Parish of St John Fisher, Wellington & St Richard, Wiveliscombe

Parish of St John Fisher, Wellington & St Richard, Wiveliscombe
Published Minutes of P.P.C. meeting of 16th March, 2010
1. Present: Monica Spalding (chair), Canon John Cunningham, Fr Bob,
Trish Longley, Alma Hamilton, Janet Lee, Anita Abrams, Steve Tapsfield.
Apologies: Mark Yvon.
2. Opening prayer by Trish.
3. Minutes of meeting of 20th February agreed and signed by Monica.
4. Matters arising:
Alma – 4 item 6 should read Parish Forum will take place on 12th June.
6a) clarification on lay led sacramental preparation.
6d) about 15 people attended
Fr Bob – reported back to Trish that Plymouth diocese are running a “theology across
the table course”
Monica – 6a) Monica and Fr Bob asked how it could be proposed that the deacon’s
dalmatic should be financed at £371. It was suggested that a special collection be
held. Canon John suggested that it should be parish property as opposed to personal
to the deacon.
6e) A group of mainly readers and eucharistic ministers will possibly attend the
training day on lay led liturgy.
10f) It was recognised that minimal preparation before commissioning the new
Readers is all that is necessary. No progress as yet.
6f) Alma stressed that under the normal pattern of events a retreat will be due in
5. Reports
(i)Parish AGM. Youth – it has been noted that children and families have largely
disappeared from the congregation, possibly due to the change of Mass times, and
sports events. It was suggested that families be asked why they have disappeared. It
seems that Sundays have become secularised. Suggestion that a child or young
person could join the Welcomers group, also more lively youth Masses. Filipino
parents could be asked to join the children’s liturgy. Canon John reported that
children’s liturgy leaders twice a year speak about the activities of their group at St
George’s. The Palm Sunday procession is to be accompanied by lively music. No
resolution for future action.
(ii) It was suggested that Leaflets containing all church services and times to be
distributed to new homes in Wellington. Trish to discuss this with CTinW. It was
suggested that the sales offices could have leaflets to pass to prospective buyers; also
up to date details of all church services could be placed in B & B’s and the library.
Action Trish
(iii) F&G.P. It was suggested that there should be another explanation to the Parish of
Gift Aid and Direct Debits. Some P.P.C. members offered to speak after Mass. Canon
John promoted the slogan “give the first hour of the week to God.”
Next year’s AGM: 5th March 2011.
It was proposed to begin with Mass at 10am followed by coffee and an hour’s
meeting, but this format should begin after the June Forum when two deacons would
be present.
b) St Richard’s liaison group – total cost of proposed new chairs for St Richard’s is
£5,617; this is awaiting diocesan approval, but Canon John informed us that was not
needed as the cost was below £5k before VAT.
Action Fr. Bob.
St Richard’s doors need to be repaired, and the garage requested to be restored, also a
notice board be placed outside the church. F&G.P. to be asked if finances are
available for these.
Stations of the Cross are being held weekly at St Richard’s.
St.R’s LG ask that the PPC Agenda be displayed on church boards prior to the
meetings in case any comments were forthcoming.
d) Liturgy committee – it was suggested that a harvest festival celebration be held;
Alma offered to organise this.
Action Alma
e) CTinW – notification of the debate with general election candidates on Palm
Sunday at the Baptist church at 6pm., questions need to be submitted by 20th. It was
suggested that candidates be asked their opinions on “Life” issues.
6. Parish Forum on 12th June. St Richard’s liaison group to be asked if they
would like to host this meeting starting at 9.15. It was suggested that Mass begin
at 9.15 followed by coffee, then talks and discussion without an interval.
Question boxes be placed and questions to be focused on deacons.
7. Parish outings – Steve suggested a church visit followed by a picnic.
8. Parish provision – no report
9. A.O.B. – Outreach: various past activities were reviewed. Monica, Fr Bob and
Alma to consider future activities.
Action Fr Bob, Monica, Alma
Fr Bob – a formal parish “good-bye” to be held on 14 September in the Parish
10. Reporting back to the parish – minutes to be placed on notice boards.
11. Date for next meeting – 20th April.
Opening and closing prayers by Alma.
12. Meeting closed with prayer led by Trish.