. Kinetic mechanism for dopamine transport...........…………15 FIGURE 8. Chemical structure of cocaine....…...………...........………..17 FIGURE 9. Chemical structures of amphetamine and Methamphetamine.......…………………………………….….18 FIGURE 10. Chronoamperometric waveform and response........…….…21 FIGURE 11. Cyclic voltammogram............……………………......……….23 FIGURE 12. Experimental setup for RDEV…........………………………..28 FIGURE 13. Chronoamperometric response of dopamine release.................................................................................29 FIGURE 14. Dopamine release in response to amphetamine.................31 FIGURE 15. Dopamine release in presence of cocaine..................…….32 FIGURE 16. Chemical structure of methylphenidate..........……..............34 FIGURE 17. Dopamine transport in presence of cocaine…......….....…..35 FIGURE 18. Dopamine release in response to reward cues...........…….37 xii CHAPTER 2 FIGURE 1. Dopamine distribution in rat caudate…………………..........50 FIGURE 2. Experimental setup of RDEV…………………………...........55 FIGURE 3. Kinetic analysis of dopamine release and reuptake data......................................................................................58 FIGURE 4. Electrochemical response of stimulated dopamine release.................................................................................60 FIGURE 5. Comparison of dopamine uptake rates in rat striatal tissue..................................................................62 CHAPTER 3 FIGURE 1. Chemical structures of amphetamine and methamphetamine……….......………………………………..83 FIGURE 2. Amphetamine stimulated dopamine release…........…….....90 FIGURE 3. Release and reuptake rate constants of amphetamine and methamphetamine stimulated dopamine release……..91 FIGURE 4. Average concentrations of amphetamine and methamphetamine stimulated dopamine release....…….....92 CHAPTER 4 FIGURE 1. Chemical structure of L-DOPA..................……....…......…108 FIGURE 2. Experimental setup for RDEV........…...……...………........111 FIGURE 3. Saggital brain section showing areas of experimental Interest...…………....…...……........……………....…..........113 FIGURE 4. Kinetic analysis of dopamine release and reuptake rate xiii constants....................………………….…………....………116 FIGURE 5. Exogenous dopamine reuptake rates…....…...…………...119 FIGURE 6. Dopamine release rate constants....…………………….....120 FIGURE 7. Dopamine uptake rate constants....……………………......121 xiv This document is dedicated to my mother Cheryl, and to my father Gordon. Thank you for your love and inspiration. xv CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Electrochemical Investigations of Dopamine and the Dopamine Transporter Peter A. Lukus1 and James O. Schenk1,2 1 Department of Chemistry and 2Programs in Pharmacology/Toxicology and Neuroscience, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, 99164. 1 Abstract: Electrochemistry has been used for the past 40 years in various chemistry and neuroscience laboratories to study the structure and function of neurotransmitters. The following chapter is intended to introduce the use of electrochemistry for looking at neurotransmitters in rat brain tissue, and more specifically for the use of looking at dopamine and dopamine transporter functionality. Basic electrochemical and neuroscience concepts relating to this work will be discussed, as well as past and current work in the area, including key contributors to the field. 2 Introduction Since the 1950’s, dopamine(DA), shown in Figure 1, has been at the forefront of a multitude of discoveries involving human and animal physiology, namely neurophysiology. As much as our understanding of this molecule and its functions has grown over the past 60 years, our knowledge of complex interactions that occur between DA and other molecules and structures in the brain is still vastly incomplete. Furthermore, knowledge of the effects of drugs of abuse on the function and transport of DA is still growing, and the study of how DA is transported can, and has, had profound effects on the scientific community. Electrochemistry has become a powerful tool to help narrow the gaps in our knowledge of neurotransmitter function, and this opening chapter will serve as both an introduction as well as a review of dopamine, as well as the electrochemical methods used to detect it. The majority of this chapter will explain the function of dopamine and how electrochemistry has been used to study it’s structure and functions, mainly in the realm of drugs of abuse such as methamphetamine (METH) and cocaine, but also with diseases such as Parkinson’s and Huntington’s Chorea, both neurodegenerative diseases that can be traced to DA imbalances in the brain. Dopamine localization Dopamine (DA) is one of over one hundred known neurotransmitters in the brain, and is found in the A8, A9, and A10 regions of the brain(1). Along with acting as a precursor norepinephrine(NE), DA is highly innervated in the areas of brain controlling movement, motivation, addiction, reasoning, and behavior (2). 3 Figure 1. Chemical structure of dopamine. 4 As mentioned, the regions of the brain containing the highest concentrations of DA are the A8, A9, and A10 regions, which include the substantia nigra (SN), the caudate and putamen, which are collectively referred to as the striatum in the rat brain, the nucleus accumbens (NAc), the ventral tegmental area (VTA), the olfactory tubercles (OT), the prefrontal cortex (PFC), the subthalamic nucleus (STN), and the central nucleus of the amygdala (CNA), with many other structures containing varying levels of DA. Not only do the concentrations of DA vary between anatomical structures, but also within the same anatomical structure. Figure 2 shows studies done by Milby et al (3), indicating that the concentration of DA actually decreases as you move from anterior to posterior in the rat striatum. Questions have been asked as to whether or not DAT follows a similar gradient. Additionally, it is unclear as to whether DAT function follows this gradient. In this context, DAT function refers to the kinetic rate of transport of DA via DAT. Expression of functional DAT may or may not follow this gradient, which will be discussed shortly. Dopamine biosynthesis and metabolism DA synthesis begins with the amino acid tyrosine, a non-essential amino acid which functions both as a proteinogenic molecule, as well as functionally in signal transduction processes (4). DA is then converted to Ldihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) via tyrosine hydroxylase. L-DOPA is the main precursor to DA, and is used mainly as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease, where death of dopaminergic cell bodies severely compromises movement, as it is able to cross the blood-brain barrier and be metabolized into DA (5). L-DOPA 5 Figure 3. Concentration gradient of DA in the rat caudate. Figure taken from Milby et al. Figure 2. Concentration gradient of DA in the rat caudate. Figure taken from Milby et al. 6 is then converted to DA via L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase, or DOPA decarboxylase. Figure 3 gives a description of DA biosynthesis. The fate of DA depends both on the needs of the body, as well as the location in which it is synthesized. Some DA will be converted to norepinephrine (NE), which will subsequently be converted to epinephrine (EPI), i.e. adrenaline. Another portion will be stored in vesicles for future use, being released as needed by the body. DA release is calcium-dependent, and is the result of action potentials, which are electrical signals that result due to a concentration gradient formed across the cell membrane, acting on the nerve terminal. Upon this action potential, DA is released into the synapse, the space between the neuron releasing DA and the neuron receiving DA, where it acts upon DA receptors found on the dendritic extensions of the receiving neuron. Interaction of DA with DA-specific receptors signals secondary messengers in the receiving neuron to send a signal down the axon to another area of the brain, where the signal is received and a function is performed. A diagram of the synapse and corresponding interaction of DA with its receptors is shown in Figure 4. Upon interaction with its receptor, the fate of DA is two-fold; it is either metabolized via monoamine oxidase (MAO) and aldehyde dehydrogenase to dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC), or it can be metabolized to homovanillic acid (HVA) via catechol-o-methyl transferase (COMT) and MAO. In rats, DOPAC is the main metabolite, whereas in humans it is HVA. The second fate isrecycling of DA via the dopamine transporter (DAT) and subsequent storage 7 Figure 4. Dopamine biosynthesis from tyrosine. Norepinepherine and epinepherine biosynthesis are also shown. 8 Figure 5. Dopamine transport mechanism. A presynaptic action potential causes a release of dopamine from neuronal storage vesicles. Dopamine is then transported to the synapse, where it binds to dopamine receptors and is transported back to the cell via DAT. 9 of DA into dopaminergic storage vesicles. DAT binds free DA in the synapse and returns it to the neuron, where it can then be metabolized or restored, depending on the needs of the cell. These mechanisms are targets of many drugs such as buproprion (antidepressant), haloperidol (antipsychotic), cocaine, and methamphetamine. Dopamine Pathways To understand neural connections through which DA travels, it DA pathways are generally split into three categories: 1) Ultrashort systems are dopaminergic systems which make extremely localized connections, such as linking the inner and outer plexiform layers of the retina, as well as connections within the olfactory bulb, which is where the sensory perception of smell is processed in the brain. 2) Intermediate length systems are slightly longer than the ultrashort systems, and connect areas such as the dorsal and posterior hypothalamus with the dorsal anterior hypothalamus, which, among other things, helps regulate connection between the nervous system and the endocrine system via the pituitary gland, and 3) Long systems are neural projections linking areas such as the ventral tegmental area and substantia nigra with the neostriatum and frontal cortex. These are the connections that form what is often referred to as the “reward pathway” in the brain. A more correct term would be an “appetitive motivational system”, or a SEEKING system, such as that described by Panksepp (6). This system serves not only as a reinforcement pathway, but also as a motivational pathway to seek out various rewards, both 10 natural (food, water, sex, etc.) and synthetic (methamphetamine, cocaine). This system will be discussed in greater detail below. Mesolimbic dopamine system/SEEKING system The mesolimbic DA system of the brain connects the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of the midbrain to the limbic system via the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and amygdala, and the hippocampus, as well as to the prefrontal cortex (PFC)(7). The system is shown in Figure 5. While the system is involved in reward, it is also involved in all things that motivate humans, making it an appetitive motivational system, or a SEEKING system as termed by Panksepp (6). The mesolimbic system is responsible for reinforcing all behavior, from finding food and water, to copulation, to drug seeking behavior. DA disturbances in this system are also involved in depression (8) and schizophrenia (9), with DA imbalances thought to be one of the leading causes of such neurological diseases. Altered DA transport in this region of the brain is also thought to be the “motivating factor” in drug seeking behavior. Dopamine Transporter The neuronal dopamine transporter (DAT) is a Na+ and Cl- dependent transmembrane transporter that functions to end dopaminergic neurotransmission by clearing it from the synaptic cleft (10). As discussed previously, upon release in the brain DA interacts with dopaminergic receptors on the post-synaptic cell, after which it is either taken back up by DAT into the presynaptic cell, where it is either metabolized or stored in neuronal vesicles for future use. 11 Figure 6. Dopaminergic pathways in the human brain. Serotonin pathways are also shown. 12 The DAT is a 619-amino acid protein with 12 putative hydrophobic membrane-spanning domains. A depiction of the transporter is shown in Figure 6. Molecular characterization and cloning of rat, bovine, and human DATs have shown that these proteins are highly conserved between species with similar orientation in the plasma membrane and potential sites of glycosylation and phosphorylation. DAT function and inhibition may play a role in Parkinson’s disease (11), Tourette’s syndrome (9), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (12). As previously discussed, it is also a target for drugs of abuse such as METH and cocaine, as well as therapeutic agents such as methylphenidate (13, 14, 15). The kinetic mechanisms of the DAT will be discussed briefly; however they have been described in detail by Schenk and Wightman (16). A depiction of typical DAT kinetic schemes is shown in Figure 7, taken from Jones et al, showing both normal DA binding kinetic as well as binding kinetics in the presence of a DA analog, such as amphetamine (AMPH). Na+ and Cl- bind first, followed by DA. The order in which Na+ and Cl- bind has been debated (17, 18), however it has been shown that this binding is absolutely essential, otherwise transport does not occur (19). In the case of DA analogs, such as AMPH and METH, competitive inhibition occurs. Due to the similar structures of METH, AMPH, and DA, both transport inhibition and vesicle displacement occur. Inhibition of the transporter via cocaine, and displacement and inhibition via METH are mechanisms that cause the “high” described by users, due to the excess of DA that becomes trapped in the synapse. This DA is then free to continually bind to receptors. 13 Figure 7. Depiction of the neuronal transporter for DA. 14 Figure 8. Kinetic mechanism of DA transport under normal conditions, as well as in the presence of a transport inhibitor such as amphetamine (Ao). Taken from Jones et al. 15 Cocaine Cocaine is a powerful, short-acting central nervous system (CNS) stimulant (20). The structure is shown in Figure 8. The main action of cocaine has been found to be inhibition of the DA transporter via allosteric binding, in which cocaine blocks the ability of Na+ to bind to the transporter (21), essentially replacing Na+ as the binding moiety. Since Na+ binds to DAT before Cl-, followed by the binding of DA, the ability of the DAT to reuptake DA is inhibited. This results in DA remaining in the synapse for an extended period of time, where it binds repeatedly to dopaminergic receptors. This in turn stimulates the mesolimbic DA system, and results in a rewarding and pleasurable feeling for the user, a.k.a. the euphoric high often described. The effects of cocaine typically last between 5 and 20 minutes depending on dosage and purity of the sample, and the tolerance of the user (22). The speed of metabolism of the drug often causes users to “chase” the high, resulting in large amounts of the drug being administered over a very short period of time, which can result in cardiac complications. In addition, physical and chemical dependence will develop if this behavior persists over a long period, though the time it takes to reach a dependent state varies between users. Amphetamine and methamphetamine Methampetamine (METH) is, as the same suggests, methylated amphetamine. The structures of both METH and amphetamine are shown in Figure 9. While amphetamine (AMPH) has found several clinical uses, including treatment for ADHD and narcolepsy (23), the uses of METH have been mainly 16 Figure 9. Chemical structure of cocaine. 17 Figure 10. Chemical structures of amphetamine and methamphetamine. 