Annals of Mathematics An Elementary Proof of the Prime-Number Theorem Author(s): Atle Selberg Source: Annals of Mathematics, Second Series, Vol. 50, No. 2 (Apr., 1949), pp. 305-313 Published by: Annals of Mathematics Stable URL: . Accessed: 04/02/2014 11:21 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact . Annals of Mathematics is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Annals of Mathematics. This content downloaded from on Tue, 4 Feb 2014 11:21:29 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions ANNALS OF MATHEMATICS Vol. 50, No. 2, April,1949 AN ELEMENTARY PROOF OF THE PRIME-NUMBER THEOREM ATLE SELBERG (Received October14, 1948) 1. Introduction theorem, whichis In thispaperwillbe givena newproofoftheprime-number in thesensethatit usespractically no analysis,exceptthesimplest elementary properties ofthelogarithm. in theform theorem We shallprovetheprime-number .lim =1(x) 1 (1.1) Z__00 X as usualby whereforx > 0, tQ(x)is defined #(X) = (1.2) logp, E theprimes. p denoting formula(2.8), The basic new thingin the proofis a certainassymptotic whichmaybe written (1.3) t(x) logx + logpa () =2x logx + O(x). thereare severalwaysto deducetheprime-number theorem. Fromthisformula The wayI present??2-4ofthispaper,is chosenbecauseit seemsat thepresent it has way.1 But forcompleteness to be themostdirectand mostelementary thatthiswas not myfirstproof. The originalproofwas in to be mentioned and made use of the following resultby P. Erdos,that factratherdifferent, foran arbitrary, positivefixednumber6, thereexista K(a) > 0 and an xo = x(a) suchthatforx > xo, therearemorethan K(a) Xlog x fromx to x + Ax. primesin theinterval thenotations My first proofthenranas follows:Introducing lim. t() - x = a, fim,() x; -A result onecan easilydeducefrom(1.3),usingthewell-known (1.4) E logP = ,<? X logx + 0(1), Because it avoids the conceptof lowerand upperlimit. It is in fact easy to modify the proofin a fewplaces so as to avoid the conceptof limit at all, of course (1.1) would thenhave to be stated differently. 305 1 This content downloaded from on Tue, 4 Feb 2014 11:21:29 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 306 ATLE SELBERG that a+ A = 2. (1.5) Next,takinga largex, with ax + o(x), (x) form one can deducefrom(1.3) in themodified () (d(x) -ax) logx + E logp ( (1.6) -A x= 0(), that,fora fixedpositivenumber6,onehas > (A _ )x s6(p (1.7) setofprimes? x with exceptforan exceptional log P X). O(lo_ Alsoone easilydeducesthatthereexistsan x' in therange-V1< x' < x, wit 6 (x') = Ax' + o(x'). andx' insteadofx,onededucesthe Againfrom(1.6) witha andA interchanged, (1.8) (J;)< (a + 6) * -, set ofprimes? x' with exceptforan exceptional a lop FromErd6s'resultitis thenpossibletoshowthatonecanchoseprimesp and p' sets,with to anyoftheexceptional notbelonging x< P x/ < P (l + a) x. P Thenwe getfrom(1.7) and (1.8) that (A- O < < (mu) < (a+6) X < (a+ so that A < (a + 6)(1 + 6). or making6 tendto zero A a. This content downloaded from on Tue, 4 Feb 2014 11:21:29 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions X 307 THE PRIME-NUMBER THEOREM Hencesincealso A ? a and a + A = 2 we havea = A = 1, whichprovesour theorem. Erd6s'resultwas obtainedwithoutknowledge of mywork,exceptthatit is based on myformula(2.8); and afterI had theotherpartsoftheaboveproof. His proofcontainsideas relatedto thosein the above proof,at whichrelated ideashe had arrivedindependently. The methodcan be appliedalso to moregeneralproblems.For instance one can provesome theorems provedby analyticalmeansby Beurling,but theresultsare notquiteas sharpas Beurlings.2Alsoone can provetheprimeforarithmetic onehas thentouse inadditionideas number theorem progressions, and resultsfrommypreviouspaperon Dirichlets theorem. Ofknownresultswe use frequently besides(1.4) also itsconsequence t (x) = 0(x). Throughoutthe paper p, q and r denoteprimenumbers.A(n) denotes M6bius'number-theoretic