Film Research Instructions

Film Research Journal
Film Research Journal
Every session, I will require that you research one of the films whose clips we
will be analyzing in order to ensure your familiarity with their contents. When
doing so, you need to consider the following topics:
Every session, I will require that you research one of the films whose clips we
will be analyzing in order to ensure your familiarity with their contents. When
doing so, you need to consider the following topics:
A film’s premise is a brief, one-sentence summary of what drive’s the
film’s plot. I want you to add a thematic element to this premise. For
A boy and his father wander a post-apocalyptic United States:
while the tone of the film is bleak and pessimistic at times, at
its heart is a message about the simplicity and purity of a
parent’s love for his child.
Plot Elaboration
Expand on the narrative in more detail, touching upon the exposition,
rising action, climax, and resolution.
Discuss the main characters and their motivations briefly: no more
than a sentence or two each.
Discuss the film’s setting briefly, remembering to consider time period
as well as physical settings. You may even consider any discussion of
mood or tone you may find.
Describe the film’s genre as specifically as possible; combine genres if
you feel it necessary.
Other Considerations
Director: Describe the director briefly: prior films, notable stylistic
traits, etc.
Screenwriter: Describe the screenwriter briefly: other films or works,
Source Material: Describe the film’s source: is it an original
screenplay? Based upon a novel or play? A remake of an earlier film,
A film’s premise is a brief, one-sentence summary of what drive’s the
film’s plot. I want you to add a thematic element to this premise. For
A boy and his father wander a post-apocalyptic United States:
while the tone of the film is bleak and pessimistic at times, at
its heart is a message about the simplicity and purity of a
parent’s love for his child.
Plot Elaboration
Expand on the narrative in more detail, touching upon the exposition,
rising action, climax, and resolution.
Discuss the main characters and their motivations briefly: no more
than a sentence or two each.
Discuss the film’s setting briefly, remembering to consider time period
as well as physical settings. You may even consider any discussion of
mood or tone you may find.
Describe the film’s genre as specifically as possible; combine genres if
you feel it necessary.
Other Considerations
Director: Describe the director briefly: prior films, notable stylistic
traits, etc.
Screenwriter: Describe the screenwriter briefly: other films or works,
Source Material: Describe the film’s source: is it an original
screenplay? Based upon a novel or play? A remake of an earlier film,
Note: If you wish (and if you have the time), note that you may, of course,
watch any films that I require you to research, though it is not required.
Note: If you wish (and if you have the time), note that you may, of course,
watch any films that I require you to research, though it is not required.