Objective 1: WRITE FRACTIONS AS DECIMALS Every fraction can be written as a decimal. To write a fraction as a decimal, divide the numerator (top) of the fraction by the denominator (bottom) of the fraction. The answer may be rounded to the nearest tenth or hundredth. 1 Ex. 1 Convert to a decimal 2 Ex. 2 3 Convert to a decimal 4 Ex. 3 Convert Ex. 4 3 to a decimal 8 .5 2 1.0 -10 0 .75 4 3.00 -28 20 - 20 0 1 = .5 2 3 = .75 4 .375 8 3.000 3 = .375 8 - 24 60 - 56 40 - 40 0 .25 4 1.00 1 Convert 2 to a decimal 4 P-1 - 8 20 - 20 0 2 1 = 2.25 4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PRACTICE: WRITE THE FRACTIONS AS DECIMALS 1. 4 5 2. 4 10 3. 12 25 4. 10 3 5 5. 6 5 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Objective 2: WRITE DECIMALS AS FRACTIONS Every decimal can be written as a fraction. To convert a decimal to a fraction, remove the decimal point and place the number after the decimal point in the numerator of the fraction and place the number 10, 100, or 1000, etc. in the denominator. To determine which number to place in the denominator, count the number of decimal places in the original problem. Remember to reduce when possible. Write each of the following decimals as fractions: Ex. 1 0.6 = 6 10 1 decimal place use 10 for the denominator 3 5 reduces to Ex. 2 0.64 = 64 100 2 decimal places use 100 for the denominator reduces to Ex. 3 0.645 = 645 1000 16 25 3 decimal places use 1000 for the denominator reduces to P-2 129 200 Ex. 4 8.65 = 8 65 100 2 decimal places use 100 for the denominator 13 20 (Note: Only convert the decimal portion) reduces to 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PRACTICE: WRITE THE DECIMAL AS A FRACTION 1. .48 2. 3.45 3. 9.279 4. 1.25 5. .007 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Objective 3: WRITE A PERCENT AS A FRACTION OR A DECIMAL Percent means "parts of a hundred". For example, 13% means 13 or .13 100 To write a percent as a fraction, drop the percent sign (%) and place the number over 100. Reduce if possible. Ex. 1 25% = 25 1 = 100 4 Ex. 2 32% = 32 8 = 100 25 Ex. 3 5.6 % = 5.6 (5.6)(10) 56 7 = = = 100 (100)(10) 1000 125 Note: The numerator and denominator of the fraction were multiplied by 10 to eliminate the decimal. This problem would be easier if the percent was changed to a decimal prior to changing it to a fraction. (See Ex. 3 on P-4) P-3 To write a percent as a decimal, drop the percent sign (%) and move the decimal point two places to the left. Ex. 1 25% = .25 Ex. 2 32% = .32 Ex. 3 5.6% = .056 .056 = Ex. 4 Changing to a decimal first would make the conversion to a fraction much easier in this case. 56 7 = 1000 125 132.5% = 1.325 Again, it is easier to change to the decimal first. 1.325 = 1 325 13 = 1 1000 40 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PRACTICE: COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING TABLE PERCENT DECIMAL FRACTION 40% ________ __________ 87% ________ __________ 55% ________ __________ 6.5% ________ __________ 21.22% ________ __________ 0.2% ________ __________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P-4 Objective 4: WRITE DECIMALS AND FRACTIONS AS PERCENTS To change a decimal to a percent, move the decimal point two places to the right and add the percent sign. Ex. 1 .68 = 68% Ex. 2 3.245 = 324.5% Ex. 3 .0278 = 2.78 % To change a fraction to a percent, first change the fraction to a decimal and then move the decimal point two places to the right and add the percent sign. Ex. 1 1 = .5 2 .5 = 50% Ex. 2 Change the fraction to a decimal. Move the decimal point 2 places to the right and add the percent sign. 1 = .25 = 25% 4 1 = 2.5 = 250% 2 Ex. 3 2 Ex. 4 34 1 = 34.25 = 3425% 4 P-5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PRACTICE: COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING TABLE FRACTION 2 5 __________ 1 3 4 DECIMAL PERCENT ________ _________ .78 __________ _________ ___________ __________ .84 ___________ ___________ 21.56 ___________ 5 1 8 ___________ ____________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P-6 CONVERSION OF DECIMALS, FRACTIONS AND PERCENTS ANSWERS TO PRACTICE PROBLEMS Page 1 1. 0.8 2. 0.4 3. 0.48 4. 10.6 5. 6.625 Page 3 1. 48 12 = 100 25 2. 3 25 1 = 1 4 100 5. 4. 1 45 9 =3 100 20 3. 9 279 1000 7 1000 Page 4 PERCENT DECIMAL FRACTION 40% .40 40 2 = 100 5 87% .87 87 100 55% .55 55 11 = 100 20 6.5% .065 65 13 = 1000 200 21.22% .2122 2122 1061 = 10000 5000 0.2% .002 2 1 = 1000 500 ANSWERS (CONTINUED) Page 6 FRACTION 2 5 78 39 = 100 50 1 3 4 84 21 = 100 25 21 5 1 8 56 14 = 21 100 25 DECIMAL PERCENT .4 40% .78 78% 1.75 175% .84 84% 21.56 2156% 5.125 512.5%