NATURAL RESOURCES COURSE OF STUDY Course: Natural Resources Grade Level: 9-12 Length: 7200 minutes Course Description: Agriscience students in Michigan will demonstrate an understanding of the natural environment and the interrelationships among humans and the built and natural environments. By the end of 12th grade, Michigan Agriscience students should be able to: A) give examples of human impact on natural ecosystems B) describe major ecosystems in Michigan C) illustrate the conservation of matter using biogeochemical cycles (eg carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus) D) explain interactions among organisms or populations of organisms E) explain how the environment is perceived differently by different cultures F) explain and cite examples of how humans shape the environment G) identify natural resources that are found in Michigan, and those that are imported H) analyze how people impact their environment through resource use. I) recognize the economic, environmental, and other factors that impact resource availability and explain why certain resources are becoming depleted J) explain how human resource use can impact the environment (erosion, burning fossil fuels) K) identify careers related to natural resources and environmental concerns L) analyze the dynamic equilibrium of ecosystems, including interactions among living and nonliving components (for example, tropical deforestation is linked to decreased global precipitation) Units and objectives: 1. Ecosystem Processes 1480 minutes a. Communities and Ecosystems Topic 1011A List biotic and abiotic factors in a given environment. Topic 1011B Describe possible interactions between two biotic and abiotic factor. Topic 1011C Define and contrast the concepts of ecological community and ecosystem. Topic 1011D Describe the current roles of humans as members of ecosystems in Michigan and the world. b. Habitat Topic 1012A Describe the physiological needs of individual organisms and relate these to the habitat requirements of populations in an ecosystem. Topic 1012B Define the concept of limiting factors and relate the concept to population growth of species in a given ecosystem. Topic 1012C Describe how an environment's ability to provide food, water, space, and essential nutrients determines carrying capacity. Topic 1012D Describe the edge and niche. c. Population Dynamics Topic 1013A Explain and relate the roles of mortality, natality, emigration, immigration, intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors in the changes in population sizes over time. Topic 1013B Describe the natural tendencies in population dynamics for a species in a healthy habitat. Topic 1013C Predict how specific changes within the environment may increase/decrease a population’s size. Topic 1014D Analyze how specific human activities may affect population sizes. d. Species Interaction Topic 1014A Investigate how organisms cooperate and compete in ecosystems. Topic 1014B Describe and provide Michigan examples of species interactions including: competition, predation, parasitism, commensalism, mutualism, and amensalism. e. Energy Flow Topic 1015A Describe the cycling of matter and the movement and change of energy. through the ecosystem (for example, some energy dissipates as heat as it is transferred through a food web. Topic 1015B Describe the flow of energy in a natural ecosystem using the laws of thermodynamics. Topic 1015C Given a Michigan ecosystem, diagram the specifics of energy flow, describing accurately at least some of the actual species involved in these processes and their roles. Topic 1015D Describe how only a fraction of the available energy is used for growth and incorporated in the plant or animal itself at each stage of the food web. e. Nutrient Cycles Topic 1016A Analyze the process of how plants take common nutrients and build organic compounds. Topic 1016B Describe how plants and animals use organic compounds for growth, maintenance, and reproduction (include respiration and photosynthesis). Topic 1016C Illustrate how these compounds are broken down (decomposers) and cycled through the living and non-living parts of the environment. f. Threatened and Endangered Species Topic 1017A List some threatened and endangered species in Michigan. Topic 1017B Analyze the effects of threatened, endangered or extinct species on human and natural systems. Topic 1017C Identify and explain how a species’ increase, decline or elimination affects the ecosystem and/or human social, cultural and economic structures. Topic 1017D Analyze management strategies regarding threatened or endangered species. Topic 1017G Examine the influence of wildlife management in preserving different species in Michigan (ie- bald eagle, wolf). g. Exotic Species Topic 1018A Describe how exotic species affect an ecosystem. Topic 1018B