function, r(n) denotesthe numberof divisorsof n. and K to denoteabsolute The letterc willbe usedto denoteabsoluteconstants, are not carriedout positiveconstants.Some of the moretrivialestimations butleftto thereader. (1.9) 2. Proofofthebasicformulas whenx is a positivenumber andd a positiveinteger, We write, (2.1) Xd = kd.. = jut(d) log d' and ifn is a positiveinteger, (2.2) On= =n,= = Ed/n Xd Thenwe have flog2 x, forn=1, (2.3) (2*3) On - Jlog forn== pa, aa p logX2/p,forn )2logplogq, paql, LO,forall othern. >1 > > 1, followreadilyfrom(2.2) and (2.1), the The firstthreeof thesestatements n squareis easilyprovedby induction.Clearlyit is enoughto consider fourth free,thenifn = PlP2 * Pk , On,, = On/rPi,z - On1Pkl/Pk Fromthistheremaining partof(2.3) follows. 2 A. BEURLING: Analysede la loi asymptotique de la distribution des nombrespremiers gneralisks,Acta Math., vol. 68, pp. 255-291(1937). 3 These Annalsthisissue,pp. 237-304. This content downloaded from on Tue, 4 Feb 2014 11:21:29 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 308 ATLE SELBERG Now considerthe expression (2.4) zn! On = n<z din F1=x d XdXd d d<z =X E A(d) og2 Z + o d d d<z E I'd dx + d OZ [ u2 )=xE(d) d \dx ] d_ d j oz Xd) d X d lo2 + O(X). This on the otherhand is equal to, by (2.3), 2 ORn-log2x n<x + log p log - E Pa<X P + 2 log p logq= VcaqB?x v<q + E logplogq+O pq?z (2.5) +0( Z p<: E paq< a>1 x>l + log2x = log2p++ <X p log) (1log \p~z og2x) +O( jpa < log2p P1 logplogq) z Vpq~z logp logq + O(x). The remainderterm being obtained by use of (1.4) and (1.9). (2.4) and (2.5), (2.6) (2.6) E log2p + E pq<_ Hence from logp logq = x 2L?(dQ)log2x + O(x). d dz d It remainsnow to estimatethe sum on the right-hand-side.To this purpose we need the formulas (2.7) = log z + c1 + 0(Z-*), and (2.7) og2 Z + = c2log z + C3+ O(Z ) where the c's are absolute constants,(2.7) is well known,and (2.7') may be easily derivedby partial summationfromthe well-knownresult >T(v) = zlogz+c4z+0(A/). From (2.7) and (2.7') we get log2z = 2 2 p:z X (G) + V c5 I+ w'VXV C6+ O(z1). This content downloaded from on Tue, 4 Feb 2014 11:21:29 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 309 THEOREM PRIME-NUMBER THE By takingherez = x/d,we get d?xd 1,,ud 2X d 2 E jAxd), = d d<z + c6 r(v) +C5 Z ,8(d) + d O(x d~x + c6 E 1d) dv dax n =2 + Z dt4) d dz_ 2Z = /(d)T(v) dv dv-z< ) + 0(1) + 0(1) = 2 j (d) + c5+ 0(1) = 2 logx + 0(1). - ,(d) r(n/d) = 1,and thewell-known d Weused herethatEd/n Now (2.6) yields E log2p + E (2.8) v~xld V + c5 Z r d d d~z C6 E E iAg(d) d~z V a xld (,u(d))/d= 0(1). logp logq = 2x logx + O(x). pqz pz <z in theformgivenin theintroduction mayalso be written Thisformula Z logp 6 t6(x)logx + (2.9) that by noticing Z vZ = 2x logx + O(x), - log2p = t(x) log x + O(x). we getfrom(2.8) By partialsummation E logp logq VQ_: logpq E log p+ V:5.x (2.10) 2x + 0 (x) logx Thisgives E Pq_$ logp logq = -E pE~z: I Pz logp E q~zIp logp E P 0 E q gllogrg log qr qr~z/p = z logq = 2x P-z logP 2x logx - E log qlogr logqr qr~z log dp (1+log-)) V (f) \qr/ + O(x loglogx). thisforthesecondtermin (2.8) we get Inserting (2.11) t,(x)logx = E log p log q 6 V.< log pq ( - ) \pq/ + O(x log logx). This content downloaded from on Tue, 4 Feb 2014 11:21:29 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions \ 310 ATLE SELBERG now Writing 6(x) = x + R(x) , -Z R(x) logx = (2.12) (2.9) easily gives logp R ( posx p + O(x), and (2.11) yieldsin thesamemanner lo p log qR + O(x log log x), ,~log pq \pq/ R(x) logx (2.13) since lo1glo1gq =~logx + O(logO logx), x pq logpq from by partialsummation whichfollows logP logq = E x + O(logx), log2 pq vq < whichagainfollowseasilyfrom(1.4). The (2.12) and (2.13) yield 2j R(x)IlogzxS E logp RI-) E logp logq |R (X) logpq \pq Fromthis,by partialsummation, + I 2j R(x)logx < pE n vq< logp+ { E R log Pq - } R) + }+O(x orby (2.10) 2 logz R(x)I 2 2n{R(n) +0 1 logn =2 IR ) - ) (n + O(x log