05/12/12 - Great Burstead & South Green Parish Council

Minutes of the Meeting of the Great Burstead and South Green Village Council, held at
South Green Memorial Hall, Southend Road, Billericay
on Wednesday 5th December, 2012 at 7.30 p.m.
Present:Councillor M. Dear - Chair
Councillor Aly-Khan
Councillor B. Cottle
Councillor J. Dear
Councillor D. Knight
Councillor L.Willingham
Also in attendance:Martin Ainscough – Clerk to the Council
3 Local Residents
12/136 Apologies
Apologies were received from County Councillor K. Twitchen who had a prior engagement.
12/137. Declarations of Interest.
There were no declarations of Interest. The Clerk though brought to the attention of the Council
the need for those Councillors that had still to complete a new register of Members Interest Form
that these needed to be completed as soon as possible to comply with the new Localism Act.
Copies of the form were handed to Councillors Aly-Khan and Cottle for completion
12/138 Appointment of Vice – Chair of the Council.
Councillor M. Dear proposed Cllr Knight for the position of Vice-Chair of the Council this was
seconded by Councillor J. Dear. Councillor Knight was duly elected as Vice Chair.
12/139 Minutes.
The Minutes of the Meeting of 7th November 2012 were recorded as a true record and signed by
the Chair subject to the following amendment to Minute 12/130 Finance - Approved PaymentsAt the request of Councillor Aly-Khan, the Clerk was asked to formally record the votes of those
Councillors present in respect of Cheque No: - 000658 with regard to approving the grant
payment to the Langham Hall Charitable Trust. The recorded vote was as followsFor approval: - Councillors M. Dear, J. Dear, Cottle, Knight & Willingham.
Against: - Councillor Aly-Khan.
All in favour
12/140 Public Participation.
7 Tonne Limit Road Traffic Sign – Kennel
Mr. S. Hooker brought to the attention of the
Council an issue with the 7 Tonne Limit Road
traffic sign in Kennel Lane. It was noted that due
to the position of the sign many HGV drivers do
not see the restriction until they were pass the
sign. Mr. Hooker wondered if there was
anything that the Village Council could do to
The Village Council Newsletter – The Mole
Car Park – Rear of shops at South Green.
help ease the situation. It was suggested that the
newly created Area Neighbourhood Panels
might be one course of action while County
Councillor Twitchen might also be able to bring
some influence to bear.
Mr. Hooker also mentioned the missing manhole
covers in the vicinity of the South Green shops
which were a dangerous hazard to pedestrians
especially the elderly who used this route to and
from the South Green shops.
Councillor M. Dear informed the meeting that
she had received positive feedback and
compliments following the distribution of the
latest issue of the MOLE.
It was noted that an approach had been made by
one of the occupants of the shops at South Green
with regard to work to the car park immediately
behind their unit. It was noted that any approach
for repairs/enhancement should be made to the
agents of the building. – Gateway Property
12/141 Litter Working party – Update.
The meeting received an update following the latest meeting of the Litter Working party held on
26th of November.
The initiatives as highlighted at the meeting on 7th of November were all on-going. Provision
would be made in the budget for 2013/14 for equipment and materials for the two litter picks
planned for the Spring and Summer of next year. However, despite having written to Gateway
Property Management re the issues associated with the South Green parade of Shops and
surrounding areas no contact had been forthcoming from their agent Simon Bellamy. The Clerk
informed the meeting that since he had written to the company he had received phone call from
the company had advised them to speak to Councillor Knight being the Chair of the Litter
Working Party. Councillor Knight confirmed that to date he had not had any contact with Mr
Bellamy. The Clerk was therefore asked to forward Mr Bellamy’s phone number for Councillor
Knight to make contact with him direct.
In addition to the previously identified litter issues, the meeting was informed of problems at St.
Peter’s Primary and the Kings Head Public House. Although within the Village boundaries both
establishments were on routes frequently used by residents and experienced problems with regard
to litter and the Clerk was requested to write to both organisations in the New Year to ask that
they try to control the problem. Councillor Cottle indicated that a similar problem existed at
Billericay School and it was agreed that similar letter should also be sent to them in the New
The first Council organised Litter Pick would be arranged for the Spring and the next meeting of
the Working Party would be towards the end of January.
12/142 Christmas Lights Switch On Event Update.
The meeting received an update on the arrangements for this event. The main points and timings
for which were as follows:-
Schedule Switching on Lights Event 15.12.12
Arrive – Cllrs/Organisers
Wireless mike/Amplifier is set up on
bakery/pharmacy ramps by Dave from One Stop
Sleigh is positioned on forecourt of shops outside
butchers and greengrocers
Cllr David Knight goes to one stop shop with
Santa suit to change and get sweets for sack and
chocolate father xmas for children
Members of the public are encouraged to gather
on forecourt outside butchers and greengrocers
not on car park.
The 2 or 3 South Green Infants School Children
arrive who will light the lights
Pearl Morrison
Charlie Stuart -Evans
Jack Warren
Two PCSOs (Police) Arrive
Press photographer may attend(Gazette)
Start of Event
Town Crier welcomes everyone
Town Crier Gets Santa
Town Crier/Scroll
Children Light (use dummy switch) for Lights
Town Crier/Santa presents children who turned on
lights with chocolate Santas and copy of scroll
Santa gives out smaller sweets to other children
Close of Event
In addition it was noted discussions were on-going with Piggott’s Ltd to ensure that an electrician
would be on hand on the day to switch off and switch on the lights at the appropriate time in the
The meeting also wished to commend Councillor M. Dear for all her hard work with regard to the
arrangements for the Christmas Lights – Switch On event.