18 recreational drug use. Like cocaine, METH is a CNS stimulant, however its mechanism of inhibition of DAT is markedly different, while causing similar, though longer lasting, affects. Unlike cocaine, METH is a substrate analog of DA, and when administered, is taken up by DAT into the cell. METH displaces DA, which is stored in neuronal vesicles, and causes the transporter to reverse directions via an increased concentration of DA in the cell (25). Upon release, DA binds to DA receptors repeatedly, causing the euphoric “high” described by users. Effects of a METH dose typically last from 10 to 12 hours (26). METH is protected from degradation via MAO by the attached methyl group, allowing it to remain in the neuronal vesicles and cytosol longer. A main metabolite of METH is amphetamine, which may also be a factor in the length of time the effects of METH last in users. As with cocaine abuse, physical and chemical dependence result, and neurological and cardiac complications are typical in METH abusers (27). Electrochemistry in brain systems For the majority of scientists, up until the 1970’s, electrochemistry was used mainly as a tool for detection and analysis of analytes in aqueous solutions. Many chemists were drawn to electrochemistry mainly for its sensitivity and, when done correctly, selectivity of many electroactive species. The use of electrochemistry strictly for analytical and physical chemistry applications changed in the 1970’s with the work of Adams, who published a great number of papers in the time period regarding electrochemical detection of neurotransmitters in the brain (28, 29, 30). Adams found that many 19 neurotransmitters, such as DA, NE, and serotonin (5-HT), are electroactive, and are easily detectable using electrochemical methods. Furthermore, the development of carbon fiber microelectrodes for use in brain tissue gave researchers a tool which could be used to probe brain chemistry without damaging the tissue, something that was not possible before. Two of the most popular methods used to detect neurotransmitters in brain tissue have been chronoamperometry and cyclic voltammetry. Chronoamperometry Chronoamperometry is an electrochemical technique in which a constant potential, or potential step, is applied to the electrode, and the resulting current is measured as a function of time. The shape of the current response can be predicted using equation 1, known as the Cottrell equation Eq. 1 i=nFACOD1/2/(πt)1/2 where i is the current, n is the number of electrons transferred, A is the area of the electrode in cm2, CO is the concentration of the oxidized species, D1/2 is the diffusion coefficient of the oxidized species in cm2/s, and t is the time in seconds. The data is obtained via a current vs. time curve, called a chronoamperogram. This can be done in either one or two “steps”. A single step measures only the oxidation or reduction of a species, while two steps, known as double potential step chronoamperometry, measures both the oxidation and reduction of the species. An example of the resulting signal is shown in Figure 10. The figure 20 Figure 11. Chronoamperometric excitation waveform and resulting current response. 21 shows both the potential excitationsignal, i.e. the potential step, as well as the resulting current response, which in this case is a double potential step chronoamperogram. Chronoamperometry can give information about electrode area, diffusion properties, and redox potentials of molecules of interest. The latter, however, can be difficult to ascertain using chronoamperometry alone, and specificity is difficult to achieve with chronoamperometry alone. Typically, the redox potentials of the molecules of interest are determined before chronoamperometric techniques are used. Despite this limitation, chronoamperometry is extremely useful in research pertaining to transport and diffusion of molecules from a point source, which in this case would be the working electrode. Carbon-fiber microelectrodes are used by many labs (31, 32, 33) for chronoamperometric measurements in brain tissue, due to increased sensitivity and specificity given. In the effort to determine the redox potentials of the molecules of interest, or to kinetically resolve multiple species of interest in the same solution or anatomical area, cyclic voltammetry becomes incredibly useful. Cyclic Voltammetry Cyclic voltammetry is a technique in which a current is measured in response to a varying potential. The resulting curve, called a cyclic voltammogram, is a plot of current as a function of varying potential. An example of such a curve is shown in Figure 11. Cyclic voltammetry differs from chronoamperometry in that a cyclic voltammogram is a current that results from a potential scan over a particular range, i.e. a ramping waveform, whereas 22 Figure 12. Current vs. Potential response of a cyclic voltammetric experiment. 23 chronoamperometry is a single potential applied throughout the entire experiment. The attraction of cyclic voltammetry to scientists is due to its relative simplicity and the wealth of information that can be obtained by the voltammograms given. Information on redox potentials, electron transfer mechanisms, peak height, peak width, and more can be obtained via a cyclic voltammogram. Additionally, cyclic voltammograms serve as a type of fingerprint for a molecule, allowing investigators to know exactly what type of molecules they are looking at, which is especially useful for areas of the brain that contain multiple electroactive species, such as the prefrontal cortex. The redox characteristics, and thus the cyclic voltammograms, of most molecules are unique, therefore it is an incredibly powerful analytical tool. In the event that molecules of interest have similar redox potentials, variations in scan rate can be used to kinetically resolve redox systems. Carbon Electrodes Of the various types of electrode materials used to investigate electrochemical phenomena, carbon is by far one of the most popular. Several reasons exist for this popularity. Carbon is inexpensive and available in a variety of forms. Carbon also oxidizes very slowly, allowing a wide potential range to be examined, and giving carbon a significant advantage over materials such as mercury and platinum, whose background signals at oxidative potentials are often overwhelming, and little to no analytical information can be obtained from these. Glassy carbon and carbon fiber electrodes are two commonly used variations of carbon solid electrodes, and the use of carbon fiber microelectrodes 24 in brain tissue was one of the biggest contributions to the beginnings of neuroanalytical electrochemistry. Glassy carbon is also used frequently in neuroanalytical applications, due to its wide potential range, low resistance, and inertness. While carbon fibers are typically used for in vivo analysis due to their small size, glassy carbon is more frequently used for in vitro analysis. Carbon is amenable to all types of electrochemistry, and has become a fundamental tool in many analytical chemistry and neuroscience laboratories. Rotating disk electrode voltammetry RDE voltammetry has been used over the years by this lab (34) and others (35) to produce kinetically resolved voltammograms of DAT transport in vitro. An electrode is connected to a metal shaft and covered in Teflon, creating a planar diffusion surface. Upon rotation of the electrode, solution is transported to the surface of the electrode orthogonally, and upon brief interaction with the electrode surface is then radially swept away from the electrode and back into the bulk solution. RDE voltammetry is typically done at a single potential step, and the current is then observed as a function of time. The maximum current response at the electrode occurs when the rate of oxidized species being swept away from the electrode is equal to the amount arriving at the electrode surface, a condition known as the limiting current, which is described mathematically using equation 2, which is known as the Levich equation, Eq. 2 iL=0.62nFACD2/3υ-1/6ω1/2 25 where iL is the limiting current, n is the number of electrons transferred, F is the Faraday constant (96,485 C/mol), A is the area of the electrode in cm 2, C is the concentration of the solution, D is the diffusion coefficient in cm 2/s, υ is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid in cm2/s, and ω is the angular velocity of the disk, where ω=2πN, and N is in rotations per second. RDE voltammetry provides several advantages over other in vitro and in vivo methods, being fast enough to provide a kinetically resolved image (20ms response time is orders of magnitude faster than the time in which DA transport occurs) while also being sensitive enough to measure small quantities of tissue (in this lab, average whole striatal tissue sample weighs 45-50mg, while anterior and posterior sections weigh on average 20-25mg each). RDE voltammetry, as its name suggests, uses a rotating, disk shaped electrode, in which forced convection to the electrode surface is the dominant force acting on the solution. This allows for controlled diffusion, allowing the electroactive species to reach and be measured by the electrode, as opposed to an electrode in a static solution, which relies on the speed of mass transport diffusion to the electrode surface. Glassy carbon electrodes are the electrode of choice of this lab for the reasons stated in the previous section. The biggest disadvantage to this technique is that it cannot be done in vivo, however for transport studies, it is often advantageous to use RDEV as a complementary method, and to be able to obtain kinetically resolved information concerning the species of interest. For biological samples, a physiological buffer is used as the electrolyte, while a stream of 95% O 2/5% CO2 26 is applied across the top of the solution during the experiment, shown in Figure 12. Neuroanalytical Electrochemistry The field of neuroanalytical electrochemistry, as stated previously, started with the work of Ralph Adams in the early 1970’s. Due to Adam’s work, electrochemistry has gone from a tool that was used strictly by chemists to a tool that has widespread use in biology, pharmacology, and neuroscience labs. While a detailed foray into every area that electrochemistry is used is beyond the scope of this chapter, neuroscience research has profited greatly from the use of electrochemistry, especially in areas such as addiction research. DA is one of the most frequently studied neurotransmitters, and the role of DA in addiction pathways, as well as several other pathways of the brain, has been found to be more complex than originally thought. It has long been known that DA is one of the main neurotransmitters involved with addiction, and electrochemical methods have been used to elucidate many of the mechanisms involved. Early studies done by Adams group at the University of Kansas showed that not only could neurotransmitters such as DA, NE, and EPI be detected via electrochemical measurements (36, 37), but also that release of DA in the striatum could be elicited by drug administration. The subsequent release of DA could be monitored in vivo via carbon-fiber microelectrodes (38), as shown in Figure 13. Adams further influenced the field by applying other analytical techniques to the study of brain function, namely chromatography. Adams was one of the first scientists to couple chromatography to electrochemical detection. 27 Figure 13. Experimental setup for use of RDEV to probe neuronal transport mechanisms. 28 Figure 14. Chronoamperometric measurements of DA release upon stimulation of neuronal tissue by KCl. Taken from Adams et al. 29 Adams frequently used this technique to separate and identify various neurotransmitters in rat brain tissue (39). While Adams was the first to apply electrochemistry to the field of neuroscience, many since have advanced the field in tremendous ways via their many discoveries. Francois Ganon made several contributions to the field, and along with Adams was among the first to use carbon-fiber microelectrodes to investigate electrochemical phenomena in brain tissue. He has also made contributions to addiction research, and was involved in the discovery that AMPH not only blocks DA transport, but is also involved in DA vesicular release (40). Figure 14 shows voltammetric and amperometric data of the difference in DA release between normal striatal tissue, and that which has been dosed with AMPH. As can be seen, a higher response, in the case of the naïve tissue, indicates a greater amount of DA present, as current response is proportional to concentration of analyte in the system. Chemist’s such as Mark Wightman have made extensive progress in the field, making discoveries in primates about the effects of reward delivery on pH, oxygen, and DA (41), while also making significant strides in the effects of cocaine on dopaminergic systems (42). Figure 15, taken from Venton et al (42), shows the difference in release of DA with and without cocaine injections in wildtype and knockout mice, which are lacking in synapsin I/II/III. Synapsins are phosphoproteins which serve to modulate reserve pools of neurotransmitters, or 30 Figure 15. Release of striatal DA in brain slices via stimulation by KCl (control) and amphetamine. Measurements were made using chronoamperometry with carbon fiber microelectrodes. Taken from Schmitz et al. 31 Figure 16. DA release pre (left) and post (right) cocaine injection. Curves are traces from cyclic voltammograms. WT=wild type, TKO=knockout. 32 DA in this case. As shown in Figure 15, DA reserve pools are significantly depleted in the knockout mice. Cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry were used to validate the existence of DA, as well as to measure release concentrations from synaptic pools. Andrew Ewing has done more work than anyone else in studying dopaminergic function in drosophila melanogaster (43), showing that DA transport and inhibition behave similarly to that of rats and primates, thus proving the efficacy of the model, as well as providing a more cost efficient means of an animal model for testing. Furthermore, Ewing was able to show evidence that methylphenidate (structure shown in Figure 16) may block binding of cocaine to the DAT (44), thus potentially providing an additional therapeutic benefit of methylphenidate. The Schenk lab has provided many contributions as well. Schenk’s lab has focused mainly on DAT kinetics, and binding of DA to DAT for transport. Schenk has looked at both rat (45) DAT function, as well as human DAT function expressed in HEK cells (46). Figure 17 shows exogenous addition plots of DA uptake under control conditions, as well as in the presence of cocaine, no Na +, and 5mM Cl-. As discussed earlier, DAT is a Na+/Cl- dependent transporter, and varying the concentrations of Na+ and Cl- was shown to greatly affect uptake, especially in the case of Na+. While the exact order of the 2 Na+ and 2 Cl- ions needed to bind has been debated, these results have shown that at least one Na + ion must bind in order for uptake to occur at any appreciable rate, while lowering Cl- concentration affects transport to a lesser degree. Also shown in Figure 17 is the comparison of rates of uptake of the response curves. As 33 Figure 17. Chemical structure of methylphenidate. 