Parish of St john Fisher, Wellington & St Richard, Wiveliscombe

Parish of St John Fisher, Wellington & St Richard, Wiveliscombe.
Minutes of P.P.C. meeting of 20th February, 2010
1. Present: Monica Spalding (chair), Fr Bob, Trish Longley, Steve Tapsfield, Janet lee, Anita
Abrams, Mark Yvon.
Apologies: Canon John Cunningham, Deacon Ken Fowler, Alma Hamilton.
2. Opening prayer by Janet.
Monica welcomed Steve as a new member of the P.P.C.
3. Minutes of meeting of 19th January passed and signed by Monica.
4. Matters arising:
Item 6: the annual meeting will take place on 12th June with speakers Ken Fowler and Vincent
Item 8b: Plymouth diocese has been contacted re events which could be attended by Wellington
Item 8d: the vacancy has been filled by Steve Tapsfield.
5. St Richard’s Liaison group:
(a) Guidelines: Mark reported that the first meeting of the St Richard’s liaison group went well.
Meetings will be held monthly. Guidelines were accepted and agreed by P.P.C.
(b) Minutes of the first meeting of the Liaison group were read by Monica.
(c) Epiphany party: thanks were offered to those whop organised this very successful event. The
venue was much appreciated
(d) Chairs: 65 at £55 each, are to be ordered and hopefully in place by Easter
6. Reports:
(a) Meeting with Deacon Ken Fowler: took place on 21st January between Fr Bob, Canon John
and Deacon Ken. Fr Bob reported that Deacon Ken will not need a stipend or housekeeping
allowance; the parish is to pay 40p per mile for parish travelling expenses, and a further £500 to
be made available for incidental expenses. It was suggested that the parish purchase a dalmatic
for Deacon Ken. Deacon Ken visited both churches with Fr Bob and has agreed to preach at the
penitential service in Lent and attend the annual meeting in March. There may be a need for lay
led sacramental preparation.
(b) F.&G.P.
Fr Bob reported a legacy from Pearl Wilson of £1000 for the use of St Richard’s.
James (treasurer) has completed the parish return to the diocese.
It was suggested to request occasional special collections towards parish shortfall.
It was reported that gift aid has fallen since the new Mass times began.
The P,P.C. will support any F.&G.P. ideas for increasing funds.
(c) Liturgy committee
This met on 27th January to organise and agree on activities for Lent including Holy Hours,
Stations of the Cross. All events to continue as previously.
(d) C T in W & D.
A multi-denominational Lent course is running, the first meeting was held at St John Fisher
parish room and about 25 people attended. The same course is also running at two other
Wellington churches.
Good Friday procession in Wellington will start at the Baptist church and end at St John the
Baptist church with refreshments.
The Bible Society AGM to be held in March.
Fairtrade fortnight begins on 22nd February with events.
Fr Bob emphasised that P.P.C. members need to be aware of posters on the notice board and
announcements in the newsletter.
(e) Other groups
Deanery pastoral council: Fr Bob announced a training day on lay led liturgy to be held on 8th
May, and deanery day of recollection for readers and Eucharistic ministers on 25th September.
Retreat group: Alma sent a written report to say the group needs to be re-formed, and there
should be a retreat in 2011.
Kingfishers: Fr Bob reported that bowling on Sunday 21st has been cancelled due to lack of
support, and it has been noted that numbers attending the children’s liturgy have also
dramatically fallen.
7. Annual meeting:
Monica read the proposed agenda for this meeting. P.P.C. agreed.
8. Parish Forum:
To take place on 12th June with speakers Deacons Ken Fowler and Vincent Woods.
Question boxes to be placed in churches this weekend.
It was agreed that this particular meeting needs to be of the length of previous meetings in order
to give good opportunity for meeting Deacon Ken.
It was suggested that those who attend should be asked what format they would prefer for future
forum meetings.
9. Parish provision:
Mark and Alma to meet.
Acton Mark & Alma
10. AOB (a) Called to be a people of Hope – Monica noted responses to questions posed by
Jean Towler on aspects of the document. These will be e mailed to Jean Towler by Monica.
Action Monica
(b) Soup and roll after Stations of the Cross: it was agreed that a volunteer from the group who
attend the Stations of the Cross be asked to prepare soup for the following week. Action Monica
(c) Sue Marsh has offered to do a flower arrangement on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of
St George’s church at St George’s church on the theme of saints, for the weekend of 23 – 25th
April. Sue’s arrangement is to symbolise St John Fisher.
Action Sue Marsh
(d) Fr Bernard and Brenda are celebrating their 50 Wedding anniversary on 17th April.
(e) In view of two new readers at Wiveliscombe church it was proposed to have a preparation
session with them and any other readers at St Richard’s after the Sunday 5pm Mass; if this is not
convenient, they will be asked to suggest a more suitable time.
(f) Organisation for future parish outings: Steve volunteered to be responsible for researching
and organising such events.
Action Steve
(g) Anna Bingham will be attending the Rite of Election on 20th February and hopefully be
received at Easter.
(h) Parish diary for Lent – Pentecost 17 Feb – 23 May, is now available.
11. Reporting back to the parish:
Anita volunteered for St Richard’s, Janet for St John Fisher.
Draft minutes to be placed on the notice boards.
12 Dates for future meetings: 16th March, 20th April, 18th May.
Opening and closing prayers for 16th March: Trish.
Action Anita, Janet