Solid phase extraction (SPE) of hydrophobic components from a model white water. John Mosbye1, Berit Harstad2 and Anne Fiksdahl2 1 PFI, Trondheim, Norway. 2 Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway. Keywords: Solid phase extraction, Fatty acids, Resin acids, Sterols, Extractives, White water, TMP. SUMMARY: A solid phase extraction (SPE) procedure for the analysis of fatty acids, resin acids and sterols in white water from mechanical pulp and paper industry has been developed. Quantification was based on gas chromatography of the silylated compounds. Comparison between the new SPE isolation method and the established liquid-liquid extraction procedure show that the SPE procedure represents an improvement and that the SPE procedure can replace the established method. ADRESSES OF THE AUTHORS: Anne Fiksdahl, Berit Harstad, Organic Chemistry Laboratories, Department of Chemistry, Sem Sælands vei 8, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway. John Mosbye, Norwegian Pulp and Paper Research Institute, PFI, Høgskoleringen 6b, PFI, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway. Wood extractives often cause problems in pulping and paper making because of pitch deposits in the process system and reduced quality of the paper product. There are also additional environmental problems such as toxic effects on marine life. Nordic mechanical pulping production is mostly based on the Norway spruce (Picea abies), and some of the major groups of extractives in white water from the TMP process are fatty acids, resin acids and sterols (Hoel et al. 1996; Ekman, Holmbom 1989), see Scheme 1. The total concentration of extractives in the process varies over a wide range (10–1000 ppm) depending on the degree of closure, chemical additives and the stage in the process. They exist as dissolved materials, in colloids and as colloidal particles associated with the surface of fines, fibres and fillers (Magnus et al. 1999; Luuokko, Paulapuro 1998; Rundlöf 1996). Quantification of these hydrophobic compounds has so far been based on a laborious and solvent consuming MTBE liquid-liquid extraction procedure (Hoel et al. 1996; Örsa, Holmbom 1994) followed by GLC analysis (Örsa, Holmbom 1994; Ekman, Holmbom 1989; Zinkel et al. 1968). Solid phase extraction (SPE) has recently become an important tool for the concentration and isolation of trace amounts of hydrophobic components in water (Thurman, Mills 1998), and the method has been applied for sample preparation in the analysis of wood extractives from kraft pulping (Dethlefs, Stan 1996; Chen et al. 1995; Chen et al. 1994; Backa et al. 1989). However, white water from the production of wood containing paper is a different matrix and other challenges arise. Some results has been reported for an SPE/GLC study of white water, however not including a comparison with solvent extraction (Sweeney 1988). Our aim was to develop a rapid preparation method for the three important groups of hydrophobic extractives in white water based on SPE to replace the established liquid-liquid extraction method. The SPE method was compared with the liquid-liquid extraction method in 1 terms of reproducibility, recovery data and amount of extracted material as measured by GLC-FID. Materials and methods Preparation of model white water Model white water was produced in the laboratory (Örså, Holmbom 1994; Thornton et al. 1991) due to the detoriation of industrial white water during storage. Model white water was made by adding distilled water (4.89 l) to a frozen TMP portion (110 g, 45 % dry material) taken directly from the refiners at a Norwegian integrated newspaper mill, giving a suspension of about 1 %. The suspension was stirred for three hours at 60 °C and cooled. Instead of centrifugation (Örså, Holmbom 1994), the sample was filtered (Britt Dynamic Drainage Jar/BDDJ, pore size 76 m) and stored in bottles at 5°C. This suspension consisting of dissolved and colloidal material and fines was used as model white water. Standard solutions Recovery standard: Calculations of % recovery for respective fatty acids, resin acids and sterols were based on one reference substance for each group; an acetone solution with exact concentrations of heptadecanoic acid (Fluka), o-methylpodocarpic acid (Helix Biotech Corp.) and cholesterol (Sigma) (about 30 mg of each in 100 ml acetone) was used. This solution (1 ml) was added to each sample. Injection standard: An exact concentration (0.27 mg/ml) of heptadecane (Sigma) in cyclohexane was used. Calibration