34 Figure 18. Inhibition of DA transport in the presence of cocaine, in the absence of Na+, and under lowered Cl- concentrations. The top figure shows raw current vs. time responses of tissue samples to the pharmacological manipulations. Taken from Earles et al. 35 expected, control samples have the highest rate of uptake, while eliminating Na + and introducing cocaine to the solution severely reduces uptake. In addition to the data shown here, the Schenk group has recently developed models suggesting that while the concentration of DA differs anatomically in certain parts of the brain, the rate of transport via DAT does not rely on this gradient, and furthermore DAT kinetically fluctuates, suggesting that there is much more to be discovered regarding the intricacies of DA transport via DAT, both under normal physiological conditions, as well as under the influence of DAT inhibitors such as cocaine and methamphetamine. Researchers such as Paul EM Phillips at the University of Washington have also been making progress in DA research using electrochemical methods. Phillip’s group has recently looked at DA activity in response to escalating cost of effort in rats (47). Figure 18 shows results from recordings taken in the core of the NAc, an area which is thought to be heavily involved in motivation response, along with the NAc shell. Rats were presented with a reward in the form of a food pellet, and the number of lever presses required to access this reward varied. DA release was monitored using fast-scan cyclic voltammetry. Results indicate that the level of effort given towards a given reward depend on the value seen in the reward, which can be measured by measuring DA responses to reward cues. Additionally, results suggest that DA responses to the reward and the indicator of the reward can be differentiated in the NAc, and that DA responses can also be differentiated via escalating cost of the reward. Additional research done by Phillips’s group (48) has also shown, using fast-scan cyclic 36 Figure 19. DA release and reuptake in response to varying reward cues. Taken from Wanat et al. 37 voltammetry, that over time, DA response to Pavlovian cues begins to resemble baseline scans. This indicates that, while initially rewarding, the cues to Pavlovian conditioning become less rewarding, i.e. less DA is released, as the cue is given over time. This has profound implications in motivation research, especially in regards to drug seeking behavior. The rewarding nature of certain actions, such as drug use, becomes less and less in terms of DA release as the behavior is repeated, requiring more, or sometimes different, cues to illicit the same response expected by the user. This gives further explanation to drug seeking behavior, as well as the phenomena of chemical dependence. Conclusion As stated earlier, the purpose of this review was not to be exhaustive in nature, nor was it intended to give the entire overview of addiction research using analytical methods. There are certainly more analytical tools that have become extremely useful in addiction research, and neuroscience in general, and electrochemistry is only one of them. Other methods include MALDI, NMR, mass spectrometry, and chromatography, and all have found their usefulness in many fields of neurobiology and neuroscience. Likewise, electrochemistry has found its niche as well, and with advances being made every day, it will likely continue to help scientists made breakthroughs in several fields for years to come. 38 References (1) Cooper, J.R., Bloom, F.E., and Roth, R.H. (2003) The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology, 8th ed. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford. (2) Pesek-Cotton, E.F., Johnson, J.e., and Newland, M.C. (2011) Reinforcing behavioral variability: An analysis of dopamine-receptor subtypes and intermittent reinforcement. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior, 97, 551-59. (3) K Milby, A Oke, RN Adams (1982) Detailed mapping of ascorbate distribution in the rat brain. Neuroscience Letters, 28, 15-20. (4) Nelson, David L., and Cox, Michael M. (2000) Principles of Biochemistry, 4th ed. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford. 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Synapse, 62, 736-745. 45 (46) Earles, Cynthia, and Schenk, James O. (1999) Multisubstrate mechanism for the inward transport of dopamine by the human dopamine transporter expressed in HEK cells and its inhibition by cocaine. Synapse, 33, 230-238. (47) Wanat, Matthew J., Camelia, Kuhnen M., and Phillips, Paul EM. (2010) Delays conferred by escalating costs modulate dopamine release to their rewards but not their predictors. Journal of Neuroscience, 30, 12020-12027. (48) Clark, Jeremy J., Collins, Anne L., Sanford, Christina A., and Phillips, Paul EM. (2013) Dopamine encoding of pavlovian incentive stimuli diminishes with extended training. Journal of Neuroscience, 33, 3526-3532. 46 CHAPTER TWO Differences in Anatomical Functionality of the Dopamine Transporter in Rat Striatum In Vitro Using Rotating Disk Electrode Voltammetry 1 Peter A. Lukus and 1,2,*James O. Schenk 1 Department of Chemistry and 2Programs in Pharmacology/Toxicology and Neuroscience, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, 99164. Preface: The following chapter is formatted for submission to the Journal of Neurochemistry. All research in this chapter was done by Peter A. Lukus, with equipment and lab space provided by Dr. James O. Schenk. 47 Abstract The dopamine transporter (DAT) is responsible for the reuptake of dopamine (DA) in the striatum, as well as other areas of the brain. Through examination of immunohistochemical data, high concentrations of DAT have been shown in the anterior, but not posterior, portions of the striatum. Functionality of DAT in these areas has yet to be explored. In this study, anterior and posterior striatal sections were dissected and analyzed electrochemically using rotating disk electrode (RDE) voltammetry. Kinetic analyses were done to measure and compare DA uptake velocities, as well as release and reuptake rate constants and initial concentrations of available DA in each section, with average in vitro uptake rates being 31% greater in anterior vs. posterior striatal tissue. Left striatal tissue showed a much smaller disparity when compared to right, with right anterior tissue showing a 32% increase in uptake velocity vs. posterior, compared to only an 8% disparity between left anterior and posterior tissue. This result suggests a greater role for left posterior DAT in striatal function with regards to DA, as well as the possibility of laterality contributions. The DAT inhibitor cocaine, as well as the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) citalopram, has been used to gauge the effect of the serotonin transporter (SERT) on DA uptake. Cocaine treatments led to approximately 30-50% DAT inhibition, while citalopram showed statistically insignificant effects on DAT activity. Lastly, K+ stimulation of DA showed much higher concentrations of DA in anterior vs. posterior sections, indicating DAT functionality may be dependent on extracellular DA concentrations, rather than vesicular storage concentrations. 48 Introduction The neurotransmitter dopamine(DA) is one of over a hundred known neurotransmitters, and is prevalent in various areas of the brain, including the striatum, substantia nigra, olfactory tubercles, nucleus accumbens, and medial prefrontal cortex (Cooper et al, 2002). Along with acting as a precursor to norepinephrine (NE), DA is highly innervated in the areas of the brain controlling movement, reward, and motivation, and fluctuations in the level of DA available to bind to DA receptors in these areas leads to massive changes in behavior (Pesek-Cotton et al, 2011). The nigrostriatal and mesocorticolimbic dopamine pathways are two pathways (three if the mesolimbic and mesocortical pathways are considered separately) with major contributions to addictive behaviors, stemming from the effects of drugs like cocaine on DA transport, as well as their effects on neuronal plasticity (Thomas et al, 2008). High concentrations of DA are found in these anatomical areas, especially in the striatum and substantia nigra. Milby and coworkers (Milby et al, 1982) through examination of posterior tissue, found that the concentration of DA decreases from anterior to posterior in the rat caudate. Results are shown in Figure 1. As can be seen, there is a marked decrease in DA concentration in the posterior caudate, with a 54% decrease being seen from anterior to posterior. Typically, areas with high concentrations of DA were assumed to have the most DAT, and thereby the most DAT functionality. The word “functionality”, as used in this context, refers to the activity of the transporter in a certain region, i.e. how fast and to what degree it responds to the presence of DA natively, as well as in the 49 Figure 1. Dopamine distribution in the rat caudate. Distances on the x-axis refer to mm from bregma. 50 presence of drugs of abuse, specifically, in this case, cocaine. The neuronal transporter for dopamine, known as the dopamine transporter (DAT), is a seven-transmembrane spanning protein (Schenk, 2002) consisting of 619 amino acids. It is a member of the Na+ and Cl- dependent family of transporters (Amara and Kuhar, 1993). When DA is released from vesicular storage into the synapse, it binds to receptors and autoreceptors alike, and is subsequently taken up by DAT and transported back into the presynaptic space, released, and then metabolized into DOPAC or homovanillic acid(HVA). Once DA is released, DAT then returns to the synapse to begin the process again. It has long been thought that areas with high intracellular concentrations of DA not only have more DAT, but that DAT has higher functionality than areas with lower concentrations of DA. While it has been found that DAT is highly concentrated in areas with high concentrations of DA , the functionality of the transporter in these areas has been investigated sparingly (Cline et al, 1995; David et al, 1998). The psychostimulant cocaine is a known DAT inhibitor, preventing the reuptake of DA and causing an increase of DA in the synapse, leading to the euphoric feeling, or “high”, users and abusers tend to experience. The affects on the functionality of DAT in various anatomical areas has been studied by this lab in vitro (Meiergerd and Schenk, 1994; Meiergerd et al, 1997; Povlock and Schenk, 1997), however these studies did not investigate differences in DAT function within the same anatomical area, such as anterior and posterior striatum. RDE voltammetry has been used over the years by this lab and others (McElvain and Schenk, 1992; Meiergerd and Schenk, 1994; Earles and Schenk, 1998; Volz 51 and Schenk, 2004; Volz et al, 2004; Zapata and Shippenberg, 2002 ) to produce kinetically resolved voltammograms of DAT transport in vitro. RDE voltammetry provides several advantages over other in vitro and in vivo methods, being fast enough to provide a kinetically resolved image (20 ms response time is orders of magnitude faster than the time in which DA transport occurs) while also being sensitive enough to measure small quantities of tissue (average whole striatal tissue sample weighs 45-50 mg, while anterior and posterior sections weigh on average 20-25 mg each). RDE voltammetry, as its name suggests, uses a rotating, disk shaped electrode, in which forced convection to the electrode surface is the dominant force acting on the solution. This allows for controlled diffusion, allowing the electroactive species to reach and be measured by the electrode, as opposed to an electrode in a static solution, which relies on the speed of mass transport diffusion to the electrode surface (Adams, 1969). In this laboratory, the current interest is in studying the kinetics of DA uptake via DAT. Specifically, the aim of this study is to examine DAT functionality in rat striatum, examining both anterior and posterior striatum. The goal is to determine whether DAT function correlates to DA concentration in anterior and posterior striatal tissue. In the case of this study, DAT function will be assessed through kinetic investigations, measuring uptake and release of DA via DAT. Using both exogenous DA addition and K+ stimulated release of DA, the anatomical variability in DAT functionality has been investigated in the anterior and posterior areas of the striatum. Release and reuptake rates were calculated, both for cocaine and citalopram inhibited and non-inhibited DAT, along with 52 kinetic rate constants for release and reuptake of DA in K+ stimulated release models. The Na+ channel blocker tetrodotoxin (TTX) was used to confirm the anatomical effects of K+ stimulation on voltage-gated Na+ channels. Materials and Methods Preparation of Striatal Suspensions and Measurement of Transport by RDE Brain tissue was prepared as previously described(Bjorklund et al, 2007), with anterior and posterior dissection described below. Briefly, male Sprague-dawley rats weighing between 300-450 g were decapitated and their brains rapidly dissected and placed in oxygenated physiological buffer. Before experimentation rats were housed 2-4 per cage in a 12-hour light/dark cycle ad libitum to food and water. Unless otherwise indicated, rats were not treated with drugs before they were killed. All procedures with animals were reviewed and approved by the University Laboratory Animal Care and Use Committee. Whole striata(left and right) were dissected out, with sections being taken from anterior 2700-2400 µm to posterior 1200-1500 µm(Palkovits and Brownstein, 1988). For experiments investigating differences in DAT function in the striatum, anterior and posterior sections of striatal tissue were dissected and analyzed separately. Anterior portions, on average, measured from anterior 2700-2400 µm to anterior 300 µm(approximately), while posterior portions measured, on average, from anterior 300 µm or 0 µm(midbrain) to posterior 1200-1500 µm. Striatal sections were then chopped on an ice-cold watch-glass and placed into an RDE incubation chamber (Figure 2) in 1250 µL of physiological buffer, homogenized by pipetting, and then washed with fresh physiological buffer six times. The RDE 53 was then placed into the incubation chamber, and an electrode rotation speed of 2,000 rpm was applied with a Pine Instruments (Grove City, PA, U.S.A.) rotator. A potential sufficient enough to oxidize and detect dopamine was applied, +0.450 V relative to a Ag/AgCl reference electrode. Potential was applied to the RDE via a Bioanalytical Systems (West Lafayette, IN, U.S.A.) LC4C potentiostat, and the current was monitored on a Nicolet Instruments Corp. (Madison, WI, U.S.A.) model 2090 digital storage oscilloscope. Data points were taken every 50 ms for 2.0 minutes. For experiments involving exogenous addition of DA, the initial signal, consisting of the background current from the tissue preparation in buffer, was allowed to reach a baseline, at which point 20 µL of DA was added to the tissue suspension such that the resulting DA concentration in the suspension would be 0.5 µM. For experiments involving K+ stimulated release and subsequent reuptake, the solution of brain tissue and buffer were brought to baseline, and buffer with elevated KCl was added such that the first addition led to a 15 mM KCl concentration in the cell, and a second addition led to a 30mM KCl concentration inside the cell. The resulting signal was plotted as [DA] o vs. time. Initial release rates were defined as the linear portion of the positive slope of [DA]o vs. t, while initial reuptake rates were defined as the linear portion of the negative slope of [DA]o vs. t. Cocaine and Citalopram 54 Figure 2. Experimental setup for RDEV analysis on rat striatal tissue. A constant stream of 95% O2 / 5% CO2 was applied across the solution surface, and water was circulated through the cell jacket at 37 oC. 55 To investigate the effects of DAT and serotonin transporter (SERT) inhibition on DA uptake, the DAT/SERT/NET inhibitor cocaine and the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor citalopram (trademarked as Celexa) were used. Experiments involving these inhibitors were done in the same manner as the exogenously added DA experiments described above, with the difference being that a 0.5 µM solution of cocaine or citalopram was added to the tissue suspension 30 seconds before the addition of 0.5 µM DA. The resulting signal was analyzed as previously described. TTX Tetrodotoxin was used to show that blockage of Na+ channels will lead to decreased DA release. A solution of tetrodotoxin was added to the tissue suspension 30 seconds prior to K+ stimulation, with the final concentration being 0.1 µM in the cell. In experiments measuring exogenous DA reuptake alone and with an inhibitor present, a solution of DA was added to the tissue suspension such that the DA concentration inside the cell would be 0.5 µM. For experiments involving inhibitors, the inhibitor solution was added to tissue suspension 30 seconds before exogenous reuptake was measured, and was added such that the volume of inhibitor inside the cell would be 0.5 µM, a concentration of which is at or above the Ki of both cocaine and citalopram (Povlock and Schenk, 1997; Baeckstroem et al, 1989 ). Kinetic Analyses Analysis of uptake velocities was done using GraphPad Prism Version 5.02 (San Diego, CA), with the uptake velocity being given by the slope of the linear portion 56 of the [DA] vs t graph. DA uptake velocities are normalized for wet striatal tissue weight, with the final velocity being reported as pmol/g/s. Release and reuptake rate constants for K+ stimulated release and reuptake were found by plotting the ln[DA] vs t (Fersht, 1985). The plot, shown in Figure 3, is used for kinetic data which follows the equation [DA] = X{exp(-krt) – exp(-kut)} Eq. 1 where [DA] is total DA concentration, kr is the rate constant for the first process (in this case DA release), ku is the rate constant for the second process (in this case reuptake of DA), and X = [DA]o ( 1 + 1/k1 – k2), with [DA]o being the initial concentration of DA, and exp( ) describing a value raised to an exponential power. Analysis of the resulting curve is explained in Figure 3. [DA]o can be found by extrapolation of the ln[DA] vs time graph to x=0. This corresponds to the concentration of DA initially available for release via forced action potential, and not the total DA concentration present in the entire tissue. A simulation of the resulting curve was done using Scientist version 2.0 (Salt Lake City, UT). Solutions and Chemicals Solutions were prepared in deionized water purified further by a Nanopure Water Purification System (Barnstead, Dubuque, IA, U.S.A.). Buffer salts, dopamine HCl, tetrodotoxin, cocaine HCl, and citalopram HBr were obtained from SigmaAldrich Chemical Co.