Science Grade 1 Matter Instructional Planning Guide Sessions Power Indicators Essential Understandings I Can Statements Assessments for learning Instructional Activities 1 UNIT HOOK: Teacher: Demo of Mento/Diet Coke experiment Students observe and describe the Diet Coke, teacher puts Mento into Diet Coke. Pairs of students discuss the question “what happened to the Diet Coke ?” (It lost its fizz, went flat, etc) Share out brief discussion. Pose the question, “Have you ever experienced anything changing like the Diet Coke changed?” Allow students time to share. Introduce Science Journal. Model how to write response in journal from Mento experiment. Model Curiosity and Record Questions/How We Find Out Information Anchor Lessons 2 PS-1-1 Classify objects according to the materials they are made of and their physical properties. The materials they are made of as well as their physical properties classify objects. (PS-1-1) PS-1-1 I can sort objects by their properties. “What Is Matter?” minibook KWL - matter, read big book, list objects in classroom that are matter. Science Resources What is Matter? (Big Book) 3 4-5 PS-1-1 Classify objects according to the materials they are made of and their physical properties. PS-1-1 Classify objects according to the materials they are made of and their physical properties. Solon City Schools 2012-13 The materials they are made of as well as their physical properties classify objects. (PS-1-1) The materials they are made of as well as their physical properties classify objects. (PS-1-1) PS-1-1 I can sort objects by their properties. PS-1-1 I can sort objects by their properties. Use any of the 8 photo cards from Properties of Materials to assess student’s ability to classify objects according to properties Review Day 1 Follow assessment suggestions on page 22 of STC book. Use journal entry sheets and/or Venn diagram from the blackline masters section of the STC resource Use STC Resource: Solids and Liquids Use photo cards assessment for learning – whole group Read - Properties of Materials (Big Book) Resort photo cards Lesson 1 pp. 17-22 Science Grade 1 Matter Instructional Planning Guide 6-7 8-10 11-17 18 19-20 Properties of objects and materials can change. Objects and materials change when exposed to various conditions, such as heating or freezing. Not all materials change in the same way. I can recognize different changes that objects and materials can go through to change properties. PS-1-1 Classify objects according to the materials they are made of and their physical properties. The materials they are made of as well as their physical properties classify objects. (PS-1-1) PS-1-1 I can sort objects by their properties. Properties of objects and materials can change. Objects and materials change when exposed to various conditions, such as heating or freezing. Not all materials change in the same way. I can recognize different changes that objects and materials can go through to change properties. Water changes state as a result of energy. (PS-1-2) PS-1-2 I can experiment with water to show how it changes state (solid, liquid, gas). “Can You See It? Solid Liquid or Gas” worksheet PS-1-2 I can experiment with water to show how it changes state (solid, liquid, gas). “Investigating Water” worksheets PS-1-2 Investigate that water can change from liquid to solid or solid to liquid. PS-1-2 Investigate that water can change from liquid to solid or solid to liquid. Solon City Schools 2012-13 Water changes state as a result of energy. (PS-1-2) Properties of Objects and Materials Can Change Inquiry One (Clay Investigation) I can classify types of changes that objects and materials can go through to change properties. Follow assessment suggestions on page 22 of STC book. Use journal entry sheets and/or Venn diagram from the blackline masters section of the STC resource Use STC Resource: Solids and Liquids Lesson 2 pp. 25-30 Properties of Objects and Materials Can Change Inquiry Two (Materials/Properties) I can classify types of changes that objects and materials can go through to change properties. Prepare for “Can You See It?” lesson—balloon in freezer. Science Resources Amazing Water (Big Book) + photo cards from big book Lesson: “Can You See It?” Lesson: “Investigating Water” Science Grade 1 Matter Instructional Planning Guide 21-22 23-27 Formative Assessment/Performance Assessment Researcher’s Workshop Solon City Schools 2012-13