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Ethnographic and Sociological Vocabulary:
Constraint (on behavior)
Emergent group, rule, role, process. See Network-Defined Concepts in Social Organization
Statistical Norm
Ideal Norm
Marriage Behaviors
Marital relinking
Affinal relinking
Consanguineal relinking
Role Relations
Types of Kin
e.g., MBD, FZD, FB, FBD, MZ, MZD, HZ, BW, y, e
Kinship Terms
Graph Theory
signed graph
simple graph
multiple relation
directed relation
simple relation
Networks Vocabulary:
social network
small world
simple tie
multiplex tie
transitive see triad
Structural Properties of Graphs and Networks:
Balance, Clustering and Ranking
balanced graph
clustered graph
Properties of Triples
triad census
Cohesion, Structural Cohesion
embedded cohesive hierarchies
Recursive centrality
Edge Betweenness and Cohesion
Structural and Regular Equivalence and Blockmodeling
structurally equivalent
regularly equivalent
Methods of Graph and Network Analysis:
Hierarchical Clustering
Automatic drawing, spring embedding
Energized graphs
Energy commands
spring embedders
Eigenvalue/Eigenvector analysis
Analytic Kinship Vocabulary:
Asset and Marriage Transfers:
Descent Groups:
Affinity and Descent:
Cognatic or Bilateral
Modes of reckoning descent
depth first search (DFS)
breadth first search (BFS)
sibling set depth first search
ahnentafel (inverse BFS)
Postmarital Residence:
Network-Defined Concepts in Social Organization: for detail see Table 5.2
Structural Endogamy
Categorical Endogamy
Emergents: See Complexity
Emergent group
Emergent rule
Emergent role
Emergent process
Complexity Theory:
Micro-macro linkages
Emergents and Emergence
emergent group, rule, role, process: see Network-Defined Concepts in Social Organization
local emergents
complex adaptive systems (CAS)
Tipping Point
Power-law growth or decay
Exponential growth or decay
About the Authors
Douglas White (Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1969.
Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Irvine, where
he is also Graduate Director of Social Networks, member of the Institute
for Mathematical Behavioral Sciences, and co-coordinator of the MBS
Ph.D. Program in Social Dynamics and Evolution. He received his PhD
in 1969 and advanced to Associate Professor at the University of Pittsburgh (1967-79) where he co-directed the Cross-Cultural Cumulative
Coding Center and took leave (1971-73) to co-direct the National Language Study project for the Irish Republic. He is a past President of the
Social Science Computing Association, recipient of the A. von Humboldt
distinguished senior scientist prize in Germany, and on the External Faculties of the Santa Fe Institute and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes in Paris.
He is currently conducting modeling work on large-scale longitudinal
network studies of human populations, industrial organization, and the
network dynamics of civilizations. He collaborates on long-term social
research and time-series historical research in Europe, Latin America,
and Africa.
Ulla Johansen (Ph.D., Hamburg University, 1954. After a long career working in museums and universities, she
is now retired from her position as Director and Professor of the Institute
of Ethnology at the University of Cologne. Her current work is on the
ethnography of Turkish-speaking peoples and of Estonians, and on
shamanism and other fields of the comparative study of religion. Her
books and articles deal also with ethnohistory. She is an honorary member of the German Anthropological Association (Deutsche Gesellschaft
für Völkerkunde) and President of the international Societas UraloAltaica.
Andrey Korotayev is Head and Professor of the “Anthropology of the
East” Program, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow.
He received his PhD from Manchester University, and Doctor of
Sciences degree from the Russian Academy of Sciences. He is the author
of Ancient Yemen (Oxford University Press, 1995), Pre-Islamic Yemen
(Harrassowitz Verlag, 1996) and Social Evolution (Nauka, 2003).