PhD student
Birth: March 06th, 1978
 : 26, avenue Condorcet
At: Saint Martin d’Hères (France)
69100 Villeurbanne, FRANCE
Nationality: french
Marital status: single
 : +33 (0)6 61 94 83 45
Driving license
@ :
10/01-present PhD. Thesis in bioinformatics
Bioinformatics of microarrays and application to the transcriptome
analysis of Buchnera aphidicola
At INSA de Lyon ( and Evolution, Ecosystems,
Microbiology and Modeling (E2M2) doctoral school (, at University Lyon 1 (France).
Post-graduate certificate (French DEA)
Analysis and Modeling of Biological Systems
At University Lyon 1 (France). Graduated with good distinction.
Dissertation title: Microarrays and applications to the bacterial genomic.
Graduate student at the INSA leading engineer institution (National
Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon ) in the Biochemistry department.
Graduated with the congratulations of the jury.
Post secondary preparatory program for the entrance examinations to the
French “Grandes Ecoles” (Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and
Scientific school leaving certificate
Graduated with highest honors.
French: native language.
German: fluent.
English: good working knowledge.
10/01-present PhD. Thesis in bioinformatics
At UMR INRA/INSA of Lyon (France), laboratory of Functional Biology,
Insects and Interactions (BF2I).
Development of ROSO (a software to search and to optimize
oligonucleotide probes for microarrays), using the C language.
Development of a web interface for academic use, using the PHP (see
supplementary information:
Conception and use of microarrays for the analysis of the transcriptome of
the bacterium Buchnera aphidicola.
(8 months)
DEA training in bioinformatics
At UMR INRA/INSA of Lyon (France), laboratory BF2I.
Functional and technical specifications for a software to optimize
oligonucleotide probes for microarrays. Development of thermodynamic
analysis modules using the C language.
(2 months)
Engineer school training in molecular biology
At UMR CNRS/INSA of Lyon (France), laboratory Molecular Genetics of
Microorganisms and Cellular Interactions (GMMIC).
Production and purification of the pyrrolidones carboxyles peptidases (Pcp) of
the bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes and Bacillus subtilis.
Biochemistry – molecular biology:
Cloning, construction of expression vectors, PCR, RT-PCR, DNA and RNA extraction.
Overproduction and purification of proteins, SDS-PAGE and gel electrophoresis.
Microarrays: DNA purification, fluorescent labeling, array preparation, hybridization,
scanning and analysis (mastery of GenePix software).
Statistics parametric and non-parametric.
Mastery of software JMP and R.
Computer science – bioinformatics:
Operating Systems: mastery of UNIX, Linux, Irix and Windows.
Programming skills: Turbo Pascal, C-shell, C, HTML and PHP.
Nucleic acids and proteins analysis: mastery of BLAST and databases.
For Bioinformatics journal.
Supervisor for a project of five students
Development in C++ language of ROSO software (write in C).
Teaching of practical work
Animal physiology (chirurgical techniques on rats and rabbits),
anatomy (Rat) and histology courses.
At INSA of Lyon (Villeurbanne, France).
Teaching of practical work
Animal physiology (chirurgical techniques on rats and rabbits).
INSA of Lyon (Villeurbanne, France).
(1 week)
Course and practical works: to teach science in primary
school (organized by Doctoral school, Villeurbanne, France)
(1 week)
Workshop (organized by Evry Genopole): modeling and
simulation of biological processes in the context of genomics
(Autrans, France).
(1 week)
Workshop and practical works (organized by INSERM): from
the functional genomic data to the dynamical analysis of
molecular networks (Marseille, France).
(1 week)
Workshop (organized by Evry Genopole): Modeling and
simulation of biological processes in the context of genomics
(Dieppe, France).
Sport: rock and roll, circus and yoga.
Arts: practice and art history.
Music: guitar.
International reviewed publications:
Reymond, N., Charles, H., Duret, L., Calevro, F., Beslon, G. and Fayard, J.-M. (2003).
ROSO: Optimizing Oligonucleotide Probes for Microarrays. Bioinformatics. In Press.
Calevro, F., Charles, H, Reymond, N., Dugas, V., Cloarec, J.-P., Bernillon, J., Rahbé, Y.,
Febvay, G. and Fayard, J.-M. (2003). Assessment of 35mer amino-modified
oligonucleotide based microarray with bacterial samples. Submitted.
Posters in international conference:
Reymond, N., Charles, H., Beslon, G. and Fayard, J.-M. (2002). ROSO: a software to
search optimized oligonucleotide probes for microarrays. ISMB2002: Intelligent Systems
for Molecular Biology (Edmonton, Canada) 03-07/08/02.
Posters in national conference:
Calevro, F., Charles, H., Reymond, N. , Dugas, V., Cloarec, J.-P., Bernillon, J., Rahbé,
Y., Febvay, G., Fayard, J.-M. (2003). A preliminary methodological approach to study the
transcriptome of Buchnera, the intracellular symbiotic bacteria of aphids. JPGD’03:
Journées Post-Génomique de la Doua (Villeurbanne, France). 14-16/05/03.
Calevro, F., Charles, H., Reymond, N. , Dugas, V., Cloarec, J.P., Bernillon, J., Rahbé, Y.,
Febvay, G., Fayard, J.-M. (2003). Transcriptome analysis of Buchnera, the intracellular
symbiotic bacteria of aphids: a methodological approach. CPI 2003: Quatorzième Congrès
de Physiologie de l’Insecte (Amiens, France) 14-16/04/03. (oral communication)
Reymond, N., Charles, H., Beslon, G. and Fayard, J.-M. (2002). ROSO: a software to
search optimized oligonucleotide probes for microarrays. JOBIM 2002: Journées Ouvertes
Biologie Informatiques et Mathématiques (Saint-Malo, France). 10-12/06/02.
Reymond, N., Charles, H., Beslon, G. and Fayard, J.-M. (2002). ROSO: a software to
search optimized oligonucleotide probes for microarrays. JPGD’02: Journées PostGénomique de la Doua (Villeurbanne, France). 21-22/03/02.
Calevro, F., Charles, H., Reymond, N., Cloarec, J.-P., Rahbé, Y., Heddi, A., Febvay, G.
and Fayard, J.-M. (2002). Transcriptome analysis in Buchnera aphidicola : development of
a first DNA chip. JPGD’02: Journées Post-Génomique de la Doua (Villeurbanne, France).
Reymond, N., Charles, H., Beslon, G. and Fayard, J.-M. (2001). Développement d'un
logiciel d'optimisation de sondes oligonucléotidiques destinées aux puces à ADN.
JPGD2001 : Journées Post-Génomique de la Doua (Villeurbanne, France). 05-06/04/01.
Charles, H., Reymond, N., Rahbé, Y., Heddi, A., Febvay, G. and Fayard, J.-M. (2001).
Study of transcriptome of Buchnera aphidicola. JPGD’01: Journées Post-Génomique de
la Doua (Villeurbanne, France). 05-06/04/01.