(St. Louis, MO, U.S.A.). The physiological buffer at pH 7.4 was comprised of 124 mM NaCl, 1.80 mM KCl, 57 Figure 3. Fersht kinetic analysis of DA release and reuptake data. The slope of the ln[DA] vs. time graph is used to find ku, while lnΔ vs. time is used to find kr. 58 1.24 mM KH2PO4, 2.50 mM CaCl2, 1.30 mM MgSO4, 26.0 mM NaHCO3, and 10.0 mM glucose and saturated with a gas mixture of 95% O2 and 5% CO2. Results K+ Stimulated Endogenous Release and Reuptake of DA Figure 4 shows the results of K+ stimulated, endogenous DA release and reuptake in left anterior and posterior striatal sections, while Figure 5 shows results for right anterior and posterior striatal sections. Little difference was seen in concentration of DA release between left and right striatum, while DA release in the anterior striatum was, on average, more than twice that of the posterior striatum (130 nM anterior vs. 65.8 nM posterior, 15 mM KCl stimulation; 210 nM anterior vs. 86.0 nM posterior, 30 mM KCl stimulation). For 15 mM KCl stimulation, average DA uptake velocity in anterior striatum was found to be 12.1 ± 1.96 nmol/g/s, while average uptake in posterior striatum was 9.17 ± 1.64 nmol/g/s. For 30 mM KCl stimulation, average anterior uptake was 46.5 ± 2.45 nmol/s/g, while average posterior uptake was 13.9 ± 1.64 nmol/s/g. Also shown is the effect of tetrodotoxin on DA release, with a 1.0 µM addition of TTX leading to greater than 50% inhibition. Table 1 shows the kinetic rates of release (k r) and uptake (ku), using the method adapted from Fersht. Exogenous Uptake of DA Figure 5 shows results of exogenous uptake of DA in left and right, anterior and posterior striatal tissue samples. Right and left striatal samples showed, in general, no statistically significant differences, although in some cases the right 59 Figure 4. Concentration vs. time graphs of K+ stimulated release and subsequent reuptake of DA. (A) Right striatal tissue, weight = 43.1mg. (B) Left striatal tissue, weight = 45.9 mg. (C) Left anterior (solid) vs. posterior (dashed) striatal tissue, anterior weight = 20.5 mg, posterior weight = 21.0 mg. (D) Right anterior (solid) vs. posterior (dashed) striatal tissue, anterior weight = 18.7 mg, posterior weight = 18.0 mg. The first peak represents profile after 15 mM stimulation, while the second peak represents profile after 30 mM stimulation. 60 Striatal Exogenous Endogenous Endogenous Endogenous Section Addition (0.5 Release & Release & Addition in uM DA)* Reuptake (15 Reuptake (30 the Presence mM KCl)** mM KCl)** of Citalopram (0.5 uM DA, Citalopram)* Whole 204 ± 25.6 21.0 ± 5.58 47.4 ± 6.19 217 ± 30.2 Anterior 182 ± 8.04 12.1 ± 1.96 46.5 ± 2.45 192 ± 10.5 Posterior 142 ± 4.81 9.17 ± 1.64 13.9 ± 1.64 205 ± 17.8 Table 1. Comparison of DAT uptake velocities with respect to general anatomical area, method of uptake measured, and while in the presence of no inhibitor and the SSRI citalopram . Whole striatal sections weighed 35-50 mg on average, while anterior and posterior sections weighed 17-25 mg. * Indicates velocity is in units of pmol/gram wet weight/s. ** Indicates velocity is in units of nmol/gram wet weight/s. 61 Figure 5. Comparison of average DA uptake velocities for left/right, anterior/posterior striatal tissue. All uptake velocities were normalized per gram wet tissue weight. 62 striatum showed a faster uptake velocity than the left. Average uptake velocities in the right striatum were 210 ± 25.7 pmol/s/g, while the left striatum showed 199 ± 25.5 pmol/s/g. Average anterior uptake rate of DA by DAT was found to be 182 ± 8.04 pmol/g/s, while average posterior uptake was found to be 142 ± 4.81 pmol/g/s. Right anterior striatal average uptake rate was found to be 205 ± 8.77 pmol/g/s, while average right posterior rate was 140 ± 4.50 pmol/g/s. Likewise, left anterior striatal average uptake rate was found to be 157 ± 7.33 pmol/g/s, while left posterior average rate was 145 ± 5.12 pmol/g/s, a value which was much closer to the anterior average than predicted. Effects Cocaine on DAT Functionality for Exogenous DA Additions Inhibition of DAT via cocaine showed reduced transport rates of DA. For a 0.5 µM addition of cocaine 30 seconds before addition of 0.5 µM DA to a tissue sample, an average of 68% inhibition of transport was seen for the anterior striatum, with average transport rates dropping from 182 ± 8.04 pmol/g/s for noninhibited to 58.9 ± 3.16 pmol/g/s for inhibited DAT. A similar trend was seen in posterior striatal sections, with an average 64% inhibition observed, as average transport rates dropped from 142 ± 4.81 pmol/g/s for non-inhibited, to 51.0 ± 2.22 pmol/g/s for inhibited DAT. Effects of Citalopram on DAT Functionality for Exogenous DA Addition The SSRI citalopram was used to determine the contribution of SERT to DA transport in striatal tissue. Average whole striatal DA uptake velocity was 217 ± 30.2 pmol/g/s, with average uptake velocity of left striatum being 234 ± 40.5 pmol/g/s, and average uptake velocity of right striatum being 200 ± 20.0 63 pmol/g/s. Average uptake velocity of anterior striatal sections was found to be 192 ± 10.5 pmol/g/s, while average uptake velocity of posterior sections was found to be 205 ± 17.8 pmol/g/s. Kinetic Rate Constants for Endogenous Release and Reuptake Kinetic rate constants for endogenous release and reuptake of DA were determined using the method previously described by Fersht. Whole striatal average ku for 15 mM K+ stimulation was found to be 0.0115 ± 4.39 x 10-4 s-1, with the average kr being 0.0826 ± 0.00890 s-1. 30mM stimulation of whole striatal tissue resulted in an average ku of 0.0111 ± 3.12 x 10-4 s-1 and an average kr of 0.057 ± 0.013 s-1. For 15 mM stimulation, anterior striatal tissue showed an average ku of 0.00297 ± 1.13 x 10-4 s-1 and a kr of 0.217 ± 0.00715 s-1, while 30 mM stimulation resulted in an average ku of 0.00518 ± 1.02 x 10-4 s-1 and kr of 0.176 ± 0.0121 s-1. Meanwhile, 15mM posterior stimulation resulted in a ku of 0.00244 ± 1.69 x 10-4 s-1 and a kr of 0.188 ± 0.00256 s-1, while 30 mM stimulation led to a ku of 0.00296 ± 1.68 x 10-4 s-1 and a kr of 0.170 ± 0.00924 s-1. Extrapolation of the ln[DA] vs. time curve gave average initial values of DA to be 162 and 296 nM for 15 and 30 mM K+ stimulation of whole striatal tissue, while 15 mM stimulation of left and right anterior striatal tissue lead to 166 and 161 nM [DA]o, respectively, and 30 mM stimulation of left and right anterior tissue lead to an average of 230 and 323 nM initial concentrations, respectively. 15 mM stimulation of left and right posterior tissue resulted in initial DA concentrations of 78.4 and 94.8 nM, respectively, while 30 mM stimulation of left and right posterior 64 tissue resulted in an average initial DA concentration of 96.1 and 117 nM, respectively. Discussion DAT functionality was examined in regards to functional differences when taking into account anatomical variability. In this study, the functional differences of DAT were investigated, with the main emphasis being on initial uptake velocities of DA via DAT, and release and reuptake rates via K+ stimulation in anterior and posterior sections of the rat striatum. The uptake rates of DAT in anterior and posterior striatum were also examined under the influence of the DAT inhibitor cocaine and the SSRI citalopram. This lab has done numerous studies concerning the kinetics of DAT transport in the rat brain (Schenk et al, 2005; Bjorklund et al, 2007), and kinetics of DA transport in the rat brain have been studied by other labs as well (Robinson et al, 2005, Volz et al, 2006 ). However, the kinetics of DA transport, at least in the striatum, is not constant throughout the whole of the striatum. While DA transport may indeed depend on DA concentration in the area in question, it is likely that this is not the only factor involved in the transport rates of DA, and this study has shown that, at least in the striatum, this is true. K+ Stimulated Release and Reuptake of Endogenous DA Induction of an action potential in whole striatal tissue showed release of DA on average of 104 nM for a 15 mM KCl stimulation, while a 30 mM stimulation produced an average of 207 nM DA release. Previous work done by this lab has shown much higher release values in whole tissue, on the order of 600 nM DA 65 for a 30 mM KCl stimulation (McElvain and Schenk, 1992). This difference could be attributed to an increased number of tissue washes done in the current experiment (8 washes done in this experiment, 6 done in McElvain and Schenk). DA release in whole striatal tissue averaged approximately 104 nM DA release for a 15 mM KCl stimulation, and 207 nM DA release for 30 mM KCl stimulation. Anterior striatal release exceeds both these values, with average anterior KCl stimulated release for 15 and 30 mM KCl stimulation being 130 nM and 210 nM, respectively. The simple explanation is that one anterior sample led to a 175 nM DA release for 15 mM KCl stimulation, and a 333 nM DA release for 30 mM KCl stimulation, making the averages of anterior and posterior striatal sections much higher than they otherwise would be. Indeed, the concentrations released in said sample were much higher than in other trials of anterior DA release in the striatum. However, if this data set is removed from the average, the resulting mean is 115 nM DA release for 15 mM KCl stimulation, and 170 nM DA release for 30 mM KCl stimulation. Therefore, even with these data points removed, the average is still above (in the case of 15 mM KCl stimulation), or close to (in the case of 30 mM KCl stimulation) whole striatal DA release averages. This trend can be explained by examining the DA concentration gradient seen in the striatum. Referring to Figure 1, the further anterior one goes in the striatum, the higher the concentration of DA. Analysis of a whole striatum is likely to yield an amount of DA that is weighted toward the average amount of DA found between the highest and lowest concentration barriers of the striatum. Taking an anterior section of striatal tissue will result, as shown here, in a release of DA consistent 66 with the concentration gradient in Figure 1. This same rationale applies to posterior striatal sections as well. Average posterior DA release for 15 mM KCl stimulation was 65.8 nM, while average release for 30 mM stimulation was 86 nM. Average uptake rates for endogenous DA uptake are shown in Table 1. For 15 mM KCl stimulation, whole striatal endogenous uptake rates averaged 21.0 ± 5.58 nmol/g/s, while 30 mM stimulation led to an average of 47.4 ± 6.19 nmol/g/s. Anterior striatal 15 mM KCl stimulation led to 12.1 ± 1.96 nmol/g/s, while 30 mM stimulation led to 46.5 ± 2.45 nmol/g/s average velocity. These results once again suggest that there is a weighted affect on the transport rates of striatal DAT. Transport rates in the striatum, at least in this case, seem to follow the concentration gradient of DA found in the striatum. It is also possible that this gradient causes a dampening effect on whole striatal DAT velocity. A lower transport velocity in the posterior section of a whole striatum may lower the overall DAT uptake velocity, whereas separating the anterior from posterior striatum allows each area to act individually, removing any influences one side may have on the other; in this case, the posterior striatum’s lower transport rate may dampen the higher transport rate of the anterior striatum, leading to a “leveling out” of the overall transport rate. It must be noted that the average transport rates for anterior striatal tissue were inflated by one test during K+ stimulation. In this one instance, anterior tissue released 175 nM DA upon 15 mM K+ stimulation, resulting in a transport rate of 20.4 ± 2.25 nmol/g/s. 30 mM stimulation lead to a 333 nM DA release, with DAT transport velocity being 110 ± 1.75 nmol/g/s. However, despite the increase to the average release and 67 reuptake values this sample caused, the average values of anterior DAT transport still fall close to values for whole striatal transport. Effects of the Na + channel blocker TTX were also investigated, mainly to ensure that Na+ channels were in fact responsible for the release of DA via forced action potential by K + stimulation. Results showed that a small magnitude of release did occur (≈3 nM) for a 0.1µM addition of TTX, however this release is insignificant compared to striatal DA release values previously discussed. Exogenous DA Reuptake Uptake via exogenous addition of 0.5 µM DA showed little difference between left and right striatum, with the uptake velocities being statistically indistinguishable. However, when looking at anterior and posterior sections, a difference between left and right begins to appear. Right anterior DA uptake velocities, on average, were found to be 32% higher than right posterior uptake velocities, while left anterior uptake was only 7.7% higher on average than left posterior uptake. There are at least two possible explanations for this phenomenon. First, the dampening effect mentioned earlier may also apply here, however it is also possible that the posterior portion of the left striatum has much more functionality, in terms of DA uptake/DAT, than its DA concentration would indicate. It is possible that this functionality can only become more apparent when the posterior and anterior sections are separated, allowing each section to operate independently of the other, which in turn allows for the actual functionality of the transporter to be exposed, instead of the averaging effect seen in the whole striatum. A second possible explanation is laterality of DA, or 68 even possibly DAT protein. Laterality in the brain is in no way uncommon (Samara et al, 2011; Rosel et al, 2002), and if uptake of DA via DAT is, at least partially, dependent on DA concentration, then laterality of DA would explain the increase in posterior striatal uptake of DA. However, if either dampening or laterality is responsible for the trend in DAT functionality seen here, then why does it not occur in the right striatum? The answer, once again, may be laterality, however in this particular instance it would be hemispheric laterality. Perhaps it is possible that the dorsal striatum of the left hemisphere is more active due to an increased role in decision-making, while the right ventral striatum dominates in aspects related to the emotions and motivations which go into that decision-making process. While both whole striatum are fully functional, separate areas of each hemisphere’s striata are more functional, and this in turn could possibly lead to many of the effects seen when dopamine systems are compromised, as happens with those who abuse drugs. It is also possible that this effect is simply a result of the separation process of the anterior and posterior