standards: Calibration curves were based on five standard solutions with the respective approximate concentrations 0.0015, 0.015, 0.075, 0.15 and 0.3 mg/ml of each of the following fatty acids, resin acids and sterols: heptadecanoic acid (Fluka), linoleic acid (Sigma), pimaric acid, sandaracopimaric acid, isopimaric acid, palustric acid, omethylpodocarpic acid, dehydroabietic acid, abietic acid, neoabietic acid (Helix Biotech Corp.), cholesterol, ß-sitosterol, stigmasterol (Sigma). Calibration curves for each component were established for each series of GLC analysis of extractives based on the calibration standards and the injection standard. Sample preparation prior to SPE The model white water bottle was shaken for 1 minute and three parallel samples (á 20 ml) were transferred to 100 ml sample bottles. The recovery standard (1 ml) and acetone (20 ml) were added and the solutions were vigorously stirred for 30 minutes before filtration using Whatman Glass Microfibre filters GF/A (approximate pore diameter 1.6 m). The filters and the sample bottles were separately washed with acetone/distilled water (5 ml, 1:1) which was added to the filtered samples. Solid Phase Extraction. Disposable syringe columns packed with sorbent (1 g) (IST, International Sorbent Technology, Ltd.) and a vacuum manifold system were used. Different sorbents were tested; C18 (EC, end-capped), C18 (not end-capped) and C8 (EC, end-capped). Based on % recovery and reproducibility, the C18 (EC) column was used in the following work. The column was solvated with methanol (10 ml) and washed with distilled water (10 ml) before the sample (about 50 ml) was applied to the column and eluted at a flowrate of about 5 ml/min. The 2 sample bottle was washed with acetone/water (1:1, 5 ml) which was added to the column. The sample matrix was removed by a flow rate of maximum 5 ml/min. Before elution of the extractives the column was dried by suction for 30 min. Methanol (5 ml) was added and eluted after 2 min. The elution was completed by methanol (10 ml) followed by dichloromethane (15 ml). The sample was transferred to a smaller test tube. The solvents were removed by flushing N2, and the injection standard (1 ml) was added to the dried sample. This sample could be stored in a freezer before silylation. Liquid-liquid extraction. The results obtained by SPE were compared with corresponding results using the established MTBE extraction method described elsewhere (Holmbom, Örså 1993). Four parallel extractions were carried out at pH 3.5 and pH 9.0 (±0.1). Silylation. The extracts were silylated with HMDS : TMCS (Tri-Sil®, Pierce, 50 l) and analysed by GLC-FID (Örså, Holmbom 1994; Ekman, Holmbom 1989). GLC-FID. Quantitative GLC analyses were carried out on a Hewlett Packard HP 6890 Series System; injector (300°C), split 1:10, helium, detector temp. = 320°C, column: HP-5 (30 m x 0.32 mm; 0.25 m), temperature program: 100°C/1 min. - 5°C/min. – 300°C/5 min. Calculation of the concentration of each component was based on integration area component:injection standard ratio, calibration curves for the component and the % recovery. Results are given in Table 2 and Figure 1 - 3. Results and discussion Our work focused on the quantification of the free fatty acids, resin acids and sterols. For the quantification of the total amount of fatty acids and sterols, including the esterified compounds, the procedure should include a hydrolysis step. Another group of important extractives is the lignans. The semi-polar lignans can be extracted from water with MTBE or Diethyl ether (Örså, Holmbom 1994), and was therefore expected to be retarded by the unpolar stationary phase. An examination of the water phase eluted from the column showed that the lignans wasn’t retarded. The presence of eight of the most important lignans could be identified by GC-MS of the MTBE extracted eluted water phase. The reason for this could be the addition of aceton to the matrix. By adding aceton the polarity of the model white water could be changed and thus making the lignans more soluble. If the acetone is absent it is possible that the lignans will be retarded on the column, but this has not been checked. Since white water is a complex matrix which also contains particles such as fines and colloidal extractives in addition to dissolved material, the sample had to be filtered before SPE. Even after filtering the column plugged. However, we observed that this problem was reduced by the addition of acetone to the sample (1:1). Subsequent stirring