Lecture 3: Understanding Diffraction 3.1 Fourier Synthesis, Fourier Analysis and the Fourier Transform 3.2 Diffraction from 1D arrays 3.3 Some important general points regarding diffraction 3.3.1 The Phase problem 3.3.2 Friedel’s law 3.3.3 Centrosymmetry and Phase angles 3.3.3 Fundamental resolution limits. 3.4 Diffraction from 2D arrays 3.5 The Convolution Theorem and Diffraction from crystals 3.6 The Effects of Limited Resolution and Missing Data 3.7 Crystals aren’t Perfect: The Effects of Disorder. Wednesday, 11 March 15 1 Lecture 3: Understanding Diffraction In this lecture we’ll try to illustrate the basic principles involved in diffraction from crystals using objects periodic in 1 and 2 dimensions. This is a bit easier to to visualize than scattering from real 3D crystals, which we’ll consider in the next lecture. But before getting to the diagrams we’ll start with a little math. Wednesday, 11 March 15 2 Wednesday, 11 March 15 3 Fourier Synthesis, Fourier Analysis and the Fourier Transform Let’s begin with some mathematical results which are absolutely central to all theoretical descriptions of diffraction from crystals. Josef Fourier showed that any periodic function can be mathematically represented by a sum of a series of sinusoidal waves. The figure shows how this works for a simple 1D function. From Eisenberg & Crothers (1979) Wednesday, 11 March 15 4 Fourier Synthesis, Fourier Analysis and the Fourier Transform Here’s a hint as to why we are interested in Fourier series expansion. Notice how it can be used to represent the density in this one-dimensional “crystal”. Note also, how the waves of small number define the general location of the atoms in the cell, while the waves of high number define the molecular details (i.e. adding higher terms increases the resolution of the structure). From Eisenberg & Crothers (1979) Wednesday, 11 March 15 5 Fourier Synthesis, Fourier Analysis and the Fourier Transform Fourier decomposing Here’s a final example which shows the approximation functions plays a big role of a square wave (green) by a Fourier series expansion in optics. with one, two and three terms. Mathematical combination of waves to wave produce Here, we write a square as aa sum sine waves of different frequency: periodic function isofcalled Fourier synthesis, while the opposite process, the decomposition of the periodic function into its component waves is called Fourier analysis. In fact: ANY ARBITRARY WAVE FORM can be written as a sum of sines and cosines, if you choose the amplitudes of each term in the sum correctly. Credit: Daniel Mittleman, Rice University Wednesday, 11 March 15 6 Fourier Synthesis, Fourier Analysis and the Fourier Transform A square wave approximated by a Fourier series with even more terms From Lattman and Loll (2008) Wednesday, 11 March 15 7 Fourier Synthesis, Fourier Analysis and the Fourier Transform Fourier Analysis involves decomposition of a periodic function into waves with progressively shorter wavelengths, each with its own amplitude (An) and phase (ϕn). Fourier synthesis reverses this process Using complex numbers to represent the waves we can compactly represent Fourier synthesis. A0 exp[i(0⋅2πx + ϕ0)] + A1 exp[i(1⋅2πx + ϕ1)] + A2 exp[i(2⋅2πx + ϕ2)] + A3 exp[i(3⋅2πx + ϕ3)] Text From Eisenberg & Crothers (1979) + A4 exp[i(4⋅2πx + ϕ4)] + A5 exp[i(5⋅2πx + ϕ5)] = f(x) f (x) = / A n exp "i Q2rnx + z nV% 3 n=0 3 f (x) = / iθA n exp 7i ^2rnx + zn hA NB: sincen =e0 = cosθ + isinθ we could eliminate the complex exponential term and write the synthesis in terms of sine and cosine functions. But while more familiar, that’s actually more cumbersome in many ways Wednesday, 11 March 15 8 Representation of waves by complex numbers, redux. real 1⋅2π imaginary ϕ1 A1 n=1 real A1 exp[i(1⋅2πx + ϕ1)] imaginary 2⋅2π A2 exp[i(2⋅2πx + ϕ2)] Wednesday, 11 March 15 ϕ2 n=2 A2 0 1 x 2 9 A minor rearrangement of the Fourier series expansion " % A i 2 r nx + z Q n exp n V f (x)f=(x)/= / A exp i 2rnx + z 7 ^ n n hA n=0 3 3 n=0 Using elementary complex arithmetic (eiθ1 x eiθ2 = ei(θ1+θ2)) we can rewrite this ! $ = /AAn exp exp "7 iziz% exp 2 r inx 5 ? f (x)f (x) =/ exp 2rinx A n 3 3 n n n=0 n=0 The complex numbers Anexp(iϕn) are the Fourier coefficients. An is the amplitude of the Fourier coefficient and ϕn is its phase. Writing the complex Fourier coefficients as Fn we get. ? f (x) = /f (x)Fn=exp ! exp 2 r inx$ / F52rinx n 3 n=0 3 n=0 Fourier analysis and Fourier synthesis are readily