striata, though why the effect is only seen in left striata is still left unexplained. Effects of Cocaine and Citalopram on Anterior and Posterior Functionality While the effects of cocaine on striatal DAT functionality have been well documented by this lab (Meiergerd et al, 1994; Wayment et al, 1998), these effects have not been studied in anterior and posterior striatum. In general, anterior striatal uptake velocities decreased by an average of 68% in the presence of cocaine, while posterior uptake velocities decreased by 65%. Right 69 anterior uptake velocities decreased by 70%, right posterior by 69%, left anterior by 65%, and left posterior by 67%. Despite differences in exogenous uptake of DA, the decreases caused by cocaine inhibition of DAT are consistent, and what would be expected from a 1:1 addition of cocaine and DA (normally 40-50% inhibition is seen, however anterior and posterior tissue samples are approximately half the size of normal striatal tissue preps, making increased inhibition an expected consequence). Effects of the SSRI Citalopram were also investigated to see how much of an effect SERT may have on DA transport. As shown in Table 1, Citalopram had very little effect on DA transport. An interesting consequence of Citalopram addition was the increase in the average uptake velocities of the left striatum, as well as the increase in average uptake in posterior striatal tissue. However, the velocities are still statistically the same despite the increase, and more tests would be needed to determine if a pattern exists. Analysis of Kinetic Rate Constants of DA Release and Reuptake Using the method adapted from Fersht, release and reuptake rates of DA via K + stimulation were calculated (average constants shown in Table 2). Average uptake rate constants for whole striata were in most cases twice that of anterior and posterior uptake constants, while release constants for anterior and posterior striata were three times higher than whole striata. The rationale for this is that while 15 and 30 mM K+ stimulations were used for all samples, the way each sample “sees” the stimulation is different. The effect of a 30 mM stimulation on 70 ku kr Whole Whole Anterior Anterior Posterior Posterior (15 mM) (30 mM) (15 mM) (30 mM) (15 mM) (30 mM) 0.0115 ± 0.0111 ± 0.00297 0.00518 0.00244 0.00296 4.39 x 3.12 x ± 1.13 x ± 1.02 x ± 1.69 x ± 1.68 x 10-4 10-4 10-4 10-4 10-4 10-4 0.0826 ± 0.057 ± 0.217 ± 0.176 ± 0.188 ± 0.170 ± 0.0089 0.013 0.00715 0.0121 0.00256 0.00924 Table 2. Rate constants for uptake and release of endogenous DA from stimulated release via K+ addition. All values are in units of s-1. 71 whole striatal tissue (i.e. 45 mg) versus the effect of the same stimulus on anterior striatal tissue (i.e. 25 mg) will not be the same. The same stimulus for half the normal sample will result in a “flood” of stimulus into the smaller striatal tissue, causing a much faster release of all available DA. The same rationale applies to the posterior rate constants. Average initial concentrations of DA available for release were calculated from Equation 1 and are shown in Table 3. Initial DA levels available range from 323 nM for right anterior striatal tissue to 78 nM for left posterior tissue, with 30 mM stimulations having the larger available release store in each case. Anterior tissue in both left and right samples showed comparable DA stores to whole tissue, while posterior tissue gave lower values compared to both whole and anterior tissue, showing the apparent gradient of DA in the striatum. Conclusion The goal of this study was to investigate how DAT uptake of DA differs in different local anatomical areas of the rat brain, specifically the anterior and posterior striatum, and what implications any differences may have in the role of cocaine inhibition of DAT. Velocities of DA transport in anterior striatal tissue were shown to be comparable, if not higher than, those found in whole striatal tissue, and posterior velocities fluctuated in a manner that DA concentrations in those areas would not predict. On average, DA transport rates were lower in the posterior striatum when compared to the anterior, however this difference was found to be much less in the left striatum than the right, implying a greater functionality of posterior striatal DAT in left striatal activities. Laterality may also 72 Whole Right Right Left Left Anterior Posterior Anterior Posterior 15mM K+ 162 161 94.8 165 78.4 30mM K+ 296 323 117 230 96.1 Table 3. Initial theoretical DA concentrations ([DA]o) available for release during 15 and 30 mM K+ stimulation in striatal tissue. The method of analysis is discussed in Figure 3. All concentrations are in nM. 73 play a role in differences between anterior and posterior DAT uptake, and while overall the differences may not be immediately clear, a closer look at individual test samples reveals that laterality plays a larger role in DA concentration and DAT functionality in the striatum than may have been previously thought. Inhibition with DAT via addition of cocaine shows that the effects of cocaine are seen throughout the striatum, and the gap between anterior and posterior uptake rates becomes much narrower under the influences of cocaine. Using the SSRI Citalopram, SERT was shown to have a minimal effect on DAT transport in the striatum, and though increases in DAT transport rates in the left striatum were seen, further testing would be needed to determine the cause of this. Overall this study shows that DAT functionality varies in the striatum, and is not necessarily dependent on DA concentration. 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Schenk1,2 1 Department of Chemistry and 2Programs in Pharmacology/Toxicology and Neuroscience Washington State University, Pullman, WA 98837 Preface: The following chapter is written in a format to be submitted to the journal Synapse. All experiments and data analysis were done by Peter A. Lukus, with equipment and lab space provided by Dr. James O. Schenk. 80 Abstract Methamphetamine (METH) & amphetamine (AMPH) are both dopamine (DA) releasing agents in the brain, and both are dopamine transporter (DAT) blockers. Though their mechanism of action, along with structure, is similar, METH has commonly been seen as the more addictive compound due to greater lipid solubility. However, the addictiveness of METH when compared to AMPH is quite high, and it is possible, perhaps even likely, that there is more to uncover when comparing the mechanism of action of these two drugs. The purpose of this study is to compare, kinetically, the action of METH and AMPH. Through comparison of release and reuptake constants, coupled with release concentration, the data suggests that, from a kinetics standpoint, AMPH has an equal, if not greater affect on DA release levels in rat striatal tissue. Data also shows that while AMPH has a greater affect on initial release levels of DA, METH has a greater affect on reuptake of DA, indicating that DA would be exposed to post-synaptic receptors longer in the presence of METH. Results suggest that nurturing of vital PLAY circuits in children may be more effective for long-term treatment of conditions such as ADHD than the typically prescribed medications such as the AMPH based Adderall. 81 Introduction The neurotransmitter dopamine(DA) is one of over a hundred known neurotransmitters, and is prevalent in various areas of the brain, including the striatum, substantia nigra, olfactory tubercles, nucleus accumbens, and medial prefrontal cortex (1). Along with acting as a precursor to norepinephrine (NE), DA is highly innervated in the areas of the brain controlling movement, reward, and motivation, and fluctuations in the level of DA available to bind to DA receptors in these areas leads to massive changes in behavior (2). The nigrostriatal and mesocorticolimbic dopamine pathways are two pathways (three if you consider the mesolimbic and mesocortical pathways separately) with major contributions to addictive behaviors, stemming from the effects of drugs like methamphetamine on DA transport, as well as their effects on neuronal plasticity (3). Methamphetamine (METH), shown in Figure 1, is one of the most abused substances among illicit stimulants (4). The addictive properties of METH stem mainly from two properties: 1) its ability to stimulate dopamine (DA) release, 2) its ability to inhibit DA reuptake. The initiation of action potentials is responsible for causing DA release. An action potential is initiated when the concentration of Na+ and K+ across the cell membrane are altered, causing the opening of ion channels that allow the flow of ions into and out of the cell. When DA release is initiated via neuronal action potential, DA exits storage vesicles into the neuronal 82 Figure 1. Chemical structures of AMPH and METH 83 cytoplasm and is transported into the synaptic space via the dopamine transporter (DAT), where it becomes available to bind to dopaminergic receptors on the post-synaptic membrane. METH is a substrate analog of DA (5), meaning it resembles DA closely enough to bind to DAT and be transported into the neuron, where it then displaces DA from its storage vesicles. Once free in the cytoplasm, the high concentration of DA causes DAT to release DA from cytoplasm inside the cell to the exterior synapse. Upon release into the synaptic space, DA is free to bind to DA receptors on the post-synaptic membrane. Due to the inhibition of DA via METH, as well as the presence of METH in neuronal storage vesicles, DA stays in the synapse and repeatedly binds to DA receptors, causing the euphoric high described by users. Unlike METH, amphetamine (AMPH), also shown in Figure 1, has therapeutic benefit, although it is also a class of stimulant. AMPH is a stimulant most commonly used in the treatment of behavioral disorders such as ADHD (6). AMPH is also commonly used as a “study drug”, with its stimulant affects being used to allow long periods of focus for students (7). AMPH has a similar mechanism of action as METH, in that it binds to DAT, displaces vesicular DA and blocks transport, allowing DA to be released into the synaptic space to bind to receptors. AMPH is the non-methylated form of METH, and while the mechanism of action is similar to METH, the effects of AMPH, in terms of degree of neurological effects of the drug, are markedly less than that of METH (8,9). The neuronal transporter for dopamine, known as the dopamine transporter (DAT), is a seven-transmembrane spanning protein (10) consisting of 619 amino 84 acids, and is a member of the Na+ and Cl- dependent family of transporters (11). When DA is released from vesicular storage into the synapse, it binds to receptors and autoreceptors alike, and is subsequently taken up by DAT and transported back into the presynaptic space, released, and then metabolized into DOPAC or homovanillic acid(HVA). Once DA is released, DAT then returns to the synapse to begin the process again. While the affects of METH on users is known to be more profound and long-lasting, the exact mechanism is unknown. The additional methyl group found on METH is thought to give the molecule properties that allow for easier diffusion through the blood brain barrier, as well as make the molecule resistant to metabolic degradation via monoamine oxidase (MAO). RDE voltammetry has been used by this lab and others (12-17 ) to produce kinetically resolved voltammograms of DAT transport in vitro. RDE voltammetry provides several advantages over other in vitro and in vivo methods, being fast enough to provide a kinetically resolved image (20 ms response time is orders of magnitude faster than the time in which DA transport occurs) while also being sensitive enough to measure small quantities of tissue (average whole striatal tissue sample weighs 45-50 mg, while anterior and posterior sections weigh on average 20-25 mg each). To be clear, in this case the term “kinetic resolution” is meant to indicate the response time of the instrument compared to the time scale of the physiological process. Uptake occurs on the order of 120 ms, while the response time of the instrument is 20 ms. RDE voltammetry, as its name suggests, uses a rotating, disk shaped electrode, in which forced convection to 85 the electrode surface is the dominant force acting on the solution. This allows for controlled diffusion, allowing the electroactive species to reach and be measured by the electrode, as opposed to an electrode in a static solution, which relies on the speed of mass transport diffusion to the electrode surface (18). This allows analytical measurements to be made faster than the physiological process of DA transport. This is crucial, due to the fact that once DA enters the cell it is no longer able to be detected electrochemically. The efficacy of METH, when compared to AMPH, is thought to be due to the extra methyl group found on METH. This methylation increases lipid solubility, allowing more METH to cross the blood brain barrier at a faster rate than AMPH, resulting in a greater “high”, as well as increased potential for addiction. Additionally, the extra methyl group is thought to help prevent degradation of METH via monoamine oxidase (MAO), further adding to the increased high experienced by the user (9). The goal of this research is to determine whether differences exist in the kinetics of release and reuptake of DA in the rat striatum after stimulation with AMPH and METH. In determining rate constants and fitting these constants to a kinetic model, it is possible to see whether there are additional mechanisms that lead to the differences in the degree of psychostimulus experienced by the user. The results will compare not only kinetic rates of release and reuptake of DA in the presence of AMPH and METH, but will also show how the concentrations of DA released differ when comparing AMPH and METH stimulated release. Materials and Methods 86 Preparation of Striatal Suspensions and Measurement of Transport by RDE Brain tissue was prepared as previously described (19). Briefly, male Spraguedawley rats weighing between 300-450 g were decapitated and their brains rapidly dissected and placed in oxygenated physiological buffer. Before experimentation rats were housed 2-4 per cage in a 12-hour light/dark cycle ad libitum to food and water. Unless otherwise indicated, rats were not treated with drugs before they were killed. All procedures with animals were reviewed and approved by the University Laboratory Animal Care and Use Committee. Whole striata(left and right) were dissected out, with sections being taken from anterior 2700-2400 µm to posterior 1200-1500 µm, according to Palkovits and Brownstein (20). Striatal sections were then chopped on an ice-cold watch-glass and placed into an RDE incubation chamber in 1250 µL of physiological buffer, homogenized by pipetting, and then washed with fresh physiological buffer six times. The RDE was then placed into the incubation chamber, and an electrode rotation speed of 2,000 rpm was applied with a Pine Instruments (Grove City, PA, U.S.A.) rotator. A potential sufficient enough to oxidize and detect dopamine was applied, +0.450 V relative to a Ag/AgCl reference electrode. Potential was applied to the RDE via a Bioanalytical Systems (West Lafayette, IN, U.S.A.) LC4C potentiostat, and the current was monitored on a Nicolet Instruments Corp. (Madison, WI, U.S.A.) model 2090 digital storage oscilloscope. Amphetamine and Methamphetamine Induced Dopamine Release In order to stimulate measurable release of DA from striatal suspensions, concentrations of AMPH and METH were added such that the concentrations 87 inside the electrochemical cell would be 8x the Ki of each molecule (AMPH Ki=0.6 µM , METH Ki =65 µM, (21)), resulting in an AMPH concentration of 4.8 µM, and a METH concentration of 500 µM. Addition of each drug was made after the system had reached a stable baseline current, which was done by applying +0.450 V until a stable baseline was attained. To ensure that DA levels measured were in fact due to release of DA via Na+ channel flux, 1µM of the Na+ channel blocker tetrodotoxin (TTX) was added to solution to determine if any measurable release occurred. Analysis of Release & Reuptake Data Analysis of release and reuptake data was done using GraphPad Prism Version 5.02 (San Diego, CA). Release and reuptake rate constants for K+ stimulated release and reuptake were found by plotting the ln[DA] vs t (22). The plot is used for kinetic data which follows the equation [DA] = X{exp(-krt) – exp(-kut)} Eq. 1 where [DA] is total DA concentration, kr is the rate constant for the first process (in this case DA release), ku is the rate constant for the second process (in this case reuptake of DA), and X = [DA]o ( 1 + 1/k1 – k2), with [DA]o being the initial concentration of DA, and exp indicating exponentials. Total concentrations of DA released were found by measuring the maximum current response after stimulation of the tissue with AMPH or METH. This number was then matched to a calibration curve of current response vs. DA concentration to find the maximum release, expressed in nM. 88 Solutions and Chemicals Solutions were prepared in deionized water purified further by a Nanopure Water Purification System (Barnstead, Dubuque, IA, U.S.A.). Buffer salts, dopamine HCl, amphetamine H2SO4, and methamphetamine HCl, were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich Chemical Co.