Life is life is life…

Comparing Anatomy: Life is life is life….
Living things share common needs for _________, cellular waste
disposal, exchange of________, and means of _______________.
The cell is the basic unit of life. It is the smallest and simplest part of
living matter that can carry on ____ _____ ____________ necessary for life.
____________ celled life forms have to take care of all those processes all by themselves,
on a very small scale. Their mitochondria provide__________, gained from the environment
either through__________ or____________, to run the entire cell. Their cytoskeletons provide
internal ______________, their nucleus coordinates the activities, etc.
In most________________organisms, cells associate to form tissues, such as muscle tissue
or nervous tissue. Tissues are arranged into functional structures called__________, such
as the heart or stomach. Organs then work within systems, making up the whole of the____________________.
It is the ability of the cells to_____________that allows
multicellular organisms to do many_________ _____________.
Different organisms have evolved_________ ________ of accomplishing the_______ _________:
(have structural designs that serve the_______ _________ in terms of systems such as digestion,
skeletal, respiration, reproduction, and excretion)
__________ ______________, over time, provided strategies to accomplish the same result:
Ex) ________ &_______ & Membranes all _______ ___ & ___ between the organism and the environment
Ex)__________ have a system of_________ (called Malpighian tubes) that get rid nitrogenous waste,
Whereas mammals have organs called__________ that filter nitrogenous waste from the blood.
Ex) Insects have an________________ made of chitin to structurally support the organism,
Whereas an elephant has an_________________made of bone that does the same job.
Ex) Plants exchange gametes through_________ and fertilized____________ that then become fruit,
Whereas most animals exchange gametes (______and _________) to form new offspring.
Ex)_________________ evolved exoskeletal extensions such as wings that allowed them to fly,
Whereas ___________ evolved skin, skeletal, and muscular changes resulting in winged flight.
Plants and Animals both take in energy-----Plants take in___________ energy and Animals
take in energy in the form of ________. Plants need to have______ ______________ to convert sunlight
into food energy and_______________ to then convert the food energy into usable ATP.
Animals have ______ ______________ to convert their food into ATP.
Single celled organisms can rid themselves of waste by simply_____________ it_______ into their environment.
Mutlticellular organisms have____________ tissues or organs that __________ and then __________ _____________.
__________ ___________ is ____________ in _____ living things.
Evolution has led to the _____________ ________ of
_____________ ________ __________ that we see around us every day!