for 30 minutes is recommended to avoid the loss of extractives at the filter. To confirm that no extractives had been lost at the filter or in the water phase, the filter was Soxhlet extracted with MTBE, the filtered water phase was MTBE extracted and both extracts were analysed by GLC-FID. The extractives, which are dissolved or as colloids, are either neutral or acidic. When the pH is around 5, some of the acidic groups will be dissosiated and thus making the surface of the colloids negatively charged. This negative charge will electrostatically stabilize the colloids by creating a layer of counterions, stretching from the surface of the colloid and into 3 the model water phase. In pure systems this charge will be the only way to stabilize the colloids, and thus making them susceptible for destabilization by adding simple electrolytes (Sundberg et al. 1994). In prosess waters the colloids will also be stabilized sterically by dissolved carbohydrates (Sundberg et al. 1996), and possibly also by lignosaccharides (Alvarado Jacobs 1995). It is possible that the addition of aceton prior to SPE increased the amount of dissolved hydrophobic colloidal material in the water phase and thereby redused the plugging of the column. Alternatively it is possible that the aceton reduces the amount of carbohydrates or lignosaccharides on the surface of the colloids so that the hydrophobic material are more easily detatched from the surface of fines and other particles and adsorbed on the sorbent in the SPE columns. Several reversed phase sorbents were tested: C18 (EC, end-capped), C18 (not EC) and C8 (not EC). The % recovery of three recovery standards that were representative for the fatty acids, the resin acids and the sterols respectively, was calculated and the concentration of extractives in white water samples was determined. The best results regarding % recovery and reproducibility (standard deviation) were obtained using the C18 (EC) sorbent. This sorbent was concluded to be best suited for the actual extraction and was applied in the further work. The effect of pH on recovery and yields has been discussed in previous works by several authors regarding both the SPE and the liquid-liquid extraction of extractives (Dethlefs, Stan 1996; Hoel et al. 1996; Peng, Roberts 1996; Örså, Holmbom 1994; Portugal et al. 1992; Backa et al. 1989; Voss, Rapsomatiotis 1985). No simple conclusion has been given about whether pH adjustment gives improved results. At low pH a stronger retention on the sorbent and a better recovery of the fatty acids and the resin acids could be expected because of the fully protonated carboxylic acid functions. On the other hand the amount of extractives in colloidal form is expected to be reduced at high pH caused by the more water-soluble nature of the ionic groups. A higher solubility in the matrix would make these extractives more available for retention at the sorbent. However, the major fraction of the lipophilic extractives still exists as colloids. Diverging results regarding the effect of pH on recovery and yields has been reported. Our SPE results based on original samples and pH adjusted samples (pH 3 and 12) showed that the % recovery was higher and the reproducibility (standard deviation of totals) was better using the original pH which is about 5, see Table 1. At pH 3 and 12 the recovery of the three recovery standards was lower (2-76 %) than at pH 5 (73 – 94 %). The standard deviation of totals was respectively ±56 % (pH 3) and ±62 % (pH 12) based on five parallels of white water samples, while the respective standard deviation of totals was ± 5 % without adjusting the pH. This is comparable or better than the respective data from the established MTBE liquid-liquid extraction method (69 – 99 % recovery, ±15 % standard deviation of totals). We conclude that the pH should not be adjusted and furthermore that the SPE method gives more reproducible results than the liquid-liquid extraction method. Table 1. Recovery and reproducibility obtained by different isolation methods and pH. Method SPE Liquid-liquid (MTBE) extraction pH of sample Recovery of 3 recovery standards 73 – 94 % 50 – 70 % 2 – 76 % 69 - 99 % original pH (5) pH 3 pH 12 pH 3.5 and 9 4 Standard deviation of totals ±5% ± 56 % ± 62 % ± 15 % A comparison between results obtained by the established MTBE liquid-liquid extraction procedure and the SPE method was made, see Table 2 and Figures 1 - 3. Two fatty acids; palmitic and stearic acids, and two resin acids; pimaric and levopimaric