(St. Louis, MO, U.S.A.). The physiological buffer at pH 7.4 was comprised of 124mM NaCl, 1.80 mM KCl, 1.24 mM KH2PO4, 2.50 mM CaCl2, 1.30 mM MgSO4, 26.0 mM NaHCO3, and 10.0 mM glucose and saturated with a gas mixture of 95% O2 and 5% CO2. Results Figure 2 shows a typical curve seen after injecting striatal tissue suspensions with AMPH and METH. The initial upward stroke indicates DA release, while the downward stroke indicates DA reuptake, most of which occurs via the DAT in striatal tissue. Average Kr for AMPH (n=4) was 0.113 ± 0.00298, while average Ku was 0.00739 ± 5.10 x 10-4. Average Kr for METH (n=4) was 0.0608 ± 0.00658, while the average Ku was 0.0031875 ± 4.33 x 10-4. The data is shown in the bar graph in Figure 3. Average release concentrations of DA were also determined and compared between AMPH and METH stimulations, shown in Figure 4. Mean DA release from AMPH stimulation was 260 nM, while mean release from METH stimulation was 213 nM. Upon application of TTX, no measureable signal was recorded, indicating that the measured signal was that of DA released from striatal tissue. Discussion METH and AMPH effects on DA transport and DAT 89 Figure 2. Stimulated release of DA via amphetamine administration to rat caudate-putamen tissue. 90 Figure 3. Comparison of uptake and release rate constants of DA release stimulated by AMPH and METH. Average (in s-1) Kr for AMPH (n=4) was 0.113 +/0.00298, while average Ku was 0.00739 +/- 5.10 x 10-4. Average Kr for METH (n=4) was 0.0608 +/- 0.00658, while the average Ku was 0.0031875 +/- 4.33 x 10-4. All errors calculated as standard error of the mean. 91 Figure 4. Average concentration of DA released after AMPH and METH administration. Average after AMPH administration was 260 nM, while average release after METH administration was 213 nM. 92 It has long been thought that the reason for the greater addictive potential of METH over AMPH was due to the added methyl group found on METH, which results in greater lipid solubility, allowing for quicker transport through the bloodbrain barrier, thus producing a quicker and longer high. The added methyl group is also thought to delay metabolic degradation of METH via MAO, allowing the effects to be longer lasting. While this theory indeed holds water, it has yet been determined to be the only cause, and while this may indeed be the key reason for the difference in METH and AMPH efficacy, there may also be underlying mechanisms, kinetic and otherwise, behind this phenomenon. The results of this study suggest that AMPH has a similar, if not greater, effect on DA release in striatal tissue when compared to METH. The rate constants calculated from the release and reuptake data indicate that AMPH has a statistically similar effect on DA levels in striatal tissue when compared to METH, and in some cases the amount of DA released from striatal tissue in response to AMPH stimulation was greater than DA release due to METH; of the four trials conducted to measure DA release, AMPH stimulation caused a greater release than METH twice, while once they were equal. Though it is unknown why exactly this occurs, and indeed more work would need to be done to ensure that this occurs throughout areas of the brain affected by AMPH and METH, it is possible that AMPH is able to induce neuronal action potentials more effectively due to greater receptor binding efficacy, or perhaps via a second messenger system which, at this point, has yet to be discovered, or an existing one with an additional function. While the rate constant at which AMPH is released was found to be larger than that of METH, 93 the rate constant for uptake was larger as well, suggesting that METH is more efficient at inhibiting DA uptake, likely via DAT. Inhibition can also be modulated by direction of the transporter. While METH and AMPH may indeed be inhibiting DA transport via competitive binding to active or allosteric sites, such as where Na+ and Cl- bind, the replacement of DA by METH and AMPH in vesicles also reverses transport direction of DAT. Inhibition of DAT in the case of DA displacement in vesicles is likely two-fold, with inhibition occurring directly via binding of AMPH and METH to DAT, thereby preventing DA from binding, and reversal of transport direction of the transporter, keeping it in a state of removal of DA from the cellular cytoplasm. Taking this into account, the mechanistic differences between AMPH and METH could perhaps be looked at in a simpler manner, i.e. AMPH has greater affect on the release of DA, while METH is better at preventing DA from re-entering the cell, resulting in a longer and more profound “high”. Additionally, the methyl group, which may in fact reduce the rate of metabolic degradation of METH, may be the factor that enables METH to be a more potent inhibitor of DAT reuptake, both via binding to DAT and transporter direction reversal. Possible effects of METH and AMPH on other neurotransmitter transporters It is possible that METH has greater binding affinity for other DA transport systems as well (VMAT, NET), however further studies would need to be done in order to determine the degree to which METH may be a more effective inhibitor for DA uptake when compared to AMPH. Studies done here focused solely on neuronal DAT as a carrier. While DAT is indeed the main carrier of DA in 94 neuronal striatal tissue, there are small amounts of other known transport systems, such as VMAT, NET, as well as the organic cation transporter (OCT). Despite this, it is the thought of this group that the data indeed raises interesting questions as to the addictive properties of AMPH and METH, and how those properties contribute to the mechanisms of addiction. Additionally, this study raises questions as to the efficacy of administration of AMPH for neurological disorders, such as attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Furthermore, while children do show a different response to AMPH than do adults, it is possible that alternative methods may be better suited to children (23), as discussed in further detail in the section on play. Critiques and further experiments The added methyl group found on METH is also thought to attribute to the increased potency of the drug, with the methyl group slowing the rate of degradation of METH via MAO, as well as increasing lipid solubility of METH. Increased lipid solubility allows for easier diffusion through the blood brain barrier, meaning that more METH gets into the brain than does AMPH when taken in the same amount. This study eliminated the blood brain barrier as a variable, instead introducing both AMPH and METH directly to striatal tissue. In order to determine how much blood brain barrier permeability affects transport inhibition, further studies would need to be done. Indeed, the concentrations of AMPH and METH available to neurons will certainly affect transport to some degree. Variations in concentrations of AMPH and METH were not investigated in this study; however, it is known that higher doses of drugs such as AMPH and 95 METH have greater affects on neuronal function. The concentrations of AMPH and METH added were determined by adding 8x the inhibition constant of AMPH and METH for DAT. The inhibition constant, or Ki, is a measure of the concentration of inhibitor needed to produce 50% inhibition. A problem with the current study is that the Ki values used were not measured directly in this lab. A more thorough study would need to be done, measuring Ki’s directly, as well as the affects of varying the concentrations of AMPH and METH added in relation to the Ki. Despite this flaw, the current study does show that lower concentrations of AMPH cause larger releases of DA than METH. Additionally, the degree of dissociation of METH and AMPH that occurs with regards to the transporter could also be measured. The dissociation constant of an inhibitor, Ka, is an indication of how much inhibitor remains bound to the transporter, as opposed to that which is free in solution. In the simplest terms, K a can be defined by equation 2 shown below. Ka ={ [A] x [B]}/[AB] Eqn 2. In terms of this study, [A] would be defined as the concentration of AMPH or METH, respectively, that is free in solution, and [AB] would be defined as the concentration of AMPH or METH that remained bound to DAT. The dissociation constant is a measure of the potency of a binding species, i.e. how much binds. When measured as a function of time, Ka also gives information regarding the length of time the inhibitor spends on the transporter. It is possible that METH binding lasts longer than AMPH binding on DAT, which would give further 96 reasoning for the prolonged effects of METH inhibition of DA uptake via DAT compared to AMPH inhibition of DAT. Potential therapeutic efficacy of increased play in children with ADHD As stated, the data shown here is intended to raise questions as to the mechanisms of these drugs, with the hope that further studies will be conducted. It is the opinion of this lab that the kinetic mechanisms of AMPH and METH are more complex than initially thought. Furthermore, alternative treatment options for conditions such as ADHD may be preferential to many, especially in the case of children. This topic has been reviewed, and Panksepp (24) has suggested that PLAY is in fact an emotional system that exists in both the animal and human brain. Citing data from his 2003 paper in Brain and Cognition (25), Panksepp argues that sufficient amounts of play will facilitate development of frontal lobe inhibitory skills in children. The neocortex of the human brain controls many higher functions in humans and primates, including decision making and motivation . The frontal lobe of the neocortex controls “executive functions”, which allow humans to control, and in some cases, inhibit, their emotions. Among other things, the frontal lobe allows humans to determine right and wrong, as well as what type of behavior is appropriate in certain situations. In young children, this system has yet to fully develop, which is a key reason as to the lack of “filter” shown by young children, i.e. children often say what they are thinking, with little thought as to the consequences of what they are saying, as well as to how such statements may affect others. As stated by Panksepp, development of this system allows for regulation of impulsive primary-process 97 emotional urges, and increased play in children may indeed facilitate maturation of this system. Children who have little chance for play are likely to become antisocial and criminally prone, and despite the scarce research into the value of play in children, it is entirely possible that increased play may be a more effective form of treatment for children than AMPH based medications such as Adderall, and DAT blockers such as Ritalin. Additional research by Panksepp (26) suggests that ludic tendencies of children, or misbehavior, increase with further restriction of play, specifically rough and tumble play. Rough and tumble play is often forbidden in environments such as the classroom, creating additional stress for the child, and possibly contributing to additional poor behavior. While medications such as Ritalin and Adderall allow children to be attentive and calm, these medications often have poor long-term results, and in many cases likely do not allow for proper and natural maturation of the child’s neurological systems. As suggested by Panksepp, the increased diagnosis of ADHD in children may be the result of the restrictive environment that children are placed in now, as opposed to actual neurological illness. Such environments may lead to poor social development and learning, and medicating children may lead to further long-term damage to development of social and emotional systems necessary to function and succeed in today’s society. Conclusion The results presented here show that there may be additional mechanisms involved in AMPH and METH addiction on a molecular level, and that AMPH may actually have a greater effect on CNS function due to increased DA release. 98 While the extra methyl group found on METH is indeed a valid theory for the greater efficacy of METH, it is likely, knowing how complex the brain is, that there are additional mechanisms at work, and perhaps knowledge of these mechanisms may eventually lead to improved treatment methods for AMPH and METH addiction. 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(1984) The psychobiology of play: Theoretical and methodological perspectives. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 8, 465-492. 103 CHAPTER 4 Release and Reuptake Kinetics of the Dopamine Transporter in Parkinsonian Rats Peter A. Lukus1, George Stoica3, and James O. Schenk1,2 1 Department of Chemistry and 2Programs in Pharmacology/Toxicology and Neuroscience, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington, 99164. 3 Department of Pathobiology, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 77840. Preface: The following chapter is written for submission to the journal Analytical Biochemistry. All experiments and data analysis was performed by Peter A. Lukus. Lab space and equipment was provided by Dr. James O. Schenk. Rat brain tissue was supplied by Dr. George Stoica. 104 Abstract: Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative neurological disease wherein dopaminergic cell bodies found in the brain begin to die, resulting in increased bouts of uncontrollable shaking and random spasms, and ultimately depression and/or dementia. The root cause of the cell death is unknown, and the various models that have been developed over the years have been unsuccessful in finding a root cause of the condition. In this study, rats naturally experiencing physical symptoms of Parkinson’s disease were sacrificed, and dopamine transport was examined in the caudate putamen, mesencephalon, and olfactory bulb using rotating disk electrode voltammetry, to assess functionality of the dopamine transporter in rats ataxic for Parkinsons. Uptake was examined exogenously, while release and reuptake rate constants were found via KCl stimulation after addition of DA. Results showed that despite variations in transport and release rates, the transporter for dopamine was still functioning in the above mentioned areas, and was responsive to both exogenous dopamine addition, as well as endogenous release stimulation which occurred immediately after exogenous uptake. While the study shows the functionality of dopaminergic transmission in ataxic Parkinsonian rats, more data needs to be collected to fully understand the efficacy, or lack thereof, of the various systems at work in these brain regions. 