Identify exotic plant and animal species in Michigan. Topic 1018C Describe how at least one exotic plant and one exotic animal species was introduced to Michigan, and its impact on the ecosystem and economy. h. Succession Topic 1019A Diagram the process of ecological succession. Topic 1019B Predict how an external force affects ecological succession. Topic 1019C Accurately describe the process and stages of succession in one Michigan and in one non-Michigan ecosystem. i. Adaptation and Natural Selection Topic 1021A Explain how adaptations (structural, behavioral) of an organism determine its niche (role) in the environment. Topic 1021B Explain how adaptations of an organism help that organism to survive. Topic 1021C Describe how changes within the environment select for survival and reproduction of certain individuals. Topic 1021D Predict how the selection for specific traits might result in the development of a new species. Topic 1021E Relate natural selection to the development of new populations (e.g., a strain of bacteria becoming resistant). Topic 1021F Identify the differences between inherited and non-inherited traits. j. Biodiversity Topic 1022A Explain the importance of biodiversity. Topic 1022B Explain how diversity of characteristics among organisms of a species increases the likelihood of the species surviving changing environmental conditions. Topic 1022C Explain how changes in an ecosystem can affect biodiversity and how biodiversity contributes to an ecosystem's stability (organisms can adapt, migrate, or die). 2. Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Management 385 minutes a. Cultural Development and Values Topic 1031A Provide examples of how different cultures use natural resources reflecting the economic, aesthetic, and other values of that culture. Topic 1031B Analyze how cultural change and altered views of the environment are related. For example, discuss how the shift away from a largely rural society to a predominantly urban one may influence changing perceptions of the environment. b. Economic, Political and Social Implications Topic 1032A Describe how human cultural activities (e.g., religious, economic, political, social, etc) influence the environment from an ecological perspective. Topic 1032B Analyze how the environment and resource availability can affect the economic, political, and social development of a culture, community or region. Topic 1032D Describe how technology has changed the use of natural resources by business and industry. Topic 1032E Describe how uses of natural resources impact sustainability. Topic 1032G Define a sustainable community. c. Individual Values and Actions Topic 1033A Describe examples that illustrate how individual behaviors impact on the environment from an ecological perspective. d. The Decision Making Process (Public Policy Development) e. Government and Non-Government Organization’s Roles Topic 1035A Recognize the role and responsibility of various federal, state and local governmental agencies in ecosystem management and environmental issue resolution. Topic 1035B Understand the role of involvement of citizens and various stakeholders in these processes. 3. Soil a. Topic 1041A Topic 1041B Topic 1041C Topic 1041D Topic 1041F b. Topic 2054A Topic 2054B c. Topic 1043A Topic 1043B Topic 1043D d. Topic 1044A Topic 1044B Topic 1044C Topic 1044D 4. 605 minutes Physical Properties Define terms associated with soil characteristics. Outline the processes involved in soil formation. Discuss the eight land capability classes. List the major weathering forces. Explain how organic matter content affects the soil. Soil Analysis Compare and contrast the three horizons in a soil profile. Define soil texture and soil structure and identify soil texture by feel. Environmental Impact of Soil Degradation Define terms associated with soil erosion. Differentiate natural soil erosion from soil erosion caused by humans. Describe the major sources of non-farm soil erosion. Erosion Control Practices Explain common soil erosion prevention practices. Define terms associated with controlling erosion. Explain how land capability classes relate to wise soil use. Describe some important techniques used in controlling agricultural and non-agricultural soil erosion. Water Resources 825 minutes a. Water Cycle Topic 1051A Describe the distribution and circulation of the world's water through oceans, glaciers, rivers, groundwater, and atmosphere. b. Watersheds Topic 1052A Understand the role of the watershed. Topic 1052B Explain how water enters a watershed. Topic 1052D Identify and describe regional watersheds. Topic 1052E Outline local. and regional drainage basins/watersheds on maps. Topic 1052G Explain factors that affect water quality and flow through a watershed. Topic 1052H Analyze how land use variations in a watershed