generalized to 2 and 3 dimensions. Wednesday, 11 March 15 10 Decomposition of a 2D density function into component waves Here’s the idea in 2 dimensions ... From Jefferey (1972) Wednesday, 11 March 15 11 The Fourier Transform Fourier also went on to generalize his results to non-periodic functions and introduced what is now known as the Fourier integral transform, or more simply the Fourier transform. For a 1D function f(x) we can write the Fourier transform like this: 3 FT (p) = # -3 f (x) exp "- 2ripx% dx And the inverse Fourier transform like this: 3 f (x) = # -3 FT (p) exp "2ripx% dp These may look a little fearsome, but they are just the analogs of Fourier analysis and Fourier synthesis, respectively, for periodic functions. Note the close similarity between the inverse Fourier transform, and the expression for the Fourier synthesis presented 2 slides back: 3 f (x) = / Fn exp !2rinx$ n=0 The summation (over n) used for the periodic function has been replaced by an integration (over xi) for an arbitrary function. Again ... the Fourier transform can be readily generalized to 2D and 3D. Wednesday, 11 March 15 12 Some 1D functions and their Fourier transforms Note the reciprocity in dimensions of the functions and their Fourier transforms From Blow (2002) Note ... the Fourier transform of a real function is a complex function ... we are displaying only the amplitude of the transform. Wednesday, 11 March 15 13 The Fourier transform of a 2D function Actually of a circle .... nice and simple. The relationship to the Fourier transform of the 1D Top Hat function should be apparent. Thank you CatSynth. http://www.ptank.com/blog/category/mathematics/ Note ... the Fourier transform of a real function is a complex function ... we are displaying only the amplitude of the transform Wednesday, 11 March 15 14 Why is the Fourier transform so central to X-ray diffraction? This is because the X-ray scattering from any object (the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of the object) is described by the Fourier transform of its electron density function. (For now we will simply accept this as a fact. In the next lecture, concerned with diffraction from 3D crystals, we will demonstrate why this is so). TeLet’s think about what this means for a periodic crystal ... We’ve learned that Fourier Analysis involves decomposition of a periodic function into waves with progressively shorter wavelengths, each with its own amplitude (An) and phase (ϕn). Consequently ... The X-ray diffraction experiment amounts to decomposing the electron density function of the crystal into waves with progressively shorter wavelengths, each with its own amplitude and phase. xt Wednesday, 11 March 15 15 Diffraction from 1D arrays This is getting a little theoretical so let’s consider the simplest possible “crystal”. That’s a line of regularly spaced scattering points. Let’s get a feeling for what’s going to happen from an optical diffraction experiment, which is analogous to Xray diffraction. Direct beam position From Taylor and Lipson (1964) A row of regularly-spaced small apertures Optical diffraction pattern Only at specific angles is the scattering significant. Wednesday, 11 March 15 16 Path Difference 0λ Path Difference 1λ Diffraction from 1D arrays Let’s assume we have a line of regularly spaced scattering points, and that these points elastically scatter the incoming radiation (which is parallel and monochromatic) in all directions. Path Difference 2λ Path Difference 3λ The key result. The resulting wave interference pattern has negligible values everywhere, except in the special directions for which the path difference is nλ Complete Destructive interference Path Difference 1/2λ From Lattman and Loll (2008) Wednesday, 11 March 15 17 Diffraction from 1D arrays Since it’s important, here’s a second diagram illustrating the same point. Path Difference 2λ Path Difference 1/2λ From Blow (2002) Wednesday, 11 March 15 18 Diffraction from 1D arrays Just one more ... From Glusker and Trueblood (1985) Wednesday, 11 March 15 19 Diffraction from 1D arrays “Bragg’s law” for the 1D crystal From Lattman and Loll (2008) Wednesday, 11 March 15 20 Diffraction from 1D arrays The structure can be more complicated than a simple line of regularly spaced scatterers. A 1D crystal with varying scattering density within the unit cell still scatters radiation only in directions identified by the orders of diffraction (n=0,1,2,3 ...). Path Difference 