Vicar: The Rev’d Paul Scott Curate: The Rev’d Julia Myles 13th April 2014 Palm Sunday A very warm welcome to St Michael’s. If you are a visitor, and receive Communion at your own church, you are invited to do so here. Large print books and a loop system are available. This leaflet gives details of readings, services and other events in the near future – please take it home with you to read and then use as a reference for the coming days. THIS IS HOLY WEEK 8.00 am HOLY COMMUNION President & Preacher Reader: Rev’d Paul Scott Rob Wilson 9.20 am BLESSING AND PROCESSION OF PALMS from the Barbican of Alnwick Castle 9.30 am SUNG EUCHARIST Setting: Mass of St Thomas CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE Parents with babies and very small children are most welcome to take them to the Children’s Corner (at the back of church) at any time. For older children and young people, Junior Church takes place in the Parish Room. PROCESSIONAL HYMNS 60 61 All glory, laud and honour Ride on, Ride on in Majesty 1ST READING Isaiah 50:4-9a Reader: Judy Jobson (Page 691 of the Old Testament in the Pew Bible) Isaiah pictures a faithful servant of God who is deeply and unjustly humiliated, but remains dignified in suffering. As we contemplate the mystery of the cross, these words take on a profound meaning for us in the Passion of Jesus. 2ND READING Philippians 2:5-11 Reader: Hazel Shell (Page 194 of the New Testament in the Pew Bible) It is our faith that ‘Jesus Christ is Lord’, because the came from God in total self-giving, and overcame the humiliation of death on a cross by rising and ascending. He is indeed worthy of our adoration and worship. GRADUAL HYMN J12 From heav’n you came, helpless babe THE GOSPEL Matthew 26:14-27:66 (Page 28 of the New Testament in the Pew Bible) The Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Matthew SERMON The Rev’d Paul Scott PRAYERS Intercessor: The Rev’d Julia Myles OFFERTORY HYMN J15 Hail, Redeemer, King divine After the Offertory, the service continues with Eucharistic Prayer E which starts on page 11 of the Passiontide booklet COMMUNION HYMN J26 My faith looks up to thee FINAL HYMN J33 Soul of my Saviour 11.15 am Leader LATE MORNING WORSHIP WITH HOLY COMMUNION The Rev’d Canon Sue Allen 11.15 am HOLY COMMUNION AT DENWICK President and Preacher: 6.00 pm The Rev’d Colin Perkins OLIVET TO CALVARY by J. H. Maunder Morning Prayer is usually said in church at 8.30 am and Evening Prayer at 5.00 pm, from Tuesday to Saturday, except for Wednesday and Thursday mornings. You will be most welcome to join us for these times of prayer and bible reading. Please note that the Vicar’s day off is Monday He would be pleased to be spared all but the most urgent matters on this day. The Curate’s normal working days are Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday FOR YOUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK… That we may enter into Christ’s suffering as we journey through this Holy Week Thanks for the beauty & wonder of Creation The work of the Samaritans Thanks for the Holy Communion The gifts of music & art 2 WORSHIP AND EVENTS THIS WEEK Mon 14th 7.30 pm Holy Communion with hymns & devotional address Tues 15th 7.30 pm Holy Communion with hymns & devotional address Wed 16th 10.15 am Holy Communion 7.30 pm Holy Communion with hymns & devotional address Thurs 17th Fri 18th Sat 19th Maundy Thursday 7.30 pm Eucharist of the Last Supper with Foot-washing, Stripping of the Altar and Watch until 10.00 pm Good Friday 12 noon Ecumenical Act of Worship in the Market Place 2.00 pm An Act of Worship for Good Friday Easter Eve 7.30 pm Easter Ceremonies and Renewal of Baptismal Vows Next Sunday: 20th April Easter Day 8.00 am Holy Communion, BCP Acts 10:34-43 Colossians 3:1-4 John 20:1-18 (CW 166) (CW 166) (CW 167) 9.30 am Blessing of the Easter Garden and Parish Eucharist followed by Easter Egg hunt 6.00 pm Festal Evensong and Te Deum ELECTORAL ROLL REVISION, 2014. St Michael’s revised Electoral Roll is now on display at the back of the church for changes to be checked. Please take a minute or two to check your details for accuracy. Note that from now until after the APCM on 27th, no more new names may be added to the roll, nor may any be removed. FLOWERS FOR EASTER: Donations of cash are requested to help provide flowers to make St Michael’s look good for Easter . Please speak to Ann Brown (602700) or Enid Brown (604659) if you have any questions or can provide garden greenery. THANKS, FOLKS ….Each week your donations of food are helping to provide much-needed sustenance for those who need to use the Food Bank. Please keep up the good work! 3 Also – to those who contributed so generously for St Michael’s hosting of the Lent lunch, we made £252. Come and join the celebration of Easter! At 3.30 pm next Sunday there is to be a special AFTERNOON TEA in the Parish Hall. The cost per person will be £5; there is a list at the back of church – please add your name TODAY if you hope to be there. The EASTER VESTRY AND ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH MEETING will be held on 27th April 2014 in the Parish Hall at 4.00 pm. Nominations are needed for the Churchwardens, PCC members and Deanery Synod members. Nomination forms are available at the back of Church. In the Deanery Synod pack there is an explanatory leaflet. Please return forms to Peter Bryan or place in the folder provided. Thank you. Have you seen the display of EASTER CRAFTS at the back of church? If not, take a few moments to browse and maybe buy – our crafters work non-stop to provide wonderful little gifts, all to help raise money for St Michael’s, so help them to help us! Good Friday Act of Witness: 12 noon in Alnwick Market Place. This will be a short 'Christians Together in Alnwick' event focused around a large wooden cross and featuring readings, prayers, and a couple of hymns. Please note there will not be a march this year, so just come along to the Market Place and help to give public witness to the importance of the Easter story! Easter Eve: There will be a Christians Together stall in the Market Place from 10am to 2pm. This is a new initiative, featuring creative activities for children, information about Easter services, church activities, Food Bank, Contagious, etc. FUTURE DIARY DATES – MAKE A NOTE OF THEM NOW Sat. 4th, Sun. 5th, Mon. 6th May 10-00am to 4-00pm. Craster Art Club Spring Exhibition, Howick Village Hall, Refreshments available, space to park. Christian Aid Week 11th-17th May. We will need as many volunteers as possible to deliver and collect Christian Aid envelopes in the streets of Alnwick. If you have some spare time and can help – please add your name to the sign-up list at the back of church. Sat 17th May 10.00 am Christian Aid Coffee Morning in the Parish Hall Sat 7th June 7.00 pm Sat 28th June 10.00 am Mothers’ Union Coffee Morning at the Vicarage Fund-raising evening (with a French Theme) in the Parish Hall The Parish of St Michael & St Paul is a Registered Charity, No. 1131297 4