Converting Fractions to Decimals and Percents (%) Can be done 2 ways depending on the fraction you are converting. 1. Using Equivalent Fractions: if the denominator of the fraction can be easily converted to a power of 10 denominator (10, 100, 1 000, etc.) -create an equivalent fraction (follow rules) with a denominator of 10, 100, or 1 000 -using the place value of the digit, convert to decimal Example: 2/5 = 2 (x2)/5 (x2) = 4/10 = 0.4 (4 tenths) 3/4 = 3 (x25)/ 4 (x25) = 75/100 = 0.75 (75 hundredths) FRACTION 2/5 EQUIVALENT FRACTION 2 (x2)/ 5(x2) 4/10 = DECIMAL 4/ 10 = 0.4 = (4 tenths) 3/4 3 (___)/ 4(___) =___ 100 1/2 3/20 4/25 2. Using Division: all other circumstances -divide the numerator by the denominator -if there is a repeating decimal, draw a line (bar) over the digit(s) that repeat (bar notation) Example: 2/9 = 2 ÷ 9 = 0.22222 = 0.2 FRACTION DIVISION DECIMAL 3/4 3 divided by 4 0.75 2/5 2÷5 5/8 5 ÷8 7/20 7 ÷ 20 1/6 1÷6 4/11 4 ÷ 11 Converting to Percents(%) Multiply the decimal by 100 by moving the decimal 2 places to the right Look to the 3rd digit to see if you round the percent up or keep it the same Example: 0.222 x 100 0.367 x 100 (the digit 7 tells to round up) = 22% = 37% PRACTICE: CHANGING FRACTIONS TO DECIMALS Thousands Hundreds Tens Ones • Tenth Hundredth 1) Write in decimal form. a) 1/10 e) 2/1000 i) 9 6/10 b) 45/100 f) 6/100 j) 4 39/100 c) 131/1000 d) 875/1000 g) 1 11/100 h) k) 9 5/1000 l) 7 5/1000 23 11/100 Thousandth 2) Use Equivalent fractions to write in decimal form. Show all work. a) 1/5 b) 17/20 c) 8/25 d) 9 1/4 e) 11 7/20 f) 10 1/2 f) 8 1/9 3) Use long division to write in decimal form. Show all work. a) 1/3 b) 7/9 c) 5/12 d) 6 3/11 e) 2 5/8 4) Write as a fraction in simplest form. a) 0.8 = b) 0.875 = c) 2.7 d) 4.05 = = e) 0.284 = f) 6.532 = g) 1.75 =