2λ However, because of interference between the waves scattered from different positions in the unit cell, the diffraction pattern becomes more complicated. Let’s see what happens using optical diffraction. Path Difference 1/2λ From Blow (2002) Wednesday, 11 March 15 21 Diffraction from 1D arrays The effect of having a density distribution within the unit cell studied using optical diffraction Mask Optical diffraction pattern Path Difference 2λ Path Difference 1/2λ From Taylor and Lipson (1964) Scattering remains restricted to certain special directions, but the intensities of each order of diffraction are dictated by the density distribution in the 1D unit cell. Wednesday, 11 March 15 22 Diffraction from 1D arrays So what are the Amplitude and Phases of the scattered waves from a 1D crystal? These are exactly the Amplitudes and Phases of the Fourier series expansion of the scattering density. Returning to the first diagram we showed in this lecture. The density function is at the bottom. The amplitudes and phases of the various orders of diffraction (n=0,1,2,3,4,5 ...) which would be obtained from this 1D cr ystal, are shown above. From Eisenberg & Crothers (1979) Wednesday, 11 March 15 23 n=0 A note on the “Zeroeth” order of diffraction (n=0) This corresponds to scattering in the direction of the incident beam. Experimentally this is very hard to measure, because it’s tangled up with the unscattered radiation. The effect of the corresponding term in the Fourier series expansion is to set the mean value of the function. If it is omitted (as it usually is) the Four ier synthesis will look just the same, but will be on an arbitrary scale. Wednesday, 11 March 15 From Eisenberg & Crothers (1979) 24 Diffraction from 1D arrays Ke e p c l e a r o n t h i s point. The scattered X-rays arriving at the detector(order s n=1,2,3,4 ...) have the same wavelength as the incident r a d i a t i o n . T h e y h ave a n Amplitude and Phase dictated by the density distribution in the unit cell. The terms in the Fourier synthesis (n=1,2,3,4 ...) have the Amplitude and Phase of the scattered X-rays of the same order, but are of steadily decreasing wavelength. These “density waves” should not be confused with the actual scattered waves. Wednesday, 11 March 15 From Eisenberg & Crothers (1979) 25 Diffraction from 1D arrays Let’s review the things we’ve just learned ... •Periodicity in a structure leads to “discreteness” in the diffraction pattern, and the emergence of orders of diffraction. This is the big difference between diffraction from periodic and non-periodic objects. The scattering from crystals is restricted to particular directions, whereas the scattering from non-repetitive objects is a continuous function. •In generating a discrete diffraction pattern, all that matters is the periodicity of the scattering object. Any repetitive structure will have its diffraction restricted to particular directions, specified by the wavelength and the repeat distance. However the density distribution within the unit cell dictates the amplitude and phase of the the scattered radiation. •Applied to a crystal, the diffraction process amounts to Fourier analysis of the scattering density. Each of the orders of diffraction corresponds to a term in the Fourier series. For each order of diffraction, the amplitude and phase of the scattered wave are the amplitude and phase of the corresponding term in the Fourier series. •Although illustrated with a 1D example, these statements remain true for crystals periodic in 2 or 3 dimensions Wednesday, 11 March 15 26 Some additional general points regarding diffraction We’ll stick with 1D crystals for a while to illustrate some additional general points regarding diffraction. The Phase problem •We’ve shown how the X-ray diffraction experiment amounts to performing Fourier Analysis on a crystal structure - decomposing the scattering density into a series of simple sinusoidal waves. •However the crystallographer wants to reverse the process ... starting with the experimental observations, perform a Fourier synthesis to reveal the (unknown) density distribution within the crystal. •Unfortunately all X-ray detectors are phase-insensitive. They record only the intensity of the scattered radiation, which is proportional to the square of its amplitude. So we only can only directly measure half the quantities required for the Fourier synthesis. This difficulty in determining the phase of the scattered