logx). l)| +- O(x loglogx) + (Xloglog x), This content downloaded from on Tue, 4 Feb 2014 11:21:29 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions log logx), 311 THEOREM PRIME-NUMBER THE or (2.14) IR(x)I < log1X n?Ei| R(?) \l +0( loglogXx) \logx / whichis the resultwe will use in the following.4 3. Some propertiesof R(x) From (1.4) we get by partial summationthat E n~x or 6(n) = log x + 0(1), fl2 z R(n) 0(1). This means thereexistsan absolute positiveconstantK1, so that forall x > 4 and x' > x, (3.1) () E < K1. Accordinglywe have, if R(n) does not change its sign betweenx and x', that thereis a y in the intervalx < y ? x', so that < (3.2) K221. 19xi This is easily seen to hold trueifR(n) changesthe signalso.' Thus for an arbitraryfixedpositive a < 1 and x > 4, there will exist a y y 5_ e K2/6 x, with in the intervalx (R(y) <6y. (3.3) From (2.10) we see that fory < y', 0 < log p ? 2(y' - y) + ? E Y fromwhichfollowsthat R(y') - R(y) y' - y + o (I'Y,) 4 Apparentlywe have herelost somethingin the orderof the remainder-term compared to (2.8). Actuallywe could insteadof (2.14) have used the inequality I5 IR(x) 1 2 1: Lon IR (n + ? (lga whichcan be provedin a similarway. 5 Because therewill then be a I R(y) I < log y. This content downloaded from on Tue, 4 Feb 2014 11:21:29 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 312 ATLE SELBERG Hence, if y/2 ? y' < 2y,y > 4, y' - y + R(y') -R(y) o y or IR(y') I _ R(y)1+ I y'Now consider an interval (x, in this intervalwith y) + O (l'y,). x), according to (3.3) there exists a y eK2I I R(y) I < by. Thus forany y' in the intervaly/2 ? y' < 2 y, we have I R(y') I _ by+ IY R~~~y') g - y I + K3l ' x' or R(y') < 26 + 1 Hence ifx > e "'/ and e~812) ? y'/yS I + l3 we get R(y') 2+(e812-1+_45 + 3 < 43. I~ < 25 + (e21) Thus forx > e K/8 the interval (x, e K2/ZX) will always contain a sub-interval such that JR(z) J< 48zif z belongs to this sub-interval. (yi, e8/2y1), 4. Proofof the prime-number theorem We are now goingto prove the THEOREM. limx Zx-*oo X = 1. Obviouslythis is equivalentto lim =() (4.1) _-*oO We knowthat forx > 1, (4.2) x jR(x) I < 0. K4x. Now assume that forsome positivenumbera < 8, (4.3) j R(x) I < ax, holds for all x > x0. Taking 5 = a/8, we have accordingto the preceding This content downloaded from on Tue, 4 Feb 2014 11:21:29 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions THE 313 THEOREM PRIME-NUMBER section (since we may assume that xo > eK3I8),that all intervals of the type (x, eK2/8X)withx > xo, containan interval(y, e812y) such that | R(z) I (4.4) < az/2, fory < z ? e6/2y. The inequality(2.14) thengives,using (4.2), + ? (+Ixc R (n iR(x) I <! lo x E <K4-X '< z N 0 oxx log1x (Ixo)<n~zxn 0o)n log1x n?(z writingnow p = using (4.3) eK2/8,we get further, R~)I<ax i R(x) < log X n?(zlxo) y,<n!zy~e(8-2) p-<yr~v a2 > n 2 log x n \/logx)X and (4.4), (\/log x) __ ( (zxz0)/logp) ?<?<(log ax- = 2 log x ifv (log(xzlo)logp)2 4 log p x VAnalog forx > xi. x ax l n a Rx\ ~~x+ 0( ? 256K2) ( + V Jx< log x) < a(13of~) 300K )2 t( Since the iteration-process an+1 = an ( 11 - 2 _ obviouslyconvergesto zero if we startforinstancewitha, = 4 (one sees easily that thenan < K5/V/n),thisproves (4.1) and thus our theorem. FINAL REMARK. As one sees we have actually never used the full force of (2.8) in the proof,we could just as well have used it with the remainderterm o(x log x) instead of O(x). It is not necessaryto use the full force of (1.4) o(log x) but in additionknowingthat either,ifwe have herethe remainder-term t~(x) > Kx for x > 1 and some positive constantK, we can still prove the theorem. However,we have thento make some changein the argumentsof ?3. THE INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED STUDY AND SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY This content downloaded from on Tue, 4 Feb 2014 11:21:29 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions