U.S. Cattle Statistics - Iowa Beef Industry Council

From the Iowa Beef Industry Council
U.S. Beef Industry Statistics
2014 Cattle inventory: 89,800,000 (USDA NASS)
Economic impact: $49.5 billion in farm gate receipts (USDA NASS)
2012 Number of cow herds: 777,943
 29.7 million beef cows (January 1, 2015)
 9.3 million dairy cows (January 1, 2015)
 33.9 million head calf crop (2014)
 90 percent of cow herds have less than 100 cows (2012)
2013 beef and beef variety exports: 1.17 million metric tons (2.6 billion pounds); $6.2 billion (USMEF)
 Top export markets: Japan, Canada, Mexico, Hong Kong, and South Korea
Top 5 states for Cattle on Feed (January 1, 2015)
1. Nebraska – 2,550,000 hd
2. Texas – 2,510,000 hd
3. Kansas – 2,180,000 hd
4. Iowa – 1,220,000 hd
5. Colorado – 950,000 hd
More than 50 percent of the total value of U.S. sales of cattle and calves comes from the top 5 states with
inventory (USDA NASS)
1. Texas
2. Nebraska
3. Kansas
4. California
5. Oklahoma
Cost of production: from 2000-2010, feedyard cost of gain was $335/head; in the past four years, feedyard
cost of gain was $561/head
Average producer age: 58.6 beef cattle ranching and farming; 55.9 cattle feedlots (USDA 2012 Ag Census)
2014: 30.17 million head of cattle harvested under USDA inspection; 24.25 billion pounds of commercial
beef production. Average dressed weight 804 pounds.
 Total cash receipts: $81.53 billion (2014 USDA ERS)
USDA NASS - National Agricultural Statistics Service
USMEF – U.S. Meat Export Federation