Indonesian Language Program Intermediate Class Syllabus Course Description The Intermediate Indonesian is a two-semester program offered in Fall and Spring semester. Students taking this class are those who have known some of the Indonesian grammar and vocabulary on self, family, hobbies, daily activities, and work. They are able to communicate with sympathetic listeners on the topics mentioned above. The class is intended to sharpen the students’ language skills, i.e. speaking, listening, reading, and writing. At the end of the semester the students are expected to pass the intermediate high level. By that the students are expected to be able to use Indonesian at professional level. Course objectives*) At the end of the second semester (Spring semester) the students are expected to be able to: - use Indonesian grammar appropriately. Grammatical mistakes should be minimum so not to disturb the message being conveyed. The students should be able to produce complex sentences. - converse and write about political, economic, and international relation issues without hesitation using appropriate vocabulary. The students’ speech and writings should be understandable to not-so- sympathetic Indonesian native speakers. - listen to Indonesian native speakers speaking in natural speed on political, economic, and international relation issues – this includes Indonesian TV *) Adopted from American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) standard. 1 and radio broadcasts. The students should be able to understand the main points and note important details. - read articles in Indonesian newspaper and magazine, retell or rewrite the main points and important details. Assessment Class participation : 20% Homework : 15% (the best 10 of 13) Composition : 20% (10 compositions) Quizzes : 20% (5 quizzes) Final paper & Presentation : 10% Final test : 15% Grades Pass: A 95 –100 A- 94 – 90 B+ 87 – 89 B 86 –83 B- 82 – 80 Fail: C+ 79 – 77 C 76 – 73 Notes1: 1. On Fridays the instructor gives homework on grammar and/or vocabulary to be handed it on the following Tuesday. 2. Every week, starting from week 2, students are to write a 200-500 word composition in formal Indonesian on topics chosen by the students or assigned by 1 Based on 4-meeting-per-week class 2 the instructor. The composition is due on every Wednesday. It will be returned on Thursdays to be revised based on the instructor’s notes. The revised composition is due on Fridays. 3. A quiz will be given on week 3, 5, 7, 9, and 12 on Tuesday. 4. Students pick their own topic for the final paper. It is a 5-page paper typed using Times New Roman font and double space. The first draft of the paper is due on week 11. It will be returned on week 13 to be revised. The final revised paper is due at the final examination. 5. The students are strongly encouraged to participate actively in class and fulfill all the requirements on time. Materials There is no textbook for this course. The materials will be provided by the instructor. They are taken from various resources. Resources and References 1. Firdaus. 2000. Diskusi: An Intermediate Reader for Indonesian Language.Surabaya: Airlangga University Press. 2. Wolff, John, et al. 1992 Learning Indonesian through Self-Instruction. Book 1-3 Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, Southeast Asia Program. 3. Dharmanto, S. M. 1993. Buku Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia 2. Salatiga: The Language Centre, Satya Wacana Christian University. 4. Wolff, John. 1992. Indonesian Readings. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Southeast Asia Program. 5. Wolff, John. 1986. Formal Indonesian. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Southeast Asia Program. 6. Dardjowidjojo, S. 1984. Vocabulary Building in Indonesian: An advanced Reader. Ohio University. Monographs in International Studies. Southeast Asia Series, No. 64. 7. Sneddon, J. N. 1996. Indonesian: A Comprehensive Grammar. New York: Routledge. 8. Rafferty, E. et al. 2002. Mari Berbahasa Indonesia. (pre-publication edition). 3 9. Rafferty, E. et al. 2002. Mengenal Tata Bahasa Indonesia. (pre-publication edition). 10.; 11. 12. 13. “Berita TV” at 14. 15. 16. Radio Japan Online <> 17. Kamus Bahasa Indonesia–Bahasa Inggris Online <> 18. Echols, J. M. & Shadily, H. 1989. An Indonesian – English Dictionary. 3rd ed. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. 19. Echols, J. M. & Shadily, H. 2000. Kamus Inggris – Indonesia. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. 20. Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 2001. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Edisi III. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. 4 Jadwal Sementara Kelas Bahasa Indonesia Tingkat Pemula Semester Musim Gugur 2005 Minggu/Tanggal Topik/Fungsi Bahasa/Tata Bahasa Catatan Pertama/ 13-16 September Kedua/ 20-23 September Ketiga/ 27 Sept.-30 Sept. Keempat/ 4-7 Oktober Kelima/ 11-14 Oktober Keenam/ 18-21 Oktober Ketujuh/ 25-28 Oktober Kedelapan/ 1– 4 Nov. Kesembilan/ 8-11 November Kesepuluh/ 15-18 November Kesebelas/ 22-25 November Keduabelas/ 29 Nov.-2 Des. Apa kabar? Bagaimana liburan musim panas Anda? Membaca: “Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon” Pemanasan Membaca: “Menghadapi Orang yang Terkena Virus HIV/AIDS” Membaca: “Menerapkan Disiplin (Budaya Malu) Membaca: “Dragonfly” Quiz 1 Ketigabelas/ 6-9 Desember Mengulang Membaca: “Langkah Sederhana Mengatasi Insomnia” Membaca: “Di Kabupaten Nganjuk Tiap Empat Hari Satu Bunuh Diri” Membaca: “WHO Desak Pendidikan Lebih Baik bagi Anak Perempuan” Membaca: “Lee Kuan Yew Prihatin Wanita Tidak Menikah” Membaca: “Pergeseran Identitas Warga Keturunan Tionghoa” Libur Hari Thanksgiving Membaca: “Asia Terancam Jaringan Star” 5 Quiz 2 Quiz 3 Quiz 4 Quiz 5 Final paper 1st draft due Final Test: oral only Final paper due