waves is termed the Phase Problem. We’ll discuss ways of overcoming it in Lecture 6. Wednesday, 11 March 15 27 Illustration of the phase problem (A) Shows a 1D density function. (B) shows the Fourier Analysis - the decomposition of the function into its component waves. This function is such that only 4 component waves are needed to represent it exactly A Distance Each of the component waves has Amplitude and Phase. n=1, Amplitude 20, Phase 10° n=2, Amplitude 40, Phase 40° n=3, Amplitude 30, Phase 0° n=4, Amplitude 10, Phase -20° B If we reverse the process and perform a Fourier synthesis with the correct amplitudes, but phases that aren’t quite correct (all set to zero), the function shown in (C) results. It’s not too bad, but contains significant distortions Distance Note that the phase errors in this case are quite small n=1, phase error 10° n=2, phase error 40° n=3, phase error 0° n=4, phase error 20° Conclusion: To perform the Fourier synthesis usefully we need accurate phase information. C Distance Adapted from Nölting (2005) Wednesday, 11 March 15 28 Friedel’s law Direct beam position From Taylor and Lipson (1964) h -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mask Optical diffraction pattern An integer, h, is used to identify each of the different scattered waves forming the diffraction pattern, counting from 0 at the undiffracted beam position. We use negative indices to identify the diffraction maxima on the other side of the direct beam. In normal diffraction, the intensities of the diffraction of orders -h and h are identical (i.e the scattered waves have the same amplitude). However the waves actually have a different phase. We don’t “see” this in the illustration above because the detector is responding only to the amplitude of the scattered waves. Although we have used optical diffraction to illustrate this idea, it’s true for X-ray diffraction as well, and it holds in 2 and 3 dimensions. This is Friedel’s law, and we’ll see later that it is connected with some elementary properties of the Fourier transform. For X-ray diffraction in certain circumstances Friedel’s law breaks down. This phenomenon, which arises from Anomalous (or Resonant) scattering forms the basis for a powerful method for phase determination, which we’ll discuss in Lecture 6. Wednesday, 11 March 15 29 Centrosymmetric and non-centrosymmetric structures Consider these two structures, and their Fourier series expansion. The structure of the left is centrosymmetric (it can be inverted through the origin and it looks the same). The structure on the right is not. (NB Mathematicians would call the function on the left an “even” function) From Blow (2002) Tex (Note crystallographers commonly use the index h, rather than n, to refer to the order of diffraction, and the corresponding terms in the Fourier series expansion). The component waves of the structure on the left have phase either 0 or 180°. The component waves of the structure on the right have arbitrary phases (0-360°) Wednesday, 11 March 15 30 Centro-symmetric and non-centrosymmetric structures The Fourier series expansion of a centrosymmetric function contains only waves, which are themselves symmetric about the origin. There are only two choices for the phase of this kind of wave.This greatly simplifies the phase problem. Unfor tunately, as we learned earlier, naturally produced proteins exist as a single enantiomer, and inversion symmetry doesn’t exist in protein crystals. So we can’t generally take advantage of this. Wednesday, 11 March 15 From Blow (2002) 31 Fundamental Resolution Limits The wavelength and the repeat distance in the crystal set a limit on the number of orders of diffraction that can be observed. The path difference d can never exceed the repeat distance a. d < a ∴ n λ < a ∴ n < a/λ Thus if the repeat distance is 50 Å and the wavelength is 1.54 Å, only n= 32 orders of diffraction could be observed. The longer the wavelength or the smaller the repeat distance, the fewer orders of diffraction that can be observed. From Lattman and Loll (2008) Wednesday, 11 March 15 Practically - biological crystals are not likely to be perfect enough to allow data collection to this limit regardless. 