105 Introduction The neurotransmitter dopamine(DA) is one of over a hundred known neurotransmitters, and is prevalent in various areas of the brain, including the striatum, substantia nigra, olfactory tubercles, nucleus accumbens, and medial prefrontal cortex (1). Along with acting as a precursor to norepinephrine (NE), DA is highly innervated in the areas of the brain controlling movement, reward, and motivation, and fluctuations in the level of DA available to bind to DA receptors in these areas leads to massive changes in behavior (2). The nigrostriatal and mesocorticolimbic dopamine pathways are two pathways (three if you consider the mesolimbic and mesocortical pathways separately) with major contributions to addictive behaviors, stemming from the effects of drugs like cocaine on DA transport, as well as their effects on neuronal plasticity (3). Loss of dopaminergic cell bodies in the substantia nigra is the hallmark of Parkinson’s disease, resulting in loss of fine motor skills, and often resulting in depression and psychosis (4). Parkinson’s disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder of the basal ganglia that is characterized by tremor, muscular rigidity, difficulty in initiating motor activity, and loss of postural reflexes (1). Parkinson’s mainly affects motor movement. As dopaminergic cells die off, the balance between acetylcholine and dopamine is disrupted, and the constant shaking and involuntary movements that are the hallmark of Parkinson’s disease begin to appear. Fine motor skills are lost, whereas gross motor skills turn from preconceived movements to random twitches which are often uncontrollable. While it has been known for 106 some time that Parkinson’s disease is characterized by loss of pigmented cells in the substantia nigra, only since 1960 has it been known that Parkinson’s results in substantial loss of dopamine in the corpus striatum. The striatum is part of the nigrostriatal DA system, with the striatum itself functioning to help coordinate motivation and movement. Among other things, the striatum is involved in behavior regulation in complex social situations, and inhibiting small involuntary movements. DA’s role in this is crucial, and loss of dopaminergic cell bodies in the striatum is responsible, in part, for the frequent shaking and loss of fine motor skills observed in Parkinson’s patients. Many studies have been done to elucidate the mechanisms behind Parkinson’s, with hope that one day a more efficient therapeutic tool may emerge, or perhaps, even a cure. There have been many approaches to this problem. Some choose to look at certain genetic factors and predispositions (5, 6, 7), while others have chosen to use chemical treatments to destroy dopaminergic cell bodies in animals, thereby mimicking Parkinsonian symptoms (8, 9, 10). The need for improved Parkinsonian models is due to the current efficacy, or lack thereof, of treatment for Parkinson’s patients. The main treatment for Parkinson’s disease has been L-dihydroxyphenylalanine, also known as L-DOPA or levodopa (11), which is the precursor to DA in its biosynthetic pathway. The structure of L-DOPA is shown in Figure 1. The efficacy of L-DOPA is due to the fact that it can cross the blood-brain barrier, whereas DA cannot, which allows it to be taken orally or injected into the blood stream. The main problem that occurs with L-DOPA is twofold: 1) while L-DOPA crosses the blood-brain barrier, 107 Figure 1. Chemical structure of L-DOPA. 108 there is still a large amount that does not, and it is estimated that only about 1% of the L-DOPA given to a patient makes it across the blood-brain barrier to be metabolized into DA, and 2) The main commonality, or perhaps the main flaw, with these techniques is that the animals have not shown the progression that is typical of Parkinson’s disease. Instead, they are genetically altered or chemically treated to mimic neuronal cell death in DA systems. The neuronal transporter for dopamine, known as the dopamine transporter (DAT), is a seven-transmembrane spanning protein (12) consisting of 619 amino acids, and is a member of the Na+ and Cl- dependent family of transporters (13). When DA is released from vesicular storage into the synapse, it binds to receptors and autoreceptors alike, and is subsequently taken up by DAT and transported back into the presynaptic space, released, and then metabolized into DOPAC or homovanillic acid(HVA). Once DA is released, DAT then returns to the synapse to begin the process again. It has long been thought that areas with high intracellular concentrations of DA not only have more DAT, but that DAT has higher functionality than areas with lower concentrations of DA. While it has been found that DAT is highly concentrated in areas with high concentrations of DA , the functionality of the transporter in these areas has been investigated sparingly (14, 15). There have been several studies on the effect of Parkinson’s disease on DA uptake via DAT; however all have been done using models wherein Parkinson’s is induced via 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesions, or via MPTP toxicity (16, 17). 109 Rotating disk electrode voltammetry (RDEV) is a technique that has been used by this lab (18, 19) and others (20) to study neurotransmitter transporters such as dopamine transporter (DAT), norepinepherine transporter (NET), and the serotonin transporter (SERT). The advantage of using RDEV to study transporter uptake is due to the temporal resolution afforded by the technique. In RDEV, rotation of the electrode allows for forced convection, wherein analyte is brought to the electrode surface and either oxidized or reduced, depending on the potential applied. The analyte is then swept away from the electrode surface and back into the bulk solution. Transport of neurotransmitters happens very fast, on the order of milliseconds, and because of this, study of transport via diffusion controlled techniques, such as chronoamperometry, can be difficult, if not impossible in some cases. To get a better understanding of the kinetics of the system, RDEV can be used to temporally resolve the system, with a response time of approximately 30ms, whereas neurotransmission typically happens on the order of 120ms. While RDEV cannot be used in vivo, transport data is collected in a more temporally resolved environment. This also removes many second messenger systems and additional transport moieties that may be involved in transport, allowing the experimenter to focus on a small number of transporters, and, with the correct pharmacological manipulation, individual transporters. Furthermore, many drug manipulations that are needed can be added directly into solution, in a much easier fashion than is allowed for in vivo treatment. A figure of an RDEV setup for neuronal tissue samples is shown in Figure 2. RDEV has not been used in research on DAT function in Parkinsonian 110 Figure 2. Experimental setup for RDEV analysis on rat striatal tissue. A constant stream of 95% O2 / 5% CO2 was applied across the solution surface, and water was circulated through the cell jacket at 37oC. 111 animal models to the knowledge of this research group, however the advantages it offers, and previous research by this lab using RDEV to study neurotransmitter transport phenomena, suggest that the technique is well suited to investigating DA uptake in rat brain tissue which is ataxic for Parkinson’s. Recently, Dr. George Stoica of Texas A&M University generously sent our lab brain samples from rats presenting symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. No treatments were given to these animals to induce the condition. Determining DA transport kinetics in rats of this type could begin to unravel some of the intricacies of the Parkinsonian brain, and ultimately may lead to novel therapeutics in which DAT, and improved DAT function, is the target and ultimate goal, respectively. Previous work was done by this group (21) using ion-mobility mass spectrometry to compare DA concentrations in a healthy rat brain to ones that showed signs of Parkinson’s disease, which was visually determined by observation of involuntary shaking by the rats. Materials and Methods Brain sections from hooded rats raised by Dr. Gregory Stoica were dissected and flash frozen, at which point they were shipped in dry ice to Washington State University. The areas analyzed were the mesencephalon, olfactory bulb, and caudate-putamen (striatum), shown in Figure 3. The midbrain is of key interest in this study because it is where the substantia nigra is located. As previously state, death of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra is responsible for the symptoms observed in Parkinson’s patients. Samples were stored in a -80oC freezer, and thawed in a -20oC freezer overnight before use. The same 112 Figure 3. Saggital section showing areas of interest for DA release and uptake studies. 113 procedure was used for tissue taken from rats that showed and did not show Parkinson-like behavior. Upon thawing, mesencephalon, olfactory bulb, and striatal sections were then individually chopped on an ice-cold watch-glass and placed into an RDE incubation chamber in 1250 µL of physiological buffer, homogenized by pipetting, and then washed with fresh physiological buffer six times. The RDE was then placed into the incubation chamber, and an electrode rotation speed of 2,000 rpm was applied with a Pine Instruments (Grove City, PA, U.S.A.) rotator. A potential sufficient enough to oxidize and detect dopamine was applied, +0.450 V relative to a Ag/AgCl reference electrode. Potential was applied to the RDE via a Bioanalytical Systems (West Lafayette, IN, U.S.A.) LC4C potentiostat, and the current was monitored on a Nicolet Instruments Corp. (Madison, WI, U.S.A.) model 2090 digital storage oscilloscope. For experiments involving exogenous addition of DA, the initial signal, consisting of the background current from the tissue preparation in buffer, was allowed to reach a baseline, at which point 20 µL of DA was added to the tissue suspension such that the resulting DA concentration in the suspension would be 1.0 µM. For experiments involving K+ stimulated release and subsequent reuptake, the solution of brain tissue and buffer were brought to baseline, and buffer with elevated KCl was added such that the first addition led to a 15 mM KCl concentration in the cell, and a second addition led to a 30 mM KCl concentration inside the cell. The resulting signal was plotted as [DA]o vs. time. Initial release rates were defined as the linear portion of the positive slope of [DA]o vs. t, while 114 initial reuptake rates were defined as the linear portion of the negative slope of [DA]o vs. t. Analysis of Release & Reuptake Data Analysis of release and reuptake data was done using GraphPad Prism Version 5.02 (San Diego, CA). Release and reuptake rate constants for K+ stimulated release and reuptake were found by plotting the ln[DA] vs t (22). The plot is used for kinetic data which follows the equation [DA] = [DA]o{exp(-krt) – exp(-kut)} Eq. 1 where [DA] is total DA concentration, kr is the rate constant for the first process (in this case DA release), ku is the rate constant for the second process (in this case reuptake of DA), and [DA] = [DA]o ( 1 + 1/k1 – k2), with [DA]o being the initial concentration of DA. Analysis of the resulting curve is explained in Figure 4. [DA]o can be found by extrapolation of the ln[DA] vs time graph to x=0. This corresponds to the concentration of DA initially available for release via forced action potential, and not the total DA concentration present in the entire tissue. Solutions and Chemicals Solutions were prepared in deionized water purified further by a Nanopure Water Purification System (Barnstead, Dubuque, IA, U.S.A.). Buffer salts, dopamine HCl, and KCl were obtained from Sigma-Aldrich Chemical Co.(St. Louis, MO, U.S.A.). The physiological buffer at pH 7.4 was comprised of 124 mM NaCl, 1.80 mM KCl, 1.24 mM KH2PO4, 2.50 mM CaCl2, 1.30 mM MgSO4, 26.0 mM NaHCO3, and 10.0 mM glucose and saturated with a gas mixture of 95% O2 and 5% CO2. 115 Figure 4. Fersht analysis of DA release and reuptake data. The slope of the bottom curve is used to find the rate of uptake, while the top curve is used to find rate of release. 116 Results Exogenous Uptake Rates Analysis of olfactory bulb uptake and subsequent stimulation of release showed average uptake values of 214.51 ± 58.66 pmol/sg for control samples, while analysis of ataxic samples revealed an average uptake value of 107.80 ± 16.30 pmol/sg. Caudate putamen samples showed an average uptake rate of 222.20 ± 75.52 pmol/sg for control samples, while ataxic samples averaged 159.90 ± 70.04 pmol/sg. Finally, mesencephalic tissue samples averaged 256.30 ± 80.95 pmol/sg, while ataxic samples averaged 135.60 ± 84.30 pmol/sg. All errors were calculated as standard error of the mean. Endogenous release and reuptake rates Fersht analysis of rate constants for the release and reuptake processes of the olfactory bulb showed an average release rate (in s-1) of 0.249 ± 0.1966, with an uptake rate of 0.00477 ± 0.000845, while ataxic samples had an average release of 0.105 ± 0.0196, and an average uptake of 0.00689 ± 0.00466. Caudate putamen samples showed an average release rate of 0.0412 ± 0.0134, and an uptake rate of 0.01455 ± 0.00736 for control samples, and an average release of 0.166 ± 0.1168, and an uptake rate of 0.0106 ± 0.00393 for ataxic samples. Finally, mesencephalic samples averaged a release rate of 0.0688 ± 0.00320, and an uptake rate of 0.0400 ± 0.0178 for control samples, while ataxic samples showed an average release rate of 0.260 ± 0.134, and an average uptake rate of 0.0106 ± 0.0054. Discussion 117 Bar graphs comparing uptake velocities, as well as release and reuptake rates, are shown in figures 5-7. As stated, the experiments needed to be performed in such a way that release and reuptake data was recorded immediately after exogenous uptake data was obtained, because little to no DA remains in the tissue of ataxic samples. The main question that was asked in this study was the question of whether or not the neuronal transporter for DA is still present and/or functioning in Parkinsonian brain tissue. It is known that dopaminergic cell bodies begin to die in Parkinson’s disease, however how this does or does not affect DAT, and neuronal DA transport, is unknown. From the results shown here, it is clear that the transporter is not only present, but, in general, works as efficiently as in healthy brain tissue. This was true for each tissue portion sampled from the olfactory bulb, caudate putamen, and mesencephalon. The density of DAT in brain tissue is often correlated with the amount of DA available in a particular region of the brain. Studies from this lab, outlined in Chapter 2, suggest that the concentration of DA in a particular region is not necessarily indicative of increased DAT, at least kinetically. It is possible that loss of dopaminergic cells would lead to a decrease in total DAT available, or possibly down regulation of the transporter due to decreased levels of DA available However, this does not seem to be the case in tissue samples from ataxic rats. It is possible that loss of dopaminergic cells in the brain would lead to an up regulation of DAT in those areas, making DA transport more efficient. Up and down regulation refers to the brain’s regulation of protein concentrations in response to availability. For instance, the density of DA receptors in the brain 118 Figure 5. DA uptake rates via exogenous uptake by DAT for caudate putamen (CP), olfactory bulb (OB), and mesencephalon (MS) for both controls (C) and ataxic, or “shakers” (S). Rates are calculated from the linear portion of the uptake slope, and normalized for tissue weight. Rates are calculated as pmol/sg. 119 Figure 6. Rate constants of release of DA via KCl stimulation for caudate putamen (CP), olfactory bulb (OB), and mesencephalon (MS) for both controls (C), and ataxic, or “shakers” (S). Rates are calculated via Fersht analysis described in the methods section, and calculated in s-1. 120 Figure 7. Rate constants of reuptake of DA via KCl stimulation for caudate putamen (CP), olfactory bulb (OB), and mesencephalon (MS) for both controls (C), and ataxic, or “shakers” (S). Rates are calculated via Fersht analysis described in the methods section, and calculated in s-1. 