can affect the runoff of water. c. Groundwater Topic 1053A Define groundwater and the importance of groundwater. Topic 1053B Identify parts of a groundwater system. Topic 1053D Relate differences in types of land uses to potential groundwater contamination. Topic 1053E Predict how human activities at one location often have adverse affects on other locations. d. Water Use and Conservation Topic 1054A Describe the amount and distribution of water on the Earth. Topic 1054B Explain why water is a limited resource. Topic 1054D Describe ways to conserve water. Topic 1055E Identify and analyze the costs, benefits, and consequences of using water resources. e. Water Quality Topic 1055A Interpret the importance of high quality water. Topic 1055B Identify and explain factors that influence the quality of water. Topic 1055D Describe the different types of pollution that can affect water as well as animals and plants that live in water. Topic 1055E Compare, contrast, and evaluate various methods of purifying water. Topic 1055F Analyze the properties of surface water and ground water and how contaminates move and react in water. Topic 1055G Analyze soil properties and how they affect water quality f. Water Chemistry Topic 1056A Demonstrate proficiency in conducting basic water chemistry tests, including pH, DO, and temperature. g. Benthic Organisms as Water Quality Indicators Topic 1057A Explain the concept of indicator species. Topic 1057B Identify common aquatic indicator species in Michigan. h. Wetlands Topic 1058A Explain and describe characteristics of a wetland. Topic 1058B Identify specific characteristics of wetland plants and soils. Topic 1058C Recognize the common types of wetland plants and animals. Topic 1058D Describe and analyze different types of wetlands. Topic 1058E Explain the functions of habitat, nutrient production, migration stopover and groundwater recharge as it relates to wetlands. Topic 1058F Explain the impact of watersheds and wetlands in flood control, wildlife habitats and pollution abatement. i. Pond and Lake Ecosystems j. Stream Ecology Topic 1061A Identify Michigan’s major watersheds and their related river systems. Topic 1061B Analyze a stream’s physical characteristics. Describe and explain the physical factors that affect a stream and the organisms living there. 5. Pollution 605 minutes a. Water Topic 1071A Define terms associated with water pollution. Topic 1071B Identify the three major water pollution groups. Topic 1071C Identify sources of water pollution. Topic 1071D Distinguish between point and non=point source pollution. Topic 1071E Explain the common water pollution control measures. Topic 1071F Explain why water control measures are difficult to implement. Topic 1071G Describe ways of treating waste water. Topic 1071H Explain important biological, chemical, and biogeochemical processes in waste water treatment. b. Air Topic 1072A Explain what is meant by ‘air quality’. Topic 1072B Identify major air pollutants and their sources. Topic 1072C Distinguish between point and non-point source pollution. Topic 1072D Identify and analyze individual, local, regional, national, and global effects of pollution on materials and on plant, animal, and human health. Topic 1072E Explain how air quality is tested Topic 1072F Describe approaches in preventing air pollution and lessening air pollution dangers Topic 1072G Explain what indoor air pollution is; naming sources, effects, and control methods. c. Soil/Land Topic 1073A Name and classify types of waste, their sources and methods of waste reduction. Topic 1073B Identify major kinds of solid waste; explain and give examples of each. Topic 1073C Define hazardous waste. Topic 1073G Explain recycling and reasons to recycle. Topic 1073H Describe composting and its benefits. 6. Energy 440 minutes a. Energy Sources b. Renewable and Non-Renewable Topic 1082A Define renewable and non-renewable resources. Topic 1082B Analyze the use of renewable and nonrenewable resources. Topic 1082C Analyze factors affecting the availability of renewable and nonrenewable resources. Topic 1082D Explain the effects on the environment and sustainability through the use of nonrenewable resources. Topic 1082E Compare and contrast the cycles of various natural resources. Topic 1082G Explain food and fiber as renewable resources Investigate ways that the agriculture industry is using alternative energy c. Energy Conservation Topic 1083A Explain the importance of conserving energy. Topic 1083B List, compare and contrast energy conservation methods in Michigan and in different regions. 