32 On to periodicity in 2 dimensions From Harburn, Taylor and Wellberry (1975) Mask Optical diffraction pattern The diffraction pattern of a lattice is a lattice Wednesday, 11 March 15 33 Diffraction pattern Grating TheThe reciprocal lattice reciprocal lattice The diffraction pattern of a lattice is another lattice ... termed the reciprocal lattice. a Let’s consider the idealized 2dimensional case K/a The real lattice is defined by generating vectors a and b. The angle between these vectors is γ b K/b a* is orthogonal (at 90°) to b b* is orthogonal (at 90°) to a a b Ka* a Kb* γ γ* b After Glusker and Trueblood (1985) Wednesday, 11 March 15 The reciprocal lattice is defined by generating vectors a* and b*, where γ* , the angle between a* and b* is 180-γ (the scale factor K indicated on the figure depends on the wavelength of the incident radiation and the experimental geometry) 34 Real Space Reciprocal Space a* γ* a b γ b* 1/b 1/a Wednesday, 11 March 15 The reciprocal lattice Now let’s focus on the unit cell alone. If the unit cell of the real lattice has dimensions a and b, with an angle of γ between them, then The unit cell of the of reciprocal lattice has dimensions a* = 1/a.sinγ and b* = 1/b.sinγ with an angle of γ* = 180-γ between them. 35 More complicated 2D crystals More optical diffraction results using masks. Just as for the one-dimensional case, we see that the periodicity of the structure restricts diffraction to certain angles. The contents of the unit cell are responsible for the variation in the diffracted intensity (and the phase, although we don’t detect it) For the 2D “crystal”, we can still index the orders of diffraction with integers, starting from the direct beam position, but now we need two integers, h and k, to describe the maxima, which are arranged on the reciprocal lattice. Freidel’s law still seems to be working. Diffraction of orders h and k, has the same intensity as Diffraction with orders -h and -k. From Taylor and Lipson (1964) Wednesday, 11 March 15 36 Fourier a nalysis a nd synthesis in 2-dimensions Just as for the 1D case, each of the order s of diffraction (h,k) corresponds to a term in the Fourier series expansion of the scattering density ... providing the amplitude and phase of the wave. The diagram on the right shows how the density is built up from the individual terms in the Fourier series expansion, which specify density waves of steadily decreasing wavelength. A simple structure (bottom) and its Fourier transform (top) Adpated from Rhodes (2006) Wednesday, 11 March 15 37 Understanding diffraction from crystals: The convolution theorum Recall from Lecture 2, that we can think of a crystal as being a convolution of a lattice with a motif. From Holmes and Blow (1965) The convolution of two functions f1 and f2 is denoted f1*f2. So (the crystal) = (the lattice)*(the motif) From Taylor and Lipson (1964) Wednesday, 11 March 15 38 Understanding diffraction from crystals: The convolution theorem The convolution theorem states that the Fourier transform of the convolution of two functions is the product of their Fourier transforms FT(f1*f2) = FT(f1) x FT(f2) So FT [crystal] = FT [(the lattice)*(the motif)] = FT [the lattice] x FT [the motif] The diffraction patterns shown in (c) through (f) are the transform of a single motif (shown in a), multiplied (sampled) by the transform of four different lattices. The continuous transform of the motif is sampled differently in each case. Only in case (e) is the underlying transform of the motif readily discernible. You might want to consider why this is so ... From Taylor and Lipson (1964) Wednesday, 11 March 15 39 The effects of limited resolution The penultimate thing we consider in today’s lecture is the effect of limited resolution on Fourier transformation. Firstly for a non-periodic specimen with a continuous transform ... From McPherson (2003) Wednesday, 11 March 15 40 The effects of limited resolution ... and secondly for a periodic specimen with a discrete transform. The implications for structure determination using diffraction methods should be readily apparent. From McPherson (2003) Wednesday, 11 March 15 41 The effects of crystal disorder Finally, examine what happens if the crystal is imperfect and exhibits various types of disorder. This breakdown in periodicity is reflected in the diffraction patterns, which start to exhibit lower resolution Bragg (periodic) diffraction - and become semi-continuous. There is a branch of X-ray theory which attempts to interpret such “diffuse scattering” patterns ... we will not consider them further. However the presence of such effects is diagnostic of crystal disorder. From Taylor and Lipson (1964) Wednesday, 11 March 15 42