121 down regulates in response to overstimulation, as is the case in chronic abuse of DA releasing drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine. Receptor density decreases with an increase of DA binding frequency, which is what leads to tolerance. In the case of Parkinson’s disease, death of dopaminergic cells would ultimately lead to a decrease in DAT available. However, when there is a DA influx, such as the DA additions done in this study, the remaining DA cells may up regulate DAT to allow for uptake of the excess DA available. If this is indeed the case, then transport rates in ataxic tissue samples would mimic, if not exceed, uptake rates in normal tissue. Despite this evidence, more data is needed to confirm this hypothesis. Testing of DAT density pre and post addition of DA need to be done in order to ensure that up regulation is indeed occurring. Radio labeling of DAT could be achieved using [125I]RTI-55, a common radio ligand used for detection of DAT via autoradiography (23). Differences between pre and post DA addition could be done to ascertain how much DAT is in fact available to participate in DA uptake. It is also possible that up regulation of DAT does not occur, but instead that the “functionality” of DAT increases. “Functionality” in this case refers to increased efficiency of the individual transporters that remain to transport DA, as opposed to an increase in DAT. Autoradiography experiments would give better insight into this hypothesis as well. If DAT density increases pre and post addition, than up regulation likely occurs. However, if DAT density remains stable, and transport continues to occur at a kinetic rate comparable to that of normal tissue samples, then it would certainly be possible that signaling molecules may cause 122 increases in rates of DA transport of individual DAT proteins. DAT function is measured as a whole, i.e. the rate measured is assumed to be the average rate of all DAT molecules participating in uptake of DA. Thus, it is possible that increased rates of transport for individual DAT proteins may bring the total rate of DA transport to a “mean” value necessary for proper brain function. An additional question asked was whether or not DAT will function both ways, i.e. will it also release DA when stimulated via KCl, as it does in healthy tissue. The results here show that indeed it does. Due to the depletion of DA in the affected areas, DA had to be “loaded” into the cells via exogenous uptake. While DAT function was retained, it is unknown why such a variation in the uptake rates existed, especially between the same areas, i.e. between CP and CP, MS and MS, and OB and OB. The variation seen here may be due to the freeze thaw procedure, and, although the tissue retained function as far as transport is concerned, there may have been unknown effects caused by long periods of freezing. The functionality of additional neuronal transporters was not tested in these experiments. Previous studies done by this group, discussed in Chapter 2, have tested the effects of the serotonin (5-HT) transporter on dopaminergic uptake in the caudate putamen. In this work it was found that there is little effect of this transporter on the overall rate of DA transport. However, several other transporters, such as the norepinepherine transporter (NET), organic-cation transporters 1 and 2 (OCT1 and OCT2), and the vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT), have all been shown to have affinities for DA, and are all 123 able to transport DA in some way. It is unknown how the freeze-thaw procedure affected these transporters and their efficacy for transporting DA between different sample types, as well as between samples of the same type (i.e. two MS samples). More control studies would need to be done in order to determine this, as well as the cause of the large error seen in the measurements. In addition, the particular effects of the freeze-thaw procedure need to be determined in order to make more specific conclusions about the above results. The density of DAT is high in all areas tested, however each area behaved differently in terms of kinetic regulation of DAT. MS transport of DA averaged higher uptake rates than that of the CP and OB, although the error found in the rates calculated, which was calculated as the standard error of the mean (SEM), show a higher overall error for transport rates measured in the MS as opposed to the CP and OB. This may be due to varying densities of additional transporters that would likely be found more in the MS than the CP and OB, with NET and the serotonin transporter (SERT) being the most likely transporters to assist with DA transport. Additional transporters, such as VMAT and the plasmalemmal monoamine transporter (PMAT) may also be involved. Due to use of RDEV, diffusional variations occurring in the synapse can be eliminated, however variation in rates due to secondary messenger systems, such as protein kinase A, are also possible. More experiments are needed to either confirm or deny this theory. It is also not clear how neuronal release changes in ataxic rats as opposed to the controls. As shown in the results, the OB shows release and reuptake rates for 124 control samples are twice that of the ataxic samples. The same does not apply for the CP and MS areas. The reasons for this are questionable. It is possible that the extreme reintroduction of DA to the cells may cause differences in excitation and relaxation potentials in the cells. This effect would cause variations in release of DA between regions of the brain, as well as between individual samples. It is also questionable how much, if any, DA is metabolized upon being taken up by DAT, and how much of a variation exists between control samples and ataxic samples. Conclusion The main question addressed in this work was the function of neuronal DAT in rats presenting with Parkinsonian symptoms; more specifically, did any exist, and if it did, was it at all comparable to control samples. From the data shown here, it is clear that DAT not only still exists in the OB, CP, and MS in Parkinsonian rats, but it also functions comparably, and in some cases better, than that of control samples. The main problems with the current work include reproducibility of data, possibly due in part to the freeze-thaw procedure used, as well as the countless variables that occur with neuronal transport research. More studies are needed to confirm what variables do or do not exist in rats such as these that naturally present with Parkinson’s disease, and what effect these variables have on overall neurotransmitter transport, specifically that of DA. 125 References (1) Cooper, J.R., Bloom, F.E., and Roth, R.H. (2003) The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology, 8th ed. Oxford Univ. Press, Oxford. (2) Pesek-Cotton, E.F., Johnson, J.E., and Newland, M.C. (2011) Reinforcing behavioral variability: An analysis of dopamine-receptor subtypes and intermittent reinforcement. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior, 97, 551-559. (3) Thomas, M.J., Kalivas, P.W., and Shaham, Y. (2008) Neuroplasticity in the mesolimbic dopamine system and cocaine addiction. 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Dopamine transporter (DAT) functionality across the striatum was investigated, and anterior and posterior sections were analyzed to find differences and similarities in exogenous uptake, as well as stimulated DA release and subsequent reuptake. Differences in uptake in the presence of cocaine were also investigated. Comparison of release and reuptake rates of methamphetamine (METH) and amphetamine (AMPH) were examined, and the concentration of DA released via neuronal stimulation of each are discussed. Finally, DA transport in Parkinson’s inflicted rat brain tissue is examined. Kinetic rate constants of DA release and reuptake, were measured in the olfactory bulb (OB), mesencephalon (MS), and caudate-putamen (CP). Anatomical variability of DAT function (Chapter Two) The goal of this study was to investigate how DAT uptake of DA differs in different local anatomical areas of the rat brain, specifically the anterior and posterior striatum. The focus was on implications any differences may have in the role of cocaine inhibition of DAT. Velocities of DA transport in anterior striatal tissue were shown to be comparable to, if not higher than, those found in whole striatal tissue. Posterior velocities fluctuated in a manner that DA concentrations in those areas would not predict. On average, DA transport rates were lower in the posterior striatum when compared to the anterior, however this difference 130 was found to be much less in the left striatum than the right. The later function implies a greater functionality of posterior striatal DAT in left striatal activities. Laterality may also play a role in differences between anterior and posterior DAT uptake. While overall the differences may not be immediately clear, a closer look at individual test samples reveals that laterality plays a larger role in DA concentration and DAT functionality in the striatum than may have been previously thought. Inhibition with DAT via addition of cocaine shows that the effects of cocaine are seen throughout the striatum. The gap between anterior and posterior uptake rates becomes much narrower under the influences of cocaine. Using the SSRI Citalopram, SERT was shown to have a minimal effect on DAT transport in the striatum, and though increases in DAT transport rates in the left striatum were seen, further testing would be needed to determine the cause of this result. Overall this study demonstrates that DAT functionality varies in the striatum, and is not necessarily dependent on DA concentration. Further studies on DAT functionality throughout the rat brain should be conducted to determine how DAT responds in other areas of high and low DA concentration, especially in the presence of drugs of abuse that target DAT, such as cocaine. DA release via stimulation by METH and AMPH The results presented here show that there may be additional mechanisms involved in amphetamine (AMPH) and methamphetamine (METH) addiction on a molecular level, and further that AMPH may actually have a greater effect on CNS function due to increased DA release. The structure of METH is simply an AMPH molecule with an additional methyl group. This extra methyl group is 131 thought to be the reason for the increased effects of METH compared to AMPH for two reasons. First, the extra methyl group is thought to give greater lipid solubility to METH, allowing it to cross the blood brain barrier faster than AMPH. Crossing the blood brain barrier at an increased rate would allow for a greater concentration of METH to reach the brain as opposed to AMPH, before either was exposed to metabolic degradation. Second, the extra methyl group on METH is thought to protect METH from degradation by monoamine oxidase (MAO). While both METH and AMPH inhibit MAO to some extent, the extra methyl group found on METH is thought to inhibit MAO longer, preventing degradation of both itself and DA. While the extra methyl group found on METH is indeed a valid theory for the greater efficacy of METH, it is likely, knowing how complex the brain is, that there are additional mechanisms at work. Perhaps increased knowledge of these mechanisms may eventually lead to improved treatment methods for AMPH and METH addiction. Furthermore, nurturing of PLAY systems in children may lead to better long-term results than AMPH-based medications such as Adderall, and DAT inhibitors such as Ritalin. DA release and reuptake in Parkinson’s Rats The main question addressed in this work was the function of neuronal DAT in rats presenting with Parkinsonian symptoms; more specifically, did any connection exist, and if it did, was it at all comparable to control samples. From the data shown in Chapter Four, it is clear that DAT not only still exists in the olfactory bulb (OB), caudate-putamen (CP), and mesencephalon (MS) in Parkinsonian rats, but it also functions comparably, and in some cases better, 132 than that of control samples. While DA cell death does occur, it is possible that the DAT still remaining in the brain increases its transport rate in response to increased DA levels. It is also possible that up regulation of DAT occurs in response to increased DA levels. The main problems with the current work include reproducibility of data, possibly due in part to the freeze-thaw procedure used, as well as the countless variables that occur with neuronal transport research. More studies are needed to confirm which variables do or do not exist in rats such as these that naturally present with Parkinson’s disease, and what effect these variables have on overall neurotransmitter transport, specifically that of DA. Overall conclusions and future work The body of work presented focuses on DA transport and DAT function. DAT function has been shown to fluctuate from areas of high to low DA concentration in the striatum, with overall transport rates being higher in the anterior striatum than that of the posterior. However, the rates of transport in the anterior striatum are not consistently higher than that of the posterior, suggesting that regulation of DAT density may change in the posterior striatum in response to increased DA concentrations. Additionally, it is possible that individual DAT proteins up regulate their rate of transport in response to excess DA. Future work will involve investigation of additional brain regions known to contain DAT, such as the nucleus accumbens (NAc) and prefrontal cortex (PFC), to determine if DAT kinetics vary in these areas as well. Chronoamperometric studies would prove useful, especially in smaller areas such as the NAc. Brain slice and in vivo 133 studies would also show if DAT function varies when longer connections are present (in the case of brain slices), or in the living animal (in vivo studies). DAT function and DA release have been shown to respond in varying degrees to METH and AMPH stimulation. On average, AMPH stimulation causes a higher concentration of DA to be released relative to METH stimulation, while METH has a greater affect on transport rate inhibition. The methyl group present on METH may indeed be the reason for the increased neurological affects experienced by users, though the kinetic differences in release and reuptake shown in Chapter Three suggest that there may be a kinetic component to this argument. Studies were done only in striatal tissue, and other dopaminergic areas, such as the NAc and PFC, need to be investigated in order to discern whether this is a local phenomenon, or if it happens globally in dopaminergic regions of the brain. Furthermore, in vivo studies would be extremely helpful to determine the effects of METH and AMPH on DA release and reuptake in the living animal. DA transport in Parkinson afflicted rats was shown to be comparable to that of normal, healthy neuronal tissue. The areas of interest were the olfactory bulb (OB), caudate-putamen (CP), and mesencephalon (MS). Transport rates vary between these areas, however it is clear that DAT still exists in ataxic tissue. Kinetically, the transporter appears to function normally in ataxic tissue. It is unclear if this is due to up regulation of DAT in the presence of increased DA, or if DAT is regulated kinetically to function at a greater rate in the presence of increased DA. Radio-label studies should be done to reveal the differences of 134 DAT density pre, post, and during experimentation. Additionally, the freeze-thaw procedure adds an additional variable to the experiment, making in vivo and brain slice experiments necessary to determine if the freezing and thawing of brain tissue have an adverse affect on the tissue. Binding studies should also be done to measure the amount of DA bound to the transporter during experimentation, which would give an additional parameter to determine DAT function in ataxic tissue samples. The goal of the studies presented was to examine the kinetics of DAT under various conditions in rat brain tissue. The work presented demonstrates that the regulation of DAT is not fully understood, especially in the case of drug binding and neurodegeneration. Future work in neurotransmitter transport may very well uncover additional aspects of transport that may lead to significant discoveries in transporter function, and possibly increase therapeutic options in treating drug addiction and neurodegeneration. 135