acids, could not be isolated and detected in all parallel samples neither by SPE or by liquid-liquid extraction. Because of this, their standard deviation (>100 %) is not given in Table 2 and Figures 1 and 2. In general our results showed that the concentrations of the single fatty acids (Fig. 1) and resin acids (Fig. 2) were higher, while the sterol β-sitosterol (Fig. 3) were lower using the SPE method than using the MTBE procedure. The β-sitosterol was chosen to be representative for the total extracted amount of sterols and it was quantified as done elsewhere (Magnus et al., 1999). β-Sitosterol is the major sterol in white water samples (Ekman, Holmbom 1989). In conclusion, as can be seen from Figure 3, the yield of the three groups of extractives in total is slightly higher and the reproducibility is better for the SPE method. By using the SPE and the MTBE extraction methods the total concentration of extractives was respectively 17.1 ± 0.8 mg/l (± 4.8 %) and 15.3 ± 2.3 mg/l (± 15.1 %). An added benefit which was as important as the results above is that only half the time was needed for an analysis and that the solvent consumption was reduced by approximately 80 % by replacing the MTBE extraction procedure with the SPE method. Conclusions In conclusion, the developed SPE procedure can replace the established MTBE liquid-liquid extraction procedure for the preparation of fatty acids, resin acids and sterols in the analysis of extractives in white water. The yields in total are slightly increased, the % recovery was found to be comparable with the MTBE method and the reproducibility of the results was improved using the SPE method. Moreover, the time required and the solvent consumption for each analysis were both reduced. Literature Alvarado Jacobs F (1995): Extractives in process waters from newsprint papermaking (TMP). Thesis for the doctoral degree, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden. Backa, S., Brolin, A. and Nilvebrant, N.-O. 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Compound SPE (%) Palmitic acid* Pinolenic acid Linoleic acid Oleic acid Stearic acid* FATTY ACIDS IN TOTAL 1.2893 1.5368 2.5788 2.0408 0.2563 0.1132 (7.4) 0.2045 (7.9) 0.1294 (6.3) 7.7020 0.4471 (5.8) Pimaric acid* Sandaracopimaric acid Isopimaric acid Palustric acid Levopimaric acid* Dehydroabietic acid Abietic acid Neoabietic acid RESIN ACIDS IN TOTAL 0.1150 0.3586 1.0280 1.4252 0.7246 1.5889 1.9989 1.2103 Liquid-liquid extraction 0.0000 1.6232 2.0484 1.7908 0.0000 5.4624 (%) 0.2305 (14.2) 0.2326 (11.4) 0.1897 (10.6) 0.6528 (12.0) 0.0253 (1.6) 0.0774 (1.9) 0.0413 (3.4) 0.1972 0.3411 1.0106 1.3042 0.5501 1.5054 1.9969 1.3692 8.4495 0.2814 (3.3) 8.2747 1.3846 (16.7) STEROLS, ß-Sitosterol 0.9830 0.0990 (10.1) 1.6036 0.2727 (17.0) Fatty acids in total Resin acids in total Sterols TOTAL CONCENTRATION 7.7020 8.4495 0.9830 0.4471 (5.8) 0.2814 (3.3) 0.0990 (10.1) 5.4624 8.2747 1.6036 0.6528 (12.0) 1.3846 (16.7) 0.2727 (17.0) 17.1345 0.8275 (4.8) 15.3407 2.3101 (15.1) * 0.0498 (13.9) 0.0198 (1.9) 0.0678 (4.8) 0.2700 (79.2) 0.1458 (14.4) 0.1748 (13.4) 0.2484 (16.5) 0.3143 (15.7) 0.2313 (16.9) Standard deviation is not indicated since these compounds could not be detected at all or only in one or two parallel samples. 7 Scheme 1. Wood extractives. Fatty acids: COOH Oleic acid COOH Linoleic acid COOH Pinolenic acid Sterol: R H3C CH3 CH3 H H R = CH2CH3 ß-sitosterol H HO Resin acids: CH3 H3C COOH Abietic acid H3C COOH COOH Dehydroabietic acid CH3 H3C H3C COOH Levopimaric acid CH3 CH3 COOH Pimaric acid H3C H3C COOH Sandaracopimaric acid 8 COOH Neoabietic acid CH3 Palustric acid H3C CH3 CH3 CH3 H3C COOH Isopimaric acid Figure 1. Concentration of fatty acids (mg/l) obtained by SPE and the liquid-liquid extraction method. 9 8 7 SPE 6 Liquid-liquid extraction mg/l 5 4 3 2 1 0 Palmitic Pinolenic Linoleic acid* acid acid Oleic acid Stearic FATTY acid* ACIDS IN TOTAL Figure 2. . Concentration of resin acids obtained by SPE and the liquid-liquid extraction method. 12 10 SPE 6 liquid-liquid extraction 4 2 L 0 Pi Sa m nd ar ic ar ac ac id op * im ar ic ac Is id op im ar ic ac Pa id lu st ri c Le ac vo id pi m ar D ic eh ac yd id ro * ab ie t ic ac id Ab ie ti c ac N eo id R ab ES ie IN ti c AC ac id ID S IN TO TA mg/l 8 9 Figure 3. Concentration of extractives in total (mg/l) obtained by SPE and the liquid-liquid extraction method. 20 18 16 mg/l 14 12 SPE 10 8 Liquid-liquid extraction 6 4 2 0 Fatty acids in total Resin acids in total Sterols, ßSitosterol 10 EXTRACTIVES, TOTAL CONCENTRATION