7. Environmental Issues 605 minutes a. The Issue Investigation Process Topic 1091A Identify a wide variety of current environmental issues and describe the ecological and cultural implications of these issues. Topic 1091B Select current environmental issues, describe the alternative solutions available for solving these issues and the ecological and cultural implications of these solutions. Topic 1091C Recognize the need for environmental issue investigation and evaluation as a prerequisite to sound decision-making. b. Implementing the Issue Investigation Process Topic 1092A Correctly and thoroughly investigate and evaluate a selected environmental issue or problem. Topic 1092B Identify and evaluate the effectiveness of alternative solutions to the problem/issue. Topic 1092C Accurately consider relative values (of self and society) and how they would be impacted by alternative solutions. Topic 1092D Identify appropriate strategies needed to achieve selected alternative solutions. c. Current Issues 8. Tree Basics 275 minutes a. What is a Forest? Topic 1101A Define ‘forest’. Topic 1101B Describe beneficial influences of forests and trees. Topic 1101C Describe where forest resources and industries are located in the United States. 9. Tree Physiology 495 minutes a. The Necessities of Life Topic 1111A List six key requirements needed for a tree to survive. Topic 1111B Explain how each of the requirements can encourage or limit tree growth and survival. b. Tree Parts Topic 1112A List, identify, and describe the major parts of a tree, and explain the function of each. c. Photosynthesis and Respiration Topic 1113A Define photosynthesis. d. Tree Growth Topic 1114A Explain how woody plants grow. Topic 1114B Describe where growth occurs in a tree. Topic 1114C List the 2 kinds of wood formed in an annual ring of diameter growth. Topic 1114D Describe the most limiting factor to tree growth. e. Environmental Factors Topic 1115A List biotic and abiotic factors that influence the growth of trees. 10. Forest Ecology & Health 330 minutes a. Succession & Forest Disturbance Topic 1121A Define forest succession. Topic 1121B Identify the stages of forest succession. Topic 1121C Describe primary succession. Topic 1121D Explain the concept of a climax forest. Topic 1121E Identify the common methods of forest destruction. Topic 1121F Explain the role of catastrophic devastation in the forest ecosystem. 11. Forest Management 550 minutes a. What is Forestry? Topic 1141A Define 'forestry'. Topic 1141B Define 'sylviculture'. Topic 1141C Explain the difference between a 'managed forest' and a wilderness area. Topic 1141D Name seven objectives when implementing sylvicultural practices. Topic 1141E Describe the following forestry practices, and the purpose of each: timber harvest thinning release cutting salvage cutting pruning planting genetic improvement Topic 1141F Describe education requirements for foresters. Topic 1141G List at least five areas other than forest management that a forester might specialize in. Topic 1141H List two public and two private organizations that employ foresters. b. Forest Management Systems Topic 1142A Define ‘sylviculture’ and ‘syvlicultural system’. Topic 1142D Describe the following management systems, including conditions that warrant each system’s use, desired outcomes, and ideal forest types: a. Selection b. Clearcutting c. Shelterwood 12. Wildlife Management 605 minutes a. What is Wildlife Topic 1161A Define wildlife, and explain the difference between wild and domestic animals. Topic 1161B Describe and explain the different values that humans can hold regarding wildlife. Topic 1161C Explain the difference between conservation and preservation of natural resources. Topic 1161D b. Topic 1162A c. Topic 1163A 13. Define wildlife management. History of Wildlife Management Identify national policies impacting wildlife conservation. Basic Wildlife Management Concepts Relate the following terms to wildlife populations: habitat, carrying capacity, limiting factors, species interaction, population dynamics. Related FFA Activities Agricultural Issues Demonstration Greenhand Public Speaking Job Interview Junior High Public Speaking Public Speaking Farm Business Management Marketing Environmental Skills Forestry Land Conservation Agricultural Communications 14. Related SAE Activities A. Students may participate in livestock and animal production projects: 1. Bee colonies B. Students may participate in wildlife projects: 1. Deer ranches 2. Turkey 3. Mink 4. Fish/Aquaculture D. Students can participate in experience projects: 1. Insect sweeper 2. Field worker 3. Field picker 4. Tractor driver 5. General farm worker 6. Fish and game assistant 7. ASCS or CES intern 8. Intern with commodity or government agency 9. Park management assistant 10. Tour guide 11. Forester 12. Nature center employee E. Research projects/school enterprises (Refer to Topic 0002 for the scientific learning process used in research.): a. Wildlife/Fisheries habitat restoration projects Natural areas Forest management test plots Video tape production