12/143 Planning Applications
lawful use for 10
Oak Hill Farm
years in nonCoxes Farm Road
compliance with
condition 2 of
included on the
planning database
Council to make
12/00604/FULL – Detached triple
(Appeal ref:154 Noak Hill garage
APP/V1505/D/12/2185491) Road, Billericay
12/144 Finance
Approved payments:
Payee / Cheque number
Martin Ainscough
H.M.R.C. 000661
Essex Pension Fund 000662
Martin Ainscough 000663
Billericay Nurseries 000664
Jim Shrubb Billericay Town Crier
Association of Basildon
Local Councils 000666
Crystal Print 000667
Gt. Burstead PCC 000668
November salary
Income Tax – November
9th of 12 monthly
contributions to 2012/13
shortfall previously advised
November Expenses –
Postage & ink cartridge +
contribution to broadband
& telephone costs + office
costs (Oct’, Nov’ & Dec’)
General Maintenance &
planting of Bell Bollards
with spring bulbs & plants
Fee for attendance &
participation @ Christmas
Light Switch On – 15th
December 2012
Annual Subscription for
2011/12 & 2012/13
Printing of 2,700 copies of
Autumn – Winter edition of
Council Newsletter
Distribution of jubilee coins
& Autumn – Winter issue
of the MOLE.
No Objections
£445.63 (*)
£40.00 (2x £20.00)
£50.00 x 2
= £100.00
(*) Clerk’s salary paid direct into bank account w.e.f. June 2012
12/145 Village Council; Estimates – 2013/14
The meeting received draft estimates for 2013/14. It was noted that provision had been made for
the initiatives that had been highlighted at the meeting on 7th November and that the Council’s
finances were in a very healthy state with good balances in both the business and business reserve
accounts. However given the balance in the Business Reserve Account an item on the reserve
monies would be included on the agenda for the January meeting.
12/146 Village Council Precept – 2013/14 & New Council Tax Base Legislation.
The meeting considered the Village Council Precept for 2013/14. Based on the discussion held at
Item 12/145 the meeting decided to set the Precept for 2013/14 at the same level as that for last
year at twenty nine thousands and seven hundred pounds (£29,700) making a band D equivalent
of £11.77.
However, the Clerk advised the meeting that due to the changes in the new Council Tax
Legislation due to be introduced by Central Government for 2013/14, for which further guidance
was pending, it might be necessary to revisit and set the Village Precept again in February of
12/147 Parking at South Green.
A request had been received with regard to the Green at South Green and whether it might be
possible to create some additional parking for shoppers.
However, this was not a viable proposition as the Green was controlled by a charter held by
Basildon Borough Council which made it impossible to develop this piece of land. It was
therefore decided that it was not viable to take this matter further.
12/148 Disqualification of Councillor Knott & Current Council Vacancies.
The meeting noted that Councillor Knott had now been disqualified from the office of Councillor
due to her non-attendance at Council meetings for a period of six months. It was further noted
that the necessary notices for co-option had been raised in order to fill the vacancies created by
Councillor Knott’s disqualification and the death of Councillor Wakelin. The period for the
receipt of completed application forms was set for 31st of December with any applications
subsequently received due to be considered at the January meeting of the Village Council.
The Council resolved to exclude the press and public under the Public Bodies (Admissions
to Meetings act 1960 for the following item of business 12/149 The Village Clerk’s Annual Salary Increase & Terms of Service.
The Chair informed the meeting that she had successfully completed the Clerk’s Annual
Performance Review with Councillor J Dear prior to the October meeting previously noted at the
7th November meeting of the Council. Following that review it was clear that the Clerk had been
appointed on too low a salary point given his previous local government experience and
knowledge. Therefore following advice from both the EALC and NALC she proposed a two point
salary increase to Pt. 21 on the Parish & Village Council Clerks pay scales. (£9.25 -£9.94) back
dated to 1st of November 2012.
Councillor Aly-Khan while not having any concerns over the proposed hourly rate for the Clerk’s
salary did question the procedure for carrying out the Clerk’s Annual PMR, stating that it should
have been carried out by the whole Council and not just by the Chair and one other and what’s
more should also have been carried out in the main body of a meeting. Councillor Knight
informed the meeting that the Billericay Town Council used to delegate the Clerk’s Performance
Review to the Chair and Vice-Chair to carry out. Councillor Knight proposed that the Clerk’s pay
rise be agreed at point 21 on the scale back dated to 1st November – 4 votes in favour, 1
abstention and 1 against.
A discussion then ensured as to the rights and wrongs of what had taken place. The Chair
proposed that the arrangements for the Clerk’s PMR and pay rise as highlighted above be
approved with 4 votes in favour, 1 against & 1 abstention.
However, following Councillor Knight’s information a further proposal was made that the Clerk’s
Annual Performance Review should be conducted by the Chair and Vice Chair in future. This
was carried by 5 votes to none with 1 abstention.
12/150 Future Meeting Dates.
9th January 2013
6th February 2013
6th March 2013
3rd April 2013
12/151 Close of Meeting
The meeting closed at 9.06 p.m.